Test Reported Speech 9 2

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NAME AND SURNAME: 30 minutes


1. Fill in the gaps with the correct information: 30points

1. In Reported Speech, tomorrow changes into___________________________ and ago
into_________________________in an out-of-date reporting.
2. If we report a special question, after the reporting verbs:_____________ or_________________ we
3. The modal verb neednt, changes into ____________________________
(in_________________________) or into _________________________
4. In this reported sentence: She said that Rome is a city in Italy. the tense does not change
5. If we report a time clause________________________________________________________________.
6. The modal verb mustnt _________________________________________in Reported Speech.
7. Steven said he had finished his homework before he went out. Which is the correct sentence in Direct
a. "I have finished my homework before I went out." or
b. "I had finished my homework before I went out."?
8. Is the following sentence correctly reported: He said hed rather I had helped his best friend.?
9. If you have to report a Conditional Clause Type 2, the tenses change. True/ False?

2. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 40points
1. "No, I won't tell you how I did the trick," the magician said to her.
refused The magician ______________________________________________ how he had done the trick.
2. "Don't drive fast on the icy road," the policeman said to her.
warned The policeman _______________________________________________ fast on the icy road.
3. Dont forget to move everything out of the hall, she said. to us.
reminded She________________________________________________ everything out of the hall.
4. Lets go for a walk, she said to them.
go She________________________________________________ for a walk.
5. Tidy your room before you go out, she said to me.
on She_______________________________________my room before I went out.
6. Im sorry I missed the appointment, he said.
apologised He_________________________________________________ the appointment.
7. You mustnt get out of the car, my mother said to us.
forbade My mother_________________________________________ of the car.
8. Will I ever see them again? he asked himself.
whether He _________________________________________________ ever see them again.

3. Correct the following sentences: 10points

1. She asked me who was that beautiful woman.
2. She told to me she was looking for a better job.
3. Anna says that lunch was ready.
4. Linda said she had seen the film last month.
5. Alan told me that John had to be in the office.
6. Rhonda asked me what would I like for my birthday.
7. She told me that that was a mistake.
8. Rebecca told to her husband that the postman had delivered a parcel for him.
9. Ann asked Tony where was he going for his holidays.
10. She suggested me to go away for the weekend.

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