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Who needs it?

A Strategic
Who doesnt? Planning

A process where an organization

envisions its future and develops
strategies to achieve that vision.
Why Strategic Planning is Important

1. Defines purpose, establishes goals for the organization.

2. Communicates goals to the organizations stakeholders.
3. Develops a sense of ownership of companys direction.
4. Ensures efficient use company resources via key priorities.
5. Provides a benchmark to measure progress.
6. Builds consensus about where an organization is going.
7. Provides clearer focus and more productive effectiveness.
8. Bridges management and labor.
9. Builds strong teams that solves problems.
10. Provides the glue that keeps the company together.
A Strategic Planning Process
A strategy is a fundamental
change the organization is
about to initiate...

Strategies should be developed

after market evaluations and
substantial organizational
1. An Organizational Vision
2. Functional Mission Statement
3. SWOT Analysis
4. Driving Forces
5. Organizational Values
6. Strategic Profiles that Meets the Vision
7. Current Performance Levels
8. Measuring Gaps
9. Goals to Close Gaps
10.Annual Operating Plans
A Strategic Planning Process VISION
It all starts with the vision.
If you cant see it,
you wont reach it.

Vision means future think in terms of 3 to 5

And if there is anything certain about the
future, itll mean change for the organization.
What does the organization look like
5 years from now? Write it down
using the present tense.
A Strategic Planning Process Mission

The work of the organization by

the various functions of the business.

Each part of the organization must

participate in the planning process
to ensure effective communication.
A Strategic Planning Process SWOT

What are the internal, controllable factors

of the organization?

What are the external, unwieldy factors?

Does the organization currently possess
the capacity, expertise, capabilities
to achieve its long range vision?
A Strategic Planning Process Driving
What one factor more than any other
affects the organizations mission?
Without this factor the firm wouldnt
Customers * Community Members *
Employees * Vendors
Ownership * Government * Seasons
Public Opinion * Lenders * Competition
Transportation * Distribution * Geography
A Strategic Planning Process Values

What does the establishment hold


Values define the organizations

A Strategic Planning Process Operating
How will goals be distributed to each
functional area of the organization?
1. The real benefit of the strategic planning process is the process,
not the plan document.
2. There is no "perfect" plan. There's doing your best at strategic
thinking and implementation, and learning from what you're doing
to enhance what you're doing the next time around.
3. The strategic planning process is usually not an "aha!"
experience. It's like the management process itself -- it's a series of
small moves that together keep the organization doing things right
as it heads in the right direction.
4. In planning, things usually aren't as bad as you fear nor as good
as you'd like.
5. Start simple, but start!
It is amazing what you
can accomplish if you
do not care who gets
the credit. Harry S. Truman

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