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Molly, Baylor, Maddie, Esmeralda

Getting Started
Throughout high school (freshman - senior year)

- Take college-prep courses

- Focus on your grades
- If possible, meet regularly with your guidance counselor
- Start saving for college
- Prepare for the ACT/SAT
- Take the SAT and/or ACT
- Search for colleges
- Ask for letters of recommendation
Importance of College
College opens you up to a number of opportunities
The difference between a 2 year college and a 4 year are outstanding
as 4 year can give you more opportunity and more training to go into
the field you are truly wanting to do your whole life
Even if your schedule isnt flexible and you also work, there is a way to
make your schedule a flexible one too which will help you all in the
long run
Making High School Count
Take advantage of every opportunity your high school
provides, from activities to college prep courses
Speak to your guidance counselor about activities for
your future, remember to take AP classes and prepare
yourself for the SATs with PSATs along with taking the
Take extracurricular activities to make your experience
enjoyable, try everyone and stick to a few you truly like
between types
of colleges
In this section you will learn
about different types of colleges
and their importance/ impact.

Community Colleges
Community colleges are also called junior
colleges. They are typically two year schools that
have affordable classes. Usually students go to
community college to start a pathway to a
four-year degree.

They do not have dorms

Cost of tuition is typically lower than a
In order to go to a community college you
need to be attending high school or have a
high school diploma

Universities of California or UC
A UC is usually a type of four year college or
university that offers a bachelor's degree. These
schools are also called undergraduate schools.
Typically people who go to a community college
transfer to a UC.

UCs give the public higher education

You can get four types of degrees from a
B.A./B.S. M.A./M.S. Doctorates (Ph.D./Ed.D)
Professional Degrees

California State Universities
A State University is a undergraduate school that
is more difficult to get into than a community
college. Typically people who attend a CSU are
going to be a teacher or a professional in a
certain field.

$5,701- $6,920
B.A./B.S. M.A./M.S. Doctorates (Ph.D./Ed.D)
Teaching Credentials

Other Options for schooling
There are plenty of other schools and ways to
get an education after high school. Some

Private schools
Career Colleges
Vocational/ Technical Schools
Liberal Arts
Private colleges and Universities

Applying for College
Determine the deadlines for each of your desired schools.
Make sure you take the SAT/ACT
Work on personal essay
Get your letter of recommendations
Filling out the application
Personal Information Input your name, email address, phone number, high school,
college credits already earned, standardized test scores, citizenship information, etc.
Extracurriculars Explain what youve done outside of class, and how much time you
devoted to it. In addition to traditional extracurricular activities, remember to include
part-time jobs or other obligations like taking care of siblings.
Summer Activities - Explain summer jobs, internships, or other enrichment
Essays Submit the essays that youve written.
Honors List any honors you've received along with the context. How many students
competed for the honor? How many students received it? Why is it important?
Disciplinary Infractions Detail information on any suspensions or expulsions.
Application fee Pay for your application to officially submit it. If the cost is too high,
speak with your guidance counselor or the college's financial aid office; fee waivers are
often available so that you can submit the applications for free
Inform your counselor about the college you are applying
to so they can send your transcript to the colleges.

Es muy importante to hablar to you counselor.

Make sure you pose a question that the reader will want
answered. (dont be boring)
Dont just focus on the past. Talk about the future.
Open up. Dont be afraid to put yourself into the writing.
Letter of Recommendation
All colleges require letters of recommendation.
Makes sure you ask the teacher you are wanting to
write the letter politely and formally.
Get teacher you know like you so they write good
If the college has optional interviews, it is important to do
the interview.

Prepare for the Interview. Find out what what you need to
prepare and make sure you are ready for the interview.
Paying For College
Begin an ongoing dialogue with your
parents about how to pay for college.
Start saving for college.
Outline your financial aid plan.
Fill out and submit a FAFSA form.
Fill out and submit a CSS profile or
Update your FAFSA CSS profile
Grants and Scholarships.
Almost all of our grants are awarded to students with financial need. If
you are interested in our grants, or in any federal student aid, you have
to start by submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA). Once youve done that, youll work with your college or career
school to find out how much you can get and when youll get it.

There are thousands of scholarships, from all kinds of organizations, and

theyre not hard to find. You might be able to get a scholarship for being a
good student, a great basketball player, or a member of a certain church,
or because your parent works for a particular company, or for some
other reason. Find out more about finding and applying for scholarships.
Youll also want to be careful and avoid scholarship scams.
Work Study
Work-study, one component of a financial aid package,
offers you the chance to earn extra funds through
on-campus jobs while still going to college full-time. Hear
from admissions on how work-study operates and why it
just might be the extra money you need to make college
College loans can be a scary proposition, because unlike
scholarships and grants, they have to be paid back (with
interest!) after you finish school. However, loans also
represent an investment in your future and one that can
absolutely be worth it if used in moderation. Learn what
sort of loans are out there and how to prioritize between
Financial Aid Packages
Once a college accepts you, they will take the information that you provided
on your financial aid forms to determine your financial aid package. Now
comes one of the most important parts of the college admissions process:
comparing offers to determine which of your top schools provided enough aid
to make college affordable.

First up, we have an example financial aid package for a student coming from
a family of 5 that makes $41,000 / year. This package is built assuming that
the student is the only child in the family attending college (if multiple
children are attending at the same time, it can increase the amount of
need-based aid a famly receives). The cost of attendance per year is listed at
$63,206. The student received a total of $60,206 in need-based
scholarships/grants, covering nearly the entire cost of attendance.
Antelope Valley
There are 14,408 students
total attending school.
The tuition is $1,104 a year.
100% percent are admitted
because it is an open
Major: American Sign
Major: Interior Design
The institution began classes September 10, 1929 as a
department of Antelope Valley High School in Lancaster. It
was established as Antelope Valley Junior College,
providing the first two years of a college education for
those living in what was then a remote, rural area.
It was established as Antelope Valley Junior College,
providing the first two years of a college education for
those living in what was then a remote, rural area.
This school would be a good choice
because, 100% percent get in and you
can use it as a starting ground.
Get your general ed out of
the way.
Has many different Majors for
a community college.
There are more varsity
women's sports than men's.
Remedial services for students with learning disabilities
Academic/Career counseling
Employment services for current students to find
part-time positions
Job placement for graduates to find full-time
Daycare on campus for children of students
Library on campus
There is no on campus
housing at this college
California state university
University of California
San Diego
Fun Facts about UC San Diego
- UC San Diego is made of 6 separate
colleges including their own campuses and
- The school's annual Sun God music
festival is named after the Sun God statue
and has had headliners like Snoop Dogg,
Diplo, Kendrick Lamar, and Drake.
- Geisel Library is a futuristic building named
after Theodor Seuess Geisel (Dr. Seuess)
Majors: Why this school is great!
Molecular Biology -the branch of biology that To attend UC San Diego for a year you would
deals with the structure and function of the have to pay: $23,790 as a CA resident
macromolecules (e.g., proteins and nucleic acids)
essential to life. This school would be a great place to go
because they offer over 350 different majors.
Microbiology- is the study of microscopic They have a great campus and is very diverse.
organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, archaea,
fungi and protozoa. Room and board annually cost around $12,000

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