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Guiding the oppressed subjects by

publicly confounding Nimrod

Is Nimrod God? Examine the unknown proposition

God brings sun How could this be known through

Why did Abraham us inference?
inferenceGathering propositions
Nimrod connon that we do know. His method

Arrange the propositions

Determine conclusion
1.Examining the Unknown
2. Gathering the known Inference is voluntary necessary he must know everything
propositions He has known for eternity
3. Arranging those propositions Beginningless never began to know
After inference= the conclusion is Attribute of Knowledge he does not learn or infer
its possible for us not to know
All points of knowledge they came contingent
Human everything that we know.
with are inferential knowledge. Every Messenger used Inference
Created we began to know after we did not.
Using there mind to infer Dont you use your mind? Why should we do inference?
The fact i am listening to this
to know and believe in God and his It is the first obligation of every Why do we need Logic? lecture
Messenger. human being.
Knowledge that we know without one is half of two
Daroori (non-inferential) examples
Know that there is not God except having to infer.
This is inferential knowledge The fact that fire burns.
The Quran commands inference
All commands to believe in Types of Human Knowledge Every eect has a cause
theology God exists.
He pointed that the logic needed in Muhammad is the messenger of God.
these sciences are very intricate. the knowledge of anyone does not Nadhari (inferential) Knowledge that we gain through inference. examples
know logic should not be trusted Pythagorean theorem
Logic trains the mind to make Imam Ghazali
correct inference. Laws of physics
The questions of all the sciences
Thus it is a communal obligation in are inferential .
this context.
Religious scholarship is not based
on knowledge not on Dogma
Logic increases in importance in Note: Inference does not alway
times of confusion need the study of Logic (see
increase in complexity Sahaba)

There is much dierence inferential

This is what Ghazali called his text We need a criterion to know whos How do you go for non-inferential
knowledge (existence of God for
the criteria of knowledge reasoning is correct. to inferential knowledge?

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