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By Jesse Corres MD
The lecture are imparted by Dr Jesse Corres, an American Board diplomate in
Plastic Surgery with interest with cosmetic surgery, facial cancer surgery ,
acne, pimple and dyspigmentation treatment who came from a humble
To sum it up, the discussion implied his experience previously doing cosmetic
and constructive surgery for almost two decades and fully cognizant that
surgery and laser alone cannot only be the answer to facial rejuvenation, he
searched the world over and developed JENOR corresthethiques skin
rejuvianting program which was developed as a science based
comprehensive, skin restoration program for people wanting to look their
best without laser and cosmetic facial surgery. He shared his perspective
how to improved skin texture, wrinkle, pigmentation, acne or acne prone

Helping Senior Aged Well thru Holistic Care

By Cheriding Josef- Oro MD
Dr. Cheridine P. Oro- Josef is a graduate of the University of Santo Tomas
Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. She is an active member of the PMA, PAFP
and PCGM. She is a guest writer for Business Mirror, Right to Health, Elderly
Section. As founder of the Above 60 Academy, she is known to be a staunch
advocate of Active Aging.
She explained that retirement is almost synonymous to departure and are
dreadful of losing their influence to on their families and in the society.
Couple that with the increasing life expectancy for the reason that
advancement in medicine has slowed down most of the disease processes.
There is some truth to the saying that nowadays, The 60s are the new 40s
and the 40s are the new 20s. Thanks to the health education campaign of
our health care providers and the continuous breakthroughs in medicine.
Young adults look forward to retirement assuming that they will finally have
their happy time and enjoy the comforts of lazily lying down in their beds.
Many people think of their retirement as a time where everything will get
better only to find out that it comes with its unique challenges and may even
have to face physiologic changes of aging with misery.

It was the birth of the Above 60 Academy or A60A in Marikina. When she
started to work with the local city health office and volunteered my services
to the senior citizens. Soon, she was able to organize an informal academic
program for the seniors. They started with cooking contests, nutrition
lectures and finally, encouraged to attend once a month health education
program to address their concerns and the physiologic changes of ageing.
From a group of 20, A60A now has more than 100 active seniors who attend
the monthly gathering. A survey done by Social Studies students of the
Ateneo showed that attending to the Above 60s Academy has significant
effect on the personal well- being as well as mental health of the seniors.
They also noted that it has helped them face the problems of ageing with
more confidence. At present, the A60A members started organizing
themselves in their own barangays and arranged physical activity and
livelihood programs for their own communities.
Senior citizens in the community need to be encouraged to engage in
worthwhile activities. Let them realize that being old does not necessarily
mean disability. The changes in their bodies may be there but they need to
overcome these by maintaining a positive outlook in life.
It is never too late for them to embrace the aging process and enjoy the later
years with their own friends. It is never too late for them to start building
new relationships, to find new meaning in their lives. It is never too late to
engage in worthwhile activities.

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