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Kaitlyn Lemaire

March 13th

Period 1

Causal Essay Final Draft

Overweight America

In todays society, diverse body types are seen everywhere the eyes look. Ranging from

your gender, skin color, height, and so on, there are many variables that make up Americans.

There is one body type, however, that is seen today more than ever in American history, and that

has to do with size. The World Health Organization defines overweight/obese as an abnormal or

excessive amount of accumulated fat (WHO). With that in mind, the following percentage

should come as more of a shock. According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention,

70.7% of American adults are overweight while 32% of those adults are labelled as obese

(CDCP). Thats 78 million obese Americans. Size doesnt just effect adults either, 32% of

American children are classified as overweight and obese, making us almost the fattest country

on the planet (National Institute of Health). By observing just a few important factors such as the

food industry, lack of exercise, and overall American lifestyle, the secret is exposed as to how

America got big and why its only going to continue to get bigger.

Most likely the biggest argument as to why American obesity is so high is due to the food

industry. The simple science behind it is: the bigger our food gets, the bigger our waistlines are

going to be. This point is supported by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, who

state our food portions have almost tripled in size in the last 20 years (National Institute of

Health), and they will only continue to grow. Fast food restaurants have completely doubled

since 1970, along with American obesity (Muntel, Sarah). Americans are eating thousands of
calories over their recommended calorie intake (LIVESTRONG). Also, the American Beverage

Association spoke up about the fact that on average a person is drinking 54 gallons of carbonated

drinks per year, which is more than the average consumed amount of milk and water combined

(USFDA). Another crucial point to understanding the corrupt American food industry, is that

people are willing to sacrifice quality for taste, convenience, and price. The easiness of picking

up fast food or going out to eat has been extremely taken advantage of. Grocery store sales have

actually declined in recent years according to the USDA, while billions of dollars are spent on

eating out every day (USDA ERS). Not to mention how tremendously unhealthy restaurant food

is versus fresh food. The meals Americans are happily eating every day are stuffed with

carbohydrates, sugars, sodium, fats, grease, etc.; ingredients the food industry has gladly

included to enable addiction. This so-called addiction is what keeps customers always coming

back for restaurants low quality food. No wonder our obesity rate is so high.

Another significant cause to explaining why America is so overweight is the intense lack

of exercise. In fact, Stanford University claims that weight gain and obesity are actually a factor

of inactivity, not overeating (Bach, Becky). But before we get into why Americans are so

inactive, we need to first understand how bad it really is. In an annual CDCP survey, shocking

evidence was calculated when 52% of the women and 43% of the men admitted to not obtaining

in any sort of physical exercise ever (Bach). Those were the highest those numbers had ever

been. Possibly the most embarrassing statistic comes from a Harvard University study stating

that only 18% of Americans are considered physically fit (Skerrett, Patrick J). Thats only 1 out

of every 6 people. With this in mind, the reasons why America is so inactive can be evaluated.

Most people dont walk or bike to work, and most people are not in jobs that require physical

activity. (Ladabuam, Stanford). This quote was stated by Dr. Uri Ladabuam trying to reason
with why Americans have stopped partaking in so much exercise. He brings up a great point that

because most Americans arent required to do physical activity for work, it can then cause

physical activity to not be valued in many families anymore. This doesnt set the younger

generation off on the right foot for understanding and/or participating in physical education. In

fact, it has been calculated that on average children spend about 7 and a half hours in front of a

screen every day (FITNESS), leaving almost no time for any sort of exercise. Adults are guilty of

this as well, but instead of a screen they hide behind excuses. The weather, being too tired, not

having enough time, the gym being too far, the gym being too expensive, etc. are all used to

justify why working out wasnt an option that day. Without exercise there is no way to burn the

calories needed to stay healthy, so as the excuses keep coming so will the pounds.

The American lifestyle is even observed as a cause for being responsible for obesity.

The American Dream is actually an ironic statement because many think that because they

have unlimited choices and freedoms, they live a healthy and happy lifestyle. Little things such

as deciding when to go to sleep, when to skip a meal, how much to drink at a social event, when

to eat, etc. all sound great in context, but these small factors alone could be the reason for

skyrocketing overweight Americans. Harvard University Medical Team states theres a link

between how much people sleep and how much they weigh. (The Nutrition Source). When the

body is sleep deprived its exhaustion causes a decrease in how many calories it will burn. So,

people who work late shifts, morning shifts, or people who just decide to stay up all night are

actually putting themselves at risk for gaining unnecessary weight. Facts from the Washington

Post about eating late at night (storing calories as fat), skipping breakfast (not jumpstarting

metabolism), and skipping a meal (overindulging later) can all contribute to gaining weight

(Allen, Jennifer Van). Even alcohol has a direct correlation with becoming overweight. A
comfortable drinker is 70% more likely to be overweight versus someone who rarely drinks or

doesnt drink at all (Alcohol Consumption and Obesity). These were only a few examples but if

people arent careful about the choices that they make in their everyday life they could easily

become a part of the 70.7% of overweight Americans.

Every year 400,000 Americans die due to being overweight or obese (Blackburn, George

L), and in the direction society is moving these numbers will only ever increase. No one knows

who or what to blame for why America got big; maybe it was the food industry, a lack of

physical activity, the American lifestyle, or maybe a mixture of all three. Either way, these are

preventable deaths. Americans have traded in the ability to live a long, healthy life for

convenience. Its convenient to choose. Its convenient to ignore. Its convenient to be the

Overweight America.

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