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Community Population size

Populations of different Number of individuals of one

species in a habitat cohabiting species in a particular area
Population Habitat
All organisms of one species in a habitat Place where an organism lives
Distribution Abundance
Number of individuals of one
Where a species is within a particular area
species in a particular area
Biotic factors Abiotic factors
Living features of the ecosystem Non-living features of the ecosystem
Succession Niche
Process by which an The role of an organism in its habitat
ecosystem changes over time including its biotic and abiotic factors
Carrying Capacity Net Productivity
The maximum stable population Amount of energy available
size an ecosystem can support to next trophic level
Climate Change Plagioclimax
Change in weather of a
Human/artificial prevention of succession
region over a period of time
Climatic Climax Climax Community
Largest and most complex
Climax community for a particular climate
community an ecosystem can support
Evolution Species
Group of similar organisms that can
Change in allele frequency
reproduce to give fertile offspring
Dendrochronology Global Warming
Rapid increase in global
Investigating age of trees using tree rings
temperature over the last century
Ecosystem Opportunists / Pioneer Species
All interacting organisms and all the First plants / species to arrive
abiotic factors in a particular area on an empty inorganic surface
Biomes Speciation
Major ecosystems eg.
Development of new species
Coniferous forests, Sahara...
Endemism Interspecific Competition
Competition for same resources
State of a species being unique to an area
between different species
Intraspecific Competition Leaching
Competition for limited resources between Drainage of mineral
members of the same species/ population containing water through soils
Secondary Production Net Primary Productivity
Energy used to make animal biomass Energy stored in plant body tissue
Gross Primary Productivity Biomass
Rate at which energy is
Weight of an organism in a given area/volume
incorporated into plants
Wiggle Matching
Process by which radiocarbon
dating is confimed
Greenhouse Effect Carbon Sinks
Reservoirs where C is removed
Reduction of heat loss from surface
from atmosphere and 'locked up'
of Earth by Greenhouse Gases
in organic/ inorganic compounds

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