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MAHBIL /2009/31745
Reg. No. MII/MR/South-327/2013-15

1-1WIt 1H-11 th7111,1

afiTKRist ITPT 7WTra77 ztr-falTrrr
1111051H 914W RR,oR4/wrtTw R6, yI RR TA ??, -4719. 'ow) 9R.00

317MITM ch 41(4) R

T1TRIR. faiTrrr

4-11cm r 1141- , fur It4 X00 (7

R, 4T Rov.


HMIt5 Wkichriti cto-641-tii-,An Tial TR' 4 Mc-H.1i 61117zrf 'af-d-4tT afe9714., otA

ii3-fit--00_9/q..6 (T. IRL-1a->q a-)41-,41-qiriA1 6 roir-N4+-1 n'wbrlq y R 1-11c11-11

61u11---)-11 44 3*-Tr-
rciricAM 7F-ff- H-TfTT, foot (boo TKr. cbc-1-1 cbc'11-1 Tc19- ch'0'41c1 3TAIT

3N-*--rfEqr c,-11q161c1nl(1 TI144 ch'011-11 qrcrT 3TrFu-r q1',11,4c11-1 cil'OqIcl 34T44 Tr4 rciS14-1H fq-414,
, 4-16 R I f97:114T 39q, 6hc'14-1
3Trk7 fi-ar ri 3*-TWTT0T

3Trd-Fr 3.P:FirrATTFI -1,ch& 34T-0-

7ifkrcii mod. (t) r-V-11-Ii-11 I I o11)q c uI -- rr rcic'igsiM 1;ifd

,-41c11-II 1-orrFz - 4V f97T14, o 3T# -1W3TT4-

0,4 VS.1-4 I TIT f9-TITIfff *9-TEITT17 STFT 31-4 *A-7-

6h4T-11--1iV-11 P4r-V-14-H 11+14,-1 c t-11( L-11c11-11 turF?:rr

" 31W9-414 " Tim-r 31-4 4-16k1
3Tkr-qT1TT, Rook ( R00E, IT R) 31-M 31*

(Tg) " -4urtRT" Errqr cf-) (-,4 fiqt fq9-TrTr 7g-re fi-ar zrEaTIF

-RMr 37*, TTo-r- (41-1

31-N---* '4071-1ff
, 3TR ff 31*
-- f9drq- T Tr2111
341 4,11'a uq1d 3

3-TrFur c116r) 1,01-11 3-TFVF-d-qp-r chcyv-i (0) t 6-K-11- (0


ctoqid 6i-)1 c-14-14 3T-

1 71T-- ch(UZ a1d 3IT4 3* ftql TiFQ. L-15 ch I dr) 71R,T9T4

fqVirTd- za U I I 317fr 3*;

(To " qF--dwq " TINT 3-74, A-Ta

1* fd- I t-R Taff 6f-)1 Ch(liqici *TT 3T-4-

3174 3T-TIT ;
(To " 11chtuI " Tirqr 31-4, 7-Tr #4k-d-

- ff 31-Tir 31* ;
1-W i7775f, aPITZTITGT ..c)/T-1,1fffEF e.s T3/4 RR'4k

" T-fol ci R " ThE1T 34'4, -413174-1 ffr T e4ch 1 el cb 34-1-1- 3-T7
-1 , ThF4-4.1t , d R ,

dT NI-7h 1k-1-1u-41, it-
47T *-T, .7M-1 -114 4d04- ctilcD1i k r, i10.-1 f-46:qThTI\L1 ,-111 td1 ;

() " .Creh7TIT " 741-z-e,Tcu ft 1--1 n -1i&r31-NM-17Th- 1,1,


3T1 d ITT citc,-1, f c ff fICUV4 , t4c-,41T ch ,oidf) 7N-ct) I ict,1-1

3R1R-yrIT t fi n jccfl TT1-63T JUJ RT1ff atm 3--Trk7 ku ii T1-t-

q 3-tTh-Tr

31TkiFlT 31? 39f 31* t Old) la?-d-r T1Thl it 31-1-

cp-q- r 3-f-dllsrq ki L Tirrq, 7:Tr-J

a ch 7gic4) ct)< u i -cTr WT- ?T 61 ci -Wet;

(u) " qr-

qr 3721', f4f7rv.. di UI1d 311?:tT
-qr Tff f fk
f1 fq-qq*1 4-40-d- 31TRY'iy-7 ]T1TlItfi

371T - Ti-F; 7-cFr ) (141Tii,

31-N,TT. 11

"F.TITL-7ff ,


(17) trirtz,

" I " Tii 3131, 1TT ff131T 31J-III cbUlicl 3M-474t chi (41

C4cIHd T4-) 11 41 dic-1- 3I1d 31F.94r T31I J . 31-rh 3131T, 31 4 1(7-b ( 1. 1-1-TTEr
i q1 q7

34f-d-T1- 31-1fur 31-1T f-4k7T ,341.Rir -ET-M7-4,1. *14 ,4161 7,1-NTT

- 31?Tr

(7) " " 1TIT 3T'4, 31f -FTEM-kT \sii Sr:;ics-11 j31T , 3317 34* ;

(-q-) " dIccbIcr3 ti I ci T-1 I *(J.:T " 11--1'-1 4-1 II r-e-.1 1 lcdH o1TT-1-1-ctcc14 ( ) .17 c'fclI 133F[
314F--TT .-17-i9TetU1 31U11?11 -#711-4, d I cr-411,z5 t4T1T 1cl Ft1-6ircbc-i

, dc9 31f , FfT 7q, "0-1

' I '6 Vird- Li I ej, 31*;

(Z) " " 11,

11 331T , T13117-113; f4,
11 chIHcbIj41:ff

k''-1 311r 31711 1;r41-4 311 t, 3I 31*

(a) " -P4T-4 311111 3 fllllrn 1lli bIlk1d- \r " qfqi 374, rt-1 II 217131 I clf) fi 3111214

-41 31-A 313114 31311 (11(1451 *1411 -TT 17
r;, 1-11-6"-1 cf)1,-11c1N fill
f*i fill ' i-431FT 311141 dllc1 311 31r1q3Rfl, 31-4.:
11 34; ;

"itc 01-,0'41,11 114 lI1i 3121, 1*-11cY1-1 11* 11 f

r -TI1P-Tr40 1Tffr-631TlJ31 N-fgq f411Th1 521, +111
33*71 14121 4131 ldc'1Hd, 341*4 44?-1- )-0--q 1 \r"-11,
-e-1 I ch U
3111431 1131 cl I 31i3*3 I ---R4 3i1*14

7E14IT 1 11II TiKT 3131711714 313139 c---11 31 Hcbid 71Hd Hli 4 ict,u I 3413 Td7, 3174T 3*;

" ui " 73I131T 344,311-1-1--/-1 1 4 i1N114, N-q1--4-3* 31--q-47- 41- fq-TAteil,

crrdi zT-
t 4q7 31111J1 31rd-4 3111 , 1II3I4 1 ,.1 1 ..11 Lb I c-i r=k

311 31311 311*.

(71) 14 34, ,
.1c4-;01,ciciT71 fe,-7-11*, Mr, 40, 31f41311T,

4,1 4-14.-1 0, d.Llicl 31* 3*1-

cY-11 4-R1* 045,4k-1k-1 qch , ,

4-31*111121, -217131121, t-tht# 31141 3*1(3*T fill 7 4q..) '1(rT lI14 lIIT 21711
1 cal I F4K:41- TTRzR:T1-0 TMNT-ffm- T-FTP-1 1 T-11 <'-1 1 '? I

1 l 111I34 14 c7114ft4I 'T 113 11711 3113 U 3* iiiki I gt-d-F J 31 1* kck

3171r401- (1,
1 374

tit4H 1-1Amqic3*i ,Rik-ichriTr 3*41-Tr411i 311FuT clItlI

F- 1AuIRd14c'l 731173* I:411714 fT3-17fi- 14 2121-ft391* cf-)NkV.41;1

WiTg TRq, 7,41,4 Tf-fq-q

14 zf,kit , I1 an,n-arfur 4-Trrrliv-;7,74 -311--fcriurr, 9i-4w RR, Ro/ETf9R6, 7T7ssZWA,

TrritFt4- 0-K, -kriRTIT4 4#17fqM-P- 34-ff9171 370Orql

utTTr 7,4*ft T4TR4: 31R4T9'.
iifu ffi ft rft
i ir 3Th,hi c1IT oh 4, u 417 -Nff , -4-)71:P:I

'c;1 ci-ejich ?1H-iIr dP1-0 r.fifE1T IT29TR

EfET *1-41-T1, -c4i -,'4.- Ic1

uffif 3iTc JIcbE1T 1jfiI 4[ fl5T9T fiqj chV4h H

d 4Tul- f7-
() t -4T-1-14 T ftPT

ThR3T17-7-4T---df 1-1Pd crq 1 - citcil -R 4 t k1

fi7e71- W-TTFAq fT fi fiqr B1-r7
JclchTrsqicl- it.tff VI -rtqT
Vicfcril ch171
"3-1Th -ce4, I ai oa I 1 ,4 ),UU11,4 kr-4-974 k)c-11-cR 69-1. 3-il-C-1H

ciIcT Tc itqf44-43R4T 1 . ff4=174-- T-iftR( cicii fq9-Trrir- 3TaT f7q-r


fcti41- 1-4117Tfor,V ku7-41-q -4,TIFFTTT - IFF7,1 H

-7qT f-,E4 1'6 d 1 ciIIc *

(--N I 41 hciT 1T1-1rr-IF 1,11W ci 1ciR 31TT:r11- *I 4ffzi. fT f49-ITIT

t(7414Tia al c-,-1 1 -1 IV I - oh- 7 ITT lhT ffi1I tc-th

Uci1cI <7-1. *I 4 K1TTTi41-. el. TA-6F --71-1-ff4 144-
7-1-ff-a4 bH
11-0-2ffir 7117-1H1-T-41f3T fEfThhciI '714:`,?.I d Ia

( ) -FTik*Ictilqti 171 07:4TCIT \'l c ci 1.- ' 9-It-if- IT

a[frt ITtff4Ik1cl lIT 31T1 '-i

3-T4-C7-r 3-TIT0Fi 34F4 lIi, 31-4qTTR4. f(19-11- ftTT 1TTTiIlIlIT yri..11,4c1

(k) 1=p=,t cciti Iift kulImi , ccild 41 cf*-1 I c*-1 I I fi-gf

fr.r4-1 I 1 i I 34- -4q-1ur,---1 I +1 .) lI5ucijcl3-11c711- 31*, ' 1 -

-WrffMit '91Erq

31if11 lI3Iic14 IT ,
-4 1f1liI ct-, 4,1 T1311, cii 1431TIT JlIVThf -W1741c-1 ,11c-i qlta:FT qT4cifl11l

7411T fi ci I 1--;'AIT t rUlI1R 1111 11dITT 31 31TNT 4-1 I cif) of, 1 cyi 4-1,41q1tnic1 ii
r s) iflciiU FfT
T1T jFciUciiI FT q!c./1 iccii 3T2T-qr 31-74 ct-)4r
oFA *1,-11cRft T-4F0CU 41. -4-qr t
-'qTf fjiTj 3Th131T111 74-4f31 *1,11,0,TPJT f311r f-41-Trir q9-Tg
-I I '6 3TR-
44-K-M f7114-rrr
qrqfr-r- ; *1,4-WR cbIHcicilItcii TiV17 ciIcI Tircicci. I11111 1
c -4-1rTs1ciiKRI ffT1 1PThT E ft tN14,14
f ri I 31ff ciI 1A. 1 Fl 3T31 31lI \-nracc\R- 3T1-7-
##FW- 1-11315ftP4111 kr) fiql ch 11--e-1 R


-13,-rFOT' d.Av-ireit 311T

Thi tUZITcl- c-1, Hlicciciic c9- TIRlI 1 Hollr)T1 lI1T11t ccitrJU 31*-11- 31T-Vff / f4147T wiu

-14-R4T-A-r1 chic-N0,5 a-)1,191,4-1

T1IV:11 1 al I -c41- IIlIT i111 frIT1 i lIIlI1111 1I1ci ch OA I d I k

3-TT-T-74T, ITPlII, ThR 4---qT T3131:4WTT 31F[1- ITEfTR 2IT lIT 111111 c-q*c-11 -c) 31-4 31tq c-11
c41 31FF T,Titq 1 IT1 I1T kff -1 6r1, cci ki
TITFeA f-qi1Tr1i-- fear Chi [111174T
,k5c1l1AR 31:r fi--qr 7E0111 .371-ffal *4,-1 ',J-11-cirl,A

aifffq- f(13f uq 11 lot -swig 3TRI ct, *1 -31fTcblT1

- +11 grauzir-a 37-AT-
4 41'(-lQ -

Ii 4-7)1,-1 tcrqrfr4 1;11.44t Tiftrq, f-41-1rrh fiqr, F,, 1 341411-r4 3ifFuT

Tr4kq- h-Tr IIJTIT

ot.W-111 fiar 34c- UciI3I citciidb FiAqqr-161q 4-11r
31# 31N*14, ciciI Tff -wqrt if ch,oqIci ,31-rFur
LbicHiT ,31Fachp. TTciUciid 31131 31T-c-

7:41 T4T qtZ M-14 () 'T4 ITIT 3F4iiUf III #74-4,7[ -icik-TlIT1F4 T1ITT FTlIT31Fd I4trff

11131 KO'r tr' 1131 3FlIt clairiAt ,316-61- ";01-;T dUciid cici 31r7 -17W

iiii 1-tdT falitnt -,41

9-1-1-Fr 31-
1-11(1t5 411+11 317111117uT 3TFT T=hRat 37-f4.3471, *-4-47 RR, RoR RG, 41.4) RW-'k

`-rti iThl I FIT-

4 fa3TPN. **-491. r alit WIT 411i-1 c41 31-14-*ff 14 cl u ZI I f9-TfT4 X
34--d-140- 3TTr .

Ti4N-ff f7R -141rfq-t r-V1J-IIVR .1.)ulc-q14 ch4,11--q1-41 fq-NT-ff TilftT

ctik yI iI ici cflulc-116r) fq1-1-167TL BIZ r 4,1\31511
fiqf 3T tsucrIRT TR* .-r4 c114 I d 3P47d 34-u- fiar J . U l cq .1

1111-11clIcic-It41 (4-) I I cl I d -c4 I -4---qr rawit6liqdr41 31f9-drzr Aq-1-4 cl-, ,-, 11c1 -OFR -1161c1.

(R) qlk-14q 4rm-r iFurql-rr 3T444-d-d-r 3T01-6-R- fiar q1c11,1c-1,- 34-TfurF-zrr

cltiR)44A cmicluqici 3H-4 31-4ff fi-ar 37rr 'iblk11-1421 ,,,1 ,11cluq1,11 a f.41-Tfritq
1,:4( '41T-zrr-d- fiqr 317-1 J 371- en uic,416, ,3ntrcrr-4- 0W?Alc-I 3T14
z1-1 3-T1r #4-d- 1EF:T2T1TRI $-11 calla t1,5 I 31-7ft -c.1)ci-A dT 3T-*{UT Ti I u X11,11 F-1 ui
3TTfo-r cqicvit 114Q- 31-7rr . 344 34-* r4)cl I 3if-Tw2H.
11*-01 WrEi te.a-)1 .1.)0q1-r-q1 3f---d1=1-
31- w1F ch,o,nd rr-{ -10 :
trq klI Mfi, ct)c\-1 4E- fTaTT (0 (R)
11, et,oz41,1-11 341
-ffq fT4-4 chiulc-1161 afw-FT
fqqrT Wr-ff.

fa-ofq tlutmilori afiawRivr f9-6Tiftff cm u) .11 ctrl 3TQ-9-

3ifffizr fiuhr UZ1l61IQ1c11 3TrvwFT 44Fau1Hidirltii falTrrt-
vqr u9.-Trf
TL4frqff 1q11+1.11q -F-4-34-rirrrr i~aal~ ~11~11~1ci1c1 ~c8i~cd1 ~(I~c~ri ~'ll~i-i 1-rirq
f' 3Tr-Or r<4,
Z12-1fteq F. fqvitd- c4 U 1 I d :

tft-q, 3 f rT f47a- 3TTIT cif -1 1T 3T 3MTITTT

() 3Tr-v*Fzurr 1.1-)R-r411 fiqr ff4- coluq1c-1

() 34f1r fq
- ui-zr 1:)-crzrr - -sf-gq Tr.TI2r Dui fiar a 3-#R- 3Trrur
37rr TruTr. wrqwFaTr4 c-1 I cy t-q I ---FffrdIfrff TFT '4--q-d-r T101 7r-- #H- cis , I Hot>) Tftq
37rr Trug .1 J t.11c-1 :

4A1-k06 Trirtrft 34Ticir ,44-11, 1 awl]. q1-11-41 44* 31 I

Z-ccl :

Trtq 3Trupt 3-1-# *F-71--- fi-qr fr4=k7r3TraFT*

----d-r 31#9- 3.7rr 4t-TTT fiqr
3-Tr-Orrir th-FA j-qami T- ri4ur .3 ,t4 3RTur Fzir - 7-1--d-T 01-,1t-1 :

Litq, 3T#-4 qr-TEE5 Tfrq7- chuqIc-1 ito-F-{- -116 d.

(x) TIRDITIT TIF-4q1 1.11c'-k4 3TTro-rFzn- 4rAi-iscaH4-1k Ti-gT rr

41 fq141171(4-) 71Tr1Tc T T:FRF411;RITg #91sa . *FiR-
-1161d. 31-7TT 3T5-wrzi- fiar Trr--qa 317-q-qt-c-Tr
trFTF 3T--4T rd-Tff ci 3T T1 T11 T r-.T ct o d

- am-Err-4-ff (0 4-i1tc,iq +c-11,4-1 4-44ff l'1I m`la f11-TiTr, f41.-Trrft-q
fiar Tf2I-CR:2?-11-ff falwr i 4-
4F Vu 31 --- \41,-1,c1rH-11
Kf\Q- TM. f 7:flci :4145, c41,1 c-NR 31-rh cz11 i ci 31-711. T . 39Tdri 01q1r)--II
fTii-i-Trruqrc aF4,(41 tirA{
1-Wflt,5, 411i1.-1 311TRITRTIT liTTT )Traf"317-fd3ITTT, '91-4-Tf ROR'4/wft R6, 414 Mule

HARY11 fV1TT 11:Tf cqt4c4-) \LI)L-Ircic-11

fq:LTUctI4fEA qfcRcT 31T 3Tiftrr .TurTT zir qpiioR 4r c f iTa 311 4 3 ci-wJqmicci

Q-11 21 ciRr a 14 fit fTIRTTrtu-Tr 3Tr--ra.r

6. t- 9T LIT-4 u giclicid 31T1Tr -40Tr - rr *-4-11 T.F4 *-1cfl 1;1RTf 7rcTf -elurRT
t-Acyi cqi ci-)1,4111 tiar fE 1TTR1 fiqr chlqkfrIRII Ti-4F4ff chiqic,N fiar faiTrrr (116,41q1

31-47TM- ch 06 01 I

TTA.W 3TRTWFWQ. AGlIciqN 44dT TfTqsT j J

f4Frd. c c I chic'11-1,-4r1t1

5ict)ull-r-11 affffiTa: f-icbtrAld ch1V-H-41-c11 71.2Tfl ,

1,41,34qkri 3Tritrr T fiTI Ifia-r

'47T ohlq1+1.1 r 411iMI iii i cb1HIr411 SPId '11A u l chflci tlit4 741771-
c4-)111.-1-1 3-1-N-TT4T, cl I ri-1 I 7T1-4-d- fiT i1TT el-Wilk-1'11d 117 141,8t-li41d ch14-1c1,1,11,-'41

31Th Tgrir

a-)iuldi6) 31-ffiji chloral l 31-1-11-

4). -Cr744 . 1 C'f .111c1 ;

(g) 11,
1:1e)T, e--11 TK1-11qT ct>14'11 1 c 31* ;

(Tr) Trr.--ej 3-1Tftri ft7P4il:R4 4-1t414--M. 31-1Wctuff 371P-TqF-j1

13-01-4, cql IrwU41 a -TRik TrftiTr TrqTc4 u Loi' 3Trti--4 3t4-1,,11,-, 6,11 \4s,11 I
-1).q1ac:1cy,41 311 ;

("ET) 31Th 1 ,451'i1-) 1 -q17T 31*,

azirFa . 311fur 31]t \;ru1.-1 -#74 ;

(ET) 40 WI-1,411,11Q -Trk-d ;

(u) figf FIT ct-)H-11-11 chl?-chR PTa4

cl->V41-11cnc.1 740 4-)V14i-c11 31r-g-q-r }-)cic.'11 31rfur riil c1
Tflf 4-1Hiq4-1 311f3T TETIP:f TivrTFIT- 3* ;

711-1T f*--qr fiqj 315474g

(qk W*7* ;


(ii ) 1;F*701,

(TN) P41,-.1r) 341tql.7..41 *-7*

:\ 7-

(KO s3ifd4M PichIc'l *714 (3T, q,

CflIAC'fir) 7- C1'1 011(1tAR) ;

-1 1 0 0 nr)
,-11 71-1Tt 7.

aTiffT falTrift Ti WT fq4a dichutIMIC11 19-+T. 1-i I 4)-1 litct) 4'1 i

W*701 4iri--11 (11.1c-11c-1H 1cic'451 doduqH1d1 c4-)14c1161 4,4-,0qd

F,171 fq1-11 1 1 31ifirr fa?._. ft --4rzr fal-mr 4i-u-41 0'4 1(1 , d fq9-Trrrft 31 1crr-zrr21- fi-ar -LI I c3,1
3TTI4A 7*--TT* fiT *1.4. Tt4kff Tfftq/ 31-4T 4fq qi-qr ?.-)z c4-)0 ,41,-1 3Trf1r

cam- f 3t*rr3 4-iiniquq1c1 qf M I dr) falTrTr, 11-TITR-4 c

ti 7,rfaa, 3,1 airrui afq-T Ttqq

-1Ic11,1 3-Trf-6-r Tr--4kd rciq '41-C4r) -ff-47 371T fe-TiTrITRT

3-* Wr qr-q)-i=r64- fttr-I-1 I 4-1

GO cOrl TTR-urr m 4 I c1 c ,itq) 7A

fiar i;KFF-d-
14TR-7., 1'l 77E17, ariTRTMTTI-ip-r 9-1-'4-4R- Ro?[Wir- R6, Vr-'

(U) 7;11-q- 1c41411T11- " --4774Ff 3-119-1 31-4#iR , fTh t1iTF 1T ftsi f414TTT
ki6 f47-41- c-TEIT-TO 3111'r
itafT ,3k-1 3T*,k6-414 (4;161c-116,r) 3-1TruTIT fft:

Titq, 3-7[T IIT 1fTh4 iTiT 3TrOr qTgur 3-TT ;

(Tr) CAI fdl-TIFTTM1 far f--49-wr fir f-1-9-Trir Hi fq14p-r qt-u-41 Trg: h-q-
-T,r, 374 4-)1,1 TT ;
17+-11J1 f4)dT 742-TTIP-Tth +114-11,R4 31V114.-fri
kc-RIGR 3T1-T5[{ UFt Tfff*9- ;

(Er) 47,- (Tr) 3-17-R.

T: f411rTt 111 If Tz-r t1ic31 ,if 31f 31Tfur
1-2-1 q),-i fTLITTT fidT HI ,
Tiki-1 fq`i-TPT T1T-q1- 3iT ThcIV 31H1 5RThThEff 3-TATT
1 - F4 4 T fi tii 1-1141-TT q2-11- 11 4-1-1 F41.4TTT 1,?-1 1 Tff-4-,ET (t -cri1 c-T '

fq-14P-Tmr. 3Tr-
i-q-1-1.T -1=p fTITITTftffi 7Fci- gft.-4 341;61 i f Trdfi-TT
41- Ic3ft 3-Tru-Rit RJ fuirt iFuiiit-4-rFcrn fi fe,T6TT HI 3Tt 4H

.1-WJ,-11(1 3lTfk al*ff 3-1-4 *1-44 3*-'r T,FqRTiT ;

(E) 4,F fq'LTFTTFT tETLITTEIRT 11,4-6i4c-1 fT3-1

7-iqr 9HI' iT TT -r-c3m-rTri-c> ;

(5) TN- (q) tM tnmft IctciI3#H-

c14,, 311fr3f 3T1-451F-4 JI4 14'ThlT4t 74(
17 fi cx f-411rrn-- - 3,-f*rP=M- f41-ff
fiqf 1-11-q(rqtt 1=1 fcil4TTI c4 R. Tf 3ifur 4c4-) TJlf 14911rn-H-r
c--110RRff 3TTIWT jcff 1,1

(7) 3Tri-A- TTf fiTT fff f;TqTri-74 #4k-c1- ,3It, 34# f41-TFT
3171T CTf;r:*-417 N11PT 4-110,>-" 7-11-1*-11 .1-;161c-11 fdEfq #4cR-FT 311, ir
farr4-rW bz-crii-t (Mc\--1 (7-11 #4NId f49--1 -444T-ft bUI f74141-1rr3 q18Girk

(T) fq111111c,11 Wcff c4T---4141-114114 fq1.471-4 ci-)14,40

f41.11rTrf 37rr1Ic c-11,411 qTgEIT. Scitiqici
T ,311d #r\e
319T -Her ck, '1-41-witc-H iT q cT 3i-ffb-r 1T J

4:414-11-q 141-11411,1-41(-3-1 *141-1,5c11 (T.-q *1.) IJc f 3*-1177

-LiFf 31T-c-11 TR- IET2
4T 17. 11-4- 1-4-1- F-10 t 3f.'d-TFar."p7-
--qT 11
- -WITA fj61c-1106willki,
TTT 1;17q 4 Vie T
r 4'.-111141'1 3TT 1UIcI IIc1Ici -\31:0`2M qr4tT b1IciH 1AIr1-41 fqi-C411

fTITTIT tiiiiiii#414ffRi qn1Z

c. ;

(sr) ET fTI-1TrfF\V V-q1 fwq '-c-lic-rFtff c6q1,-41 qT

i-11,1-1,iW WTI 0T91 3TJ t fq34TiT ,*TTd f-qEfq 31,-11 f41-4TITT*74 fquirq ItTIT 3iRi 1T-6
(7'-11,1 T14-q-d- 3TTIFI4EFf -6Fd1-03). 1icf 317FF fq-EFf -gc-ftk-ff --77?-1111.1c-1,11 kciciA
ch0)--11(-1 ;

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*TP-17171- Vq-,01R.14-111i- 3ti7M- *4611c1 . '1311R -1Ad. k4-,1,A -1,1 4,4-!1-T T3f TtTf dIc4 t4 if h31.
Tf 3Trfur cf-)14ki,5c-11 *0-1 H, 1-1-61,1-61U4U rc-116-11c-1
*4tR-11c-1 5T14T ,-1161k 4-1A1c,14).-1 141--TPTFT FclicII cbI1IHIIcI 31TP31- 3 9Rfffkdrc71 41f1e-:11t*
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iT14171. TTjTIm UId TcT \-11-67,1 '3"4 -U-1 7:4-)c-kqy fi41 r1-49.4ITTT4 4-1F,Fq it-qT rk14111. 4
3,71-r 4iqc16r1,4 34-NO; 31-74 T5JT F-1c1-)MIci *,16-11,11,s1c-1 fi-qr
TT7eFg, amwrorr 4TFT 7- --T4-64-3tr-f-a1-n-Tr,9-i-01T RR, RoR -4/wift R6, 41 'Mk

. Tifq athurizt 1*
--- 11. Tiff 11711
-411717MtWf T 4 T th.,-11[MqH N I Ic1I fTLITTT

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646t Ti.1-9----7,T. 3.-R4Tq,

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fr dcI, *1?-1 I e'1,11c1

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fiqr 31- 4. 4-`

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.10 I H 11T
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c-Fr T fl9 (71e-,Wi'ff TUII cIIJIUIki IS 7-TT ThI Th ft fr1ckIc1 TIiR TITRcl cmuqici
chimicitfrfffVfl 341f f11rizr FqT4T F ,3411qH.3Tkf-fq
- -zrrc-f0- *c.-1 4-r Wc1,011,41

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H1cb cbviic-14,
*-3-7T fiqr f41471- 7137
41,4 , FolF-trq , wo-qT-ff.

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TJ JT q-)0q1c-1

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-111 4T1I :

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3ircrffr 30.

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Egad-,?-41 cbcOraluqld tam- -R qr cb)ult-IV **7-h- ctMcilIQ 4-47-g-rt
34-Fmr 3TT 9h4-lich fatsFr a(24c-1 choi 7:117.

-11c1 :

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Mantralaya, Madam Cama Road, Hutatma Rajguru Chowk,
Mumbai 400 032, dated the 14th November 2013.




No.POD-1007/C.R.9/18(O&M) .-- In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (1) of section

14 of the Maharashtra Government Servants Regulation of Transfers and Prevention of Delay in
Discharge of Official Duties Act, 2005 (Mah. XXI of 2006) and of all other powers enabling it in
this behalf and in supersession of all the existing rules, orders or instruments made in this behalf,
the Government of1VIaharashtra hereby makes the following rules, the same having been previously
published as required by sub-section (1) of section 14 of the said Act, namely :
1. Short title.These rules may be called the Maharashtra Prevention of Delay in Discharge
of Official Duties Rules, 2013.
2. Definitions.(I) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,
(a) "Act" means the Maharashtra Government Servants Regulation of Transfers and
Prevention of Delay in Discharge of Official Duties Act, 2005 (Mah. XXI of 2006) ;
(b) "Administrative audit" means the mechanism determined by the Government to verify
whether final decision on a file or case in any office or Department is taken on the basis of
proper delegation of powers, that is, three level submission and also the compliance of the
time limit prescribed under sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Act, for taking the decision
and necessary action in the matter ;
(c) "Awaited case" means the case in which further action is to be taken after certain
period ;
(d) "Case" means file or other related papers, references, correspondence, notings, etc.,
received and consolidated in a bunch ;
(e) "Correspondence" means the inward and outward references in the process of taking
decision, which includes written letters, telegrams, interdepartmental notings, fax messages,
e-mail, orders, circulars, resolutions, issued by the Government, from time to time ;
(f) "Dormant Case" means and includes the cases in which decision rests with other than
the State Government, the case in which final order has been passed but which are required
to be kept in await for watching the observance of terms of final orders, cases involving
collection of data or statistic from various authorities for the compilation of various
Government reports, periodicals, returns, etc., but shall not include the cases falling under
section 11 of the Act ;
(g) " File" means a set of relevant papers of the specific subject having a particular
separate number in which one or more parts mentioned below are included
(i) correspondence,
(ii) notings,
(iii) appendix of the correspondence,
(iv) appendix of the notings ;
(h) "Final Disposal" means action taken on the reference received or action taken on the
correspondence of the file after consideration, and final decision has been taken on such
reference or correspondence, and no further action is pending on such reference or
correspondence ;
(i) "Form" means the Forms appended to these rules ;
'-1 I' 1,7111:1, 374TMTErT %T MT k!chtiar 37-441417, 9-*a.4- RR, ,o'R.4/TFdW ic+) RR

(j) "Immediate and urgent reference" means the tapal received including the telegrams,
telex message, fax messages, letters, e-mails, etc., which are marked by the competent
authority, after taking into consideration the seriousness of the matter, as immediate or
urgent, with an intention to complete the expected action within a time mentioned in sub-
section (1) of section 10 of the Act ;
(k) "Minister-in-charge" means the Minister-in-charge to whom the concerned subject or
work has been allotted according to the Maharashtra Government Rules of Business ;
(1) " Officer incharge of section or branch" means such officer working at the Taluka or
Sub-Divisional Office or District or Divisional or Departmental levels, who has been nominated
for disposal or final disposal of the concerned subject or work of a section ;
(m) "Level of submission" means the total three levels of Government servants, who are
responsible for submitting the matters for taking final decision to the officer, whom, powers
having delegated for taking a final decision after taking into consideration the nature, level
and importance of various subjects being handled in the office or Department ;
(n) "Notings" means the remarks recorded on the file such as summaries of the earlier
papers, description of issues or questions under consideration, analysis, instructions and
final orders issued in that regard for quick disposal of any case ;
(o) wherever the words File, Case, Correspondence, Noting, Draft, Reference, Remarks,
Proposal, Forms, letters, Tapal occur they will include the corresponding electronic versions
like e-file, e-case, e-correspondence, e-noting, e-draft, e-reference, e-remarks, e-proposal,
e-forms, e-mails etc. and the word Services (Seva or Suvidha) wherever used would also
cover the services delivered to the users by electronic means.
(II) Words and expressions used but not defined herein shall have the meanings respectively
assigned to them in the Act.
3. Preparation of Citizens Charter. (1) The Head of every administrative Department of
Mantralaya and the heads of all offices under their administrative control, that is, the Divisional
level, District level, Taluka level, sub-divisional level, or as the case may be, local level, shall
prepare separate Citizens Charter for their respective offices. The seperate Citizens Charter
shall be consistent with the Citizens Charter of its concerned Head Office and such Citizens
Charter shall be prepared and published on the basis of instructions contained in Circulars or
Letters issued by the Government, from time to time, and shall be displayed at a conspicuous
place in the concerned office. It shall also be displayed in electronic form on the website or portal
of the Department or Government.
(2) The Citizens Charter published under the provisions of sub-rule (1), shall be updated by
each office, from time to time, if necessary; and on the 2nd May of every succeeding year according
to the Government revised policy or plan or programme or project or rules or orders, etc. Each
office shall finalise and publish Citizens Charter after considering the objections or suggestions,
if any, and after thorough discussion on the difficulties of the officers concerned and suggestions
received in this behalf. IL shall also be displayed in electronic form on the website or portal of the
Department or Government.
(3) The prescribed papers for providing the facilities or services rendered by the office or
Department shall be kept minimum. For that purpose, the Head of every office or Department
shall take a detailed review. The necessary Form "A" for availing the facilities or services rendered
by the office or Department shall be made easily available by the concerned office or Department
free of charge. The list of the optional papers shall also be specified in Form "B" by the Head of
every office or Department. It shall also be displayed in electronic form on the website or portal
of the Department or Government.
(4) An application received in Form "A" from any citizen, shall be checked immediately as
per the checklist provided in Form "C" regarding its fulfillment and if, after checking, the
application is found to be incomplete, then the applicant shall be informed about the shortfalls
immediately on the spot so that he can complete the formalities for filling the Form.
.11+1 1,
1144 3471ETTPIT %TM ?ch truf - F1WTTT, 9")-4-4-T -R ict,

(5) hf the application of the citizen is complete then he shall be given the receipt of its
acknowledgment in Form "D", in which the period mentioned. in the Citizens Charter of that
office or Department for providing such services or facilities shall be mentioned clearly, and the
office shall ensure that the citizen. do not have to visit the concerned office time and again.
(6)Minimum. period for providing services and facilities shall be specified taking into
consideration the time limit, mentioned as per concerned Acts and Rules. The concerned Head of
Office, Department on noticing or being brought to his notice any dereliction in providing service
and facilities will hold and complete the preliminary enquiry within fifteen working days. If it is
found that the concerned officer or employee has shown habitual or willful or intentional delay or
negligence in discharge of official duty, the recommendation of Departmental -Enquiry shall be
forwarded to the Competent Authority. The Competent Authority ac(.!ordingly shall issue order
of departmental enquiry as per the relevant Rues,
(7) Maximum use of information technology shalt be made in the offices and e-governance
shall be given highest preference while rendering facilities or services to citizens. Every
administrative Department in Mantralaya in. consultation with the Commissioner, or Head of
Department and Head of office under them shall undertake time bound programme for providing
services and facilities by way of electronic mode. The services and facilities which are to be provided
by way of electronic mode to the citizens shall be determined within six months from the date of
commencement of these rules. Accordingly, services like licenses, certificates, approvals or cash
payment and application therefor shall be provided online. Information in this regard shall be
made available on Department's wehsite.The citizen who cannot avail online facilities shall be
provided services or facilities by following the prevalent procedure.
4.. Publication of list of powers delegated to subordinate officers fi)r taking final decision.
The list of powers of the incharge Secretary of the concerned administrative Department at the
Mantralaya level, Head of the Department at the Divisional level or, as the case may be, at District
level and subordinate officers who are working under their supervision at various levels or the
officers who are delegated the subject-wise or file wise powers for taking the final decision, shall
be prepared and published and affixed at a conspicuous place in the concerned. office, as provided
under sub-section (.1) of section 9 of the Act. The said list of powers shall be updated and published
on the 2nd May of every succeeding year. It shall also be displayed in electronic form. on. the
website 017 portal of the Department or Government.
5. Prohibition of delegation of powers to Government officers against whom Departmental
inquiry is being conducted. Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 4,-
i) If, any Departmental inquiry under charges of serious nature is being conducted under
the concerned disciplinary rules against any employee or officer, or if any officer is required to
face any criminal case or investigation, then such employee or officer shall not be empowered to
take any final decision on the work. of executive nature or sensitive work or subjects.
(2) If, a charge sheet is served on any officer with the charges of misappropriation or financial
irregularities or embezzlement of the Government money or corruption, or if the decision to
serve the charge sheet against such officer has been taken at the level. of Departmental Inquiry
Officer, or such officer is suspended from the services for any such allegation, then in that
circumstances, even after reinstatement. of such officer in the services, he shall not be empowered
to take final decision on executive or sensitive subjects, till the decision of such inquiry or
investigation is completed and implementation of punishment awarded to him is completed or
such officer has been completely exonerated from such charges or allegations:
Provided that, the Government may, after examining the merits and demerits of the case and
after recording the reasons, shall consider delegation of any power for finalisation of executive or
sensitive subject to such Government employee mentioned in sub-rules (1) and (2).
6. Determination. of level of powers for taking final decision. (.I) Subject to the provisions
of section 9 of the Act, the level for delegation of the powers for taking the final decisions shall be
determined by the Head of the office or Department, as the case may be, after considering
Government Resolutions and orders, issued from time to time, in this behalf, by the Secretary
1- 3MTUTPJT 4TITT L --ritzt TT-fdlITTT, 1 c)R.4/WFW R6, 41 RR?ek

in-charge of the concerned administrative Department at the Mantralaya level, with the approval
of the concerned Minister-in-charge of the administrative Department
Provided that, the level of such submissions for the purpose of taking final decision shall not
be more than three officers.
(2) Subject-wise list of distribution of authority or powers for every kind of officer shall be
(3) If a particular competent authority, who has been empowered to take final decision, is
not present or has proceeded on leave and the work of such competent authority cannot be held
up even for a temporary period, then, taking into the consideration the administrative convenience
and exigencies, the work of such competent authority shall be distributed amongst the other
officers of that establishment :
Provided that, more than three stages may be kept for very important matters like Cabinet
Note and the matters involving policy decisions :
Provided further that, the files of the existing policy or orders, which require the explanations
or directives to be given to the Regional Offices, shall not be submitted to the level higher than
the Secretary level :
Provided also that, reminders shall not be submitted upto the senior level.
(4) The files involving the proposals of investments and infrastructure projects, files, proposals
regarding policy matter to be submitted before Cabinet received by advisery Department shall
not be sent to junior officers or to the Desk. In such cases the remarks or notings shall be recorded
by the Deputy Secretary or at least at the level of the Under Secretary. In the exceptional
circumstances, if Under Secretary is not available, then such files shall be submitted by the Desk
7. Updating list of level of officers. (1) The concerned administrative Department at the
Mantralaya level, Head of the Department at the Divisional level, or as the case may be, at the
District level, or Head of any other office, shall prepare the list of powers delegated to the
subordinate officers within three months of publication of these Rules and thereafter such published
list shall be updated on the day of 2nd May of every succeeding year. It shall also be displayed in
electronic form on the website or portal of the Department or Government.
(2) The Head of the concerned administrative Department at the level of Mantralaya shall
take a random review of the activities of the offices or Departments in the month of January and
July of every year to ensure that the powers delegated to every officers are exercised adequately
and judiciously and proper decisions are taken on the matters falling under their purview.

8. Acknowledgement of e-mails. Anacknowledgement of e-mails received shall be given by

concerned person. If the e-mail received is not concerned with the office or Department or Desk
then it shall be forwarded to the concerned office or Department or Desk and accordingly intimated
the same to the applicant by e-mail.
9. Responsibility of every officer. Every officer of the Mantralaya and incharge officer of
the office of Divisional or District or Taluka level shall be primarily responsible for timely
submission or final disposal of the cases within the time limit mentioned in the Act.

10. Measures to be taken for keeping control on progress of works of Desk or Section or
Branch. The incharge of Branch or Desk or Section officer shall keep watch on the progress of
the work carried in his Branch or Desk or Section and ensure that,
(a) no references or files or cases remain unattended and pending for want of action ;
(b) himself will deal with the complicated and important references ;
(c) scrutinize the notes and drafts submitted to him and record his opinion or suggestion on
the file wherever necessary before submitting it to the competent officer with a view to maintain
the accuracy of the notes and drafts ;
(d) dispose of on his own initiative and responsibility as many cases as possible ;
(e) adopt suitable and proper measures so as to dispose of references or cases ;
1-Trr-r Y-x
4-Wflt5, W*4-I '4 1,14A, 371TWUT `44T7T -)-14F-ZI 37-fdl4M, .91-q-aT RR, RoR/Wrra-W R6, 414 Rt'k

(f) keep him self informed of the day-to-day business of the Branch or Desk ;
(g) take analytical detailed review of the files pending in the Branch or Desk at the end of
every month with a view to keep vigorous watch over the progress of the working of the Branch or
Desk or Section and, also provide proper guidance and suitable remedial measures for disposal of
the pending files ;
(h) Records of the Branch or Desk or Section shall be kept as follows :
(i) receipt of post ;
(ii) cases under process;
(iii) awaited cases ;
(iv) dormant cases ;
(v) cases of standing order or compilation ; and
(vi) cases disposed of finally (as per A, B, C, D classification) ;

The officer in-charge of the Branch or Desk or Section shall be vigilant in implementation of
11. Restrictions for prevention of delay in inter-departmental references. The following
action shall be taken to avoid delay in un-official references or cases in Mantralaya Departments,
namely :--
(a) except the Finance Department and Law and Judiciary Department, all the cases or
references required to be sent to other Departments for opinion or consultation, shall be marked
to the concerned Joint Secretary or Deputy Secretary or Under Secretary directly, and their
opinion shall be obtained. For that purpose, every Department shall prepare a list of the names of
the concerned Under Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Joint Secretary of the Department and a
list of the subjects dealt with by them. Such list shall be made available to every Department. It
shall also be made available on the Government website. If any changes occur in the said list, then
necessary corrections shall be carried out from time to time in the said list and shall be displayed
at a conspicuous place in the concerned Desk. It shall also be displayed in electronic form on the
website or portal of the Department or Government ;
(b) if the proposal is approved at the level of another Department's Secretary, then such
proposal shall be examined directly at the level of the Joint Secretary or Deputy Secretary of the
Finance Department or Planning Department or General Administration Department and there
shall be no objection to convey the disapproval thereof at the level of the Joint Secretary or Deputy
Secretary :
Provided that, it is necessary for the Secretary of the Department to issue such order for
such purpose ;
(c) if the Secretary of the Department does not agree with the views conveyed by the Joint
Secretary or Deputy Secretary of the Finance Department or Planning Department or General
Administration Department, then such file shall be referred again to the Finance Department or
Planning Department or, as the case may be, the General Administration Department at the
Secretary level for review ;
(d) if the proposal has been forwarded as per clause (c) and the same is moved by another
Department at Secretary level, and the Finance Department or Planning Department or General
Administration Department desires to disapprove such proposal, then such action of disapproval
shall be taken at the level of the Secretary of the Finance Department or Planning Department or
the General Administration Department, as the case may be ;
(e) after recording the remarks of the other Department, if the case is received in the original
Department and if it is found that there is a difference of opinion between these Departments
then instead of writing a further note in such case, the Secretaries of both the Departments or the
officers, whom the powers are delegated, shall, by holding personal discussions on the controversial
issues, dispose of such cases by mutual consent ;
1-Wflt5 411k1-1 3TRRITTETT (44PT 7T-TTuf 37-'41T T, 91-4-
47 dT R6, 414> 'Mk

(f) if the original Department desires to mark any file to more than one Department, then
the file shall be routed through those Departments as per the order of marking of the original
(g) while adopting the above procedure prescribed in clause (f),if delay is likely to be caused
in disposal of the case and the remarks expected from the Departments are not likely to be
supporting or are inconsistent or contradictory to those of the concerned Department, then the
originating Department shall prepare separate proposals and obtain the remarks or opinion on it
by forwarding an independent file to each concerned Department
(h) if the Department is of the opinion that a particular case received in its Branch or Desk
pertains to any other Department then in such circumstances the Department shall forward the
case to the concerned Department mentioning therein clearly the specific entry of the Maharashtra
Government Rules of Business, to which the subject matter relates after obtaining the approval
of the Secretary of the concerned Department ;
(i) if a question arises as to whether the correspondence received in a Department should be
dealt with by such Department or any other Department, then both the Departments shall, after
discussion settle such question. If the question is not settled within a period of a week then ruling
of the Organization and Methods Branch (0.&M.) of the General Administration Department
shall be obtained on such question and once such ruling is given at the level of the Secretary of the
Organization and Methods Branch (0, &M.) of the General Administration Department the ruling
shall be final, unless there is any other direction of the Chief Secretary or the Chief Minister. If
such kind of question regarding dealing of the subject by another Department arises in any office
other than a Mantralaya Department, then the matter shall be referred within two office working
days, through the Head of the Department to the concerned Secretary-in-charge of the Mantralaya
Department ;
(j) while the question regarding the transfer of a subject from one Department to another is
under consideration, the Department, which has received the correspondence, shall continue to
handle such subject pertaining to it, until a decision is taken to transfer the subject to another
Department. In such cases, a separate proposal of transfer of the subject shall be taken up by that
Department ;
(k) while making unofficial references of the cases of Investment and Infrastructures Facility
Projects to other Departments, such cases shall not be forwarded like other general cases. The
doubts shall be cleared by discussion at the Secretarial level or at least at the level of Joint
Secretary or Deputy Secretary, and after getting concurrence by initial procedure the noting
shall be prepared, so that time is not wasted in repetition of noting and presentation. In the office
of the Secretaries of Mantralaya Department and also in other offices, a Control Register of the
cases received on the subject of Investment and Infrastructure Facility Project shall be maintained
by the Personal Assistant to the Secretary or Head of the Department, as the case may be, and
either on the first day or on the last day of the week the Secretary of the Department or the Head
of the Department shall, on the basis of such Control Register, take review of the disposal or
implementation of such cases.
12. Procedure for obtaining remarbi, or opinion from subordinate offices. If it is necessary
for the Mantralaya Department or Head of the Department or Office at the District level to obtain
the opinion or views from the subordinate offices, then the following procedure shall be followed,
namely :
(a) generally the papers of cases shall not be sent to the officers of the subordinate office
unless it really becomes necessary. For such correspondence the e-mail services shall be used on
priority basis and it shall also be binding to send reminders by e-mail
(b) wherever the papers in a case or the entire case is forwarded to any subordinate office,
the specific points on which the views or opinion is expected from the officer of the subordinate
office, shall be clearly and categorically mentioned
(iTrif )s 31-
3rmarfuT4TTrt War .371444Trrit*--
4-qT RR, RoRiTTft RG,

(c) the concerned officer of the subordinate office shall give the clear-cut opinion or views on
the point referred for opinion or views. The said concerned officer shall also clarify other relevant
and incidental points in relation to the case ;
(d) the officer of the subordinate office, from whom the opinion is sought shall also suggest a
suitable line of action or opinion or views in certain situations prevailing in that specific matter ;
(e) the subordinate office shall mention the relevant Acts, rules, administrative orders of
the Government, etc., in support of the recommendation made in any case ;
(f) in cases wherein the information is called from subordinate or Regional Officer, the specific
date up to which the information is expected shall be mentioned in the letter sent by the Mantralaya
Department. The specific time limit for furnishing of the requisite information from subordinate
or Regional Office, shall be determined by considering the scope of the information, the possible
working days required by the concerned Department or District level office for collection of
information from its subordinate offices and the actual days required by that office for dispatching
the said information.

13. Measures for taking final decision within prescribed period. The period mentioned
in section 10 of the Act for final disposal of cases is maximum and the cases shall be disposed
of within that period. For avoiding delay on such cases, the following steps shall be taken,
namely :-
(a) the Head of every office or Department or any other officer in whom the authority has
been vested shall take a periodical review at the end of every month to ensure that the official
work assigned to the Government servant is disposed of as per the norms specified in relation to
his work. If such kind of standards are not specified then such standards shall be specified by the
Head of every office or Department immediately ;
(b) the powers shall be delegated as far as possible to the Head of every office or Department
working under the administrative control of the Mantralaya Departments for taking a decision
on cases. Necessary measures shall be adopted after taking of a periodical review to see that the
powers delegated are exercised effectively ;
(c) a review of the procedure specified for processing of cases for taking a final decision shall
be taken and any modification, if necessary, shall be carried out therein.
14. Assessment and preparation of list of matters or cases under section 11 of the Act. The
concerned administrative Department at Mantralaya level, the Divisional Head or as the case
may be, the District Head shall determine and prepare the list of the matters or cases coming
under the purview of the provisions of section 11 of the Act to which the provisions of section 10
are not applicable in certain circumstances and prepare a list thereof and update it twice in a
year after taking the review of such list.
H W I t5 , 3MTFATTUT WTI T4-, 31T-falMT, *OW RR, c:.'?VTraw 41 R'R'4uk

[See rule 3(3)]

Name and Address of the Office :

Telephone No.

Fax No.

E-mail ID


Subject :

Applicant should fill up following information

Name of Applicant


Telephone No. if any :

Mobile No. if any

E-mail if any


Name of Applicant (
Ro 1,111-14, 3171TEIMIT 'RFT 'crWTraf 37-14147T, '91-443' RR, RoRV'TTRW RG, i RR'tak

[See rule 3(3)]

Name and Address of the Office :

Telephone No.

Fax No.

E-mail ID


Subject : Request application for

List of documents required to be submitted with application





07 RR, ROR /Wf-d'W R6, 41
, 3MTUTTur 4417 7Wfib'317-fai-TPT, '91-4- RR.4,A
1-1N I t5

[See rule 3(4)]

Name and Address of the Office :

Telephone No.

Fax No.

E-mail ID


Check list for examining the application received

1. Whether information filled by the applicant Yes / No *

is complete

2. Whether required documents as per Form Yes / No *

"B" are enclosed with the application

3. If no, the documents required to be submitted : 1.

4. Whether applicant has been informed Yes / No *

Name of the Examiner :


Stamp of office

* strike off which is not applicable

RR 4-w \ 411i1.1 3MTF-1771 11T7T 71-f-4341-7, *OW R4, RoR.4/WITh-T RG, 414 RRt-i

[See rule 3(5)]

Name and Address of the Office :

Telephone No.

Fax No.

E-mail ID


Receipt to the Applicant

Name of Applicant,
Address with Pin Code

Subject : - Your application dated. for


Your application mentioned above has been received in this office on (mention
the date of receipt). The number of the said application is . The further information
regarding the action taken on your request will be communicated to you within days *
after which enquiry if any can be made with this office on telephone or e-mail by quoting your
application number and subject.

Designation :
* Mention the period stipulated in the Citizens Charter.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra,


Chief Secretary to the Government.


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