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Assertiveness is considered to be the ideal style of communicating.

It is about
giving equal importance to and
being able to finely balance between the goals and the relationships. It involve
s being able to say no effectively,
being able to express thoughts, feeling, opinions freely. Assertiveness is also
about asking for help or apologizing
without feeling belittled. In short it is about respect toward self as well as o
thers. Aggressiveness is giving more
importance to your goals than to your relationships. At times lack of respect fo
r others, their thoughts, feelings,
opinions, values etc. It can also be seen nonverbal behaviors. Aggressiveness is
expressed either directly or
passively. Passive aggression includes gossiping, taunting, cracking a mean joke
etc. Submissiveness is giving
more importance to one's relationship with others at the cost of one's goals. Di
fficulty saying no, letting the other
make a decision not being able to make a request are typical observations with s
ubmissive behavior
(, 2013).
Assertive skills help to define the boundary between the need to express one?s p
ersonal needs authentically, and
the desire to meet another?s needs empathically a tension that must be balanced
for counselors to live fully and
effectively. Aggression refers to a loose cluster of actions and motive around t
he theme of intent by one individual
to hurt or control another. The antecedents of aggressive behavior in children a
nd the relationship between
aggression and learning are not very clear. It seems that extremes of parental b
ehavior are most likely to produce
this behavioral motive (Boocock, 1980: 76).
I would recommend a few titles:
Person of Interest. Starts as your usual CBS procedural show but with an interes
ting premise. The story becomes exponentially better as the arcs begin to manife
st. Good mix of near-future dystopia, scifi, procedural, and action. Also, you'l
l never run out of deadpan characters.
Banshee. One of the most underrated shows from the past few years. Small town, b
ig secrets, lots of sex, blood, gore, and guns. Interesting premise too.
Atlanta. Donald Glover as...basically himself as a man hustling to make his way
to the top. What more can I say?
The OC. Highly likely, you'll be a fan of its closest rival back in the day, One
Tree Hill. Starts as your usual teen drama, but deconstructs your teen drama tr
opes and makes them more human. Also, it has one of the best soundtrack of all t
ime. You'll know if you've seen Grey's Anatomy, Gossip Girl, and Chuck. It's lik
e listening to your mid-00's dream indie mixtape.
Black Mirror

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