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B.Tech Seminar Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Electrical and Electronics Engineering



Department of Electrical Engineering

National Institute of Technology Calicut
Calicut, Kerala, India 673 601
January 2017
This is to certify that the Seminar report entitled DOUBLY FED
INTEGRATION OF WIND TURBINE is a bona fide record of the
seminar presented by NISHREYAS ARUNI (B130827EE), in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Calicut for the year

Dr. Ashok S
Professor and Head
Department of Electrical Engineering

Date: February 13, 2017


The use of distributed energy resources is increasingly being pursued as a

supplement and an alternative to large conventional central power stations.
The specification of a power electronic interface is subject to requirements
related not only to the renewable energy source itself but also to its effects on
the power-system operation, especially where the intermittent energy source
constitutes a significant part of the total system capacity.

In this seminar report, Doubly Fed Induction Generator(DFIG) technique

for the integration of wind power has been discussed. It highlights the ways
in which variable speed wind turbines are better than fixed speed wind tur-
bines. The layout of DFIG and its working principle are studied.

Further, the power quality issues which affect end users, equipment and
system manufacturer, designers of plants and installations, electricity dis-
tributors, public authorities and general public are discussed along with the
measures which are set to keep these in check. A MATLAB simulation of
DFIG is also performed.

Keywords : Variable speed wind turbine, Doubly fed induction generator

(DFIG), Power quality


List of Figures iv

Nomenclature and Abbreviations v

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Conventional Wind Turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Current Wind-Power Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Standardization of Power Quality of Turbines . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Variable Speed Wind Turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2.1 Variable-Speed Concept Utilizing Doubly Fed Induc-
tion Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2.2 Variable-Speed Concept Utilizing Full Power Converter 9
3.2.3 Semiconductor Device Technology . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Doubly Fed Induction Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.3.1 Working and Principle of DFIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3.2 Using DFIGs to Produce Fixed Frequency Voltages . . 14
3.3.3 Comparision Between Three Phase Synchronous Gen-
erators and DFIGs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.4 Power-Quality Requirements for Wind Turbines . . . . . . . . 16

3.4.1 Causes of Poor Power Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.4.2 Various Analyses to Check Power Quality . . . . . . . 18
3.5 MATLAB Simulation of Wind Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.5.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.5.2 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.5.3 DFIG System Parameters for Simulation . . . . . . . . 20
3.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23


References 26

List of Figures

1.1 Cp- curve for typical wind turbine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

3.1 Typical power curve of a constant speed stall dotted and a

variable speed pitch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 Variable speed wind turbine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3 Doubly fed induction machine controlled with slip power dis-
sipation in an internal resistor.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.4 Full power converter for variable speed wind turbine. . . . . . 10
3.5 Step-up converter in the rectifier circuit and full power inverter
topology used in wind turbine applications. . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.6 Layout of a DFIG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.7 Interaction between the rotor speed and the frequency of the
rotating magnetic field created in the rotor windings of a
doubly-fed induction generator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.8 Three phase synchronous generator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.9 Doubly-fed induction generator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.10 Wind farm DFIG detailed model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.11 Simulation results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Nomenclature & Abbreviations

rotor speed
tip speed ratio
R length of rotor blade
V velocity of the wind
CP power coefficient
NR speed of rotor
NP number of poles
FS frequency of stator
FR frequency of rotor

DFIG Doubly Fed Induction Generator

DG Distributed Generation
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
IEC International Electrotechnical Committee
PCC Point of Common Coupling
PQ Power Quality
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
RES Renewable Energy Sources
VSCF Variable Speed Constant Frequency

Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction
The use of renewable energy sources is largely being pursued as an alter-
native to conventional power stations. Till late 1980s energy was largely
produced by burning coal, natural gas and hydrocarbons leading to huge
emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. But limited availability of
these resources and there detrimental effect on environment have created
a hindrance in the prolongation of these resources. Due to this renewable
sources of energy are emerging. The various sources of renewable energy are
wind energy. solar energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, hydel energy etc.
Among all these wind energy is the most promising and fastest growing re-
source. This is just because wind energy is pollution free, it has inexhaustible
potential and is cheaper to harness compared to other resources.

1.2 Conventional Wind Turbines

Original models of wind turbines had constant rotor speed for variable wind
speed. The formula for tip speed ratio is-

where, R is the length of blade, w is the speed of rotor and v is the speed
of wind. As the rotor speed is constant, the tip speed ratio depends only on

the wind speed. The graph below illustrates the relationship between Cp-,
where Cp is the power coefficient which is an indicator of the efficiency of
the wind turbine.

Figure 1.1: Cp- curve for typical wind turbine

It is evident from the graph that fixed speed turbines could attain a
maxima for only one value of wind speed. Also, when wind speed increases
beyond the rated value the rotor cannot change its speed which leads to a
development of torque on the rotor which can damage the machinery. These
factors led to the development of variable speed wind turbines.

1.3 Current Wind-Power Technology

Nowadays variable wind turbines have become more popular due to advance-
ments in power electronics and reducing cost of components and technology.
As the wind turbine is allowed to run at variable speed, variable frequency
maximum power can be extracted even at low and medium speeds of wind.

Variable speed operation is achieved by decoupling the rotor frequency and

electrical grid frequency. To achieve this power electronic converters are used,
like ac-dc-ac converters along with advanced control systems.

A few technologies used are- variable speed concept utilizing doubly fed in-
duction generator, variable speed concept utilizing full power converters and
semiconductor device technology.

1.4 Standardization of Power Quality of Tur-
Today most of the electrical systems are built up using electronic devices that
create disturbances on the transmission network and are more prone to poor
quality power than traditional apparatus. Wind turbines are also a poten-
tial source of bad quality power. Power quality impact of wind turbines has
improved in recent years. One of the biggest advancements in power quality
area is increased emphasis to coordinate the IEEE standards with the inter-
national standards laid down by International Electrotechnical Committee
(IEC). To characterize power quality, different indices have been defined.

Chapter 2


2.1 Introduction
This chapter briefly describes the information gathered from different papers,
journals and articles. The methodologies used for gathering information from
various resources are also mentioned.

2.2 Literature Review

[1] In this paper, new trends in power electronics for the integration of wind
are presented. Discussions about common and future trends in renewable
energy systems based on reliability and maturity of each technology are pre-
sented. It discusses the increased use of distributed energy sources as a
supplement and alternative to existing conventional central power stations.
The paper states that the specifications of a power electronic interface is sub-
ject to requirements related not only to the renewable energy source itself
but also to its effects on the power-system operation, especially where the
intermittent energy source constitutes a significant part of the total system
capacity. Discussions about common and future trends in renewable energy
systems based on reliability and maturity of each technology are presented.

This paper [2] states that adjustable speed generators for wind turbines are
necessary when output power becomes higher than 1 MW. The doubly fed
induction generator system presented in this paper offers many advantages
to reduce cost and has the potential to be built economically at power lev-

els above 1.5 MW, e.g., for off-shore applications. A dynamic model of the
DFIG was derived to develop a vector controller to decouple dynamically
active and reactive power control. Simulations show excellent response of
the DFIG independent of speed. Measurements obtained from 1.5MWunits
currently in operation confirm the theoretical results.

This paper [3] addresses the design and implementation of a novel control
scheme for a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), of the type employed
with wind turbines, to provide support to power system operation. It is
shown that this controller provides a DFIG-based wind farm with opera-
tional and control compatibility with conventional power stations, the ability
to contribute to voltage support and recovery following network faults, the
ability to provide a power system stabilizer capability that improves over-
all system damping, and the capability of contributing short-term frequency
support following loss of network generation. A simple but realistic test net-
work that combines synchronous and wind farm generation has been modeled
and used to assess dynamic performance

AC-DC-AC converter is the essential technology for grid-connected variable

speed constant frequency (VSCF) doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG)
wind power generation systems. In this paper [4], a practical AC-DC-AC con-
verter with IGBT modules is presented based on the DFIG model and field
oriented control theory. The power flow of the converter is bi-directional. It
can operate at a relative wide speed range in different modes: sub-synchronous
and super-synchronous. The active and reactive power can be controlled
flexibly and no harmonics are injected to the grid. And the power flowing
through the converter is just the slip recovery power of the DFIG. The con-
verter offers high power quality, good performance and low cost. A prototype
system is set up and the experimental results indicate that the converter can
fulfill the requirements of the VSCF DFIG wind turbines.

This paper [5] represents a technical review of Power Quality problems asso-
ciated with the Renewable based wind energy system and the investigation
of causes of poor power quality issues related with grid connected wind farm.
Renewable Energy Source (RES) integrated at distribution level is termed as
Distributed Generation(DG).The utility is concerned due to the high pene-
tration level of wind energy in distribution systems, as it may pose a threat
to network is terms of Power Quality(PQ) issues , voltage regulation and sta-

bility. Therefore the DG systems are required to comply with strict technical
and regularity frameworks to ensure safe, reliable and efficient operation of
overall network. Wind energy system integration issues and associated PQ
problems are discussed. Integrating renewable into grids to any considerable
degree can expose the system to issues that need attention lest the function-
ality of the grid be impaired. such issues can be voltage function, frequency
deviation of power Quality.

2.3 Conclusion
The topic of DFIG based variable speed turbines was explored by reading
different research papers, journals and articles, online and offline. The tech-
nical terms included in the literature needed a basic level of understanding,
which came through Wikipedia articles and other online resources.

Chapter 3


3.1 Introduction
Wind energy has developed to a level where it generally accepted as util-
ity generation technique. The wind turbine market is growing at a rate of
over 30 percent a year. In countries like Germany and Spain a large part of
the generated electricity comes from wind energy. Different designs of wind
turbines are available in the market and these differences are based on how
these wind turbines interact with the grid. One of the new technologies in
market is variable speed turbines to optimize the efficiency of conventional

Doubly fed induction generators are used for large variable speed wind tur-
bines. Their working is discussed in detail through this seminar. Also, as
the wind capacity increases, network operators have to ensure that consumer
power quality is not compromised. To enable a large-scale application of the
wind energy without compromising the power-system stability, the turbines
should stay connected and contribute to the grid in case of a disturbance
such as a voltage dip. Wind farms should generate like conventional power
plants, supplying active and reactive powers for frequency and voltage recov-
ery, immediately after the fault occurred.

3.2 Variable Speed Wind Turbine
Due to a constant rotor speed, only for one speed of wind maximum efficiency
is possible in constant speed wind turbines. But, in variable speed wind
turbines as both rotor speed and wind speed can vary, maximum efficiency
can ideally occur throughout its operation.

Figure 3.1: Typical power curve of a constant speed stall dotted and a vari-
able speed pitch.

As the rotor is allowed to change its speed with variation in wind speed,
there is no extra torque build up and the machinery is protected. Thus they
reduce mechanical stress; sudden blows of wind can be absorbed i.e. Energy
is stored in mechanical inertia of the turbine, creating an elasticity that re-
duces the pulsations of torque.

Apart from this there are several other advantages as well, the annual energy
capture increases by 5 percent of that of fixed speed turbines, the reactive
and active powers can be controlled easily as power is directly proportional
to Cp (which is variable in this case), power quality is improved; torque
variations are reduced due to elasticity of the wind turbines. This reduces
electrical power variations i.e. less flicker. Also, acoustic noise is reduced as
low speed operation becomes possible.

There is one disadvantage as well as it requires a converter to convert the

power to grid frequency before feeding it to the grid which increases the
component cost.

Figure 3.2: Variable speed wind turbine.

3.2.1 Variable-Speed Concept Utilizing Doubly Fed In-

duction Generator
In this case, one side of converter is connected to the rotor side and the other
to the stator side, where in latter is connected to the grid. This way DFIG
decouples the mechanical and electrical frequencies and makes the turbine
run at variable speed and thus varies the electrical rotor frequency. This tur-
bine cannot operate on full scale which is zero to rated speed as the converter
used is smaller than the rated power of the machine. The ratio of the size
of the converter to the wind power rating is half of that of rotor-speed span.
Also , smaller converter leads to lower losses.

The Spanish company Gamesa has been supplying this kind of turbines to
the market in recent years. A slight variation to their design is the one made
by Vestas and Nordic Windpower, in which they vary the rotor resistance to
vary the wind speed. A number of wind turbines with power rating ranging
from 600KW to 2.75MW are now in the market with this design.

3.2.2 Variable-Speed Concept Utilizing Full Power Con-

In this design generator is entirely decoupled from the grid, the entire power
at rotor frequency is rectified first and then converted back to ac at grid

Figure 3.3: Doubly fed induction machine controlled with slip power dissi-
pation in an internal resistor..

frequency. In most of such turbines multipole synchronous generators are

used. Sometimes an induction generator with gearbox is also used. Enercon
is supplying such technology.

Figure 3.4: Full power converter for variable speed wind turbine.

The machine-side converter works as torque generator, using the vector

control strategy. The grid-side of the converter supplies the wind energy to
the grid and controls the amount of active and reactive powers supplied to
the grid. An alternate design in this concept is to use synchronous generator
in place of induction and use three phase diode rectifier along with a chopper.
The Spanish company MADE is making such designs.

3.2.3 Semiconductor Device Technology

Development of wind energy has been possible due to improvements in power
semiconductor devices. These devices effect the size, cost, performance of the

Figure 3.5: Step-up converter in the rectifier circuit and full power inverter
topology used in wind turbine applications.

entire system integrated to the grid.

The most important component for wind turbines applications is insulated

gate bipolar transistor (IGBT). IGBTs are recently being used for high
power applications (6KV-1.2KA). they are competing gate turnoff thyristors
(GTOs) for such applications.

3.3 Doubly Fed Induction Generator

Doubly fed induction generators are used for large variable speed wind tur-
bines. They are similar to AC electrical generators but they can run at
speeds slightly different from their natural synchronous speed. When a gust
of wind hits the wind turbine the blades try to speed up but the generator
is fixed at grid frequency which prevents it from changing its speed thus a
force is developed in the hub, generator and the gearbox.It can cause damage
to the machinery. But if blades are allowed to allowed to change the speed
with wind, these forces can be reduced and this energy can be converted to

One of the solutions to let the wind turbine produce at variable speed is
to feed the entire power to an ac to dc converter and it is further converted
to power at desired frequency (grid frequency) using dc to ac converter. This
solution is feasible only for small scale farms and households. At large scale
this method becomes very expensive and large.

Other solution is to use doubly fed induction generator where rotor side
(field winding) is connected to the ac-dc-ac converter and stator side (ar-

mature winding) is connected directly to the grid. As both are connected
separately to equipment outside the machine thus it is called doubly fed.

One winding is directly connected to the output and it is supplying power at

grid frequency and the other winding is input to converter, it supplies power
at variable frequency and phase and frequency of this power is adjusted to
compensate for the changes in speed of the turbine.

3.3.1 Working and Principle of DFIG

Figure 3.6: Layout of a DFIG.

In conventional three phase synchronous generators, the prime mover of

the generator is rotated by some external mechanical power which in turn
rotates the rotor. It creates a static magnetic field because to the dc current
fed into the rotor winding. This magnetic field has the speed same as that
of rotor speed (Nr). As the rotor windings rotate, an alternating voltage is
induced across the stator windings due to the varying magnetic flux. Thus,
mechanical power applied to the prime mover is converted to electrical energy.

The frequency of the alternating voltage induced across the stator termi-
nals (Fs) is related to the speed of the rotor (Nr) by the following expression:

Nr Np
Fs =

where, Fs is the frequency of the alternating voltage across the stator termi-
nals in Hz

Nr is the speed of the rotor, in rotations per min (r/min)
Np is the number of poles per phase

From the expression it is possible to determine that if the speed of the

rotor is equal to the synchronous speed of the machine then the frequency of
stator is same as the frequency of the network.

In the doubly fed induction generator the magnetic field which is generated
is not static as ac currents are fed into the rotor winding. Because of this
the magnetic field rotates at a speed different from speed of the rotor. This
speed (N,r) is directly proportional to the frequency of the ac currents flow-
ing through the rotor winding. The speed of the magnetic field will depend
on two factors speed of the rotor and frequency of ac currents.

When the direction of rotation of rotor is same as the direction of rotation

of magnetic field, the rotor speed, Nr and the speed of rotation of magnetic
field, N,r add up. In this case frequency generated across the terminals of
stator is calculated as :

Nr Np
Fs = + Fr

where , Fr is the frequency of the ac currents fed into the rotor winding in Hz.

Conversely, if the direction of rotation of rotor is opposite to the direction

of rotation of magnetic field, the rotor speed, Nr and the speed of rotation
of magnetic field, N,r subtract from each other. In this case frequency gen-
erated across the terminals of stator is calculated as:

Nr Np
Fs = Fr

Figure 3.7: Interaction between the rotor speed and the frequency of the
rotating magnetic field created in the rotor windings of a doubly-fed induction

3.3.2 Using DFIGs to Produce Fixed Frequency Volt-

The frequency of ac currents that needs to be fed into DFIG rotor windings
to maintain the output power at grid frequency depends on the speed of the
rotor and can be calculated using the following expression:

Nr Np
F r = F network

where, Fr is the frequency of the ac currents to be fed into the generator in

Fnetwork is the frequency of the grid in Hz
Nr is the speed of generator rotor in rotation per min
Np is the number of poles per phase

Using the equation it is possible to calculate that if speed of rotor is equal to

the synchronous speed of the machine then the frequency of the ac currents

to be fed into the machine is equal to 0Hz. If the speed of the rotor is below
synchronous speed of the machine then frequency of ac currents which need
to be fed to the system should be of positive polarity. Positive polarity of the
frequency indicates that the phase sequence of the three-phase ac currents
fed into the rotor windings must make the rotor magnetic field rotate in the
same direction as the generator rotor. If the speed of the rotor is above
synchronous speed then frequency of ac currents that need to be fed should
be of negative polarity. Negative polarity of the frequency indicates that the
phase sequence of the three-phase ac currents fed into the rotor windings
must make the rotor magnetic field rotate in the direction opposite to that
of the generator rotor.

3.3.3 Comparision Between Three Phase Synchronous

Generators and DFIGs
It is possible to run turbine at variable speed using three phase synchronous
generators. In this setup, the generator rotates at a speed that is propor-
tional to the wind speed. The ac currents produced by the generator are
converted into dc current by an ac-dc converter, then converted by another
ac-dc converter back to ac currents that are synchronous with the ac power
network. It is therefore necessary for the power electronics devices used in
such a circuit to have the size and capacity to process 100 percent of the
generator output power.

Figure 3.8: Three phase synchronous generator.

The power electronics devices used in doubly-fed induction generators,

on the other hand, need only to process a fraction of the generator out-
put power,i.e., the power that is supplied to or from the generator rotor
windings, which is typically about 30 percent of the generator rated power.

Consequently, the power electronics devices in variable-speed wind turbines
using doubly-fed induction generators typically need only to be about 30
percent of the size of the power electronics devices used for comparatively
sized three-phase synchronous generators. This reduces the cost of the power
electronics devices, as well as the power losses in these devices.

Figure 3.9: Doubly-fed induction generator.

3.4 Power-Quality Requirements for Wind Tur-

Ideally, the best electrical supply would be a constant magnitude and fre-
quency sinusoidal voltage waveform. However, because of the non-zero impedance
of the supply system, of the large variety of loads that may be encountered
and of other phenomena such as transients and outages, the reality is often
different. The Power Quality of a system expresses to which degree a prac-
tical supply system resembles the ideal supply system.

As the wind capacity increases, network operators have to ensure that con-
sumer power quality is not compromised. To enable a large-scale application
of the wind energy without compromising the power-system stability, the
turbines should stay connected and contribute to the grid in case of a distur-
bance such as a voltage dip. Wind farms should generate like conventional
power plants, supplying active and reactive powers for frequency and voltage

recovery, immediately after the fault occurred.

Thus, several utilities have introduced special grid connection codes for wind-
farm developers, covering reactive power control, frequency response, and
fault ride through, especially in places where wind turbines provide for a
significant part of the total power. Examples are Spain, Denmark, and part
of Northern Germany. The correct interpretation of these codes is crucial
for wind farm developers, manufacturers, and network operators. They de-
fine the operational boundary of a wind turbine connected to the network
in terms of frequency range, voltage tolerance, power factor, and fault ride

3.4.1 Causes of Poor Power Quality

Integrating large numbers of wind farms into the power system leads to seri-
ous challenges for the grid operators in order to stay in compliance with the
regularity and legal framework. Large scale integration of distributed gen-
eration (DG) units in the distributed grid not only affects the grid planning
but also has an impact on the operation of the distribution grid. Aspects
which are influenced by the connection of DG units are 1) voltage control 2)
power quality 3) protection system 4) fault level 5) grid losses. The power
flow in the distribution grid as well as the grid losses and voltage control are
affected. The effect of the integration of the DG on power quality concerns
three major aspects. Dips and Steady State Voltage Rise

Connecting the DG to a lightly loaded feeder the power flow can reverse
and the voltage at the DG connection point start to rise. This means that
the supply voltage for customers connected nearby DG units starts to rise
as well. This voltage rise is a steady state effect. A sudden change in the
output power can also occur when the wind exceeds a certain upper limits
(25 m/s). At that point, the wind turbines have to be protected against
overload and strong mechanical forces and are disconnected and shut down.
This disconnection can cause an increase in the feeder current and hence a
dip or drop in the supply voltage.

17 Voltage Flicker
In the distribution grids, the most common cause of a voltage flicker is a
rapid and regular variation of the load current. Harmonics
Inverter connected DG units might cause harmonics. The injection of har-
monics current can distort the voltage waveforms which can propagates
through the grid. The different wind turbine feeding the power into the grid
at different time as per availability of wind power and through switching
technique to the grid system because of switching, harmonics are produced.
The main purpose of the power electronics converters is to integrate the DG
to the grid in compliance with power quality standards. However high fre-
quency switching of inverters can inject additional harmonics to the systems,
creating major power quality problems.

3.4.2 Various Analyses to Check Power Quality

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) initiated the standard-
ization on the power quality for wind turbines in 1995 as part of the wind-
turbine standardization in TC88, and ultimately 1998 IEC issued a draft
IEC-61400-21 standard for power-quality requirements for Grid Connected
Wind Turbines. The methodology of that IEC standard consists of three
analyses. Flicker Analyses

IEC-61400-21 specifies a method that uses current and voltage time series
measured at the wind-turbine terminals to simulate the voltage fluctuations
on a fictitious grid with no source of voltage fluctuations other than the
wind-turbine switching operation. Switching Operations

Voltage and current transients are measured during the switching operations
of the wind turbine (startup at cut wind speed and startup at rated wind

18 Harmonic Analyses
It is carried out by the fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. Rectangular
windows of eight cycles of fundamental frequency width, with no gap and
no overlapping between successive windows, are applied. Furthermore, the
current total THD is calculated up to 50th harmonic order.

Recently, high-frequency (HF) harmonics and interharmonics are treated in

the IEC 61000-4-7 and IEC 61000-3-6,[11]. The methods for summing har-
monics and interharmonics in the IEC 61000-3-6 are applicable to wind tur-
bines. In order to obtain a correct magnitude of the frequency components,
the use of a well-defined window width, according to the IEC 61000-4-7,
Amendment 1, is of a great importance.

3.5 MATLAB Simulation of Wind Farm

This example shows a 9MW wind farm using a detailed DFIG model con-
nected to the wind turbine. The detailed model (discrete) includes detailed
representation of power electronic IGBT converters. In order to achieve an
acceptable accuracy with the 1620 Hz and 2700 Hz switching frequencies used
in this example, the model is discretized at a relatively small time step (5
microseconds). This model is well suited for observing harmonics and control
system dynamic performance over relatively short periods of times (typically
hundreds of milliseconds to one second).

3.5.1 Description
A 9 MW wind farm consisting of six 1.5 MW wind turbines connected to a
25 KV distribution system exports power to a 120 kV grid through a 30 km,
25 kV feeder.

Wind turbines using a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) consist of

a wound rotor induction generator and an AC/DC/AC IGBT-based PWM
converter. The stator winding is connected directly to the 60 Hz grid while
the rotor is fed at variable frequency through the AC/DC/AC converter. The
DFIG technology allows extracting maximum energy from the wind for low
wind speeds by optimizing the turbine speed, while minimizing mechanical
stresses on the turbine during gusts of wind.

In this example the wind speed is maintained constant at 15 m/s. The
control system uses a torque controller in order to maintain the speed at
1.2 pu. The reactive power produced by the wind turbine is regulated at 0
Mvar. The sample time used to discretize the model is Ts= 50 microseconds.

For a wind speed of 15 m/s, the turbine output power is 1 pu of its rated
power, the pitch angle is 8.7 deg and the generator speed is 1.2 pu.

3.5.2 Simulation
In this example, the steady-state operation of the DFIG and its dynamic
response to voltage sag resulting from a remote fault on the 120-kV system
is observed.

Initially the DFIG wind farm produces 9 MW. The corresponding turbine
speed is 1.2 pu of generator synchronous speed. The DC voltage is regulated
at 1150 V and reactive power is kept at 0 Mvar. At t=0.03 s the positive-
sequence voltage suddenly drops to 0.5 p.u. causing an oscillation on the
DC bus voltage and on the DFIG output power. During the voltage sag the
control system tries to regulate DC voltage and reactive power at their set
points (1150 V, 0 Mvar). The system recovers in approximately 4 cycles.

This example is set-up with all states initialized so that the simulation starts
in steady-state. Otherwise, due to the long time constants of the electrome-
chanical part of the wind turbine model and its relatively slow regulators it
will take tens of seconds before it reaches steady-state.

3.5.3 DFIG System Parameters for Simulation Generator Data for 1 Wind Turbine
Nom. Power, L-L volt, and freq. [Pn (VA, Vs nom(Vrms), Vr nom
(Vrms), fn (Hz)] = [ 1.5e6/.9, 575, 1975, 60 ]

Stator [Rs, LIs] (p.u.) = [ 0.023, 0.18 ]

Rotor [Rr, LIr] (p.u.) = [ .016, 0.16 ]

Figure 3.10: Wind farm DFIG detailed model

Magnetizing inductance Lm (p.u.) = 2.9

Inertia constant, friction factor, and pairs of poles [H(s), F(p.u.) p] =

[ 0.685, 0.01, 3 ]. Converters Data for 1 Wind Turbine

Grid- side converter maximum current( pu of generator nominal current
) = 0.8

Grid-side coupling inductor [L,R] (p.u.) = [ 0.3, 0.003 ]

Nominal DC bus voltage = 1150V

DC bus capacitor = 10000e-6F

Line filter capacitor (Q=50) (var) = 120e3. Control Parameters for 1 Wind Turbine

DC bus voltage regulator gains [Kp,Ki] = [ 8, 400 ]

Grid-side converter current regulator gains [Kp,Ki] = [0.83, 5]

Speed regulator gains [Kp,Ki] [3, 0.6]

Rotor-side converter current regulator gains [Kp,Ki] = [ 0.6, 8 ]

Q and V regulator gains [Ki var,Ki volt] = [ 0.05, 20]

Pitch controller gain [Kp] = [150]

Pitch compensation gains [Kp,Ki] = [ 3, 30 ]

Frequency of the grid-side PWM carrier = 2700Hz

Frequency of the rotor-side PWM carrier = 1620Hz

Maximum pitch angle = 27deg

Maximum rate of change of pitch angle = 10deg/s Drive Train Data for 1 Wind Turbine

Wind turbine inertia constant H(s) = 4.32

Shaft spring constant refer to high-speed shaft (pu of nominal mechan-

ical torque/rad) = 1.11

Shaft mutual damping (pu of nominal mechanical torque/pu dw) = 1.5

Turbine initial speed(pu of nominal speed) = 1.2

Initial output torque (pu of nominal mechanical torque) = 0.83. Turbine Data for 1 Wind Turbine

Nominal mechanical output power (W) = 1.5e6

Wind speed at nominal speed and at Cp max (must be between 6m/s

and 30m/s ) = 11m/s

Initial wind speed = 11m/s.

Figure 3.11: Simulation results

3.6 Conclusion
The new power electronic technologies are playing very important role in
integration of wind energy to the system. Variable speed wind turbines are
successfully replacing the conventional turbines.

When a doubly-fed induction generator is used to produce power at the ac

power network voltage and frequency, any deviation of the generator rotor
speed from the synchronous speed is compensated by adjusting the frequency
of the ac currents fed into the generator rotor windings so that the frequency
of the voltage produced at the stator remains equal to the ac power network

Approximately 70 to 80 percent of all power quality related problems can

be attributed to power frequency disturbances, electromagnetic interference,
transients, harmonics and low power factor are the other categories of PQ
problems that are related to the source of supply and types of load. Again,

distributed generation interconnection standards are to be followed consid-
ering PQ, protection and stability issues.

Chapter 4


As a current energy source, wind energy is the most advanced technology due
to its installed power and the recent improvements of the power electronics
and control. In addition, the applicable regulations favor the increasing num-
ber of wind farms due to the attractive economical reliability.

The new power-electronic technology plays a very important role in the in-
tegration of renewable energy sources into the grid. It should be possible to
develop the power-electronic interface for the highest projected turbine rat-
ing, to optimize the energy conversion and transmission and control reactive
power, to minimize harmonic distortion, to achieve at a low cost a high effi-
ciency over a wide power range, and to have a high reliability and tolerance
to the failure of a subsystem component.

Muppandal wind farm in Tamil Nadu, India is currently using the DFIG
technique for wind farm operation. In recent developments, ac-dc-dc convert-
ers are tried to be replaced by ac-ac matrix converters. This new approach is
proposed to solve the commutation problems associated with the switches so
it improve the power quality compared to conventional system and it reduces
the cost because there is no energy storage element between the line-side and
load-side converters.


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