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J1A 014 073



Aryan Agus Pratama

C1C 009 011
Baiq Rien Handayani dan Wiharyani Werdiningsih
Fakultas Teknologi Pangan dan Agroindustri, Universitas Mataram

The purpose of this research was to determine the best length of oven time using
household oven scale compared to laboratory standard oven to improve the
quality and safety of traditional beef jerky ready to eat. The research was designed
using Contrast Orthogonal Polynomial using laboratory oven scale treatment for
15 minutes as a control and household oven scale (oven HOCK) treatment for 0,
5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes. The result showed that there was not significance
difference of household oven scale on the chemical and microbiological quality of
beef jerky; however, the treatment impacted the organoleptic quality (color and
flavor). In general, preferences of the panelists were intended to the jerky
processed with household oven scale. The treatment using this tool was able to
decrease the growth of total microorganism to < 1,0 x 103 CFU/gram which
indicated that the jerky was ready to eat and safe to be consumed. Oven time for
10 minutes using household oven scale was recommended as the best treatment
approach which has similar result indicated by laboratory oven scale.

Keywords : Beef Jerky, Household Oven-scale, Safety Consumption.

Ox is one type of meat and livestock producers have an important role in
meeting the needs of animal protein. NTB besides cattle production regions
generally shipped out the beef directly processed into side dishes. The beef can
also be processed into refined products include beef jerky, meatballs, shredded,
grilled meats, sausages, etc. (Muchtadi, 1989).
Jerky is one processed meat products are preserved (Purnomo, 1996;
Prabowo, 2010). According Sutaryo and Mulyani (2004), jerky is a traditional
processed meat products that are the result of a process of curing and drying.
According to Winarno (1992) in Veerman, Setiyono and Rusman (2011) the
principle that the processing of beef jerky flavored sliced meat, then cured at room
temperature for 24 hours, dried by the sun or artificial heat until the moisture
content reaches 20-25%.
Based on how the drying process of making beef jerky can be made of
traditional and modern. Making jerky is traditionally highly dependent on
weather, temperature, and duration of drying that can not be regulated, as well as
hygiene materials that are not guaranteed because it can be contaminated from
lingkunagan, either dust or other insects, so the quality of jerky traditional still a
lot of doubt, especially food safety ( Bahari, 2007).
According to Harrison and Harrison, Singh and Singh (2006), the bacteria
that cause poisoning in jerky concern to the industry is Salmonella spp,
Escherichia coli O157: H7, and Listeria monocytogenes. Nummer, Harrison and
Harrison, Kendall, Sofos and Andress (2004) stated that the process of making
jerky traditionally does not guarantee the microbiological safety of jerky, which
drying traditionally can not kill the bacteria Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp.,
Staphylococcus sp., And Listeria monocytogenes.
Based on the research results Rahayu (2012), the addition of 2% on the
liquid smoke flavoring and soaking for 18 hours at a traditional beef jerky can
reduce the number of coliform bacteria and fungi on the jerky to <1.0 x 102 cfu /
g. according to Harrison, Harrison, Morrow and Shewflet (2001) In addition to the
addition of preservatives, to improve the security of consumption and lower total
microbial beef jerky traditional place to start is with a technique of soaking meat
in seasoning followed by drying (sun) and ends oven at a temperature 135oC for
10 minutes.
Using different drying temperature oven with warming temperatures jerky
with oven, where the drying temperature 60-66C during 8-11 hours, while
warming temperatures reaching 135C jerky with oven for 10 minutes (Mason,
Evers and Hanley, 2000; Nummer et al., 2004 and Harrison et al., 2001)
.Pemanasan temperature of 135 C for 10 minutes aiming to get ready to eat beef
Oven time system is very important to support food security and until
recently had never done research on length and temperature oven using oven
HOCK to ensure jerky ready to eat and safe for consumption. Therefore, research
on oven time jerky processed traditionally using household oven " HOCK ".
This study aims to determine the best length of oven time using oven
household level to improve the quality and safety of beef jerky consumption
traditionally prepared meal.
The hypotheses of this study : alleged that the oven at a temperature of
135 C for 15 minutes using an oven household can produce beef jerky
traditionally prepared meal with the chemical, physical, organoleptic and
microbiological good so it is safe for consumption.
The method used in this study is an experimental method that is
implemented in the Laboratory.
Research design : the length of oven time as the independent variable will be the
effect on the quality (chemical, organoleptic and microbiological) beef jerky as
the dependent variable. The experimental design used was Polynomial Orthogonal
Contrast completely randomized design for chemical and physical tests,
Polynomial Orthogonal Contrast Random Group for organoleptic tests, as well as
quantitative methods for the microbiological test.
Place and Time Research : This research was conducted at the Laboratory of
Livestock Product Technology Faculty of Animal Science, Laboratory of
Biochemistry and Food Chemistry and Food Microbiology Laboratory of the
Faculty of Food Technology and Agro-industry Mataram University in April-May,
Materials Research : The materials used in the study include: beef parts scrubs
in, spices (including: coriander, garlic, brown sugar, cinnamon, cloves,
supawantu, anise, cumin, pepper, salt and ginger), smoke liquid grade I "lIQUID
SMOKE" (Coco Power, PT. Tropica Nucifera Industry, Bantul, Yogyakarta),
medium Plate Count Agar (PCA) (PGaA, Germany), medium Violet Red Bile
Agar (Vrba) (PGaA, Germany), medium Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) (PGaA,
Germany), phosphate buffer solution, Na2SO4 anhydrous, concentrated H2SO4,
CuSO4, distilled, Zn, 45% NaOH, 0.1N HCl, fenolptalein 1%, alcohol and
Equipment Research : The equipments used in this study include: frozen meat
slicer / slicer (Sirman, Italy), electric oven (MEMMERT, Germany), oven
household (Hock no.2, Indonesia), gas stove (COSMOS), freezer , tool
colorimeter (MSEZ User Manual), pH meters, Boxes of plastic, clip lock,
measuring cup, pipette volume, goblets, knives, trays, basins, scales, pipette, test
tubes, petri dishes, bottles weigh, erlenmeyer, tools titration, analytical balance,
pumpkin kjedhal, label paper, gloves, desiccator, termodigital, gas stoves,
stationery, and other laboratory equipment.
Preparation Equipment
a. All the equipments are prepared for the need of making jerky.
b. Box for transporting the meat is cleaned by washing and sterilized with hot
c. Meat slicer is cleaned of all types of dirt with disinfectant and alcohol.
Preparation of Raw Materials :
a.Sorting b.washing
c.Draining d.packing
e.Freezing f.Incision
g.Refreshment Back (thawing) h.weighing Meat
i.Preparation Seasoning j.mixing
k.Submersion l.clothes line
m.Heating with the oven (roasting)
The parameters observed in this study is the quality of beef jerky
traditionally prepared meal, include the nature of the chemical, physical,
organoleptic and microbiological.
Water content : Determination of moisture content using the method
Thermogravimetri (Sudarmadji, Haryono and Suhardi, 2007).
Protein Content : Determination of protein content is done using the Kjeldahl
method (Rohman and Sumantri, 2007).
Organoleptic Test Color Appearance, Aroma, Texture and Taste :
Organoleptic parameters include color, aroma, texture and flavor do, in some
sense. Testing organoleptic parameters of color, aroma, texture and taste were
calculated using hedonic test or test of A (Rahayu, 1998).
Color Physical Test : Test colors physically done by using a colorimeter (MSEZ
User Manual).
Total Bacteria : Observations for total bacteria in microbial done by modifying
the cast or pour plate method (Fardiaz, 1992). Total microbial life is calculated by
multiplying the dilution factor used multiplied by 10 since only 0.1 ml of a
suspension which is used to obtain the CFU / ml (CFU = Colony Forming Units).
Total Coliform : Observations for Coliform done by modifying the cast or pour
plate method (Fardiaz, 1992).
Total Mushrooms : Observation for a total of mushrooms is done by modifying
the scatter or spread plate method (Fardiaz, 1992).
Chemicals Quality
The observation of the influence of long pengovenan give significantly
different influence on water content and protein content of beef jerky. water and
protein levels were not significantly different in the jerky is not yet ready to eat (0
minutes) with traditional beef jerky is ready to eat using a laboratory scale oven
15 minutes and oven household (hock) 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes and 20
Appearance Quality
Results of the significance of the organoleptic quality of color, aroma,
texture and taste. long treatment roasting significant effect on the value of
traditional beef jerky color preferences are not yet ready meal with traditional
jerky ready to eat.
Roasting long treatment significantly affect the aroma of traditional beef
jerky beef jerky is not ready to eat with traditionally prepared meal, however, the
old oven does not give a significantly different effect on the value of A texture of
traditional beef jerky or beef jerky traditionally prepared meal. Treatment long
roasting significant effect on the value of A taste of traditional dried meat prepared
ready to eat.
Physical Quality
Results of analysis of the significance of the old oven in the physical color
of a traditional beef jerky is ready for eating. The influence of the old oven gives a
significantly different effect on the color values L colorimeter (MSEZ User
Manual) and not significantly different from the value Hue. old oven gives a
significantly different effect on the value of L and was not significantly different
to the value Hue.
Quality Microbiology
The observation of the growth of microbes on the traditional beef jerky
oven ready meal old treatment can reduce the total number of bacteria found in
the traditional beef jerky and beef jerky traditionally prepared meal.
Effect of Water Content Length of oven time Against Traditional Beef
Jerky Ready to Eat
Treatment oven 15 minutes in oven at laboratory scale (jerky ready to eat),
0 minutes (jerky is not ready to eat), oven 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes and
20 minutes using the oven household (hock) effect which is not significantly
different with water content jerky. While it looks at the mean water levels tend to
decline in a row with the longer process roasting ie: 23.64%; 23.92%; 23.78%;
23.46%; 23.34% and 22.88%. The tendency of decreasing the water content of
beef jerky in the oven longer a factor due to the longer process of drying and
oven, the evaporative water so that the higher the moisture content of the material
decreases. The water content obtained in each treatment to meet the standards beef
jerky water content according to the Nutrition Directorate, Ministry of Health
(1981) in Prabowo (2010), which was up to 25%.
Effect of Protein Levels Against length oven time Traditional Beef
Jerky Ready to Eat
Treatment oven 15 minutes in oven at laboratory scale (jerky ready to eat),
0 minutes (jerky is not ready to eat), oven 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes and
20 minutes using the oven household (hock) effect which is not significantly
different with protein content of beef jerky. Although seen in the mean levels of
protein in a row tends to decrease the longer the process roasting ie: 27.80%;
30.19% ,; 29.75%; 28.87%; 28.83% and 25.45%. These results indicate the levels
of proteins in relatively stable jerky. These results were related to the water
content jerky. The results showed that the old oven does not affect the water
content jerky. This causes the entire soluble components including protein
relatively unchanged. Hali is consistent with the statement Winarno, (1992) and
Lawrie (2003) which states if the moisture content of materials is reduced, the
dissolved compounds in the material increases.
Effect of Long oven time Against Value Color passions Traditional
Beef Jerky Ready to Eat
Oven time 15 minutes with oven laboratory scale, 0 minutes, 5 minutes, 10
minutes, 15 minutes and 20 minutes with oven household scale effect on the value
of preference for the color of beef jerky. Mean values for color A, respectively,
are: 2,95; 2.8; 2.25; 2.15; 2.65 and 2.6 with criteria like to dislike. The higher the
value of preference for the color show reduced reception panelist to color jerky.
The color change in jerky, likely to due administration marinasi seasoning or
condiment with the addition of liquid smoke and warming is causing more beef
jerky color to brown. During heating the color changes due to the presence of
sugar in marinades which resulted in mailard reaction and caramelization.
Maillard reaction melanoidin produce the pigment responsible for the formation
of brown color and caramelization reactions produce a tan color through a
chemical reaction that occurs in simple sugars for their heating process (Winarno,
1992; Lawrie, 2003).
Effect of Long Roasting Against Values Aroma passions Traditional
Beef Jerky Ready to Eat
Long treatment oven time 0 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes,
20 minutes with oven-scale domestic and 15 minutes with oven laboratory scale
effect on the value of preference for the scent of beef jerky. However, treatment
oven 15 minutes in oven lab scale effect which was not significantly different to
the treatment oven using oven household scale.Aroma on traditional beef jerky
ready to eat due to the occurrence of pyrolysis peptides and amino acids and sugar
degradation. Roasting process will lead to the scent of the meat will be stronger.
This is due to volatile production during the ripening of the amino acids in the
pyrolysis resulted Strecker degradation or break the bond becomes deamination
and decarboxylation protein amine or carboxyl break the bond so that the reaction
occurs mailard (Winarno, 1992; Astawan, 2008).
Effect of Long roasting Against Value passions Textured Beef Jerky
Traditional Ready to Eat
Oven time long treatment did not significantly affect the value of
preference for the texture of beef jerky because the panelists judging by chewing
beef jerky causing the same texture. Texture is expected in the ready meal jerky
jerky texture is soft and not tough. Lawrie (2003) states that the dehydrated
product will produce meat that is tougher and more fibrous. However, the process
oven at a temperature of 135 C will result in a change in the texture of the meat.
According to Davey and Gilbert (1974) in Lawrie (2003) mentions that cooking
meat to an internal temperature of 65-67 C flesh causes the contraction of
collagen fibers when denatured, resulting in hardening of the meat.
Effect of Long Roasting Against Values Flavor Beef Jerky passions
Traditional Ready to Eat
The length of oven 15 minutes with oven laboratory scale, 0 minutes, 5
minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes with the oven. The smaller the value
of A shows the level of acceptance of the higher panelists. For the treatment of
oven time 0 minutes, jerky is still a raw jerky so it is not in an analysis of the
value of preference for the taste. Acceptance panelists to taste the highest in the
jerky with the oven for 20 minutes using a household oven (hock) with the mean
ratings of 1.8. This shows that the acceptance of the panelists will be ready to eat
beef jerky products able to compete with the jerky with oven laboratory scale,
since the reception jerky with oven household better.
Colour (Colorimeter)
The length of oven time using oven household (hock) gives a significantly
different effect on the value of L jerky. Hue has a value range of 47.48 to 58.39
showing the red color purple (Huntching, 1999, in Hidayati, 2009) with the
highest brightness level is obtained at treatment oven time 0 minutes at 28.24 and
the lowest was obtained in treatment oven for 5 minutes using household oven at
21.67. These results indicate that treatment pengovenan 0 minutes had purple red
color with the highest level of brightness.
Effect of Long oven time against Total Microbial (TPC) Beef Jerky
Traditional Ready to eat
length oven time to give effect to a decrease in the total number of
microbes on the traditional beef jerky is ready for eating. The total number of
microbes beef jerky at all the old treatment oven time eligible maximum limit
microbial contamination on beef jerky set with the number ISO 7388: 2009 is 1 x
105 CFU / gram. This, because the high temperatures can kill vegetative microbial
cells as a whole. Moreover, the addition of the liquid smoke flavoring contains
phenol compounds, carbonyl and acid that can act as microbial Ant (Darmadji,
Effect of Long oven time to Total Coliforms Traditional Beef Jerky
Ready to Eat
Total coliforms are found in beef jerky is ready to eat all the treatment is
very low at <1,0X101 (there are no perumbuhan coliform in the test medium).
Pengovenan long treatment showed no effect on decreasing the number of total
coliforms in ready to eat beef jerky for coliform growth at all of equal treatment.
The absence of coliform bacteria found in beef jerky prepared meals can be
caused jerky processing hygienic or sanitary conditions. These results are
consistent with Handy et al., (2012) using an oven heating process jerky brand
MEMMERT (German) at a temperature of 135C for 15 minutes memdapatkan
excellent microbiological safety side, where the coliform bacteria is not detected.
Length of oven time influence on the Number Mushrooms Fillet
Traditional cattle Ready Meals
The number of fungus found on traditional beef jerky is ready to eat all the
treatment is very low at <1,0X102 CFU / gram or undetectable. Length oven time
treatment does not give effect to the decrease in the total number of fungi on ready
to eat beef jerky. The least amount of fungus contained in beef jerky on all
treatments can be caused jerky hygienic manufacturing process. Herbs and spices
used have been through the roasting process, thus minimizing contamination of
mushrooms coming from the seasoning. In addition, the oven at a high
temperature to kill the growth of fungus. This is because most fungi including
mesophilic group and are sensitive to high temperatures (Hidayat et al, 2008).
Based on the analysis and description of the discussion is limited to the
scope of this research, drawn the following conclusion:
1. Treatment long oven 15 minutes using a laboratory scale oven, 0, 5, 10, 15
and 20 minutes using the oven household (hock) gives no real effect on
water content, protein content, texture and microbiological quality but
differ significantly on color, aroma, taste and physical properties of
traditional beef jerky is ready for eating.
2. Jerky traditional cattle ready meal with all the treatments eligible beef
jerky water content according to the Nutrition Directorate, the Ministry of
Health in 1981.
3. Fillet traditional cow treatment oven time 0 minutes (ready to eat) meet the
quality requirements and the protein content of beef jerky I prepared a 15-
minute treatment oven using oven laboratory scale, 5, 10, 15 and 20
minutes using the oven household (hock) meet II levels of protein quality
requirements specified in SNI 01-2908-1992.
4. Fillet traditional cattle ready meal with all the treatments meet the quality
requirements limit the total microbial contamination, total coliform and
total fungi stipulated in ISO 7388: 2009 and SNI 01-2908-1992.
5. Treatment long oven 10 minutes in oven household (hock) is
recommended as the best treatment approach similar results with oven
with oven laboratory scale since it produces a traditional jerky ready to eat
by the water content meets the standards according to the Nutrition
Directorate, Ministry of Health in 1981 , protein content meet the quality
requirements II SNI 01-2908-1992, acceptance of color, aroma, taste and
texture accepted oraganoleptik, as well as meet the microbiological safety
standards, making it safe for consumption.
1. Limited to this study, the oven 10 minutes using a household oven (hock)
can be an alternative to producing beef jerky traditionally prepared meal in
a safe household consumption.
2. It should be assessed using a scale oven Small and Medium Industries
more to make the process more easily controlled oven.

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