PBL Vector Algebra 4 - Question Ans

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Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

1. The wire AE, L1 is stretched between the corners A and E of a bent plate. The wire BF,
L2 is stretched between the position B and F. The wire BG, L3 is stretched between the
position B and G. The wire OA, L4 is stretched between the position O and A.




(i) Find the vector equation of line for wire AE, BF, BG and OA. Hence find the intersection
point between line L1 with L2 ; line L3 with L4 separately if exist.

(ii) Find the equation of plane for S1 from point 0, A & B and equation of plane for S 2 from
point E, F and G if possible. Hence find the intersection line between S1 and S 2 if exist.

(iii) Given the intersection point between L1 & L3 is P (60 15 80) . Find the shortest
distance between intersection point L1 & L3 and plane S1 and plane S 2 respectively

(iv) Find the shortest distance between line L1 & L3 , between line L1 and line at z axis, line

L3 and line at y axis if exist. Given L1 = OA + s AE = 0,-90,160 + s 120, 210,-160 and


L3 = OB + u BG = 0,120,160 + t 120,-210,-160 .

(v) Verify the line AE intersect at E (120 120 0) by using the equation of line for wire AE and
the equation of plane S 2 .

(vi) Find the angle between plane S1 and S 2 , angle between L1 and L4 , angle between L1
and line at y axis and angle between L1 and plane S1 if exist.

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

(vi) Find the equation of plane where it contains line L1 and L4 . Imagine that a cutting tool
will cut the object in half along this plane. Find the 3D angle that the cutting tool should
be positioned for manufacturing purpose.

2. The triangular plate ABC is supported by ball-and-socket joints at B and D and is held in
the position shown by cables AE and CF. Find the area of the triangular plate ABC and its
orthogonal projection area on the ground.

3. The ramp ABCD is supported by cables at corners C and D. Find the area of the ramp
ABCD and its orthogonal projection area on the plane z= -1.

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

Solution 1:
(i) Find the vector equation of line for wire AE, BF, BG and OA. Hence find the
intersection point between L1 with L2 and L3 with L4 separately if exist.

Vector equation of line for wire AE

Point A = (0,-90,160) and E = (120,120,0)

Position vector, OA = 0,-90,160 , OE = 120,120,0

Vector AE = OE - OA = 120,120,0 - 0,-90,160 = 120, 210,-160

L1 = OA + s AE = 0,-90,160 + s 120, 210,-160


Vector equation of line for wire BF

Point B = (0,120,160) and F = (120,0,0)

Position vector, OB = 0,120,160 , OF = 120,0,0

Vector BF = OF - OB = 120,0,0 - 0,120,160 = 120,-120,-160

L2 = OB + t BF = 0,120,160 + t 120, -120, -160


Vector equation of line for wire BG

Point B = (0,120,160) and G = (120,-90,0)

Position vector, OB = 0,120,160 , OG = 120,-90,0

Vector BG = OG - OB = 120,-90,0 - 0,120,160 = 120,-210,-160

L3 = OB + u BG = 0,120,160 + u 120, -210, -160


Vector equation of line for wire OA

Point O = (0,0,0) and A = (0,-90,160)

Position vector, OO = 0,0,0 , OA = 0,-90,160

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

Vector OA = OA - OO = 0,-90,160 - 0,0,0 = 0,-90,160

L4 = OO + vOA = 0, 0, 0 + v 0, -90,160 = v 0, -90,160


To check existence of intersection point between L1 & L2:

L1 = OA + s AE = 0, -90,160 + s 120, 210, -160


L2 = OB + s BF = 0,120,160 + t 120, -120, -160


L1 = L2
~ ~

0,-90,160 + s 120, 210,-160 = 0,120,160 + t 120,-120,-160

120s = 120t >>> s = t ---------------------------------------------------------------(1)

160 -160s = 160 -160t >>> s = t --------------------------------------------------(2)
-90 + 210s = 120 -120t >> = t ------------------------------------------------(3)
LHS : -90 + 210( ) = 43.6364
RHS :120 -120( ) = 43.6364
There is intersection point between L1 & L2.

L1 = L2
~ ~

= 0, -90,160 + 120, 210, -160
= 0,120,160 + 120, -120, -160
= 76.3636 43.6364 58.1818

The intersection point is at (76.3636,43.6364,58.1818 )

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

To check existence of intersection point between L3 & L4:

L3 = OB + u BG = 0,120,160 + u 120, -210, -160


L4 = OO + vOA = 0, 0, 0 + v 0, -90,120 = v 0, -90,120


L3 = L4
~ ~

0,120,160 + u 120,-210,-160 = v 0,-90,160

120u = 0 >>> u = 0

120 - 210u = -90v >>> v = - 4 3

160 -160u = 160v

LHS :160 -160(0) = 160
RHS :160(- 4 3 ) = -213.33

There is no intersection point between L3 & L4.

(ii) Find the equation of plane for S1 from point 0, A & B and equation of plane for S 2
from point E, F and G if possible. Hence find the intersection between S1 and S 2 .

To form equation of plane for S1 , we need three points located on the plane:

Point A = (0,-90,160)

Point B = (0,120,160)

Point O = (0,0,0)

The format for equation of plane: ax + by + cz = k where the normal vector to the plane is
a, b, c

i j k
Normal vector to the plane = OAxOB = 0 -90 160 = -33600, 0, 0
0 120 160

Hence we get, ax + by + cz = k >>> -33600 x + 0 y + 0 z = k >>> k = -33600x

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

From the point located on S1 , i.e., point O , A and B . All the component at x direction is 0.
Sub to the equation we get k = -33600 x = 0 ; Thus, the plane of equation is -33600 x = 0
which can be simplify to x = 0

Note: normal vector -33600,0,0 is parallel to 1, 0, 0

To form equation of plane for S 2 , we need three points located on the plane:

Point E = (120,120,0)

Point F = (120,0,0)

Point G = (120,-90,0)

The format for equation of plane: ax + by + cz = k where the normal vector to the plane is
a, b, c

i j k
Normal vector to the plane = EF xEG = 0 -120 0 = 0, 0, 0
0 -210 0

The normal vector is a zero vector, this result is invalid because the points that we selected
to form a plane must be non-parallel. Note that we cant find the normal vector by using cross

product of parallel vectors as v1 x v2 = v1 v2 sin 0 n = 0 However, in this case, the vector EF

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

and EG are in parallel. Therefore, it is impossible to use the selected points to calculate the
plane of equation.

Thus a new point O = (0,0,0) is selected to avoid this issue.

i j k
Normal vector to the plane = OE xOF = 120 120 0 = 0, 0, -14400
120 0 0

Hence we get, ax + by + cz = k >>> 0 x + 0 y -14400 z = k >>> k = -14400z

From the point located on S 2 , i.e., point O , E and F . All the component at z direction is 0.
Sub to the equation we get k = -14400 z = 0 ; Thus, the plane of equation is -14400 z = 0
which can be simplify to z = 0

Note: normal vector 0,0,-14400 is parallel to 0, 0,1

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

To find the intersection line between plane S1 and S2:

Intersection line will exist if plane S1 and S2 are not parallel. Since normal vector to plane
S1, 0, 0,1 is not parallel to normal vector to plane S2, 1, 0, 0 . Therefore the intersection
line exist.

Intersection line exist at the cross product of normal vector to plane S1 and S2

i j k
Vector parallel to the intersection line = n1 x n2 = 0 0 1 = 0,1, 0
~ ~
1 0 0

Since the equations of planes for S1 and S2 are x = 0 and z = 0 respectively.

x + 0 y + 0 z = 0 ----- (1)

0 x + 0 y + z = 0 ------ (2)

Let y = 0 , we get x = 0 at Eq. (1), z = 0 at Eq. (2). Thus point (0,0,0) is the intersection
point for the two planes.

The vector equation of line for the intersecting line at plane S1 and S2 is

L5 = OO + t (n1 x n2 ) = 0, 0, 0 + t 0,1, 0 = t 0,1, 0

~ ~ ~

(iii) Given the intersection point between L1 & L3 is P (60 15 80) . Find the shortest
distance between intersection point L1 & L3 and plane S1 and plane S 2 respectively.

Equation of plane for S1 is x=0 while S 2 is z=0. The normal vector to plane S1 is 1, 0, 0 and
normal vector to plane S 2 is 0, 0,1

Thus, the arbitrary point at plane S 2 is ( x y 0) while arbitrary point at plane S1 is (0 y z )

Let point M = (1 1 0) located on plane S 2 while point N = (0 1 1) located on plane S1

MP = OP - OM = 60 15 80 - 1 1 0 = 59 14 80

Shortest distance between intersection point L1 & L3 and plane S 2 is

MP. 0 0 1 = 59 14 80 . 0 0 1 = 80unit

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

NP = OP - ON = 60 15 80 - 0 1 1 = 60 14 79

Shortest distance between intersection point L1 & L3 and plane S1 is

NP. 1 0 0 = 60 14 79 . 1 0 0 = 60unit

(iv) Given L1 = OA + s AE = 0, -90,160 + s 120, 210, -160 and


L3 = OB + u BG = 0,120,160 + t 120, -210, -160 . Find the shortest distance between


line L1 & L3 , between line L1 and line at z axis, line L3 and line at y axis if exist.

Shortest distance between line L1 & L3 ,

From (iii) the intersection point is exist between line L1 & L3 , thus the shortest distance
between them does not exist (because no distance where distance = 0 at intersection point)

To prove this:

Choose arbitrary point on L1 & L3 , where point A = (0,-90,160) and point B = (0,120,160)
are located on line L1 & L3 respectively.

AB = OB - OA = 0 120 160 - 0 -90 160 = 0 210 0

The shortest distance occurs at the 90 deg to L1 and L3 . Thus the vector 90 deg to L1 and L3
i j k
is L1 x L3 = 120, 210, -160 x 120, -210, -160 = 120 210 -160 = -67200 0 -50400
~ ~
120 -210 -160

L1 x L3
~ ~ -67200 0 -50400 -67200 0 -50400
L1 x L3 = = = = -0.8 0 -0.6
~ ~ (-67200)2 + (-50400) 2 84000
L1 x L3
~ ~

The shortest distance is AB.( L1 x L3 ) = 0 210 0 . -0.8 0 -0.6 = 0
~ ~

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

Shortest distance between line L1 & and line at z axis

point A = (0,-90,160) is an arbitrary point located on line L1 while point Z = (0,0,5) is an

arbitrary point located on line at z axis

AZ = OZ - OA = 0 0 5 - 0 -90 160 = 0 90 -155

The shortest distance occurs at the 90 deg to L1 and line at z axis. Thus the vector 90 deg to
i j k
L1 and line at z axis is L1 x Lz = 120, 210, -160 x 0, 0,1 = 120 210 -160 = 210 -120 0
~ ~
0 0 1

L1 x Lz
~ ~ 210 -120 0 210 -120 0
L1 x Lz = = = = 0.8682 -0.4961 0
~ ~
(210) + (-120) 2 241.8677
L1 x Lz
~ ~

The shortest distance is

AZ .( L1 x Lz ) = 0 90 -155 . 0.8682 -0.4961 0 = -44.6526 = 44.6526unit
~ ~

Shortest distance between line L3 & and line at y axis

point B = (0,120,160) is an arbitrary point located on line L3 while point Y = (0,120,0) is an

arbitrary point located on line at y axis

BY = OY - OB = 0 120 160 - 0 120 0 = 0 0 160

The shortest distance occurs at the 90 deg to L3 and line at y axis. Thus the vector 90 deg to
i j k
L3 and line at y axis is L3 x Ly = 120, -210, -160 x 0,1, 0 = 120 -210 -160 = 160 0 120
~ ~
0 1 0

L3 x Ly
~ ~ 160 0 120
L3 x Ly = = = 0.8 0 0.6
~ ~ (160)2 + (120)2
L3 x Ly
~ ~

The shortest distance is

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

BY .( L3 x Ly ) = 0 0 160 . 0.8 0 0.6 = 96unit
~ ~

(v) Verify the line AE intersect at E (120 120 0) by using the equation of line for wire AE
and the equation of plane S 2 .

Equation of line AE, L1 = OA + s AE = 0, -90,160 + s 120, 210, -160



x, y, z = 0,-90,160 + s 120, 210,-160

x = 120s
y = -90 + 210s
z = 160 -160 s

Equation of plane, S 2 : z = 0

x = 120s >>>x = 120

y = -90 + 210s >>>y = 120
z = 160 -160s = 0 >>> s = 1

It is verified that the line AE intersect at E (120 120 0)

(vi) Find the angle between plane S1 and S 2 , angle between L1 and L4 , angle between
L1 and line at y axis and angle between L1 and plane S1 if exist.

Angle between plane S1 and S 2

Equation of plane for S1 is x=0 while S 2 is z=0. The normal vector to plane S1 is 1, 0, 0 and
normal vector to plane S 2 is 0, 0,1

n1 . n2 = n1 n2 cos
~ ~ ~ ~

1,0,0 . 0,0,1 = 1,0,0 0,0,1 cos

0 = cos

= 90o

Angle between L1 and L4 ,

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

L1 = OA + s AE = 0, -90,160 + s 120, 210, -160


L4 = OO + vOA = 0, 0, 0 + v 0, -90,160 = v 0, -90,160


v1 . v2 = v1 v2 cos
~ ~ ~ ~

120, 210, -160 . 0, -90,160 = 120, 210, -160 0, -90,160 cos

-44500 = 290(183.5756) cos

cos = -0.8359

= 146.70970

Angle between L1 and line at y axis

L1 = OA + s AE = 0, -90,160 + s 120, 210, -160


Ly = 0,1, 0

v1 . v2 = v1 v2 cos
~ ~ ~ ~

120, 210, -160 . 0,1, 0 = 120, 210, -160 0,1, 0 cos

210 = 290(1) cos

cos = 0.7241
= 43.6060o

Angle between L1 and plane S1

L1 = OA + s AE = 0, -90,160 + s 120, 210, -160


The normal vector to plane S1 is 1, 0, 0

v1 . n1 = v1 n1 cos
~ ~ ~ ~

120, 210, -160 . 1, 0, 0 = 120, 210, -160 1, 0, 0 cos

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

120 = 290cos
cos = 0.4138
= 65.5562o
Precaution, this is the angle between L1 and normal vector to plane S1 . Then, the angle
between L1 and plane S1 = 900 -65.5562o = 24.4438

(vii) Find the equation of plane where it contains line L1 and L4 . Imagine that a cutting
tool will cut the object along this plane. Find the 3D angle that the cutting tool
should be positioned for manufacturing purpose.

The equation of plane formed by line L1 with L4 .


L1 = OA + s AE = 0, -90,160 + s 120, 210, -160


L4 = OO + vOA = 0, 0, 0 + v 0, -90,160 = v 0, -90,160


i j k
Normal vector to L1 and L4 is L1 x L4 = 120 210 -160 = 19200,-19200,-10800
~ ~ ~ ~
0 -90 160

The equation of plane: ax + by + cz = k where the normal vector to the plane is a, b, c

19200 x -19200 y -10800 z = k

From the point located on this plane, i.e., point O and A . Sub either point O or point A to
the equation we get k = 19200 x -19200 y -10800 z = 0

; Thus, the plane of equation is 19200 x -19200 y -10800 z = 0 which can be simplify to
16 x -16 y - 9 z = 0

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

With respect to yz-plane

Angle, x = 90o - cos-1 ~ ~

~ ~

(16, -16, -9).(1, 0, 0)

x = 90o - cos-1 2
(16) + (-16)2 + (-9)2 . (0) 2 + (0) 2 + (1) 2

x = 90o - cos-1

x = 90o -48.92540 = 41.07460

With respect to xz-plane

Angle, y = 90 - cos
o -1 ~ ~

~ ~

(16, -16, -9).(0,1, 0)

y = 90o - cos-1
(16) + (-16)2 + (-9)2 . (0) 2 + (1) 2 + (0) 2

y = 90o - cos-1

y = -41.07460

With respect to xy-plane

Angle, z = 90o - cos-1 ~ ~

~ ~

(16, -16, -9).(0, 0,1)

z = 90o - cos-1
(16) + (-16)2 + (-9)2 . (0) 2 + (0) 2 + (1) 2

z = 90o - cos-1

z = -21.69010

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

Solution 2:
Area of the triangular plate ABC
Pont A = (0.2,0,0.6) , B = (0,1.2,0.35) , C = (-0.4,0,0.9)

AB = 0,1.2, 0.35 - 0.2, 0, 0.6 = (-0.2,1.2, -0.25)


AC = -0.4, 0, 0.9 - 0.2, 0, 0.6 = (-0.6, 0, 0.3)


Area of triangle = AB x AC
2 ~ ~

i j k
~ ~ ~
= -0.2 1.2 -0.25
-0.6 0 0.3

= 0.36 i + 0.21 j + 0.72 k
2 ~ ~ ~

= (0.36)2 + (0.21)2 + (0.72) 2
= = 0.4159m2

Ground is located on xy-plane where the equation of plane is z=0. Since k is the unit vector

normal to the xy-plane, then the orthogonal projection area of the triangle plate onto xy-
plane is as following:
k . ( AB x AC ) where k = <0, 0, 1>
~ 2 ~ ~

i j k
~ ~ ~
= k . [-0.2 1.2 -0.25]
~ 2
-0.6 0 0.3

0 0 1
= -0.2 1.2 -0.25
-0.6 0 0.3

= (0,0,1).(0.36,0.21,0.72)

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

= 0.72 = 0.36m2

Verify the orthogonal projection method with common method:

A ' = (0.2,0,0) , B ' = (0,1.2,0) , C ' = (-0.4,0,0)

AB = 0,1.2, 0 - 0.2, 0, 0 = (-0.2,1.2, 0)


AC = -0.4, 0, 0 - 0.2, 0, 0 = (-0.6, 0, 0)


1 1 1
Area of triangle = AB x AC = 0.72 k = (0.72) = 0.36m2
2 ~ ~ 2 ~ 2

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

Solution 3:
The ramp ABCD is in trapezoidal shape, thus the area of trapezoidal is the combination of two
1 1 1 1
triangles. Thus, it is equal to AB x AC + AD x AC or BA x BC + DA x DC . Both
2 ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 2 ~ ~

give same ans.

Pont A = (0,0,0) , B = (0, 2.7,0) , C = (3,3.3,-1) , D = (3,-0.6,-1)

AB = 0, 2.7, 0 - 0, 0, 0 = 0, 2.7, 0

AC = 3,3.3, -1 - 0, 0, 0 = 3,3.3, -1

AD = 3, -0.6, -1 - 0, 0, 0 = 3, -0.6, -1

Area of 1st triangle = AB x AC
2 ~ ~

i j k
~ ~ ~
= 0 2.7 0
3 3.3 -1

= -2.7 i + 0 j - 8.1 k
2 ~ ~ ~

= (-2.7)2 + (0) 2 + (-8.1) 2
= = 4.2691m2
Area of 2nd triangle = AC x AD
2 ~ ~

i j k
~ ~ ~
= 3 3.3 -1
3 -0.6 -1

= -3.9 i + 0 j -11.7 k
2 ~ ~ ~

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

= (-3.9)2 + (0) 2 + (-11.7) 2
= = 6.1665m2
Area of trapezoidal ramp = area of 1st triangle + area of 2nd triangle

= 4.2691m2 + 6.1665m2

= 10.4356m2

Ground is located on plane is z=-1. Since k is the unit vector normal to the plane, then the

orthogonal projection area of the 1st triangle onto xy-plane is as following:

k . ( AB x AC ) where k = <0, 0, 1>
~ 2 ~ ~ ~

i j k
~ ~ ~
= k . [0 2.7 0 ]
~ 2
3 3.3 -1

0 0 1
= 0 2.7 0
3 3.3 -1

= (0, 0,1).(-2.7, 0, -8.1)
= -8.1 k
2 ~

= 4.05m2
For the 2nd triangle
k . ( AC x AD) where k = <0, 0, 1>
~ 2 ~ ~ ~

i j k
~ ~ ~
= k . [3 3.3 -1]
~ 2
3 -0.6 -1

0 0 1
= 3 3.3 -1
3 -0.6 -1

Vector Algebra Problem based learning #4

= (0, 0,1).(-3.9, 0, -11.7)
1 1
= -11.7 k = (0)2 + (0)2 + (-11.7)2 = 5.85m2
2 ~ 2
Area of orthogonal trapezoidal = area of 1st triangle + area of 2nd triangle

= 4.05m2 + 5.85m2

= 9.90m2

Verify the orthogonal projection method with common method:

A ' = (0,0,-1) , B ' = (0, 2.7,-1) , C = (3,3.3,-1) , D = (3,-0.6,-1)

A ' B' = 0, 2.7, -1 - 0, 0, -1 = 0, 2.7, 0


A ' C = 3,3.3, -1 - 0, 0, -1 = 3,3.3, 0


A ' D = 3, -0.6, -1 - 0, 0, -1 = 3, -0.6, 0


1 1 1
Area of 1st triangle = A ' B ' x A ' C = -8.1 k = (8.1) = 4.05m2
2 ~ ~ 2 ~ 2
1 1 1
Area of 2nd triangle = A ' C x A ' D = -11.7 k = (11.7) = 5.85m2
2 ~ ~ 2 ~ 2
Area of orthogonal trapezoidal = area of 1st triangle + area of 2nd triangle

= 4.05m2 + 5.85m2

= 9.90m2 (same result with orthogonal projection method)


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