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Meeting Minutes

Date: Monday February 8, 2017

Time: 8:00 PM
Location: Torgerson Hall
Attendees Not Present
Connor Pearson None
Erin Flattery
Liz Anne Kennelly
Keely Thomson
Approve previous meeting minutes
Discuss Wigs for Kids charity
Brainstorm project ideas
Update on Project Sponsor
Prepare for Progress Report One

Summary of discussion

No Item Discussed
1 The previous meeting was the Project kickoff meeting and the minutes have
been approved by all members
2. Project will benefit Wigs for Kids charity. The organization provides hair
services for kids who dont have hair for various reasons. The company
doesnt charge families for the wigs so they are always looking for
3. Sell hair ties and then a certain percentage will go towards wigs for kids.
Will also ask for donations and possible have a fundraising event one night.
4. Jenna Wood has been emailed asking to be our Project Sponsor. She is in
charge of fundraising efforts for the charity, so currently waiting on a
5. Progress Report One is due tomorrow in Class. Slide show was completed at
the meeting and each member has been assigned topics to present.
Meeting Conclusion
The project has formally been introduced and each member is aware of what is
going on. The team is waiting on sponsor response and each member is ready to
present progress report one tomorrow in class.

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