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Getting to Know:

Source: Culturegrams (Kids Edition) United States

Area (in square miles) 3,794,099
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Population 323,995,528
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Currency U.S. dollar

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Total Life Expectancy 79
Graphs & Tables > Life Expectancy

Internet Access 87%

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Mean Years of Schooling 11.9 12.9

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Adult Literacy Rate (Able to Read & Write)

Graphs & Tables > Literacy

Number of Airports 111 13,513

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Paved Roads 79% 65%

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Capital City Seul Washington, D.C.

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Head of State (Chief Representative) Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-

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Head of Government Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-

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Type of Government Democratic Democracy

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Fun Fact #1 (Search for your country > Home page > Did You Know?) Korea is has a lot of professional gamers.

Fun Fact #2 (Search for your country > Home page > Did You Know?) In the Korean war 1.4 to 2.4 died in the war.
Fun Fact #3 (Search for your country > Home page > Did You Know?) Most houses in korea dont have a fourth floor because they think
the number four in unlucky.

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