Course Status: Compulsory Year: 3 Semester: 6: RD TH

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Mechanical Vibration (Meng 4122)

Course Code Meng 4122 Academic Year: 20_____/_____

Course Title Mechanical Vibration Pre-requisite: Mechanisms of
Machinery( Meng 3121)
Degree program B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering Course Status: Compulsory
Module Advanced Mechanics Year: 3rd
Module coordinator NA Semester: 6th
Lecturer From Mechanical Engineering Staff
ECTS Cr.Hrs.
Grade Point
5 3
Lecturer Tutorial Practical /Laboratory Home study
Contact Hours
2 2 1 5
Name Address
Information ________ Room NO._____ Class Hours __
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, students would be able to:
Make vibration analysis,
Know the different causes of vibration,
Know the three types of vibrations (transversal, axial and torsional),
Develop a model for vibration analysis,
Make transient and steady state vibration analysis of single and multi degree of freedom
systems, and
Develop the necessary skills required to control vibrations.

Course Description:
Introduction to Mechanical vibration; Modeling of dynamic systems; Single-degree of
freedom system; Multi-degree of freedom system; Whirling of shafts; Torsional
vibrations; Causes of vibrations; Introduction to vibration control and measurements.

Course Content:
1 Introduction:
1 Why we study vibration?;
2 Kinematics of vibrations
2 Introduction to Modeling:
1 Mechanical modeling;
2 Mechanical elements;
3 Continuous system elements
3 Single Degree of Freedom System:
1 Undamped free vibration;
2 Damped free vibration:
1 Viscous damping;
2 Columb damping;
3 Hysterisis damping (optional)
4 Forced Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom System:
1 Mechanical models and equations of motion;
2 General solution of the equation of motion;
3 Application of SDOF system
5 Two Degree of Freedom System:
1 Free undamped vibration;
2 Free vibration with damping;
3 Forced vibration
6 Multi-Degree of Freedom System:
1 Generalized coordinates;
2 Derivation of the equations of motion;
3 Free undamped vibration;
4 Forced vibration;
5 Approximate methods: Rayleigh method, Dunkerlys method, Holzers method,
Matrix iteration method(Optional), Jacobis method (optional)
7 Whirling of Shafts
8 Torsional Vibration
9 Causes of Vibration and Control:
1 Causes of vibration;
2 Vibration control

Laboratory Exercise:
Exercises using Torsional Vibration Apparatus, Free and Forced Vibration Apparatus,
Whirling of Shafts apparatus.

Teaching & Learning Methods:

Lectures supported by tutorials,
Assignments, and
Project work;

Assessment/Evaluation & Grading System:

Assignments/tutorial 10 %,
Lab & Project Work 15 %,
Mid-semester Examination 25 %,
Final Examination 50%.
Attendance Requirements:
Minimum of 80% attendance during lecture hours; and 100% attendance during practical
work sessions, except for some unprecedented mishaps. Presence during industrial

Palm II, William J. (2006); Mechanical Vibration,
S.Graham Kelly (2000); Fundamental of Mechanical vibration 2nd ed.
Rao, S.S (2003); Mechanical Vibrations, 4th ed.
Thomson, E.S. (1997); Theory of Vibrations with Applications, 5th ed.,
Leul, F. (1996); Introduction to Mechanical Vibrations, Addis Ababa University Press,

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