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NAME______________________________ DATE_____________
YEAR/SECTION/COURSE______________ /85

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of your choice on space provided before
each number. (45 points)

1. Condemnation of Capitalism and Private Property

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

2. Capitalism and Exploitation of Workers

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

3. Laissez Faire
a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

4. Religious Liberalism
a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

5. Movement originating from the working class

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

6. Political Liberalism
a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

7. Aristotelian anthropology
a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

8. Philosophical Liberalism
a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

9. Distribution of wealth is subject to social control

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

10. Man as a person, social and political

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

11. Justice as the overarching theme

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

12. Karl Marx

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

13. Preference for the poor and oppressed

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

14. Emphasis on Individual and Human Freedom

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

15. Workers own the means of production

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

16. Saint Thomas Aquinas: Dialogue and Aristotelian Anthropology

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

17. Primary source of Catholic Social Ethics

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

18. More systematic and scientific knowledge

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

19. Anawim, the Lost, the Least and the Last

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution

e) Socialism

20. Popular collectives such as workers councils

a) Sacred Scripture
b) Middle Ages to Early 2nd Millenium
c) Renaissance Period
d) Industrial Revolution
e) Socialism

21. Industrial Revolution

a) Capitalism
b) Socialism

22. Profit
a) Capitalism
b) Socialism

23. Popular Collectives

a) Capitalism
b) Socialism

24. Market
a) Capitalism
b) Socialism

25. Abolishment of Private Property

a) Capitalism
b) Socialism

26. Commodity
a) Capitalism
b) Socialism

27. Mass Production and Standardization

a) Capitalism
b) Socialism

28. Social Control

a) Capitalism
b) Socialism

29. Capital
a) Capitalism
b) Socialism

30. Wealth
a) Capitalism

b) Socialism

31. Classless Society

a) Capitalism
b) Socialism

32. Proletariat
a) Capitalism
b) Socialism

33. Entrepreneur
a) Capitalism
b) Socialism

34. Economic Liberalism

a) Capitalism
b) Socialism

35. A person is not an isolated monad

a) Saint Thomas Aquinas
b) Saint Augustine
c) Pope John Paul II

36. Political Liberalism

a) Disregard to Individuals
b) Decision by majority vote
c) Consideration to God's laws

37. Economic Liberalism

a) Anything in pursuit of profit
b) Decisions by majority vote
c) Siezure of Church property

38. The liberal ideology stressing the role of individual citizens

a) Political Liberalism
b) Religious Liberalism
c) Philosophical Liberalism

39. The liberal ideology stressing the role of individual reason

a) Political Liberalism
b) Religious Liberalism
c) Philosophical Liberalism

40. The liberal ideology stressing the role of individual conscience

a) Political Liberalism
b) Religious Liberalism

c) Philosophical Liberalism

41. The sum total of all those conditions of social living whereby men are enabled
more fully and more readily to achieve their own perfection
a) Common Wealth
b) Common Good
c) Social Good
d) Social Security

42. This period in history saw the rise of factories and the creation of a new
working class.
a) Dark Ages
b) Technological Revolution
c) Industrial Revolution
d) Middle Ages

43. This period in history saw the rise of anticlerical attitudes and new
a) Golden Ages
b) French Revolution
c) Age of Enlightenment
d) Medieval Period

44. The function of private property includes this.

a) Social Responsibility
b) Profit
c) Political Responsibility

45. It refers to realities which point us to where our society is heading.

a) Signs of the Times
b) Current Events
c) Social Theories
d) News Program

TRUE OR FALSE: Read and analyze each statements. Write True if the statement
is correct and False if the statement is wrong on spaces provided before each
number. (40 points)

46. "Catholic Social Teaching is a completely developed body of teachings on

social, cultural, and political issues"

47. The Churchs teachings on social, cultural, and political issues matters may
be reformulated

48. The Catholic Social Teachings is not an integral and constitutive part of the
churchs mission and is optional

49. The Churchs mission is primarily evangelization and the salvation of souls

50. The Catholic Social Teachings is reputed as the Churchs Best Kept Secret

51. The Church takes all the effort to conceal her Social Teachings

52. The Church is not incarnational.

53. The church is the continuation of our Lords resurrection

54. It is enough to love God and that we do not need to be concerned with our

55. Humanity has a lot of questions and the Church has the capacity to respond
to these though she is not an expert on secular matters

56. Justice is opposed to love or charity

57. Justice is giving what is due to God and everyone in fairness and

58. The demand of Charity is higher than the demand for Justice

59. Freedom makes human persons responsible for their actions.

60. A person is always accountable for everything he/she will do.

61. The Church is in favor of human rights

62. There was never a period in history wherein She was against human rights.

63. Jesus was an active social advocate by virtue of being a good and model

64. The bible as a source for Catholic social teachings is limited.

65. There are biblical teachings both in the Old and New Testament that raise
significant concerns for contemporary society

67. The early part of the 2nd Millennium is also marked by the emergence of
Industrial Revolution

66. The early part of the 2nd Millennium is characterized by the movement
towards a systematic and scientific understanding of the relationship sacred and
between the secular

68. "According to St. John Paul II, the Christian understanding of justice is
necessarily in keeping with mans social nature."

69. The Catholic response to Capitalism and Socialism is the revival of the
teachings of Saint Thomas

70. The Church is not against population control and responsible parenthood.
However, it is against the use of artificial birth control methods to achieve the
aforementioned goals.

71. Gaudium et Spes is the first social document issued in May of 1891

72. Since human dignity comes from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, it is

73. Human rights are inviolable because when you violate them you violate the

74. Human freedom is absolute.

75. The Theology of the Cross states that sacrifice is a concrete expression of

76. It is not necessary that there must be a balance between government

intervention and public initiative

77. The centrality of the human person in creation means domination over

78. The ideologies of enlightenment are in harmony with the Catholic teachings

79. The growth of Enlightenment had positive effects on the teachings of the
Church and her relationship with the faithful

80. In the religious liberal ideologies of Enlightenment, the individual is cut-off

from the important relationship with the Church

81. The abuses during the Middle Ages gave rise to economic questions

82. Capitalism and the exploitation of workers are economic casualties brought
about by industrial revolution

83. Capitalist ideologies promote the common good.

84. Socialism is against the treatment of labor as commodity


85. Right to private property implies that everyone can own unlimited properties

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