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Zack Scholl

The Pony Express story

The pony express was a mailing business.

The express used horses to mail the mail to
people. The pony express was owned by William
H Russell, He recruited William B waddell, and
Alexander Majors. These men made about 100
dollars a month which is about 1960 dollars now.
That was a lot of money back then and now. This
means that this was around in 1860 were they did
not have all the electronics we have now they
made money by hand. They made everything by
hand except for animals and living things i mean
they kind of did but did not. This was a
complicated world back in that time and they had
to travel a lot. On april 3rd 1860 William the owner
thought it was a good idea to make a business at
that time he thought it was a good idea to make
people satisfied. The fastest delivery was in 7 day and 17 hours.
They sent it to Abraham Lincoln's house. these people are the owners of the pony

Hello anyone home

The rider often had some people not home so they left it on the porch.Some indians and
bandits stole the package or mail and took it to their fort or somewhere. (go to next
The indians did not like the riders going on their land. The Indians did not like
anyone except for them to be on their land. The indians had a tribe (which means a
groups). The tribes swore to their leader that all the riders will be dead. But that did not
happen. The people of the tribes never did they were too slow by all their weight on the
horses. The owners wanted light weighed people so they could escape. The men were
able to escape but the tribes were close and shooting but 0 riders got hurt or died.
The Bandits

There are men called the bandits these bandits were bad. They never listened
they always got into trouble. The bandits were always attacking the riders of the pony
express. The riders always tried to get away from their land fast. Otherwise they might
die. They never liked the pony express the leader of the bandits was named the
rebellion leader. He was always acting like a rebellion but he was a bandit. He always
shot bandits for no reason. But the part he did not know it that they kill his family. His
family were rebels and did kill the leader before him. But his real nickname was the
boss man. He wanted to kill his brother (who ran away in the battle) that was a rider for
the pony express.

He is young but he is a leader.

The indians of the town.

The indian leader was a fierce and mean looking man but on the inside he was nice. But
on the outside he was fierce. He wanted to tell the pony express riders to ask to go on
their land. That never happened because the indian soldiers were shooting and yell get
off our land you pony riders. The indians never listened to the leader's orders or
misunderstood him.
rd Expansion." History: Pony Express. TSI (Technological Solutions,), 2016. Web. 16
Dec. 2016.

United States. National Park Service, Unknown. "Pony Express National Historic Trail
(U.S. National Park Service)." National Parks Service. U.S. Department of the Interior,
2013. Web. 16 Dec. 2016.

Pony Evan Andrews, . "10 Things You May Not Know About the Pony Express."
History.com. A&E Television Networks, 10 June 2016. Web. 16 Dec. 2016.

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Mission statement

The most important thing I want my reader to know is about the people in the
pony express and how they traveled and the records they made in the business and
how they got replaced.

My structure will be how I want to I dont know yet but I will find a way to make a

Headings will be: Who they were, Delivery, The shelters, How they went across
half of the country, Goodbye pony express.

1. Summarize the story.
2. How would this relate to your life and what is the big idea?
3. Any figurative language? What is the authors tone/voice? What did you notice
and what did you like in this report?

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