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Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: Grade 5 Unit: Social Lesson Duration: 50 mins


OUTCOMES FROM (2-3, clear, and measurable) ASSESSMENTS (How will
ALBERTA you know they met learning
PROGRAM OF Students will: objectives?)
STUDIES (Observations, Key Questions,
5.1.1 - value Canada's
physical geography and Students will become experts in the area of the Arctic
natural environment:
Region, particularly the area of Iqaluit.
5.1.2 - examine,
critically, the physical
geography of Canada by Students will explore the affects of climate, landforms,
exploring and reflecting and animal life affects the areas recreation,
upon the following entertainment, and industry.
questions and issues:
5.1.3 - analyze how
people in Canada
Students will create a short commercial as if they were
interact with the trying to make an Arctic Winter Games bid.
environment by

Key Questions
Resource #1: Alberta Program of Studies


Introduction (10 min.):
Attention Grabber:
YOU are making an Arctic Winter Games bid for the city of Iqaluit. It is your job to find pertinent information about
the city of Iqaluit, you should consider the following category:
Historical sites
Entertainment- tours, museums etc
Recreation- facilities, parks, etc
Transportation- summer and winter
Climate- summer and winter
Animal life
How will these categories affect the way of life in Iqaluit and enhance your chance in being able to win the bid for the
Arctic Winter Games.

Assessment of Prior Knowledge:

Ensure students do not leave the classroom unless a teacher has permitted this action.
Talk about copyright, and plagiarism

Connection to Curriculum:

Transition to Body: Brainstorm initial ideas of how these categories may influence the city of Iqaluit.

Body (30 min.):
What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing?
Handing out student specific computers
Roaming classroom to ensure students are on task and to aid with any
questions quickly and effectively.

Learning Activity #1
Students will be given a labtop- their objective is to create a Google
Document, where they record down information they find in the
categories above.
Students will begin working individually without knowing that this will
eventually turn into a group project
This is to try and have each student engaged and motivated for their own

Formative & Summative Assessments

Ask probing questions to try and evaluate student thinking
Float from student to student doing an early check in on their progress

Specific Learner Considerations:

Ensure that Cameron is logged into his computer and direct him to
the appropriate website to start his project.

Transition to Activity #2:

Inform students that they are working in partners with approximately 10 minutes
left in class.
- From students picking their own groups I will then record their partners
down and then pair them up with another group of my choosing.
- Their will be approximately 6 groups of 4 students.

Transition to Closure
- Have students discuss what type of information they found in each
- Record down pairings
- Lead into how students will make their commercial bid- show Welcome
to California commercial.
Closure (5 min.): * Connect your closure with learning objectives*
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning:

Lesson Reflections (After you teach):
What went well:

What can be improved upon:

Describe how the students met your lesson objectives:

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