COST - Poster - Hamer Et Al. Population Analyses and PAH Metabolites - Final

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COST Action FA1004, 4th Conference on Conservation Physiology of Marine Fishes, Thessaloniki, Greece

Population analyses (cox1 gene) and bile PAH

metabolites content of commercial fishes
along Adriatic coast

Ana BARIEVI1, Victor S. PERUSCO2, Nikola MEDI2, Bojan HAMER1

1 Ruer Bokovi Institute, Center for Marine Research, LMMB, Giordana Paliage 5, 52210 Rovinj, Croatia
2 Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Preradovieva 1, 52100 Pula, Croatia


Introduction Methods
Bile PAH metabolites content in selected -Fluorimetric fish bile PAH metabolites
commercial species Mugil spp., Sarpa salpa determination (FF290/335, 341/383 and
and Mullus barbatus purchased from local fish 380/430 nm)
markets (Fig. 1): Ploe (F2-Pl), Split (F4-St), -genomic DNA preparation of liver tissue Figure 5. Mugilidae species seatled in the Adriatic Sea.
ibenik (F5-i), Rijeka (F8-Ri) and Rovinj (F9- -P C R a m p l i f i c a t i o n , p u r i f i c a t i o n a n d
Ro) were analyzed as a biomarker of organism sequencing of CO1 gene using universal fish
exposure to oil and possible indicator of marine barcoding primer pair: F 5'-TCGACTAA
Results & Discussion
environment quality (1, 2). Local fish markets TCATAAAGATATCGGGAC-3 and R 5-ACTT C D
were used because was not possible to catch CAGGGTGACCGAAGAATCAGAA-3' The results sort out NAPH-type metabolites as
chosen species at selected sites during sea -NCBI BLAST service major measures exposure of fish to two-ring PAHs
water and mussel sampling campaign in the -Sequence alignments and analysis (Geneious where the majority of chemicals are NAPH and its
frame of our national biomonitoring pilot project 7.1.7, Biomatters Ltd.). derivatives (Fig. 3). Further total sum values of all
Coastal cities water pollution control project 2 three fish species ranked fish contaminant
(3). exposure at investigated areas as follows:
Fishes were selected according their food F5>F9>F4>F2>F8 (without values of fish Sarpa
web positions: Mugil (water column, carnivore), salpa: F5> F4>F8>F2>F9). So, we can say Rovinj
Sarpa (water column, herbivore) and Mullus area (F9) is less contaminated and ibenik (F5)
(benthic, detritovore) (Fig. 2). has a higher pollution load on the basis of NAPH-
PAH metabolites were analyzed in fish type metabolites analyses.
bile by means of fixed wavelength fluorescence Total fish species average NAPH-type
(FF) measurement using fluorimeter excitation/ metabolites values indicated that fish Sarpa salpa
emission wavelength pairs 290/335, 341/383, has in general highest contaminant loads
and 380/430 nm. By FF290/335, mainly (36790), Mullus barbatus (32352), and then
naphthalene type of metabolites, typically
A) Mugil spp. (22062). Further, results indicate
associated with petroleum products are C)
mostly naphthalene-type fish exposure (pollution)
detected, benzo[a]pyrene type of metabolites cca 10-30 times higher values for FF290/335
are best detected by FF380/430 and by (30491), than two other types FF341/383 (246)
FF341/383 mainly pyrene-derived metabolites. and FF380/430 (144).
The population analysis of mitochondrial The barcoding analysis of CO1 gene was
reference marker gene cytochrome oxidase applied to identify purached fish species, because
subunit 1 (CO1) was applied as tool for fish identification is difficult in case of close related
specimens identification (barcoding) and fishes, and especially when morphological
determination of abundance of possible characters have been removed during sampling.
haplotypes (4). The PCR amplification of CO1 gene of the Red
Mullet (Mullus barbatus) was not succesful. The
Salema (Sarpa salpa) was proved as single
species with few haplotypes at whole investigated
area, but fishes purchased as Mugil spp. were
identified by sequencing and DNA analyses
(blastn, NCBI) as 3 species (Liza aurata, L.
ramada and Chelon labrosus) (Fig.4). The
morphometric characteristics of family Mugilidae
Figure 2. Comercial fishes purached from local fish markets species settled in Mediterranean (8) are minimal
along Adriatic coast: A) Mullus barbatus, B) Sarpa salpa and and only 6 of them inhabited the Adriatic Sea (Fig.
C) Mugil spp.. 5).

Figure 1. Map of investigated areas covered by fisheries

monitoring (dot - fish market, circle fishing area)

Figure 4. Philogenetic tree and CO1 sequence alignment of fishes purached as Mugil spp. with NCBI blastn match: Liza
aurata KC500813, EU392235, L. ramado KC349864, Cheon labrosus JF911706 and outcamer Mugil cephalus KC500933.

1) Coastal cities water pollution control project 2, Part 3.2 Sea water quality monitoring, MENP/M-C-1 Consulting services for the
definition of the Monitoring and Observation system for ongoing assessment of the Adriatic Sea, 2 IBRD 7640/HR, 2013 2014.
2) Aas E., Baussant T., Balk L., Liewenborg B., Andersen O.K. (2000) PAH metabolites in bile, cytochrome P4501A and DNAadducts as
environmental risk parameters for chronic oilexposure: a laboratory experiment with Atlantic cod. Aquatic Toxicology 51: 241258.
3) Lin E.L.C., Cormier S.M., Torsella, J.A. (1996) Fish biliary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites estimated by fixed-wavelength
Figure 3. Spatial distribution bile PAH Naphthalene-type fluorescence: comparison with HPLC-fluorescent detection. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 35: 16-23.
metabolites determined in fish Mugil spp., Sarpa salpa 4) Ward R.D., Hanner R., Hebert P.D.N. (2009) The campaign to DNA barcode all fishes. FISH-BOL, Journal of Fish Biology 74: 329-356.
and Mullus barbatus.

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