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SURF Proposal

Making the Ultimate Movie of Jupiters Clouds in Motion

Jack Briones
Mentor: Professor Andrew P. Ingersoll

1 Introduction
As the Voyager and Cassini spacecraft approached Jupiter over separate 60-day time inter-
vals, they took each captured a series of images of the surface of the planet. Several efforts
have been made to combine these images into movies, but the results are jerky and show
large changes in resolution[3][4] . The goal of this project is to improve the quality of the
movies by fixing the spatial resolution and using velocity-based interpolation in time to
improve the transitions between frames. By using software to model the surface of Jupiter,
it is possible to test multiple potential mathematical models of cloud movements.
There are four main pieces of software to assist with this process. The first is provided
by JPL, and it controls the camera and maps output onto a uniform latitude-longitude
grid. The second piece of software implements velocity-based interpolation in time. The
third piece of software models a layer of fluid on a rotating sphere, which has been shown
to represent the clouds accurately[1] . The fourth piece of software is the main focus of
this project; once implemented, it will add tracer points to the rotating sphere model.
By viewing the effects of multiple tracer points in unison, a working simulation of cloud
flow can be obtained. Through this new model, more detailed frames can be created with
velocity-based interpolation.
There are two main benefits to having a smoother and higher resolution movie. The
first of these is the added potential for examination; with a higher resolution, small-scale
features will be viewable in more detail, which could lead to further hypotheses regarding
the mechanics of cloud flow. Being able to closely examine small eddies could provide
valuable insights into the underlying structure of the zonal wind structure[2] . The second
benefit of having a better movie comes from the public outreach aspect. While space
exploration may not provide as many immediate benefits as other scientific ventures, visual
media creates public interest through intellectual entertainment. Considering the amount
of research that is funded by taxpayers, this is a crucial step in the research process. At
the end of this project, the movie will be sent to the Juno public outreach team in order
to generate more interest for the project.

2 Objectives
The overall objective of this project is to create a better movie from the set of images
collected by the Voyager and Cassini spacecraft. This can be split into several smaller
objectives. First, a software implementation of adding tracer points to the shallow water
model must be developed. Following this, an approach for small scale cloud simulation will
be developed. This can be evaluated using several parameters, including the efficiency of
the approach and the accuracy of the results.
Objectives for the rest of the project will depend on the outcome of the second objective.
If the simulation approach can scale up without a significant loss of computer resources or
accuracy, then the final objective will be to finish the movie. If the simulation approach
is only viable at small scales, then the final objective will be to find a simulation process
that does work at larger scales. This project will be deemed successful if a better movie is
produced or significant progress is made towards accurately simulating clouds.

3 Approach
The main experimental portion of the project will come in after the tracer point software
is implemented. At this point, the search for the best simulation approach will begin.
This will mostly be done through a guided trial and error process, with influences from
observation. At this point, there are two suggested simulation routes.
The first of these routes involves keeping track of individual particles, in a process
similar to modeling individual molecules in a gas. Advantages of using this approach
include the ability to account for many possible interactions and the ability to give high-
resolution results. However, the main problem with this course of action is the large number
of molecules required to do it well; this will likely require massive amounts of computer
memory, even on very small scales. The other suggested route involves keeping track of
the number of particles in a cell, instead of keeping track of individual particles. This
approach will help with memory issues, but it also presents its own problems. Not only
does it provide less detail, it also creates the need for a process to define cells. This is due
to the fact that adjacent zonal jet streams may flow at different rates, and centering a cell
over a division could lead to inaccuracy within the generated model.

4 Work Plan
Weeks 1-2: Familiarize myself with the set of images, as well as the shallow water model.
Weeks 3-4: Attempt to implement the various simulation approaches in a very small
Weeks 5-6: Scale the simulation approach into a larger environment, and test accuracy
and speed. If the scaling works, proceed to 7a and 8a, and if not, proceed to 7b and 8b.
Weeks 7a-8a: Implement the chosen approach into the actual movie.
Weeks 7b-8b: Attempt to find a working simulation approach.
Weeks 9-10: Evaluate progress and develop a plan for the future. If the simulation was
successful, work on finishing the movie. If not, write up any discoveries related to building
a working simulation.

5 References
1. Ingersoll, A.P. Atmospheric dynamics of the outer planets. Science 248, 308-315, 1990.

2. Salyk, C., S. Ewald, A.P. Ingersoll, J. Lorre and A. R. Vasavada. The relationship
between eddies and zonal flow on Jupiter. Icarus 185, 430-442, 2006.

3. PIA02863: Planetwide Color Movie. Digital image. NASA JPL Photojournal.

NASA/JPL/University of Arizona, 28 Dec. 2000. Web.

4. PIA02863: Movie of High Clouds on Jupiter. Digital image. NASA JPL Photojournal.
NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute, 12 Dec. 2000. Web.

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