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Dominic Marsella #18

From Orphan The Lost Hero Of Writers
Slave To
Journalist Maria W. Stewart should be remembered in our hearts,
The second Maria W. Stewart came into because she helped slaves have a better life through the
the world in 1803, she had hardships.
For starters, her parents were freed
power of education. Maria spent most of her life writing and
slaves, so she was discriminated in helping all people, especially women and black people feel
public. Secondly, her parents
equal. Her brilliant mind and passion for equality led to many
disappeared mysteriously without any
records when Maria was only 5 years people listening to what she had to say. She also always
old. Maria was bought and sold a wanted everyone to believe that you don't need to come from
month later to a journalist named
David Walker. When David Walker died wealth
in 1830, Maria took over the
newspaper he owned and wrote
articles for it. Maria self-taught herself to be an important figure in the
how to read and write to accomplish world and be recognized. Maria
David Walker's wish. Although Maria's
life started out rough, it became better always said this, because she
over time. was an adopted slave that
learned how to read and write
Empowering by herself. Her speeches and
Thousands newspapers inspired hundreds
Through the decades, Maria Stewart of people. Many people became
has touched the hearts of thousands
through the course of history. Maria
Here is a picture of Maria W. her followers and helped
spent hours every day writing her
empowering speeches about women's
and black's rights as an American.
Maria also used her newspaper to her free many slaves. With years of experience of writing
promote rights for black people and
women, and it worked, very well. Maria stories and newspapers, Maria decided to share her
also was a school teacher that founded
over 36 schools and taught at every knowledge with other people. Maria founded 36 schools and
single one to teach freed slaves how to taught at them to teach slaves how to read and write. Maria
read and write. Maria would use most
of her money to buy slaves, and free Stewart made some incredible contributions to society that
them. She freed over 400 slaves in her
lifetime. Using the power of writing, should be told and remembered by all.
Maria empowered and saved the lives
of thousands, and that should be
recognized by everyone in America.

The After Math

Imperdiet laoreet, ipsum enim sit
lectus felis at, aliquam donec pede,
luctus platea etiam mauris ut. Dui vel
diam, vitae et scelerisque erat volutpat
viverra velit, risus pellentesque tellus
nullam nibh, morbi posuere.
Here is a picture of the cover of a newspaper Maria Stewart wrote called "The
Dominic Marsella #18

Controversial Ideals

Although almost all slaves respected her and were inspired

by her, many people disliked her. For starters, she was a
black woman that was freed slave which was very
uncommon at the time. Secondly, it was illegal in America to
teach a slave how to read and write, because it was
A Plethora Of considered "not useful for slaves", so Maria had to teach the
Here is a drawing of a slave owner slaves in secret how to read and write. Even with all of the
whipping his slaves.
Maria Stewart had many jobs that people that hated her, that did not stop Maria to stop
made her a very well rounded person.
Many of her jobs dealt with equality, educating people.
education, and literature. Some of her
jobs include the following:
Maria's Works Of

An abolitionist that freed over 400

A schoolteacher that founded 36 During her lifetime, Maria wrote

schools and taught thousands of
black people how to read and write. hundreds of pieces of writing. From
books, poems, newspapers, speeches,

A journalist that wrote for the journals, and letters, Maria had written
newspaper "The Liberator" for 15
years and also wrote 5 books.
some incredible pieces of literature
every once in a while. Some pieces of

A lecturer that wrote over 16 speeches literature include: "The Liberator",

and was the first African-American Meditations From The Pen, Looking For
woman to speak in public.
Here is the cover of a book with Closure, and Maria Stewart: Essay and
Maria Stewart's essays and
speeches inside it. Speeches. Her works of literature were
heard and read by thousands of people
and gave women and African-
Americans hope.
The Spark
After Math
After Maria Stewart passed
away in 1879, the world was
impacted by her for centuries
to come. Maria was a pioneer Every great inventor, artist, scientist,
of of abolitionism and paved historian, and author have an inspiration to
the road for figures like
Fredrick Douglas and Harriet drive them and make them determined to
Tubman. She was even the
spark of the future events like accomplish their dreams and goals. The spark
the bus boycott with Rosa
Parks or the march from Selma
that drove Maria started when she was just 27
to Montgomery with Martin years old in the year 1830. Her owner, David
Luther King Jr. leading it.
Currently, there are people like Walker had passed away and he owned a
feminists and the movement of
#BlackLivesMatter. All of these newspaper called "The Liberator", so someone
movements and people were needed to take his place. Since David Walker
all inspired by the pioneer of it
all, Maria W. Stewart. trusted Maria, he put the task upon her. Maria
was determined to learn how to read and
write, so she spent 5 years learning how to do
so. Her determination led her to accomplish
great things.

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