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to see effect on photosynthesis? show its effect on photosynthetic rate?

How can temperature be measured How can carbon dioxide be measured to

Keep all other factors constant. A light

intensity used that produces a high rate All other factors kept constant and
of photosynthesis. Temperature in water number of sodium hydrogencarbonate
bath altered and vol of gas produced drops varied. Vol of gas produced
measured at each temp. But warmer measured at each carbon dioxide conc.
water will reduce the solubility of the gas.

changing density? Steps 1 +2

measured using leaf discs and What is step 3 for this experiment?
How can photosynthetic rate be

Hold syringe upright and place finger

1. Use a straw to cut out several leaf discs over end. Gently pull on plunger to pull
from cress cotyledons. 2. Place 5/6 leaf air out of air spaces of spongy mesophyll
discs in a 10cm3 syringe, half-fill syringe with in leaf discs. Air is replaced by sodium
dilute sodium hydrogencarbonate solution. hydrogencarbonate soltuion. As density of
discs increases,they sink to bottom of syringe
Describe the next step of this experiment What are stages 5,6 and 7?

Once all discs have sunk, transfer syringe

5. Repeat procedure twice more at this
contents to a small beaker. Illuminate from
light intensity and find mean rate of
above using bright light and time how long
photosynthesis. 6. Repeat at different
it takes for a leaf disc to float to top. (1/
light intensities. 7. Put results in table.
t) is a measure of rate of photosynthesis.

What can be used to measure uptake of CO2? Why are indicators good for this?

Some indicators are sensitive

An indicator solution.
to small changes in pH.
Describe the hydrogencarbonate indicator

It is red when neutral, yellow at pH6

and red/purple at pH's slightly above 7.

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