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Name : Chika Benjamin Cheezy.

Dept : Electrical Engineering.

Course : EE 453.
Reg No: 2013/187416.

1a) Using Pade approximation, the first order transfer function with a delay can be
written as:

eTs Ts+2
= 2
s +1 T s + (T +2 ) s +2

The closed loop transfer function for the system is

Tks +2 k

C(s) 2
T s + (T Tk +2 ) s+2+2 k

For T = 1, the closed loop transfer function is

ks+ 2k
C(s) = 2
s + ( 3k ) s+2+2 k

Fig 1a: Simulink diagram of the system

Using Routh-Hurwitz criterion, the Rouths table is as shown below:

S2: 1 2+2k
S1: 3-k 0

S0: 2+2k

From the table, the system is stable if 3-k>0 and 2+2k>o.

Therefore, the range of values of k is -1<k<3 for the system to be stable

Fig1a: graph of the output against time for k=2


Fig 1b: Simulink diagram of the system

10 Ts+20
The systems closed loop transfer function for k=10 is C(s) = 2
Ts + ( 29 T ) s +22

Using Routh-Hurwitz criterion; the final Rouths table is:

S2: T 22

S1: 2-9T 0

S0: 22

For the system to be stable, T>0 and 2-9T>0 i.e. 0<T<2/9

Using T=0.2sec., the graph of the output is shown below:

Fig 1b: scope picture of the output for T=0.2

Fig 1c: Simulink diagram for tuning the PID controller

Using Ziegler-Nichols frequency response method:

Fig1c: scope picture of the output using Ziegler-Nichols frequency

response method
ku = 3; Tu = 2.2sec.
From the Ziegler-Nichols table:
(i) The PID parameters are:
Kp=0.6ku; ki = kp/Ti (But Ti=0.5Tu); kd=kpTd (But Td =0.125Tu)
kp = 1.8; ki =1.64; kd = 0.5
Fig 1c(i): Simulink diagram of the system with a fast and damped response

Fig 1c(i): scope picture of the system with damped and fast response

(ii) The PI parameters are:

Kp=0.4ku; ki=kp/Ti(But Ti=0.8Tu)
kp = 1.2; ki = 0.68

Fig 1c(ii): Simulink diagram of the system with damped and zero steady-
state error
Fig 1c(ii): scope picture of the system with damped and zero
steady-state error
2(a) The closed loop transfer function for the system is C(s) = s 2+ 4 s+8+ k

Comparing this with the general form of a second order transfer function,
C(s) = s 2+2 I wns+w n2 :

2wn=4; wn2=8+k (1)

Percent overshoot = 100e 1I =10(2)

Solving for k, we get k= 3.49 (approx. 3.5)

Fig 2a: Simulink diagram of the system

Fig 2a: Scope picture of the system with 10% overshoot
(b) The closed loop transfer function of the system with k=3.5
C(s) = 2
s + 4 s+11.5

The sensitivity of the system is given a

S = 1-C(s)
3.5 s2 +4 s+ 8
S = 1 - s + 4 s+11.5
2 = 2
s + 4 s+11.5
Fig 2b(i): Bode diagram for closed loop transfer function
of the system with k=3.5
Fig 2b(i): Bode diagram for the Sensitivity of the
system k=3.5
Fig 2b(ii): Bode diagram for the closed loop transfer function of the system
for k=35

Fig 2b(ii): Bode diagram for the sensitivity of the system with k=35.

The major difference between magnitude plot of sensitivity of the system

with a gain of 3.5 and that with a gain of 35 is that the former didnt peak at the
corner frequency while the latter peaked at the corner frequency. Also, since k
represent the scale factor, it can be deduced that the plot with a higher value of k is
scaled up.


Fig 2c: scope picture of the output Y versus time t.


Fig 2(d): Simulink diagram for the system with a noise of amplitude 0.1 and freq.
Fig.2(di): The scope picture of y versus time for the original gain
Fig.2d(ii): Scope picture of y versus time for 10 times the original gain

Fig 2(e): Simulink diagram of the system with a step input disturbance that occurs
at time = 5 secs
Fig 2e(i): Scope picture of Y versus time for the system with disturbance (for the
original gain)

Fig 2e(ii): Scope picture of Y versus time for the system with disturbance (for 10
times the original gain)

f) The effect of gain on noise rejection on the system response shown in fig.2d is
that it increased the noise. This is due to the fact that much oscillation occurred
when the gain was increased by ten times the original gain. Thus, the higher the
gain, the lower the noise rejection. Furthermore, as the gain is increased, the
system tends to attain steady state until it gets to a point that further increase in
gain leads to sustained oscillation of the system.

On the other hand, the effect of gain on disturbance rejection on the system
response shown in fig.2e is that it decreased the disturbance. This is due to the fact
that less oscillation occurred when the gain was increased by ten times. Thus, the
higher the gain, the higher the disturbance rejection.

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