(TM) Abstract List of Figures

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The stress-strain response of natural soils depends on soil state, stress

history and drainage conditions. Constitutive models were developed to account

for a more accurate analysis and prediction of complex soil structures, leading to

a more economic and safe design. The correct selection of a soil model is

important, in order to avoid either too simple model or a too complex one which

require the determination of obscure material parameters. For a constitutive

model to be practical, it should be possible to obtain the model parameters in a

simple manner from conventional soil tests. In the present study, the researchers

aim to evaluate the performance of Modified Cam Clay Model and Hyperbolic

Model for analysis of stress strain behavior of clay soils with drained conditions.

The models are applied to predict the stress-strain response for other soils found

in literature and their relative errors are computed. It is shown that the Hyperbolic

Model and Modified Cam Clay Model provided good fit for normally consolidated

soils. There is a slight deviation for Hyperbolic Model in lightly consolidated clays

but Modified Cam Clay still provided close relations. Both models performed

poorly in heavily overconsolidated clays but the adapted modification of Arvelo

was able to simulate the peak stress of soil.


Title Page...............................................................................................................i


Table of Contents................................................................................................iii

List of Tables......................................................................................................vii

List of Figures....................................................................................................viii

Chapter 1 The Problem and its Background.....................................................1

1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the Problem.................................................................4

1.3 Objective of the Study......................................................................5

1.4 Significance of the Study..................................................................5

1.5 Hypothesis........................................................................................6

1.6 Conceptual Framework....................................................................6

1.7 Scope and Limitations......................................................................7

1.8 Assumptions.....................................................................................8

1.9 Definition of Terms...........................................................................8

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature...........................................................10

2.1 Constitutive Modeling of Soil..........................................................10

2.2 Modified Cam Clay Model..............................................................13

2.3 Hyperbolic Model............................................................................17

2.4 Stress-Strain Behavior...................................................................20

2.5 Maximum Relative Error.................................................................21

Chapter 3 Research Methodology....................................................................22

3.1 Method of Research.......................................................................22

3.2 Research Design............................................................................22

3.3 Preparation of the Sample..............................................................23

3.4 Sample of the Study.......................................................................23

3.5 Experimental Procedure.................................................................24

3.5.1 Isotropic Consolidation Test................................................24

3.5.2 Consolidated-Drained Triaxial Test.....................................25

3.5.3 Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil..............26

3.6 Research Instruments....................................................................26

3.7 General Prediction Method of Modified Cam Clay Model..............27

3.8 Prediction of Stress-Strain Response of Normally and Lightly

Consolidated Soil under Drained Condition using

Modified Cam Clay Model..............................................................27

3.9 Prediction of Stress-Strain Response of Heavily Consolidated Soil

under Drained Condition using Modified Cam Clay Model modified

by Arvelo........................................................................................29

3.10 General Prediction Method for Duncan-Chang Hyperbolic


3.10 Prediction of Stress-Strain Response of Normally, Lightly, and

Heavily Consolidated Soil under Drained Condition using

Hyperbolic Model............................................................................31

Chapter 4 Presentation of Data and Analysis.................................................33

4.1 Normally Consolidated Clay Soil (OCR = 1)...................................34

4.2 Lightly Over-Consolidated Clay (OCR = 2)....................................38

4.3 Heavily Over-Consolidated Clays (OCR = 5).................................42

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations...............................................46

5.1 Conclusion......................................................................................46

5.2 Recommendations.........................................................................47


Appendix A Triaxial Test Results of Normally Consolidated Clay...............50

Appendix B Triaxial Test Results of Lightly Overconsolidated Clay...........51

Appendix C Triaxial Test Results of Heavily Overconsolidated


Appendix D Model Simulation of Modified Cam Clay Model for Normally

Consolidated Clay........................................................................53

Appendix E Model Simulation of Modified Cam Clay Model for Lightly

Overconsolidated Clay................................................................61

Appendix F Model Simulation of Modified Cam Clay Model for Heavily

Overconsolidated Clay................................................................70

Appendix G Parameters of Modified Cam Clay Model after


Appendix H Model Simulation of Duncan-Chang Hyperbolic Model for

Normally Consolidated Clay........................................................80

Appendix I Model Simulation of Duncan-Chang Hyperbolic Model for

Lightly Overconsolidated Clay....................................................81

Appendix J Model Simulation of Duncan-Chang Hyperbolic Model for

Heavily Overconsolidated Clay...................................................82

Appendix K Budgetary Requirements.............................................................83

Appendix L Gantt Chart.....................................................................................84


Table Pag
3.1 Initial States of Soil Samples under Different Consolidation 23

3.2 Overconsolidation Ratios of Different Soil Samples 24
4.1 Initial Parameters used for Modified Cam Clay Simulation 33
4.2 Values of Experimental Axial Strain and Modified Cam Clay Axial 36

Model Axial Strain of Normally Consolidated Clay

4.3 Values of Experimental Deviator Stress and Hyperbolic Model 37

Deviator Stress of Normally Consolidated Clay

4.4 Values of Experimental Axial Strain and Modified Cam Clay 39


Axial Strain of Lightly Overconsolidated Clay

4.5 Values of Experimental Deviator Stress and Hyperbolic Model 40

Deviator Stress of Lightly Overconsolidated Clay

4.6 Values of Experimental Axial Strain and Modified Cam Clay 44


Axial Strain of Heavily Overconsolidated Clay

4.7 Values of Experimental Deviator Stress and Hyperbolic Model 45

Deviator Stress of Heavily Overconsolidated Clay


Figure Title Page

1.1 Behavior of Soil Sample under Isotropic Compression 2
1.2 Hyperbolic Model 3
1.3 Conceptual Framework 6
2.1 Yield Curve of Modified Cam Clay 15
2.2 Response of Soil Sample during Isotropic Compression 17
2.3 Compression of Stress-Strain Curve with Hyperbola 18
3.1 B-Check Value for Isotropic Consolidation Test 24
3.2 Graph of Volumetric Stress vs. Specific Volume 25
3.3 Conventional Triaxial Shear Apparatus 26
3.4 Flowchart for Determination of Stress-Strain Behavior 27

using MCCM
3.5 Flowchart for Determination of Stress-Strain Behavior 31

using Duncan-Chang Hyperbolic Model

3.6 Graphs of Real Hyperbola and Transformed Hyperbola 32
4.1 Stress (q) vs. Strain (e) Diagram for Clay Soil with OCR = 1 34
4.2 Transformed Hyperbola for Clay Soil with OCR = 1 35
4.3 Stress (q) vs. Strain (e) Diagram for Clay Soil with OCR = 2 38
4.4 Transformed Hyperbola for Clay Soil with OCR = 2 38
4.5 Stress (q) vs. Strain (e) Diagram for Clay Soil with OCR = 5 42
4.6 Transformed Hyperbola for Clay Soil with OCR = 5 43

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