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Marathas - > Peasant Warriors From Western Deccan ( Sultans of Bijapur & Ahmadna

gar )
1. Adil shahi was a Jagir under delhi sultanate.
2. Shahji Bhosle generated huge revenues from declining vijaya nagara empire & F
rom Rulers of Mysore.
Shivaji - 1627 born - inherited jagir of poona. - Conquered many forts Kondana ,
chakan, toran,purandhar, rajgarh,supa & panhala.
1. Bijapur sultan sent afzhal khan -> shivaji killed him.
2. Aurangazeb sent ->Shaista Khan -> Shivaji lost poona. Shivaji again attacked
and captured ahmednagar, Surat.
3. Aurangazeb sent Raja Jai Singh -> He rounded shivaji and opened negotiations
with him and took over 23 out of his 35 forts by signing ( Treaty of Purandhar i
n 1665).Shivaji was arrested in Agra . BY 1674 he recaptured all his forts and w
as given the title "Chatrpathi". and During Capturing Karnataka he died in 1680.
4. Shambaji & Rajaram sons of Shivaji tried for succession. Shambaji was success
ful but was killed by mughals & RajaRam was made to flee to Ginjee Fort.
Ministry :
1. Peshwas - General & Finance Administration ( Prime minister)
4.Majumdar(Amatya) - Revenue & Accounts.
5.Waqenavis (Mantri ) - Intelligence & home affairs.
6.Sumant (Dabir ) -Master of ceremonies.
7.Pandit Rao (Sadar) - Religious Ceremony.
8.Surnavis (Sachiv) : Master of Ceremonies

Taxes :
1. Lands were classified in to paddy fields, Hilly Tracks & garden Lands ( Tax w
as collected by Kulkarnies )
2. Chauth 1/4 of land revenue to prevent marathas raid & Sardeshmukhi (10 % on h
eridetary Lands).
Peshwas :
1. Balaji Vishwanath (1713 - 1720 )
2. Baji Rao I ( 1720 - 40 )
3. Balaji Baji Rao ( 1740 - 61)
4. Mahadev Rao (1761 - 72)
5.Narayan Rao ( 1772 -73)
6.Swami Mahadev Rao ( 1773 - 95)
7. Baji Rao Ji ( 1795 - 1818

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