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Effective Recruitment &

Interview Technique
Modul 3

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University Jakarta, 2006
Structure of Presentation

z Global picture of the topics

z Job Analysis: steps, building a job profile
z Recruitment & selection : sources, methods,
tecniques, and evaluation
z Interview
z Case study
z Suggested readings

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Global picture of the topics (1)
Route Map to Finding and Hiring

Strategic HR Planning


JOB PROFILE Job Evaluation

(job desc,job spec) (job desc,job spec)

Compensation & Benefit
Perfomance Appraisal
other HRM purposes

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Global picture of the topics (2)
HR Infrastructure

Utilizing & Rewarding &

Attracting Terminating
Development Maintaining
Terminating Value ( MAT )
Attracting Performance Plan Compensation
Pension Plan
Man Power Planning Coaching & Counseling Welfare & Benefit
Recruitment & Selection Performance Appraisal Salary Structure
Orientation & Placement Education & Training Employee Punishment
Career Path Employee Relation

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Job Analysis (1)
The nature

Systematically collects, evaluates, and organizes information about


Main focus of analysis : task & responsibilities and personal

qualifications (skill, abilities, knowledge).

Instrument: interview, panel of experts, questionnaires, employee

logs, observation, checklists.

Tahapan :
Identifikasi pekerjaan melalui: struktur organisasi, diskusi
dengan karyawan/penyelia
Pengumpulan data
Penyusunan laporan: job description dan job profile
Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Job Analysis (2)
Job description & job profile

Main areas of job description inquiry:

Title, reporting responsibility, accountability, and
location (geographical & organizational)

Essential tasks, duties and responsibilities

Skills, knowledge and individual abilites required of

the job holder to provide an acceptable level of

Working conditions (physical & social

surroundings), especially if they are unusual.
Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Job Analysis (3)
Job description & job profile

Job profile : the company demands of the job holder.

Examine the job desc carefully

List knowledge, skills and behavior needed
Example : job profile for secretary:
Cooperation: works well with other people.
Takes time to help co-workers, customers and
others achieve their goals and assignments
Typing: types a minimum ofwords/minute.
Familiar with or can learn,word processing

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Recruitment & Selection(1)
Sourcing & methods


Employee Level Sourcing Methods

Non-supervisory Internal source Personal resume
Executive search rotation
External source
Employee testing
vocational schools/universities
on-line database Assessment center
personal network/referrals
employment agencies
executive recruiters Interview
job fairs
advertising Medical examination

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Recruitment & Selection(2)
Employee testing

Test benefit :
provide person-job match profile
forecast success or failures on the job
minimize subjective judgments
uncover potential for improving performance

Types of employee testing:

Job test
Ability test
Aptitude test

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Recruitment & Selection(3)
Employee testing

Test evaluation:
specifically related to the job
administered and scored correctly
trained/qualified personnel
conduct validity and reliability measurement
external criterion
test-retest, alternative form

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Recruitment & Selection(4)
Assessment Center
Essential features:
various procedures of individual assessment are
used in combination with each other:
job and psychological tests
situational tests
behavioral responses
multiple assessors
integrated assessment/triangulation
Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Recruitment & Selection(5)

Main consideration of personal resumes:

Specific work experiences
Progress in each job

Main consideration when check references:

Directory information
Telephone reference checks: dates of
employments, nature of position, work evaluation,
strong & limitation, reason to leave, salary level
confirmation, re-employment possibility,etc
Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Interview (1)
Structure of successful interview

Establishing rapport
Getting a perspective on the applicant background
Obtaining information about applicants education
and experience
Evaluating accomplishments, job-person fit, personal
characteristics and behavior
Giving information about the company & the job
Discussing salary
Closing the interview

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Interview (2)
Establishing rapport

The way to greet: personal welcome

Atmosphere of the interview room:

chair arrangement
no interruption

Interviewer tone during the opening:

small talk
find a common interest

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Interview (3)
Predicting future performance

Use relevant, behavioral past experiences

STAR System:
determine the situation or the task for which the
applicant was responsible
find out what action the applicant took
determine the result of that action

Open-ended question, not a yes-no ones

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Interview (4)
Predicting future performance

Can you work in a team? (X)

Tell me about an important co-operation
experiences. How did you handle it? (OK)

Are you a fast learner? (X)

What kind of materials you think you can
learn best? (OK)

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Interview (5)
Good interviewer

Put applicants at ease

Objective decision despite subjective reactions of
applicants personality and background
Understand and empathize with applicants anxiety
Provide clear understanding about:
compensation & benefit
relocation requirements
travel requirements
starting date
deadline on acceptance of the offer
special job requirements

Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, 2006
Case Study and Suggested Readings

Case Study
Recruitment for new superstores : A-B-Zee by : David Walsh
Source: Winstanley,Diana & Woodall, Jean. (1995). Case Studies in
Personnel. London: Institute of Personnel & Development.

Suggested Readings
DeCampo, Martin. 2005. 11 Ways to cope with uncooperative
hiring managers. In Indonesian Human Resource Handbook. pp.
62-64. Jakarta: ASCORP Handbook Publisher. (terlampir)

Falcone, Paul. 2002. The hiring and firing : Question and answer book.
New York: American Management Association (AMACOM).

Thornton, George. C.III.1992. Assessment Centers in Human Resource

Management. Certified
Massachusetts:Addison-Wesley Publishing
Human Resources Professional (CHRP), Atma Jaya University, Company.
Jakarta, 2006

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