Isomer Specific Accumulation of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate in The Liver of Chicken Embryos Exposed in Ovo To A Technical Mixture

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Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp.

226231, 2011
# 2010 SETAC
Printed in the USA
DOI: 10.1002/etc.368

Short Communication




yCentre for Advanced Research in Environmental Genomics, University of Ottawa, 20 Marie Curie Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5, Canada
zEnvironment Canada, National Wildlife Research Centre, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

(Submitted 11 May 2010; Returned for Revision 16 June 2010; Accepted 2 September 2010)

Abstract Prior to its recent phaseout, perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) was produced by electrochemical fluorination processes,
which yielded technical mixtures composed of linear isomer (6579%) and several branched isomers (2135%). Because PFOS can
biomagnify in wildlife, birds that occupy higher trophic levels are at increased risk of exposure. We hypothesized that the
pharmacokinetic properties of PFOS are isomer-specific in developing chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) embryos exposed to
technical grade PFOS (T-PFOS). In the present study, T-PFOS was composed of 62.7% linear isomer (L-PFOS), and 37.3% branched
isomer, including six mono(trifluoromethyl)-branched isomers and four bis(trifluoromethyl)-branched isomers. Concentrations of 0.1, 5,
or 100 mg/g of T-PFOS were injected into the air cell of chicken eggs prior to incubation. After pipping, compared with T-PFOS, the
PFOS isomer profile in embryonic liver tissue for the 0.1 mg/g dose group showed 21% enrichment in the proportion of L-PFOS with a
corresponding decrease in the proportion of branched isomers. Not all branched isomers were discriminated against at equal rates. The
proportion of two mono(trifluoromethyl)-branched isomers and three bis(trifluoromethyl)-branched isomers decreased to a greater
degree than other branched isomers. In contrast, the mono-branched isomer, P6MHpS, was overrepresented in the low-dose group. In the
higher dose groups, L-PFOS was still enriched but only by approximately 10%, which indicated a dose-dependent change in isomer
composition relative to T-PFOS. These results show that accumulation of PFOS in chicken embryo livers is dependent on the presence
and position of branches on the alkyl backbone. This supports the hypothesis that the pharmacokinetics of PFOS are isomer-specific in
biota, and may help explain why wildlife PFOS burdens are dominated by L-PFOS relative to T-PFOS mixtures. Environ. Toxicol.
Chem. 2011;30:226231. # 2010 SETAC

KeywordsChicken egg injection Embryonic livers Liver patterns Perfluorooctane sulfonate Linear/branched isomers

INTRODUCTION samples [6]. Most current PFC production is based on telome-

Perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) have unique chemical rization, a process that generates an almost purely linear
properties that make them ideal for a variety of applications, product. Whereas PFOS is known to be bioaccumulative [7]
including as industrial surfactants and oil and stain repellents and toxic to laboratory animals at environmentally relevant
[1]. Due to their large-scale use and their resistance to environ- concentrations, including chickens [811], the toxicology and
mental and biological degradation, several PFCs have become kinetics of individual PFOS isomers is, as yet, poorly charac-
persistent environmental contaminants. Concentrations of per- terized. This has mostly been due to the lack of methods for
fluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in the environment and in human accurate isomer quantification. However, recent advances in
tissue are the highest reported among PFCs. Consequently, the analytical chemistry have allowed researchers to begin gener-
major manufacturers of PFOS phased out its production by ating isomer-specific data for human and environmental sam-
2002. Although production has ceased, PFOS still remains the ples [5,1217].
most environmentally abundant PFC and has been detected in a The isomeric profile of PFOS in human serum was recently
wide range of environmental niches, including aquatic and examined and was shown to have a high proportion of branched
arctic food webs [2]. Particularly high concentrations of PFOS isomers, resembling ECF-produced PFOS [18]. Interestingly,
(several parts per million) have been detected in animals at high however, the isomer profiles in wildlife samples had dispro-
trophic levels, such as polar bears and fish-eating birds [2]. portionately low concentrations of branched isomers, compared
Prior to the phaseout of PFOS, it was primarily manufactured with ECF-produced PFOS. In many cases, over 90% of the total
through industrial processes based on electrochemical fluori- PFOS concentration was found to be L-PFOS [5,17,19]. The
nation (ECF), which yields impure mixtures composed of 2 to reason for these discrepancies is unclear because all environ-
20% non-PFOS impurities, with the remaining portion contain- mental PFOS is believed to be of ECF origin. Possible explan-
ing about 65 to 79% linear PFOS (L-PFOS) and 21 to 35% ations include differences in the sources of PFOS exposure,
branched PFOS isomers [35]. Although, theoretically, 89 variable degradation or retention of PFOS isomers and its
possible geometric PFOS isomers exist, only 11 isomers have precursors, or biological mechanisms for selection.
been detected in the technical product and environmental In a two-part pharmacokinetic study, Benskin et al. [12] and
DeSilva et al. [16] found that, in general, most branched isomers
had lower blood depuration half-lives in rats acutely or sub-
* To whom correspondence may be addressed
chronically exposed to PFOS. Similarly, DeSilva et al. [15]
Published online 6 October 2010 in Wiley Online Library showed a tendency for linear isomers of perfluoroocanoic acid
( and perfluorononanoic acid to have higher half-lives in rainbow
PFOS isomer profiles in chicken embryo livers Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 30, 2011 227

trout dietarily exposed to ECF-produced mixtures of these were collected. All procedures followed protocols approved by
compounds. the Canadian Council on Animal Care Committee.
It is known, however, that PFCs have substantially different
pharmacokinetic properties among species [2022]. It is there-
Isomer-specific PFOS determination
fore unclear if similar biological discrimination of PFC isomers
occurs in avian species as it does in rats and trout. Given the Perfluorooctane sulfonate was extracted from the livers of 6
high PFOS burden that many wild avian species bear, and their to 10 embryos per dose group, then cleaned by solid-phase
high trophic level in many aquatic and terrestrial food webs, extraction on Oasis1 WAX cartridges [5]. Perfluorooctane
PFOS isomer fate in birds is an important issue in environ- sulfonate isomers were quantified in these extracts, as well
mental toxicology. as in two replicates, of the egg injection solution (T-PFOS
To investigate how PFOS isomers are accumulated in avian dissolved in DMSO) according to the method of Chu and
liver tissue, the PFOS content in the liver of laboratory-exposed Letcher [5]. Briefly, the methanol for liquid chromatography-
chicken embryos, collected from a previously conducted egg tandem mass spectrometry (which already contained the 13C4-
injection study [10], was reexamined using a newly developed labeled PFOS as internal standard) were evaporated to dryness
in-port derivatization gas chromatographymass spectrometry and dissolved in 100 ml water. A volume of 100 ml TBAH
(GC-MS) method [5]. Hepatic isomer profiles were compared solution (0.5 g of TBAH in 5 ml diethyl ether) was added to each
with that of the originally injected solution (technical grade sample. The tubes were capped and the solution was vortexed.
PFOS, T-PFOS), to determine if changes in the PFOS isomer Subsequently, 100 ml of diethyl ether was added and mixed
pattern had occurred. again. The samples were centrifuged and frozen at 208C. The
diethyl ether phase was separated from the aqueous layer (ice)
MATERIALS AND METHODS and transferred into another tube. The samples were evaporated
to dryness, redissolved in 100 ml of diethyl ether, and trans-
ferred to a vial with 100 ml insert for GC-MS analysis.
Technical grade PFOS for injection, standard solutions of the The in-port derivatization and GC-MS analysis [5] were
11 individual branched and linear PFOS isomers, and 13C4- performed using an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph (GC)
labeled PFOS were obtained from Wellington Laboratories. coupled to an Agilent-5973N quadrupole mass spectrometer
The abbreviations and chemical formulas for all 11 isomers (MS) detector (Agilent). The GC was equipped with a
identified in T-PFOS are shown in Table 1. Concentration and 30 m  0.25 mm inner diameter DB-5 capillary column with
purity of all PFOS solutions were as previously described [5]. a film thickness of 0.25 mm. Helium was used as carrier gas at a
Solutions for injection were prepared from a stock solution of constant flow of 1 ml/min. Five microliters of sample solution
T-PFOS dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Compared were injected with splitless mode, and a double taper deacti-
with water and corn oil, PFOS was maximally soluble in DMSO vated splitless inlet liner was used. The injector temperature was
at the concentrations required for the present study. Injection of 3008C; the oven temperature was programmed as follows:
DMSO alone had no effect on embryo viability (measured as 508C, hold for 2 min, then at 58C/min to 1208C. Ionization
pipping success) [10]. Tetrabutylammonium hydroxide 30 was performed in electron capture negative ionization mode
hydrate (TBAH), formic acid (98100%), and ammonium using methane as reagent gas. The transfer line, source, and
hydroxide (2830% w/v) were analytical grade and obtained quadrupole temperatures were 280, 180, and 1508C, respec-
from Sigma-Aldrich. All solvents used were high-performance tively. Selected ion-monitoring mode was used for quantitative
liquid chromatography grade and purchased from Fisher analysis.
Scientific. Quantification of the individual isomers was done using an
isotope dilution method with five-point calibration curves using
Tissues T-PFOS as standard, for which the concentrations of the
Livers from embryos exposed in ovo to T-PFOS were individual branched and L-PFOS isomers were previously
obtained from a previously conducted egg injection study determined using individual branched or L-PFOS isomers
[10]. Briefly, eggs were injected with T-PFOS dissolved in standards [5]. No standard reference material of any kind
DMSO at concentrations of 0.1 mg PFOS/g egg, 5 mg/g, and for PFOS isomers presently exists. An in-house reference
100 mg/g prior to incubation. A vehicle control group was material of pooled herring gull egg samples, which were
exposed solely to DMSO, while another control group received collected in 1989 from Laurentian Great Lakes (North America)
no injection. Embryos were incubated until pipping, at which colonies, was used as an in-house standard reference material
point embryos were euthanized by decapitation and liver tissues (SRM). For total PFOS (branched and linear), reproducibility

Table 1. Abbreviations and chemical formulas of all 11 isomers identified in technical grade perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS)

Abbreviation Reading Chemical formula

L-PFOS n-Perfluoro-1-octanesulfonate CF3CF2CF2CF2CF2CF2CF2CF2SO3H

P1MHpS Perfluoro-1-methyl-heptane sulfonate CF3CF2CF2CF2CF2CF2CF(CF3)SO3H
P2MHpS Perfluoro-2-methyl-heptane sulfonate CF3CF2CF2CF2CF2CF(CF3)CF2SO3H
P3MHpS Perfluoro-3-methyl-heptane sulfonate CF3CF2CF2CF2CF(CF3)CF2CF2SO3H
P4MHpS Perfluoro-4-methyl-heptane sulfonate CF3CF2CF2CF(CF3)CF2CF2CF2SO3H
P5MHpS Perfluoro-5-methyl-heptane sulfonate CF3CF2CF(CF3)CF2CF2CF2CF2SO3H
P6MHpS Perfluoro-6-methyl-heptane sulfonate CF3CF(CF3)CF2CF2CF2CF2CF2SO3H
P35DMHxS Perfluoro-3,5-dimethyl-hexane sulfonate CF3CF(CF3)CF2CF(CF3)CF2CF2SO3H
P44DMHxS Perfluoro-4,4-dimethyl-hexane sulfonate CF3CF2C(CF3)2CF2CF2CF2SO3H
P45DMHxS Perfluoro-4,5-dimethyl-hexane sulfonate CF3CF(CF3)CF(CF3)CF2CF2CF2SO3H
P55DMHxS Perfluoro-5,5-dimethyl-hexane sulfonate CF3C(CF3)2CF2CF2CF2CF2SO3H
228 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 30, 2011 J.M. OBrien et al.

was acceptable with a relative standard deviation of 20%. The Eleven different PFOS isomers, including L-PFOS, six
method detection limits (MDL) for the branched PFOS isomers mono(trifluoromethyl)-branched isomers, and four bis(trifluor-
ranged between 0.17 to 0.46 ng/g wet weight, and for L-PFOS omethyl)-branched isomers, were detected in most treated
was 6.71 ng/g wet weight. For branched isomers, the most samples. The PFOS isomer profiles in the liver tissue of exposed
abundant, and thus the most sensitive, MS ions were chosen embryos and that of the original T-PFOS solution used for
for quantitative analysis. However, for L-PFOS, an anion of m/z injection are compared in Figure 1. Technical grade PFOS was
499 atomic mass units (amu) was chosen for quantitative predominantly comprised of the linear isomer followed by
analysis, rather than the most abundant anion of m/z P6MHpS > P3MHpS > P5MHpS > P4MHpS. The remaining
137 amu. This resulted in a difference in MDL for L-PFOS two mono(trifluoromethyl)-branched isomers, P1MHpS and
compared with the branched isomers. The reason is that we used P2MHpS, and all bis(trifluoromethyl)-branched isomers each
an internal standard method; the 13C-enriched L-PFOS surro- contributed less than 1% to total PFOS concentration in the
gate, sodium perfluoro-1-[1,2,3,4-13C4]octane sulfonates, was technical mixture.
used as internal standard. As the relatively less abundant (and The proportion of L-PFOS in the liver of all treated embryos
thus less sensitive) anion of m/z 449 amu was used for quanti- was significantly higher than in T-PFOS. The degree of differ-
tative analysis, the MDL for L-PFOS was higher than branched ence was inversely proportional to dose, with the largest
isomers. increase, approximately 20%, occurring in the 0.1 mg/g dose
group. Concordantly, liver tissue from all treatment groups had
lower proportions of branched isomers. Again, this difference
was most evident in the lowest dose group and lessened as a
Statistical differences in isomer proportions were identified function of increasing dose. This general trend was observed for
by analysis of variance followed by Bonferronis pairwise most individual branched isomers with two exceptions. Both
comparisons using normalized data. Isomer data were normal- P1MHpS and P2MHpS were overrepresented up to two fold in
ized to total PFOS/g sample, or to total branched PFOS isomers/ the 100 and 5 mg/g dose groups compared with T-PFOS, but
g sample. only significantly for P1MHpS at 100 mg/g. These two isomers
were proportionally lower in the 0.1 mg/g dose group, although
RESULTS not significantly.
Low levels of PFOS were detected in the untreated and From an alternate perspective, when the isomer-specific
vehicle control chicken embryos (as reported in OBrien et al. concentration data were normalized to total branched
[10]). Upon GC analysis, it was determined that all PFOS isomer concentration, it was more evident that all branched
detected in these groups was of the linear form (data not shown). forms were not equally discriminated against (Fig. 2). Two
Total PFOS concentrations in liver tissue of exposed embryos mono(trifluromethyl)-branched isomers, P3MHpS, P4MHpS,
increased in a dose-dependent fashion as previously demon- and three of the bis(trifluoromethyl)-branched isomers, P44-
strated [10]. DMHxS, P45DMHxS, and P55DMHxS, had lower representation

Fig. 1. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) isomer profiles in liver tissue from chicken embryos exposed prior to incubation to various concentrations of technical
grade PFOS (T-PFOS). Data were normalized to total PFOS burden and represent the mean and standard deviation of 610 individual birds. The T-PFOS profile
represents the mean and standard deviation of two replicates. Asterisk denotes significantly different from T-PFOS.
PFOS isomer profiles in chicken embryo livers Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 30, 2011 229

Fig. 2. Profile of branched perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) isomers normalized to total branched isomer content in chicken embryos exposed to various
concentrations of technical grade PFOS (T-PFOS). Data represent the mean and standard deviation of 610 individual birds. The T-PFOS profile represents the
mean and standard deviation of two replicates. Asterisk denotes significantly different from T-PFOS.

in the 0.1 mg/g dose group, compared with other branched sely proportional to dose, with the most dramatic differences
isomers in T-PFOS. In contrast, P6MHps was proportionately occurring in the 0.1 mg/g dose group. This dose corresponded to
higher in the low-dose group. In the Supplemental Data, a hepatic PFOS burden of 0.15 (0.02) mg/g in the embryos
Figure S1, we also show the portion of each PFOS isomer that [10]. The acute dose used in Benskin et al. [12] resulted in a
was recovered in the liver relative to the administered dose of T- hepatic burden of 4.2 mg/g of L-PFOS alone, which is approx-
PFOS, where the percent recovery of each isomer was normal- imately 30-fold higher than the lowest exposure used in the
ized to the percent recovery of total PFOS concentrations for a present study. If differential accumulation of PFOS isomers in
given dose group. From this figure, we further illustrate that L- rat liver is dose-dependent, as observed in developing chickens
PFOS is recovered at a higher rate in all dose groups, and 1- and in the present study, differences may not be as discernable at the
2-branched isomers are recovered at higher rates in the 5 and exposure levels employed by Benskin et al. [12]. However,
100 mg/g dose groups. Furthermore, among the branched iso- isomer concentrations in chicken embryos exposed to concen-
mers, the 2- and 6-branched isomers had lower recoveries, and trations as high as 100 mg/g were statistically distinguishable
the remaining isomers, particularly the bis-branched isomers, from T-PFOS in the present study. Nevertheless, the overall
have the lowest recovery rate. discrimination of PFOS isomer patterns between rat blood and
chicken embryo liver were similar.
In addition to a strong selection for L-PFOS, the mono(tri-
DISCUSSION fluoromethyl)-branched isomer, P1MHpS, was three times
The present study shows that the hepatic accumulation of more persistent than L-PFOS in rat blood [12]. This is consistent
PFOS in the developing avian embryo is isomer-specific. An with the results from the present study. The proportion of
enrichment of the linear isomer was observed in all embryonic P1MHpS increased relative to T-PFOS in both the 5 and
dose groups relative to the dosed technical mixture. Similarly, 100 mg/g dose groups. The proportion of P2MHpS also
all branched isomers were proportionately lower in all treatment increased at these dose levels, although not significantly. It
groups relative to T-PFOS, and the degree to which individual was suggested that P1MHpS, and perhaps to a lesser degree
branched isomers were affected also appeared to be isomer- P2MHpS, may be more resistant to elimination than other
specific. branched isomers as a function of the trifluoromethyl branch
Benskin et al. [12] and DeSilva et al. [16] also noted isomer- substitution being on alkyl chain positions closer to the sulfo-
specific accumulation and elimination of PFOS isomers in rats nate moiety. This trend, however, was evident only in the high-
exposed orally to T-PFOS. Most of these differences, however, dose groups of the present study.
were observed for accumulation of PFOS in blood. Accumu- Although all branched isomers were proportionately lower
lation constants in liver tissue were not determined, but hepatic compared with T-PFOS at 0.1 mg/g, the degree to which all
depuration half-lives for the various PFOS isomers were not isomers were affected was not equal. When data were normal-
statistically different in rats. In the present study, the extent to ized to total branched isomer burden (Fig. 2), it became
which differential accumulation of isomers occurred was inver- evident that P3MHpS, P4MHpS, P44DMHxS, P45DMHxS,
230 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 30, 2011 J.M. OBrien et al.

and P55DMHxS contributed less to the sum of all branched partitioning of PFOS isomers into tissues. However, because
isomers compared with T-PFOS. This suggests a strong selec- our results were comparable to those from animal feeding
tion against the accumulation of these particular isomers in the studies [12,16] and environmental samples [5,15,17,19], we
liver. In contrast, the terminally branched P6MHpS was pro- conclude that the effects of DMSO were minimal. It is more
portionately higher than other branched isomers, relative to likely that the change in profiles was due to a mechanism
T-PFOS. This indicates that, whereas a selection exists against involving selective uptake and elimination of PFOS isomers.
the accumulation of this isomer in liver tissue, the degree is not In their rat studies, Benskin et al. [12] and DeSilva et al. [16]
as strong as for other branched isomers. discovered that most branched isomers were preferentially
A recent biomonitoring study characterized the PFOS iso- eliminated through urinary excretion. It is likely that branched
mer profiles in herring gull eggs collected from several colonies isomers are similarly excreted in the developing chicken
in the Laurentian Great Lakes (North America) [19]. L-PFOS embryo and would thus be stored within the chorioallantoic
consistently dominated the isomer pattern in all eggs, compris- membrane, an extraembryonic membrane used to improve the
ing between 95 and 98.3% of the total PFOS concentration. diffusion of oxygen and to store liquid waste. Unfortunately,
Also, in all gull eggs studied, comparable to T-PFOS, the isomer profiles in this tissue could not be determined for the
percentage of the mono(trifluoromethyl) isomer to total PFOS present study. Measurements were performed on archived
concentration was much lower than L-PFOS, and decreased as samples from which chorioallantoic membrane tissue was
the branch substitution was located in the alkyl chain backbone not collected. The exact mechanisms of PFOS isomer differ-
closer to the sulfonate group, i.e., P6MHpS (02.5%), P5MHpS entiation remain to be elucidated, but it is likely to involve
(0.431.18%), P4MHpS (0.250.69%), and P3MHpS (0.32 differential binding to transport proteins. Perfluoroalkyl com-
0.74%). It was suggested that the apparent dilution/degradation pounds have been shown to bind to fatty acid binding proteins in
of the mono(fluoromethyl) isomers from environmental proc- the liver, and lipoproteins and albumin in blood [28,29],
esses that occur prior to final accumulation in herring gull eggs although the binding strength of individual isomers to these
is independent of the mono(fluoromethyl) isomer structure. It is proteins remains to be investigated. The observation that isomer
important to note that these observations were made in whole discrimination was dose-dependent suggests that all isomers
egg homogenates, as opposed to the present study that looked accumulate through a similar mechanism, but at high doses,
specifically at embryo livers. It is likely that the observed these mechanisms are saturated and cannot discriminate
isomer profiles in the wild gull eggs are representative of the between branched arrangements.
isomer profile of the female gulls that laid them. The maternal Several studies have shown that PFCs will differentially
isomer profile is, in turn, affected by her own metabolism of affect toxicological endpoints (molecular or physiological)
PFOS isomers, as well as the profile in the food she eats. What depending on isomeric content [3032]. In light of these find-
the present study does show is that biological mechanisms exist ings, and others previously discussed, the environmental rele-
in the chicken that cause selective accumulation of PFOS vance of results from toxicological studies using T-PFOS need
isomers. As both the rat and chicken appear to have some to be carefully assessed. Effects elicited by exposure to T-PFOS
mechanisms for the preferential accumulation of the linear in the laboratory may not necessarily be pertinent to wild
isomer or elimination of branched isomers, it is likely that animals, which are mainly exposed to L-PFOS. This is partic-
similar mechanisms are conserved in a broad range of species. ularly important for in vitro studies, when little to no selective
Selection for the linear isomer at various points in the food web accumulation or elimination of isomers occurs.
may partially explain why such a large bias for the linear isomer
occurs in wild gulls. Chu and Letcher [5] also showed that polar SUPPLEMENTAL DATA
bear blood and liver from the Norwegian Arctic and Northern Figure S1. Proportion of each perfluorooctane sulfonate
Canada, respectively, had proportionately high levels of L- (PFOS) isomer recovered in chicken embryo livers relative
PFOS relative to what is found in T-PFOS. The most abundant to the administered dose of technical grade PFOS (T-PFOS).
branched isomer in polar bear liver was also P6MHpS. In a Data are normalized to the percent recovery of total PFOS
study of a Lake Ontario food web, Houde et al. [17] found that concentrations for a given dose group. (216 KB PDF)
L-PFOS had a very high trophic magnification factor compared
with mono(trifluoromethyl)-branched isomers, and that bis(tri- AcknowledgementThis study received financial support from the
fluoromethyl)-branched isomers did not accumulate at all Chemicals Management Plan (CMP; Environment Canada).
through the food web.
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