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IB Bio Chapter 9 - Plant Biology

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1. Abiotic Light: guard cells close stomata in darkness 14. Dicotyledonous Leaf veins that form a net-like pattern,
factors thus rate of transpiration is higher in daylight. plant vascular bundles in a ring near the outside
affecting Temp.: heat is needed for evaporation of of the stem, stamens and other floral
rate of water thus as temperature rises so does the organs in multiples of 4/5, roots branch off
transpiration rate of transpiration. Humidity: air spaces from other roots; roses or violets
between the leaf and outside are nearly 15. Evaporation Heat from the environment provides
always saturated thus the lower the humidity energy for this, water from the cell walls of
the faster the rate of transpiration. Wind: spongy mesophyll cells in the leaf is
pockets of air saturated with water vapour removed and as it is pulled out creates a
form near stomata in still air which reduces the low pressure in the xylem vessels
rate of transpiration thus higher winds increase
the rate of transpiration 16. Factors needed Water for rehydration of the seed, oxygen
for seed for aerobic cell respiration and suitable
2. abscisic acid causes potassium ions to diffuse out of the germination temperatures for stimulation of enzymes,
cell. some seeds remain dormant if
plant hormone that inhibits cell division, and temperatures are above or below
therefore growth. particular levels
3. Adhesion Water molecules stick to the wall of the vessel 17. Fertilization When female gametes in the ovules in the
through hydrogen bonding, particularly ovaries of the flower and male gametes in
important when sap starts to rise. the pollen grains fuse to form a zygote
4. Anther Part of the stamen that contains the pollen 18. Filaments Supports the anther which contains the
5. Apical Primary plant stem cells found at the tips of pollen
meristems stems and roots, it is responsible for the 19. Germination Process whereby seeds or spores sprout
growth of the root and shoot meristem which and begin to grow to form an embryonic
also produces new leaves and flowers plant. Begins with water absorption thus
6. Apoplastic Transport of water through free spaces allowing cells to become metabolically
Pathway between cell walls active, the hormone gibberellin stimulates
7. Auxin Plant hormone which acts as a growth the production of amylase which
promoter in phototropism, hydrolyses carbohydrates into maltose or
glucose which can be used for cell
8. Auxin efflux Pumps in the plasma membrane that are respiration
carriers distributed unevenly and thus can redistribute
auxin in a tissue, when auxin binds to a 20. ground tissue thin walled cells that function in in storage,
receptor the transcription of specific genes is photosynthesis, minerals, and nutrients in
promoted and the cell grows the plant.

9. Bulbs Modified shoots that consist of swollen leaf 21. Guard cells Pair of cells that can open or close the
bases attached to a short stem, usually used stoma and thus control the amount of
for food storage; onions and garlics transpiration

10. Change in The plant measures the length of day and 22. Halophytes plants specifically adapted to the very
Gene night with the phytochrome, if they are good. salty environment often found in deserts.
expression The version in the larger concentration binds Tissue partitioning, root level exclusion, salt
for to the receptor and that leads to the plant exclusion, altered flowering schedule.
flowering flowering. 23. Lamella Concentric rings made up of groups of
11. Cohesion Hydrogen bonding between water molecules hollow tubes of bone matrix.
allow for the formation of water columns 24. Leaves Main photosynthetic tissue, allows
12. Companion maintain the sieve tubes; have many transpiration and stores various food
Cells mitochondria to produce ATP for active material
transport into sieve tubes 25. Lignin Organic polymer deposited in xylem cell
13. dermal outer covering that protects against walls making them rigid and woody to help
tissue pathogens, prevents water loss. deal with the water pressure
26. meristematic plant tissue found only in the tips of shoots
tissue and roots; responsible for plant growth.
same function of stem cells in animals.
27. Monocotyledonous Leaf veins run parallel to each other, 36. Photosystem A photosystem that contains a pair of P680
plant vascular bundles spread randomly II chlorophyll molecules and uses absorbed
through the stem, stamens and other light energy to split water into protons and
floral organs in multiples of 3, oxygen and to produce ATP.
unbranched roots grow from stems;
lilies or orchids When photon hits stroma, it excites the
28. Ovary Contains the ovules, female electrons. Two water molecules bind to an
reproductive organ, with single egg enzyme at the reaction center. Enzyme splits
nuclei water and uses electrons from water to
replace electrons removed from the reaction
29. Palisade mesophyll Tightly packed cells in the upper half center. Oxygen is produced.
of the leaf containing many
chloroplasts. 37. Phototropism Growth towards the light, auxin is distributed
to shoots on the darker side, causing it to
30. Parenchyma thin-walled cells that make up the bend towards the light
inside of many non-woody plant
structures including stems, roots, and 38. Phytochrome Pigment that measure the length of periods
leaves; form the cortex, or main filling, of dark and exists in two forms Pr and Pfr
of stems, the inner layer of cells within 39. phytochrome plant pigment that measures periods of
a leaf, the endosperm material that darkness
feeds a growing seed, and the pulp of 40. Phytochrome Absorbs red light and is an inactive form of
a fruit. red phytochrome - most common in daylight
31. Petals Surround the male and female flower 41. pollen contains male gametes
parts and are there to attract animal
pollinators 42. Pollination Transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma

32. Phloem 43. Potometer Device that measures the rate at which a
plant draws up water, this is essentially the
rate of transpiration for a plant.
44. Root hairs Increase surface area for water and mineral
ion absorption from the soil
45. Roots Responsible for absorption of water and
inorganic nutrients, anchoring the plant body
to the ground, storage of food and nutrients
and vegetative reproduction
Lines of living cells containing water 46. Seed When fertilized ovules develop into seeds
with sucrose and other dissolved dispersal and are moved away from the parental plant
biochemicals, also has pores between before germination, through fruits, winds,
cells. water and animals
33. Phloem Structure sieve tubes, sieve plates, companion 47. Sepals At the base of the flower bud, it covers the
cells, plasmodesmata. flower structure
34. photoperiodism plant response to periods of darkness 48. Sieve Plates between the sieve tube cels, which makes it
and light easier for fluids to flow through the phloem
35. Photosystem I Light energy is taken into the electrons 49. Sieve Tubes form a column of cells; have a plasma
of the pigments of this photosystem membrane so that sugar concentration can
and increase the electron's levels of be controlled; does not have a nucleus and
energy. The high-energy electrons are not many organelles so that fluid can flow
passed to the electron transport chain, easily
a series of electron carriers that shuttle 50. sink plant organ that uses or stores sugar. roots,
high-energy electrons during ATP- buds, stems, seeds.
generating reactions. As light continues
51. Spongy Loosely packed cells in the lower half of the
to shine and more electrons go
mesophyll leaf with large air spaces between them and
through the electron transport chain,
fewer chloroplasts inside them. Allows gas
H20 provides new electrons.
52. Stamen Male fertilizing organ, it typically contains an
anther and a filament
53. Stems Support for and allow elevation of leaves, 67. Veins Xylem/Phloem, transport raw materials and
flowers and fruits, transport of fluids products of photosynthesis, occur in middle
between roots and shoots in the of leaf.
xylem/phloem, storage of nutrients and 68. Waxy cover the epidermis to reduce the water loss
production of new living tissue Cuticle from stoma
54. Stigma Surface on which pollen lands and where the 69. Xerophyte Thick waxy cuticle to retain moisture. Spines
pollen tube grows down to the ovary adaptations instead of leaves to reduce surface area for
55. Stoma K+ moves out of vacuole and water moves to reduce transpiration. Rolled leaves that act as
Closing out as well transpiration channels to drain rainwater to stems.
56. Stoma potassium ions move into cell and vacuole Deep/penetrating roots to capture water
Opening and then water follows 70. Xerophytes Desert plants that are adapted to reduce
57. Stomata Pores that allows for carbon dioxide for transpiration. Small leaves, thick cuticle,
photosynthesis to diffuse in and oxygen to stomata in piles, low growth.
diffuse out 71. Xylem
58. Stroma

The fluid of the chloroplast surrounding the

thylakoid membrane; involved in the
Long, dead, tubular structures containing
synthesis of organic molecules from carbon
water and dissolved mineral ions. Tracheids
dioxide and water.
and vessel elements cells.
Where the Calvin Cycle happens.
59. Symplastic Diffusion through the cytoplasm of cells via
60. Terrestrial Turgid cells that are rigid because of their
plant support high pressure, cells with thickened cellulose
cell walls and xylem tissue which has cell
walls impregnated with lignin, making it
woody and hard
61. Totipotent when plants cells have the capacity to
generate whole plants because even the
cells that are already differentiated can
continue to divide indefinitely
62. Translocation Energy is required for this active transport,
sugars and amino acids are moving through
63. Transpiration When low pressure or suction is created
pull inside the xylem vessels when water
64. Transpiration the water itself that is moving from the roots
stream to the leaves.
65. vascular made up of xylem and phloem that carry out
tissue conduction of water, minerals, and nutrients.
66. Vascular Made up of xylem and phloem, it transports
tissue fluid and nutrients internally

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