Log 2

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Oct 22nd, 12:09AM-12:34AM: Worked on Act One, Scene Four

Oct 23rd, 12:43PM-1:33PM: Worked on Prologue

4:03PM-5:00PM: Finished Prologue
11:35PM-12:00AM: Worked on Act One, Scene One
Oct 24th, 8:22PM-8:55PM: Finished Act One, Scene One
10:29PM-11:38PM: Made some adjustments to Prologue and Act One Scene One.
Oct. 25th, 11:48PM-12:07AM: Worked on Act One, Scene Two.
Oct. 26th, 10:50PM-11:35PM, Worked on Act One, Scene Two
Oct 27th, 8:55PM-10:20PM, Worked on Act Two Story Summary
Oct 29th, 2:55PM-4:29PM, Worked on Act Two Story Summary
Oct 29th. 11:35PM-11:58PM, Worked on Act Two Story Summary
Oct 30th, 4:26PM-4:52PM, Cleaned up the Script
Nov 2nd, 10:09PM-11:00PM, worked on Act Two Story Summary
Nov 3rd, 10:25AM-10:57AM; worked on Act Two Story Summary.
Nov 10th, 11:42PM-12:37AM, worked on Act One Scenes One and Two
Nov 13th, 2:30AM-5:25AM, Worked on Prologue, Act One Scenes One, Two, Five, Six, Nine
Nov 13th, 12:02PM- 12:50PM,Finished Act One Scene Two,
Nov 13th, 11:43PM-12:30AM, Finished Act One Scene Ten
Nov 14th, 12:54AM-1:15AM, Worked on Act One Climax
Nov 15th, 11:15-11:40PM, worked on Act One Climax
Nov 16th, 10:27PM-10:44PM, worked on Act One Scene Seven
Nov. 16th: 11:10-11:29PM, worked on Act One Climax
Nov. 18th: 10:00PM-11:25PM, Cleaned up Act One Story Summary, and Act Two Story
Nov. 19th: 12:10PM-12:33PM,
Nov. 20th: 1:05AM-2:19AM: Finished Project Altius Story Summary
Nov. 24th, 4:45AM-6:24AM, Cleaned up Project Altius Story Summary
Nov. 26, 3:41PM- 4:16PM, Cleaned up the script
Nov. 26th: 5:40PM-6:07PM, further cleaned up the Story Summary
Dec. 4th, 2:36AM-3:31AM, Changed the prologue and added a new scene in Act Two Story
Dec. 5th, 11:00AM- 12:04AM, Changed The Characters Roger White Purpose in the Story. He
now dies in the prologue. Applied these changes to the Story Summary, which caused changes
to the Prologue, Act One Scenes Three, Five, Seven, and Nine.
Dec. 7th, 3:47PM- 4:57PM, worked on Act One Scene Five
Dec 8th, 7:25PM-7:47PM, changed some of the dialogue in Act One Scene Two
7:57PM-9:17PM, worked on Act One Scene Three and Five
11:08PM-11:55PM, finished Act One Scene Five
12:20AM- 12:42PM, worked on Act One Scene Three
Dec. 9th. 4:15PM- 4:38PM
11:40PM-12:52AM, Finished Act One Scene Three.
Dec. 10th, 11:59PM-12:49PM, Cleaned up Act One Scene Three, Five, Started work on Act
One Scene Six
Dec 11th, 11:02AM-11:20AM, Worked on Act One Scene Four
11:57AM- 12:47PM, Worked on Act One Scene Four
Dec 12th, 9:52PM- 10:13PM
Dec. 13th, 3:50PM-4:08PM, Updated the Story Summary in accordance to story changes made
during writing the script.
4:27PM-4:58PM, Updated the Story Summary in accordance to story changes made
during writing the script.
5:18PM- 5:53PM, Finished updating the Story Summary in accordance to story changes
made during writing the script.
Dec. 17th, 3:38AM- 4:08AM, Cut Act Two Scene Eight, rewrote much of Act Two Scene Seven
and most of Epilogue in story summary.
6:23AM- 6:54AM
Dec. 21st, 1:23-2:03AM, Changed Act Two Scenes Three (adding a scene that fleshes out
Emily Morgan's character more) which as a result changes were made to Act Two Scenes Four
(removed Edgar from the scene), five, and six in Story Summary
Dec. 22nd, 5:40PM-6:00PM, worked on story summary
6:29PM-6:40PM, worked on Story summary
Dec. 23rd, 3:10PM-3:41PM, Rewrote Act Two Scene Eight in S tory Summary
Dec 24th, 3:13AM-3:35AM, Finished Act One Scene Five in Script, worked on Act One Scene
Dec. 24th, 2:55PM-3:21PM. Worked on Act One Scene Two and removed some dialogue from
Act One Scene One in script
Dec. 26th, 2:40-3:00PM. Rewrote some of Act One Scene Eleven in story summary
Dec 27th, 12:25AM-12:54AM, added changes to the s cripts Prologue in accordance to
changes with Story Summary
12:58AM-3:39AM. Removed dialogue from Martin, Bryan, Timekeeper, and Roger in
Prologue. Cut down on Alexs monologue in Act One Scene One, cut down some of Normas
monologue in Act One Scene Two, cut down some of Cassius and Normas scene in Act One
Scene Two, changed some of the ATC members dialogue in Act One Scene Three, cut down
some of Franklin and Alexs dialogue in Act One Scene Four, incorporated more dialogue for
senators in Act One Scene Four, changed some of Bryans dialogue in Act One Scene Six,
worked on and finished Act One Scene Seven of the script.
4:43AM-5:33AM. Worked on Act One Scene Six in Script.
1:28PM-2:20PM. Finished Act One Scene Six, tweaked dialogue in Act One Scene
Seven. Started work on Act One Scene Eight in Script.
Dec. 28th, 3:22AM-4:26AM, rewrote dialogue in Act One Scene Two and worked on Act One
Scene Four in Script.
4:30PM-6:19PM, Cleaned up the Story Summary in order to make it easier to read.
January 2nd, 12:00AM-2:30AM, Worked on Act Two of Story Summary
6:24PM-8:20PM, Cleaned up the Story Summary to make it more readable
Jan. 3rd: 8:08AM-10:00AM, Cleaned up dialogue in Prologue and Act One Scene Two. Finished
Act One Scene Four in Script.
10:10AM-10:28AM- Cleaned up Dialogue in Prologue and Act One Scene Four
12:26PM-3:00PM, worked on and Finished Act One Scene Seven
6:00PM-9:15PM, worked on and finished Act One Scenes Eight, Nine, Ten, and Eleven
Jan. 4th. 1:20AM-2:09AM Cleaned up dialogue in Act One Scene Ten (now Scenes Ten and
Eleven have been merged into Ten)
Jan. 8th, 12:03AM-12:49AM, Changed Dialogue in Prologue to Address Great War, started
changing last part of Section One Scene Four. Started making appropriate changes to Story
Jan. 12th, 4:14PM-4:32PM, Removed the character Lance from the script. Made the appropriate
changes to Scenes Two and Six.
Jan 13th, 11:50-12:06AM, Removed the characters Rick and Charlie and made the appropriate
Jan 14th, 12:34AM-1:08AM, Made further changes to the Story Summary.
Jan. 15th, 12:21AM-12:52AM, Added Lance back into the Story to fix a writer's block, made the
appropriate changes
Jan 16th, 4:44PM-5:52PM, worked on Act One Scene Eleven in Script
7:25PM-8:32PM, Finished Act One Scene Eleven, worked on Act One Scene Twelve
10:06PM-11:14PM, FInished Act One Scene Twelve. Worked on Act One Scene
Jan. 17th, 3:33PM-5:51PM, Finished Act One of Project Altius
10:07PM-10:29PM, Cleaned up the scripts dialogue, added more dialogue for
10:40PM-11:44PM, Cleaned up some of scripts dialogue, completed importing changes
from Story Summary to the script.
Jan. 18th, 4:15PM-4:34PM, Reintegrated Rick into Act One
4:50PM-5:51PM, Retooled Alexs dialogue
6:07PM-6:15PM, Continued retooling Alexs dialogue.
2:52AM-3:57AM, Finished retooling Alexs dialogue, Added appropriate changes to Story
Summary, Changed some dialogue in Act One Scenes Ten, Eleven, and Thirteen.
4:03AM-4:23AM, further retooled dialogue in Scene Thirteen.
Jan. 21st, 11:18PM- 12:48AM, Finished Act Two Prologue.
Jan. 24th, 12:42PM-1:44AM, remade some dialogue in Act Two Prologue, worked on Act Two
Scene Two
Jan. 24th, 9:08PM-9:33PM, Changed dialogue in Act Two Prologue
Jan. 25th, 11:20PM-12:24AM, Finished Act Two Scene One.
Jan. 26th, 12:25-12:34AM, started work on Act Two Scene Two
8:26AM-8:52AM, made appropriate changes to Act Two Prologue, scenes one, two, and
three, in Story Summary
10:45PM-11:38PM, worked on Act Two Scene Two
12:04AM-1:11AM, finished Act Two Scene Two
4:25PM-450PM- Worked on Act Two Scene Three.
Feb. 9th, 11:55-12:03AM Reworked Nothingness monologue in Act Two Scene Two
Feb. 12th, 12:49AM-1:08AM, made changes to dialogue in Act One Scene Four and Nine to
reflect changes to backstory (world suffering through a nuclear winter due to Great War)
Feb. 13th, 1:04AM-1:35AM, made changes to Act One Scene Three and Fives dialogue. Fixed
an inconsistency with dates and time that was apparent in Scenes Five and Six.
Feb. 14th, 4:06-5:13PM. Fixed up dialogue in Act One Scenes two, three, six in script. Imported
changes from script into Story Summary, as well as removing The Palace description from Act
Two Scene Seven in Story Summary.
5:30PM-6:00PM, Cleaned up dialogue in Act Two Scenes One, Two
7:15PM-7:37PM, Cleaned up dialogue in Act One Scene Three & Four.
11:15PM-12:01AM, Worked on Act Two Scene Three
Feb. 18th, 10:00-10:37AM, Changed the Omar & Bryan section of Act One Scene Three to fix
plot hole (how do characters that shouldn't know about Bryans condition know about it?). This
also makes Nothingness actions in Scene Two more relevant to plot.
3:05-3:29PM, Cleaned up dialogue
10:50PM-11:45PM, Worked on Act Two Scene Three
Feb. 20th, 3:44PM-3:55PM, Added dialogue to the end of the senate section to add
foreshadowing to beginning of Scene Five. Slightly adjusted Timekeepers monologue to
Feb. 23rd, 9:34PM-12:11AM, Worked on and finished Act Two Scene Three. Made appropriate
changes to Story Summary
Feb. 27th, 3:40PM- 3:55PM, worked on Act Two Scene Four
March 1st, 8:25AM-9:09AM, worked on Act Two Scene Four
12:05PM-12:32PM: Finished Act Two Scene Four
8:45PM- 8:58PM, worked on Act Two Scene Five
March 2nd, 10:39PM-11:34PM, worked on Act Two Scene Five
March 5th, 4:00PM-5:00PM, worked on Act Two Scene Five
5:10-5:26, finished Act Two Scene Five
March 7th, 10:14PM-10:49PM, Worked on Act Two Scene Six
March 8th, 9:03AM-9:12AM, Worked on Act Two Scene Six
9:18AM-9:24AM, Worked on Act Two Scene Six
March 12th, 4:50PM-5:01PM. Changed some of Heathers dialogue in Act Two Scene Two
10:49PM-12:26AM, Finished Act Two Scene Six. Worked on Scene Seven
10:10PM-11:33PM, Finished Act Two Scene Seven
March (13-16?)- 11:37PM-11:45PM: Worked on Act Two Scene Eight
March (13-16?)- 10:20PM-10:45PM, Updated the Story Summary slightly
March 17th, 4:11PM-4:45PM, Worked on Act Two Scene Eight
12:50AM- 1:02AM, Worked on Act Two Scene Eight
March 18th, 10:53PM-12:01AM, Worked on Act Two Scene Eight
March 20th, 1:25PM-1:36PM, Worked on Act Two Scene Eight
8:25PM-9:08PM, Finished Act Two Scene Eight, worked on Act Two Scene Nine
11:02PM- 11:46PM, worked on Act Two Scene Nine
March, 21st, 10:15AM-10:32AM, tweaked dialogue in Heather/Nothingness section of Act Two
Scene Two, slightly shortened dialogue between Emily and Edgar in same scene. Added
causes of death in Omar's speech in Act Two Scene Three.
6:10PM-7:17PM, Worked on and finished Act Two Scene Nine
10:23PM- 10:40PM, Worked on Epilogue
10:53PM- 11:37PM, Worked on Epilogue
March 22nd, 10:24AM- 10:43AM, adjusted some of Nothingness dialogue in Act Two Scene
Six, and removed his appearance at the end of Act Two Prologue. Added him back into the end
of Epilogue.
10:48AM-11:53AM, rewrote some of Cassius and Jacks dialogue in Act Two Scene Six
2:11PM-2:49PM, added stage actions to Act Two Scene Five fight. Expanded and
rewrote Edgar & Heather section of Epilogue.
3:10PM-3:25PM, Finished Epilogue. Finished Project Altius: A Psychological
10: 30-11:34AM, rewrote Edgar & Heather section of Act Two Prologue
11:36-11:46AM, rewrote some of Edgar & Emily interaction in Act Two Scene Three

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