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Diagnosis Mesin Listrik

Deterioration of the Rotating Machine
In a rotating machine, the problem of insulated
deterioration is mainly stator coil.
Deterioration Deterioration Conventional
factors mechanism diagnostic methods

Corruption on the Fall of surface insulation DC insulation

surface of a coil resistance resistance
Increase of leakage current
Moisture Permeation of moisture
absorption of a coil inside an insulation layer
Partial discharge
Amount of PD
Heat, Heat cycle, Increase and expansion of voids No. of PD
Electromagnetic Delamination PD initiation phase
force Cracks
The rate of current
Voltage Deterioration by heat, UV, ozone Voltage on which
application current increases rapidly
Increase and expansion of voids
Delamination tan

Deterioration and diagnostic method of stator coil

Conventional Diagnostic Methods for Rotating Machine

Conventional diagnostic methods

Methods Investigation Measurement item
Insulation Moisture The value of insulation resistance :
resistance absorption and R1(1min.), R10(10min.)
DC leakage Moisture PI = I1 / I10 (=R1 / R10)
current absorption and
AC current degradation 1)Voltage in case current increases rapidly
loss inside an (The 1st time : Pi1, The 2nd time : Pi2)
insulation layer 2)I = (I I0) / I0 x100%
Dielectric Moisture tan = tanE tan 0
loss absorption
inside an
insulation layer
Partial Degradation The amount of maximum partial discharge : qm
discharge inside an
insulation layer
Judgment Standard of Conventional Diagnostic Methods
(Result of the Questionnaire to 13 Organizations)

PI = I1 / I10

Good Defect Good Defect Good Defect

3kV 6kV 11kV

Rated voltage

DC leakage current measurement

Judgment Standard of Conventional Diagnostic Methods
(Result of the Questionnaire to 13 Organizations)
The rate of increase
of current (%)


Good Defect Good Defect Good Defect

3kV 6kV 11kV
Rated voltage

AC loss current measurement

: Applied voltage is rated voltage E

: Applied voltage is 1.25E/3
Judgment Standard of Conventional Diagnostic Methods
(Result of the Questionnaire to 13 Organizations)
tan (%)


Good Defect Good Defect Good Defect

3kV 6kV 11kV
Rated voltage
Dielectric loss measurement

: Applied voltage is rated voltage E

: Applied voltage is 1.25E/3
: Applied voltage is E/3
Judgment Standard of Conventional Diagnostic Methods
(Result of the Questionnaire to 13 Organizations)
The amount of maximum
partial discharge qm (pC)

Good Defect Good Defect Good Defect

3kV 6kV 11kV
Rated voltage
Partial discharge measurement

: Applied voltage is rated voltage E

: Applied voltage is 1.25E/3
: Applied voltage is E/3
New Diagnostic Methods for Rotating Machine

Conventional diagnostic methods

Improvement in
diagnostic accuracy

New diagnostic methods

Methods Characteristics
Neural pattern recognition D-map method (life-expectancy presuming
system using tap tone method) is rectified according to delamination
signals condition in insulation layer which is shown by
tap tone signal.
On-line partial discharge On-line PD measurement is carried out using
(PD) measurement using resistive temperature detector (RTD).
resistive temperature Deterioration is estimated by the trend of PD.
detector (RTD)
Method using optical fiber The degree of light absorption estimates
sensor thermal deterioration of insulating materials.
On-line gas monitoring by On-line mass-spectrum analysis in hydrogen gas
chemical analysis (mass- is carried out, and specification of overheating
spectrometric method) material or overheating spot is performed.
Neural Pattern Recognition System Using Tap Tone Signals

Computer On-site generator,

only coil end positions
Neural pattern H
can be tapped.
recognition system W
of spectrum

Evaluation of tap Coil

tone signals

FFT Computer
analyzer Insulation (a)
Neural Pattern
Recognition System
Microphone Conductor of Spectrum W

of Any
Tap Tone Signals
positions can be tapped
after removed from core slot.

Schematic diagram of
Fig.1 Schematic of Tap Tone Analysis System
diagnostic system Tapping position
Neural Pattern Recognition System Using Tap Tone Signals
(a) Equivalent Initial (b) Single Delamination (c) Multiple Delamination
(a) Equivalent Initial (b) Single delamination (c) Multiple delamination
Sound Insulation Early Stage of Deterioration Middle and Later Stage of
Sound insulation Early stage of deterioration Deterioration
Middle and later stage
Few delaminations One or a few delaminations of deterioration
Some Delamination
FewFew Delamination
voids One or
Few a few Delamination
voids Some
Few Void A few Void Many voids
Some crack
Some cracks
(Surface) Delamination Delamination Crack Void

Insulation layer


Qmax may be little. Qmax may be fairly large. Qmax may be large.
Qmax may be little Qmaxmay
may be fairly large Qmax may be large
BI: may
CoilbeB high enough. BDV
CS: Coil be
C high. CM: may
BDV CoilbeC low.
BDV may be Initial
Equivalent high enough BDVDelamination
Single may be high BDV may
Multiple be low
(a) (b) (c)
Fig.3 Insulation Layer Models

Horizontal Insulation
axis Frequency 25Hz10kHz
model and tap tone Vertical axisspectrum
1/3-octave Relative magnitude
Besaran Ukur
Tahanan isolasi
Polarization Index
Tan d
Charging Current
Partial discharge
Faktor-faktor penting:
Kondisi permukaan
Struktur geometri

Kenaikan temperatur menaikkan harga tahanan isolasi.

Rc = Kt x Rt

Rc adalah tahanan isolasi pada 40oC

Kt adalah faktor koreksi pada temperatur t
Rt tahanan isolasi pada temperatur t
Tegangan uji

Biasanya DC 500 V hingga 5000 V.

Rm minimum pada 40oC untuk keseluruhan belitan
dalam MW :
Rm = kV + 1
KV:rating tegangan antar terminal dari
mesin dalam kV rms.
Kondisi isolasi yang baik biasanya mempunyai
tahanan isolasi antara 10 100 kali
harga minimum atau bahkan lebih besar.
Lamanya pemberian tegangan uji dapat mempengaruhi
hasil pengukuran tahanan isolasi.
Indeks polarisasi didefinisikan sebagai perbandingan
antara tahanan isolasi pada 10 menit dengan tahanan
isolasi pada 1 menit (R10m/R1m).
Rekomendasi harga minimum indeks polarisasi isolasi
mesin listrik menurut IEEE adalah :
Isolasi Kelas A 1,5
kelas B adalah 2.0
F adalah 2.0.
Gambar 1-a Tahanan isolasi sebagai
fungsi waktu pada uji DC 1000 V
Tahanan Isolasi (Mega Ohm)

5000 R
4000 S
3000 T
2000 T
0:00 2:24 4:48 7:12 9:36 12:00
Waktu (menit)

Fasa T menunjukkan tahanan isolasi terendah

Gambar 1-b: Arus bocor sebagai fungsi waktu
pada uji DC 1000 V
Arus (mikro Ampere)

6 R
5 S
4 T
3 Arus bocor
1 fasa T lebih
0:00 2:24 4:48 7:12 9:36 12:00
besar dari fasa
Waktu (menit) R dan S
Arus (mikro Ampere)

1.2 R
1 S
0.8 T
0.6 T
0.2 R,S
0:00 2:24 4:48 7:12 9:36 12:00
Waktu (menit)
Tabel 2-a: Tahanan Isolasi dan PI
Waktu 5 detik 10 detik 1 menit 10 menit
(MW) (MW) (MW) (MW) PI
R 110,8 627,7 2380 6677 2,81

S 114,3 667,8 2550 6425 2,52

T 109,5 570,9 1511 2389 1,58

Standar:ANSI/IEEE Std. 43-1974 : IEEE
Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation of
Rotating Machinery

Untuk penilaian digunakan Rt

isolasi pada 1 menit yang
dikonversikan pada suhu 40oC
(Rc). Pengukuran dilakukan pada
suhu sekitar 30oC. Rc=Kt x Rt
Kt pada 30oC adalah 0,5 sehingga
harga Rc dalam MW adalah
sebagai berikut :
Tahanan isolasi 1 menit pada 40oC
Fasa Tahanan Isolasi (MW)
R 1190
S 1225
T 755,5
Rm minimum pada 40oC untuk keseluruhan belitan dalam MW :
Rm = kV + 1
Atau per fasa Rm = 3(kV + 1)
KV:rating tegangan antar terminal dari mesin dalam kV rms.
Untuk Generator 23 kV maka Rm = 24 MW (total) atau 72 MW (per fasa)
Kondisi isolasi yang baik biasanya mempunyai tahanan isolasi antara 10
100 kali harga minimum atau bahkan lebih besar. Kisaran tahanan isolasi
yang baik menurut IEEE antara 720 MW 7200 MW. Dengan demikian maka
angka tahanan isolasi masih masuk dalam kategori baik. Meskipun demikian
untuk fasa T harganya relatif jauh dari fasa R dan S maka disarankan
dilakukan pembersihan dan pemanasan supaya tahanan isolasi lebih besar.
Hubungan waktu pengeringan
dengan tahanan isolasi dan PI

Time (hour)
Tipikal hubungan waktu pengujian
dan tahanan isolasi dan PI
Kelas Isolasi Menurut VDE

Table 1
Klasifikasi Isolasi berdasar Temperatur Operasi

Klas Y A E B F H C

T maks. (oC) 90 105 120 130 155 180 >180


Tan d

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 U/Un

Losses naik dengan naiknya tegangan

Harga maksimum tan d untuk stator bar mesin listrik menurut VDE
1 2 3 4 5

tan d 0.2 (tan d0.6-tan d0.2)/2 Dtan d setiap interval (0.2 Un)

95% dari 5% sisa 95 % dari 5 % sisa
spesimen spesimen spesimen spesimen

0.04 0.0025 0.003 0.005 0.006

Faktor disipasi (Tan d)
Gambar 2-a

DDF (%)



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Voltage (kV)

Upw ard Dow nw ard

Posisi partial discharge
Gambar 23-a: Pulse Height Chart fasa R

PD cukup besar
PD positif dominan
lokasi di simiconductive
Biasanya di sisi coil dalam
slot atau sudut coil atau
Ambar 23-b: Pulse Height Chart fasa S

PD sedang
PD positif dominan
Gambar 23-c: Pulse Height Chart fasa T

PD sangat
PD positif
Gambar 24a: Kurva q-q-n fasa R
Gambar 24b: Kurva q-q-n fasa S
Gambar 24c: Kurva q-q-n fasa T
Gambar 25: NQN fasa R,S dan T pada 13 kV
Gambar 26: Qmax fasa R,S dan T pada 13 kV
Gambar 27a: Pola q-n hasil phasa A pengukuran
Adwell Mesin normal, Un = 21 kV

Green-positive pulses, Unit 3

Black-negative pulses, Unit 3
Red-positive pulses, Unit 4
Blue-negative pulses, Unit 4
Gambar 27b: Pola q-n hasil phasa B
pengukuran Adwell Mesin normal , Un=21 kV

Green-positive pulses, Unit 3

Black-negative pulses, Unit 3
Red-positive pulses, Unit 4
Blue-negative pulses, Unit 4
Gambar 27c: Pola q-n hasil phasa C pengukuran
Adwell Mesin normal, Un = 21 kV

Green-positive pulses, Unit 3

Black-negative pulses, Unit 3
Red-positive pulses, Unit 4
Blue-negative pulses, Unit 4
Gambar 28a: Pola q-n hasil phasa A pengukuran
Adwell Mesin normal, Un = 19 kV

Red-positive pulses, the first test

Blue-negative pulses, the first test
Green-positive pulses, the second test
Black-negative pulses, the second test
Yellow-positive pulses, the third test
Gray-negative pulses, the third test
Ambar 28b: Pola q-n hasil phasa B pengukuran
Adwell Mesin normal, Un = 19 kV

Red-positive pulses, the first test

Blue-negative pulses, the first test
Green-positive pulses, the second test
Black-negative pulses, the second test
Yellow-positive pulses, the third test
Gray-negative pulses, the third test
Gambar 28c: Pola q-n hasil phasa C
pengukuran Adwell Mesin normal, Un = 19 kV

Red-positive pulses, the first test

Blue-negative pulses, the first test
Green-positive pulses, the second test
Black-negative pulses, the second test
Yellow-positive pulses, the third test
Gray-negative pulses, the third test

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