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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level/Subject: 3rd grade, Social Studies Central Focus:

Communities over Time

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective: Objective 3.01 Analyze changes,

which have occurred in communities past and present.
Date submitted: 3/27/17 Date taught:
Daily Lesson Objective: You will analyzes changes that have occurred in
communities both past and present.

21st Century Skills: Academic Language Demand (Language Function and


Prior Knowledge: Students must have prior knowledge of Old Winston-Salem

(they completed a field trip here a month prior). Students must be able to analyze
historical events.

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

1. Focus and Review: I will read aloud the lesson introduction. I will describe a
change that I have noted in the community over time (technology) and I will ask
students to think about ways in which their community or school has changed. I will
direct students to respond to the question and model thinking for students using
Think Aloud (I know my community has changed in the past and I will read to learn
more about the ways communities change over time). I will provide a slideshow with
pictures of present day Winston-Salem and present-day Charlotte. I will ask students
to identify important bodies of water, landforms, landmarks, historical sites and so
on. We will compare and contrast the cities with earlier maps of Charlotte and

2. Statement of Objective for Student You must do the text work in order to
learn how to analyze changes that have occurred in communities past and present.

3. Teacher Input
While we are reading, I will be pointing out small details and background on the
subject we are learning about to help students understand more.
4. Guided Practice
Text work #3 and #4-I will tell students that sentences that state a reason or cause
often begin with cue words or phrases. I will have students scan the text for the
sentence that starts with because. I will tell students to examine the details of the
photographs, noting the buildings, methods of transportation and roads.
5. Independent Practice
Re-read the text and answer the textwork questions 1-4 on p.73 (1) Underline the
definition of settlement. 2) which town was founded first-Winston or Salem? (A:
Salem) 3) Underline the reason that leaders wanted to join the towns of Winston
and Salem. 4) Look at the pictures on pages 72-73, list two features that have
changed over time. A: paved streets, taller buildings)
6. Assessment Methods of all objectives/skills:
Summative: Text Work Questions 1-4
Formative: Walking around to check for understanding
7. Closure
Review changes over time in Charlotte and Winston-Salem.
8. Assessment Results of all objectives/skills:
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations:
To accommodate students who need further help, I will analyze the assessments
and group them depending on their answers to text work questions.
Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations:
This lesson can easily be changed to be taught to a small group or single student.
There are no parts of this lesson that would need to be changed.
Materials/Technology: Powerpoint, Harcourt Social Studies textbook pages 71-73
teachers manual/student textbooks

References: Harcourt Social Studies

Reflection on lesson

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