100 Gr. 3.1 Written Report

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Pilar Bayarte
Naomi Fernndez
Marta Flavian
Adrin Hostaled
Franco Rutkevivius

Introduction.................................................................................................... 3
History......................................................................................................... 3
Current situation:........................................................................................ 3
Commercial Offer:....................................................................................... 6
Concentration Of The Snack Industry:.........................................................6
Analysis Of The Demand:............................................................................ 6
Target:......................................................................................................... 7
Competitors:............................................................................................... 8
SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)................10
Product......................................................................................................... 12
What is a product?.................................................................................... 12
Why this product have not failed..............................................................12
Kotler levels.............................................................................................. 13
Product classification................................................................................15
Product portfolio........................................................................................ 15
Product cycle............................................................................................. 16
Price............................................................................................................. 19
Theory concept of price............................................................................ 19
Basic pricing techniques...........................................................................19
Elasticity................................................................................................... 20
Difference between value and Price..........................................................20
Different prices in each product................................................................20
Pricing Techniques..................................................................................... 22
Pricing Strategies...................................................................................... 22
Place............................................................................................................ 24
Distribution strategy................................................................................. 24
The distribution channel, supply chain and channel members.................24
Online retailing.......................................................................................... 26
Functions of intermediaries.......................................................................29
Distribution strategy................................................................................. 30
Merchandise strategy................................................................................ 31
Promotions................................................................................................... 33
Sales Promotions....................................................................................... 33
Personal Selling......................................................................................... 35
Public Relations......................................................................................... 35
Advertising................................................................................................ 36
Survey.......................................................................................................... 37
Personal Survey about Aspil products.......................................................38
Focus Group................................................................................................. 42
Personal Opinion.......................................................................................... 45
Bibliography................................................................................................. 47
Annex I: Pesonal survey about products of
Aspil....................................................................... 49



In 1979 Aspil started his activity, the Company was created in Ribaforadas village
(Navarra). The place where the business Aperitivos and Extrusionados is located was built
in 1983. Then, in 1993 it bought out the company Frutos Secos Abrego and they decided
to produce both lines of product in Ribaforada.
In 1999 they enter in the Borges Group and they manage together all the activities of
sales and incomes.
In 2000 ASPIL and ABREGO made an agreement to work together, in that agreement they
decided that ASPIL was going to produce the snacks and ABREGO the nuts.
At the year 2006, a further buyout took place, at the same time the incorporated to
TRAVESA brand and they start to produce some of their product. One year later, the
company Snacks&Co. was founded focussing on young peoples market. At the end of
2007, Borges Group were bought out by Twin-screw 2007 which have 5 shareholders. The
company PAPAS VICENTE VIDAL, which was created 80 years ago in Valencia, was
acquired by ASPIL at the beginning of 2011. In July of this year they joined Aperitivos Gus,
which is specialized in private label.
Aperitivos and Extrusionados is one of the most important companies in Spain, they are
available in almost all the superstores.

Current situation:

Aspil follows a product oriented strategy because they offer a good quality of the product
as well as a new technologies and innovate.

We were a small business, those that Banks like, for not being in debt. We bet high and
in the middle of the crisis we passed to the opposite site, we started buying, acquiring
and also debts started to appear, Banks stopped loving us that much. I like to say that we
are a successful business that we are doing relatively well. One of our main objectives in
the transformation we are making is to look behind in the value chain says Santiago
Sala, CEO ASPIL. We can see him in the picture and the woman on the left is the
Marketing Director, Eva Sangesa.

As we were saying, the value chain is the tool used to analyse the strategic plan and its
main goal is to create value for the customer while the costs decrease, that gives the
company a competitive advantage.

APEX is using this tool in many cases, as we are going to mention now:

-Purchasing: They provide their farmers the seeds they want them to grow.

-Marketing and sales: The APEX group asked Kroma Diseo (a business related with a lot
of successful publicity campaigns in Valencia) to work over its product line, so that it
could have documentation and catalogues for the clients. Here we can see an example of
the album.

Another example of marketing and sales is the distribution of their product to big
supermarkets as Carrefour or Da (which has been acquired by the first).

-Technology: Aspil bet on LEDs and reduce his costs on a 45%. The business in charge is
Ros lighting systems which is a consolidated business group, well known in the
renewable energies market. They develop activities focused mainly on three areas: Wind
Energy, Photovoltaic Energy and Energy Efficiency.

The philosophy that APEX follows is based on:

-Customer attention:

-Top of mind that is to come first in customers minds when thinking of a particular

-Quality in products and services (ISO 9001: 2000)

-Innovative lines of products for adults and young people

-Intense promotional activity through the different channels, gifts, TV ads, etc.

-Healthy, funny and tasty snacks for children. They care for people with allergies, such as
being gluten-sensitive. There are a lot of products which are gluten free: Aspito natural,
Aspito jamn, Jojito, Zampis, Estrellas, Palomita Mantequilla, etc.

The solidary side of Aspil: it cooperated in a beneficent gala dinner in Valencia, offering
their product.

Commercial Offer:

The group APEX, as we have mentioned in the recent history, is formed by several
companies that APEX acquired. The product portfolio is then formed by several brands:
Aspil, Vicente Vidal, Abrego, Santa Clara, Travesa, Marinas, Crisp The World, Aspitos,
Mooskys, Puntazos, Jojitos, Shiki Shin, Palomitas and different kind of stickers. Some of
them have more than one product, as we will analyse in the p referring to the product.

It exports part of its production to other countries, but mainly to Marruecos.

Concentration Of The Snack Industry:

According to the AFAP (Asociacin de Fabricantes de aperitivos),the snacksSpanish
market invoiced last year 0.6% more than the year before, reaching sales of 1,817
millions of euros. This increase proves that sales in this industry has experienced year
after year a positive evolution, although the contraction on its consume. APEX group, is
the second in Spain on his market, only overpassed by Pepsico (Matutano). On the one
hand, Pepsico sales of chips and nuts are up to 233.2 millions of euros and on the other
hand, APEX sales are up to 28.6 millions.

The tendency to concentration in this market, has increased during the last years as a
consequence of the disappearance of small businesses and the sale and merger
operations between different entrepreneurs. The number of businesses that are
dedicated to the production of snacks and nuts is about 480 and about 6,500 workers are
involved. The majority of the businesses are small or medium size: 79% of the total has
less than 25 workers, whereas less than 6% has more than 50. In the case of APEX, the
workers average staff is about 100.

Analysis Of The Demand:

Todays consumer is more concerned and informed of his nourishment, what a customer
values is the offer of healthy products in the ingredients and the process to make them.
Furthermore, the opinion of some of the consumers is that the products should have
some of the traditional tastes.

The annual consume of snacks in Spain is higher than 6 kilograms per capita. We have to
take into account the role of the snacks as a vehicle for socialization, because family or
friends reunions are the ones usually chosen for its consume.


Apex Group, main target is children between 3 and 10 years old, as they are the ones
that are used to eat this type of candy. The buyer is the father, mother or tutor in charge

of the kid and the decider is the child or the parent that wants his child to consume it.
However, according to the Ansoff matrix:

They want to innovate and that is why they are trying to develop new markets, looking
forward the attention of young people with the creation of new products such as

APEX is also trying to reach adults, that is why they wanted to produce nuts, that is
something that adults also consume, not only children or young people. To continue with,
it is also important that they try to develop their products making different packaging or
different size for every product they offer, as we can see here in the example of
Puntazos we can choose between boxes or bags and if we want a big/large format o r a
small one.


We must remember that each survivor is uniquely superior to all others in some
significant way, no matter how subtle the difference, quoting Boston Consulting Groups
Annual Report for 1982.
There are a lot of competitors, for example:

We are going to analyse briefly Pepsico (Matutano), which is as we said before, the only
one that overpasses APEX group:

About 40 years ago, PepsiCo bought Matutano and introduced in the Spanish market with
its brands of snacks.

According to Kottler, Pepsico ensures that all their businesses follow a philosophy and
objectives headed by Concern for our clients, consumers and the wold in which we are
living. To sell just the products we can be proud of. Sincere and clear communication. To
analyse the short and long term effects. Benefit from diversity and inclusion. To respect
the others and succeed together.

Almost all their products are in the maturity stage, although there are some recent tones
that are in the introduction phase.

We need to mention the emergence of gluten freelabel in almost all the products.

Matutano follows an intense distribution strategy searching for all the available selling
points and multiple storehouses to provide an efficient and fast distribution.

At the end of the winter 2009, the 10 years silence of the publicity campaign of Matutano
ended. They now deliver publicity, started in April 2013 to sponsor sport events in order
to remove the idea of Matutano being a non-healthy brand and it has a relevant Web
page where it shows all the activities that they are going to carry out.

Some of their products:

SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,

As Johnson and Scholes (1988 p.77) pointed out, we must take into account that
opportunities and threats as well as strengths and weaknesses can never be viewed as

An opportunity can be defines as any sector of the market in which the company would
enjoy any type of competitive advantage. These opportunities can be seized up according
to their attractiveness and the organizations probability to success.

Probability of success

High Low

h Innovation Sport events

This Lo means, that the company should focus

upon w Co-branding Selling shops innovation and should examine closely,
to see whether scope exists for improving
their attractiveness or increasing probability of success, to carry out sport events and co-
branding, which is already trying. However, opportunities are too small for selling shops.

On the other hand, threats can be defined as challenges passed by an unfavourable trend
that will lead to the erosion of the companys market position.

Probability of occurrence

High Low

(losing its
Hig distinctiveness
h ) Competence

The goal of Aspil is to reach the ideal business,

where opportunities are numerous and there
exists Lo channels of Legislative few threats.
w distribution changes
The weaknesses of Aspil are:
- Distribution channel is not efficient.
- Lack of CSR (corporate social responsability) referring to the group of
actions that a company carries out and have a positive consequence for
-It hasnt got a specific communication.
-Sales volume is not that big.
The strengths of Aspil are:

-Slogan Aspil, amigos de lo bueno.

-The quality of the product.

-Wide range of products.

-Association of the company with leisure.


What is a product?

Kotler explains that a product is anything that can be offered to a market for:
1) Attention
2) Acquisition
3) Use
4) Or something to satisfy a need or a want
The Aspils product meet all the requirements which Kotler propose. The Aspil products
can be offered to the market and offer value to the customers to satisfy their needs.
In this particular case Aspil consists of a variety of childrens snacks.
Characteristics of Aspils products
As we previously said theres a huge variety of products made by this company. But there
are some common features.
FLAVOUR: Aspils products stand out by their dry taste with a slice touch of sweet.
SHAPE: Aspils products are usually big and give to the customer a great quantity of the
product bought.
QUALITY: The quality in this product is essential it also offers to the customer a great
balance in their diets.
VARIETY: In this case the products stands out because of being from dried fruit to
sweets, chips, offers the customer a wide range of different products in order to satisfy
all their needs.
PRICE: There is going to be a whole development in that topic.

Why this product have not failed

It delivers the core benefit.

It suits a wide range of consumers, this is due to the variety of products which are
It has no problems in delivery because you go to buy it.
There is not social disapproval because it is not a big topic to discuss.

The product it also satisfies a big branch of needs, this means that the perceive value of
the product by the consumer is really high.
The key aspect of the aspil products achieve is that the attractiveness of the its package
and that it is aimed at kids. Having said that Aspil has known how to lead its products to
its consumers in this case the kids by drawing their attention with beautiful packages,
colourful branding

Kotler levels

Core benefit &brand

-Core benefit: the purpose of the product, why the product is make for?, the intention of
the product.
The core benefit of aspils products is mainly the taste, because when you buy it the first
thing you think of is the flavour you are going to enjoy while eating it. Other need could
be the need of hunger but this one we leave it for product which you actually use to eat
in a meal.
-Generic product: all the qualities of the product.
-Brand: it is a distinctive signs that identify the origin of goods and services offered by
companies in the market must exist.
Aspil has a powerful brand because is very recognised in lots of cities from Spain. It is
also a great brand which is recommended and preferred from others in a big number of
This brand gives a great power to Aspil over customers because of the simple fact that it
is recognised in all the shops and also gives power over other companies because they
have to compete against a name already established and stable in the market.

The brand does not only receive the previous knowledge of the clients, it also gives to the
client a distinction from other brands and gives to the Aspils products a previous grade
in quality, this meaning that when Aspil put into the market a new product, this
product will have a good critique from the perspective of new or previous clients.
Branding as we previously knew have an additional value because of all the facts which
we have been talking about. This means that if a company tries or wants to buy Aspil this
would be the price of the company plus the previous image which the customers have
made of the company which is really good as we commented before (it is like typical from
lots of cities from Spain).

Aspil forms part of an organisation call APEX. It has also other brands which works for
them. This brands are TRAVESA and AVREGO. Both of them are as well-known as aspil
or even more (like is the case of TRAVESA).

Expected product & augmented product

-Expected product:It is what the customer is expecting about the product when he make
a purchase.
The expected product as the name says is the product which the clients expect so it has
to do more with promotion than with product, but if we focus on the product what the
clients expect is a product with the characteristics we talked before (flavour, shape).

-Augmented product: It is all the additionalfactors to the product like wrappers, packing
Regarding to the augmented product we must distinguish between the physical attributes
and the non-physical attributes which may increase the final value of the product.

Physical: In Aspils products we have the package which gives to the product a facility to
open and it also offers the possibility to keep it on its package while eating.
Non-physical: we cannot stand out any non-physical attributes in this kind of products,
the only thing we may stand out would be the possibility of a warranty but this would be
like any other legal product which is launch in the market.
Here is what companies usually copy from each other this meaning that to make a
distinction between products we must look for the added value which consists on
packaging, customer-oriented service, it is not only exceeding customers expectations
but surprising them (with the previous aspects).
Potential product
-Potential product: It is the transformations that the product could have in the future.
A potential product is based on a previous investigation of new applications, in this part
I am going to show two other possibilities to improve the actual product.
1 Add a prize: In a lots of products there is a price or a toy hide into the own product so
it would be a great idea to put a mini toy or something similar.
2 Sweet products: it would be a great idea in order to expand the market niche to create
a new brand or start a new set of products with sweet properties.

Product classification

We previously said the general characteristics of the Aspils products but we did not
classify the product itself.
Aspils product are point to the consumer so we can classify as a consumer product.
Aspils products are also non-durable or fast goods because we buy it and use it (eat it),
we can keep it but that does not mean that are durable it only means that you can
reserve to other special moment in which you decide to consume it.
They are also convenience goods because the consumer does not think lot about it and
furthermore it is bought frequently or at least by a specific range of clients.

Product portfolio

Aspil sells a total amount of 18 products (not having in account the subgroups).
With the help of the other two brands: TRAVESA (2 groups) and ABREGO (It is not
specified but it is more than 8)

1) 3 Product lines
ASPIL: it sells childrens snacks and other fun promotions
TRAVESA: it sells typical products from the south
ABREGO: It is specialised in nuts and dried fruits
2) The product breath in APEX (ASPIL, TRAVESA & ABREGO) consists of 3 lines which a
huge product depth in Aspil and Abrego which contains more than 10 categories
and subcategories but the depth of Travesa is really low.
3) The consistency it is also a point in favour to Aspils product and it is organised by:
DISTRIBUTION: Travesa is in charge of the south
PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS: Abergo is in charge of nuts and dried fruits and Aspil
of childrens snacks.

ENLARGEMENT. Up to date Aspil has taken 2 new product lines (TRAVESA and
ABREGO) and it has also enlarge continuously the depth of the product by
changing constantly the package of the products. The length is also enlarged by
adding new products which consists in the previous products but with different
REDUCTION. Up to date there is no trace of a remove of a product line, either
reduce the depth or length of it
MODIFICATION. There has been a lots of modifications in products but it all has
been regarding to the packaging which are better than before or simply by
changing the capacity of the package.
There is no sign that Aspil is in process to create a new product.

Aspils branch of products


Product cycle

The PPC is a tool used in Marketing which consists in looking for the conditions where the
product is being sold having in account constants like selling, price, promotion and place
which must adjust to a specific moment this meaning that are variable.
We could say that Aspil is now in the maturity stage where there is a feint of going down
and the segmentation starts to appear.

We can also appreciate that in the maturity the number of new consumers goes down
and the market starts to get saturated by companies with same objectives, this causes
more competition and less profit which has to be share with all competitors.
But the maturity stage has also good points like generated by competition, this ones are
mainly notice in industrial process where being more productive is essential to survive so
generating new ways to achieve the same goal are the difference. And it also helps
manufacturers to increase in sales because of the increasing number of competitors, in
this particular case Aspil is benefited because APEX (the group which belongs) is a well-
known manufacturer.

Differentiation between previous and forward stages

The stage of introduction consists basically in build demand, this meaning high costs and
low profits because of the fact that the company must follow a strategy and set its
products on the market, the only and most outstanding advantage is the limited
competition as long as the product is new and original. Then it goes to the growth stage
where competence starts to appear but costs are reduced and the increase of profits
starts to appear, in this stage the company can play with prices and marketing strategies.
Until here we have been showing a brief introduction to the previous stages. The main
difference of this previous stages and the maturity one is that in the maturity stage the
company has the big aim to maintain the product on the market and on a good position,
on the contrary in the previous stages the company tries to introduce the product and set
it on the market. In the maturity stage profit start do decrease as new customers number
start to decrease too. Then comes the decline stage which is the final stage when not
only there is fewer new costumers number but also the number of loyal customer start to
decrease because they stop buying this product in favour of a newer and better product.
Here is a difference between maturity and decline. In maturity stage the company tries to
maintain and in the decline stage the company have not been able to maintain its
product on the market. In the decline stage exists the possibility to earn profit and this
depends on the manufacturing process (in order to make it cheaper) or to search for new
markets, even though the option of withdraw must not be rejected.

Products in each stage:

INTRODUCTION: puntazos(futbol, XXL, ) and patatas vidal (fritas, cocktail snacks, slight,
GROWTH: strikes, xispazos, tiritas, crisp, pollitos
MATURITY: palomitas, jojitos, curritos, rulis, shiki shin, coniks and aspitoss.
DECLINCE: mooskis, princesas, samba, corazones de princesas and pizkillos.


Theory concept of price

Price is often a seriously undervalued part of the marketing mix. On the one hand, this is
great shame as many companies miss out on the competitive edge that the creative use
of pricing brings. On the other hand, it is a good thing for the marketers who do
appreciate the finer points of pricing. Pricing can be a devastating competitive weapon.
Price is the odd one out in the marketing mix. The other three elements can be perceived
as costs but the price of the goods and services that a firm sells is a major determinant of
its profit.
A good definition of price is:
-Everything that a customer has to give up in order to acquire a product or service
This definition takes account of the added costs associated with the purchase (going to
the shop, additional money for transport) which takes effort.
The prices goes up and down until they settle at the point where buyers are prepared to
buy, just exactly the same amount as sellers are prepared to sell
Customers associate a high price, sometimes mistakenly, with high quality.
There are three key elements to price setting: competitors prices, customers
perceptions of the products value, and costs.

Basic pricing techniques

Aspil usually doesnt put prices like 0.95 euros or 0.99 euros in their snacks.
This is a common technique used by several companies. They put prices that end in 99,
for example 39.99 euros. In that way, they want the consumer to read and to focus in the
39, especially in the three which indicates the number of tens. The consumer
unconsciously thinks that the product costs around 30 euros instead of almost 40.
These consumers will probably buy that product and thats what the company want them
to think.
Snacks are a type of product that could perfect be subject of this technique. Most of the
snacks have a cost near one euro, so Aspil could put them a price of 0.99 euros using this
common technique but they hardly ever use it.

If we go to a shop where Aspils snacks are sold, we only find one or two products that
use this technique. Aspil Rulis and Aspil Phineas and Pherb popcorn are usually the
only two products that are sold at a price of 0.99 euros.
The rest of the snacks are sold at different prices, depending on their sizes, tastes and


Aspils Prices are very elastics because if the prices of the products change, the quantity
demand will also change a lot.
For example, if Aspil suddenly increases a 50% their prices, the quantity demand will
decrease a lot because the majority of their consumers are children and they do not have
much money. Many times children dont buy Aspils sweets and snacks but their parents
buy Aspils products for them. In any case, if their parents see that Aspil has increase
their products Price a 50%, they wont buy them and they will buy the sweets and snacks
for their children of another company.
Thats the reason of the elasticity of Aspils products. Aspil tries to keep their prices
stable, without strong Price increases. Aspil has a lot of sales because of their low prices.
Aspils products are lower than other snacks companies like Jumpers, Risi, Gilper,
Facundo and many others.
Sweets and snacks are not basic products, so they cant be expensive, they must be
cheap. If they arent cheap people wont buy them. Aspil makes their snacks and sweets
cheap and because of that they have a lot of consumers.

Difference between value and Price

Most of children between 5 and 12 love sweets and snacks but they arent good for them
and they arent a healthy food for them so their parents usually dont consider sweets
and snacks very valuable.
Price and value are not the same. Aspils tries to assign prices to their products that are
fair and that people are willing to pay according to the value of their products.

Different prices in each product

- Aspil cocktail aperitivo is the most expensive product that Aspil commercialises and it
Sold at a price of 1.30 euros

- Aspil sells two snack products that have the image of a well-known cartoon for children,
Phineas and Pherb. Those are the products that more children buy because of that. Its an
excellent way to sell more snacks to the children because they pay more attention if
there is the Phineas and Pherb image in the snack product.

These are the Phineas and Pherb snacks and their price is 0.99 and 0.81 euros,

- Aspil also sells snacks in packs of three with a discount in the total price. This pack of
three is composed by three different Puntazos snacks that are expensive if we buy
them separately.

The price of the pack of three is 1.10 euros.
-Aspil also sells their own popcorn product

The price of their popcorn is 0.81 euros

-Another well-known Aspils snack is the Aspil Rulis

This snack has a price of 0.99 euros.

Pricing Techniques

The technique of cost-based pricing which characterizes Aspils products is the Target
profit pricing method that consists of setting prices which allows fulfil a determined profit
or sales volume.
Aspil doesnt try to add a profit margin to the total unit cost of the product. They dont try
to increase the unit cost of each sweet or snack.
They try to obtain a total amount of profit.

Pricing Strategies

Aspil applies a strategy that is inside of The product line pricing strategies because
Aspil sells a line of products, all of them related to the snacks and sweets. This is the
Same Price strategy and what Aspil tries is to sell the same products at the same price
in all of the shops where Aspils products are sold and they also try to sell all of their
products at a similar price.
This means that there is only a minimum difference between their most expensive
product and their cheapest product. They want to sell their products at a very similar
price, with small differences between them. Also, the same products have to been sold at
the same price whatever the shop in which we were.
Thats the pricing strategy that Aspil follows.
Aspil also applies a strategy which many food companies uses which is the Quantity
Discounts strategy.
This strategy belongs to Price discrimination strategy and it consists in giving a
reduction in the price per unit if the amount of products purchased exceeds a determined
This means that Aspil gives a discount in the price per unit if a shop asks for a very big
This type of strategy promotes shops and clients to ask for lots of quantity every time
that they buy Aspils products. In that way they will have discounts and the exchanges
will be more successfully for both parts.
Aspil receives large orders from all points of Spain. A lot of shops in Spain ask for large
orders and this is one of the reasons that makes Aspil one of the biggest snacks
companies in Spain.
Aspil uses anotherPrice discrimination strategy which is called Random discounts and
consists in offers.
Aspil sells snacks in packs of three with a discount in the total price, and it is cheaper for
the consumer than buy whatever of those products separately. This is an excellent price

strategy and many families see it as a way of saving money, so many families buy the
pack of three snacks for their children and also for them and they save money.


Distribution strategy

The distribution is a set of activities that are performed since the product has been
produced by the manufactured until was bought by the final consumer.
Placement is the process of making a product or service accessible for use or
consumption by a consumer or a business user.
The main objective of distribution strategy is to place the product at the customers
disposal in the right amount and shape, at the right moment and in the right place and at
a reasonable cost. Distribution also seeks displaying the product in an appealing way so
that it stimulates the purchase by the final customer.
The importance of distribution lays in the fact that it puts in relation the production with
the consumer. In fact, distribution has as a basic objective that is to put the demanded
product available for the market, facilitating and stimulating its acquisition by the
Distribution is one of the 4 P's established by McCarthy and together with Product
variable, distribution can be considered a strategic variable. The reasons for this lays in
the fact that distribution agreements between companies are established for a long term
period and it is very difficult to change them. As a result of this the distribution strategy
and in particular the way in which the distribution channels are designed and the deals
between companies are established can be considered significant source of competitive
advantage and a primary source of value creation.
The economic importance of distribution activities in Spain can be clearly appreciated
just with a quick analysis of some figures. In particular, we can highlight that in Spain
around 25% of the companies are retailers that generate more than 10% of the gross
valued-added and offer employment to more than 3 millions of people (that represents
the 14% of the Spanish labor market).

The distribution channel, supply chain and channel members

The supply chain can be understood as a network of business and organizations through
which goods pass to get their final destination. Most part of this networks will be
extensive and have many companies participating. However, the particular number of
companies involved will depend on different characteristics of the product and the
company marketing strategy and positioning.

The distribution channel is the product's route through the supply chain, is a specific
product's path through the supply chain. Its shape and main characteristics are derived
from the product's manufacturer in order to meet their marketing objectives.
In summary, a supply chain includes all the channels members but the distribution
channel is limited to just one group of channel members chosen to deliver a particular
product to a particular market. That is to say, the sum of distribution channels of a
product will be the supply chain.
The characteristics of distribution channels can be very different depending on various
factors. One of the most important factors are the number of channel members or
intermediaries . This aspect uses to be deeply related with the length of the channel.
Depending on the number of intermediaries, distribution channels can range from:
- Direct channels: where there are no intermediaries between manufacturer and
consumers, channels frequently found in industrial markets or in service markets.
- Short indirect channels: where there are just one intermediary between the
manufacturer and the consumers.
- Long indirect channels: where we can find a significant number of intermediaries
between manufacturer and consumer. In addition, these intermediaries can have
very different characteristics (e.g. wholesalers, retailers, resellers, etc.).
These long indirect channels are more frequent for selling products in different types of
outlets and for selling the category of products that are named Fast Moving Consumer
Goods (FMCG).
These FMCG are products which have low price, are frequently purchased by the
consumers and with low involvement. From the retailer point of view, these products have
low contribution margins, but high turnover and represents high sales volumes.
The distribution strategy of Aspil is characterized by the use a long indirect distribution
The company does not sell its products directly to the consumer. Contrary to this, Aspil
uses different kind of intermediaries in its long indirect distribution channel:
- Wholesalers: buy the products in bulk to Aspil and other similar manufacturers
offering similar products.
These companies are specialized in storage, maintenance and split the merchandise
and deliver request of lower volume.
The wholesalers develop a significant role in the distribution process because they
also adjust the supply to the consumption process and finance the Aspil's
manufacturing operating cycle.

- Retailers: buy the products directly to Aspil or to a wholesaler and sell directly the
product to the end consumer.
These retailers assume different functions such as stimulate demand in the short
term (e.g. promotions, etc.) and carry out a number of marketing functions such as
giving information to the end consumer about the product and promoting Aspil
products' sales.

- Horeca (Hotels, Restaurants and cafeterias and bars). These intermediaries buy the
products directly to Aspil or to a wholesaler and sell directly the product to the end
They promote the selling of Aspil products to the clients of the hotel, restaurant or
bar offering them a more wide service and attention and product offer.

Online retailing

During the last years has been a rapid grow in electronic commerce worldwide. Nowadays
online retailing is a generalized pattern to sell a wide variety of services (e.g. travels,
insurances, rental cars, etc.) and products from the more complex ones (e.g. electronic
devices) to the simplest ones (e.g. books).
In this context an important number of companies specialized in retailing through this
channel have arisen.
In some occasions these companies offer online their own products and services
Other companies are specialist offering a mix between their own products and services
and those products and services offered by others (e.g. http://www.ryanair.com/es offer
their own flights, but also the cars form Herzt, hotels from different companies and a wide
range of products from other companies).

Finally some other companies are simply intermediaries and offer products manufactured
or services delivered by other companies (e.g. http://www.amazon.com).

However, Aspil in coherence with its strategy of avoiding direct selling to the consumer
and taking advantage of the services offered by the intermediaries of the retail channel,
do not use the Internet channel to establish a direct link with their consumers.
Consequently Aspil do not practice the policy of business to consumer but the company
uses the Internet to maintain contact with other wholesalers and retailers offering a
Business to Business service.

In addition to this we have to highlight that several retailers offer the products
manufactured for Aspil to the end consumer on the Internet through their online
platforms. Here we can find different retailers typologies:

Generic retailers in their online platform:



Retailers specialized in sweets, parties and products oriented to kids:



Functions of intermediaries

The existence of supply chains and distribution channels can be justified as a result of
activities carried out by the channels members and the functions developed by the
intermediaries. In particular, the intermediaries develop four main functions:
1- Intermediaries reduce the number of contracts and transactions.
The importance of this function will be higher, the higher will be the number of
producers and the higher the number of potential consumers. This is particularly the
case of Aspil. This company offers its products to a global market of consumers
including several millions of potential buyers in Spain. If the company would like to
establish a direct link with any of these consumers, the resources necessary to be
invested will be extraordinary and the economic activity of the company will not be

2- The intermediaries also arrange the supply. That is to say they allow to balance the
demand and supply of Aspil products in each particular city and village of the
Spanish territory and the other countries where its products are sold.

In particular, intermediaries arrange the supply developing the following activities:
- The physical distribution which allow the transport of the appropriate volume of
merchandise, its storage and delivery.
- The intermediaries divide the merchandise in the right number at the store and
group them in order to save transport and distribution cost.
- The intermediaries classify the merchandise in different categories when offered to
the final consumer.
3- Create additional services which gives a significant added value to Aspils' products
In particular, the retailers develop important sales promotion and advertising
campaigns, which are particularly relevant when selling fast moving consumer
goods (FMCG) as it is the case of the products sell by Aspil.
In addition, they design the arrangement and display of the Aspil's products at the
physical store as well as the internal and external sings that attracts the attention of
potential customers to these particular products.
4- The Aspil's intermediaries create additional services which gives an additional value
to the Aspil's products to other channel members:
- Services to other channels members:
- Intermediaries finance the commercial process between the company and its
- Intermediaries Take several risk associated to the commercial process (if real
sales volume differs from the expected, if the merchandise is damaged,
robbed, become obsolete, old fashioned products, etc.
- Services to the end consumer:
- Product description and post-sale services, just in case any problem has

Distribution strategy

When a manufacturer offers its products to end consumers it is necessary to select the
strategy to be developed. Companies can choose between three different alternatives:
- Exclusive distribution: is frequently used to sell exclusive or luxury products:
- The distribution channel is very short and there are are a small number of outlets
in each geographical area.
- The manufacturer controls strictly the channel and how the product is sell
- The retailer only sell the brand of the retailer must satisfy some requirements
(commitment with the brand, communicate image, etc.).
- Selective distribution: is frequently employed for companies new to the market which
avoid the risk of going to all the market without previous experience:
- There are just a few retailers in each area and the channel has a medium length
including some specialized outlets.
- The manufacturer has lower control on the channel and the retailer it is not obliged
to exclusive distribution.
- Intensive distribution is the strategy chosen by Aspil
Aspil uses the intensive distribution strategy in order to make their products available to
the highest number of consumers in the market.
This strategy is frequently used by standardized or undifferentiated products with low
unitary value, frequently purchased by consumers as it is the case of the Aspil products.
This is the strategy chosen for selling the fast moving consumer goods. As a consequence
of this:
- Aspil products are available in numerous outlets in each geographical area and in a
wide range of different kind of retailers. In particular, we can find Aspil products in a
large range of potential retailers such as
- Hypermarkets (e.g. Carrefour, Alcampo, etc.)
- Supermarkets (e.g. Eroski, El Arbol, etc.)
- Discount stores (e.g. Dia, Aldi, etc.)
- Specialized stores (e.g. Martn Martn, Frutos Secos el Rincon, etc.)
- Convenience stores (e.g. stores very well located with extended opening
- Considering the high number of retailers, distribution channels are very long and
as a consequence Aspil has not much control on the way in which their products are
sell to the end consumer.
- To sell this standardized products the in-store marketing strategy is essential and
the merchandising plays an essential role.

Merchandise strategy

The way in which products are presented at the store is essential for standardized
products such as the products manufactured by Aspil. Moreover, merchandising strategy
determines how consumers perceive the products and it is essential to the first image
formed in consumers' mind. In fact, merchandising is the part of marketing including the
commercial techniques that allows the retailer to present the product to the consumer in
the best material and psychological conditions.

Merchandising can draw consumers' attention. In fact, retailers can locate the product in
the main entrance of the store or in a particularly visible area of the store or in another
without easy access. In addition, they can group the products and to form different
attractive figures or shapes calling consumers attention.
Retailers also can make some products much more accessible than others. For example,
for consumers is much easier to bring a product located at their hands or eyes level than
other located at the top or the bottom of the display.
Consequently, merchandising can call consumers' attention, make the access to the
product much easier and finally can allow the consumer to select a particular product of
Aspil and finally buy it.

The management of Aspil products at the store is relatively easy as a result of the bar
code that all these products have incorporated. This bar code has offers important
advantages for the retailer. In fact, it is possible to identify any product and register a lot
of information at the register cash. So the retailer dont need to mark the price at the
cash and can control the units sell and the units that remains at the physical store.


Sales Promotions

The objective of all of these promotions is related with consumers because the company
stimulates the demand in the short term and it also stimulate trial.
-This promotion consist in send a number of wrappers to
the company to win a present. It is a win promotion
because you have to achieve a requirement.
To win the present (a doctors bag or a junior connector
of Jake and the pirates of never-never land) you have
different ways associated with different products:
-ASPITOS NATURALES (4g): you have to send 25 wrappers
to the company.
-SUPER ASPITOS (6g): you have to send 15 wrappers to the company.
-JOJITOS (7g): you have to send 25 wrappers to the company.

-This promotion consist in that each one of the packet you

will find a sticker of Violetta (famous serie of Disney
channel) inside and also you can find a little target which
has written premio if you find it you will win a secret
diary of Violetta gold edition. If you collect the stickers
you can download an album in the wed site.
It is a combination between a free promotion and a win
promotion. Free because the company gives to you one
sticker for each pack and win promotion because it will be possible to find the special
target inside the pack.

-Each time that you buy a packet of corazones de maz you will find a little present inside.
It can be a ring or make-up for little girls.

It is a free promotions because if you buy it you will have
a present for sure, you dont need to achieve any

It is a kind of free
promotion, each time that you buy a bag of mooskys
you will have a present inside, it is a little figure of Disney
characters. They are promoting the purchase of this
product because there are twelve different figures
and you can collect them, so you will buy the necessary
packets to find all the different figures.

This promotion is similar to the previous one, inside each

bag you will find a stickers of Disney princess with glitter.
There are twelve different models as well, so the company
is promoting the consumer to buy as many bags as
necessary to collect the twelve stickers.

This promotion is a combination between save and free

promotion. It is a save promotion because it is a pack so
you have more product saving money and it is a free
promotion because if you buy the pack you are going to
find one surprise inside and there are so many
different kind of surprise, thats mean that it is
possible to buy more than one time the pack to
collect all the things that the company gives to you if you
buy this promotion.

This promotions is equal to the previous one but the present is different. It is save
promotion by the relationship between quantity and price and free promotion for the

In this case the present are twelve collections (one each
pack) of mini-stickers (gomets) to customize your
favourite drawings or objects. In the web site you can
download some stencils to personalise them with your


AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Aspil develop this promotions
just to sell the product: jojitos (85g) and ham chips
Vicente Vidal (135g). Swapping this promotions you have to have five pack of the
products abovementioned, then you access to the web site and write the code of your
five packets and you will obtain a free ticket to watch this film.
This promotion is free promotion because the company give to the consumer a free
ticket, without increase the value of the product.

Personal Selling

This catalogue is for impulse and food service, it has been thought for traders, when they
go to speak with a company to sell our products, the catalogue is what he use to show
them our products.
The following pictures was designed by the company KROMA, that company make a
project of pictures to Aperitivos y Extrusionados Aspil. The project is a graphic material
about all the snacks and nuts. This pictures was used to make the catalogue.

Public Relations


Aspil and Aperitivos y Extrusionados sponsored the five a side football team Ribera
Navarra, which now is called Aspil-Vidal Ribera Navarra, it is a sport sponsor.
The team was founded in 2001 in Tudela (Navarra) by Jose Luis Ruiz Arruiazu and during
its firsts seasons the team was playing at National B and regional tournaments. In the
season of 2004/05 the team was playing at national A but just for this season. During
the season 2008/09 the team ascend at silver division and was playing in this division
during the following two seasons, and finally during the season 2010/11 the team ascend
to honour division in which they are still playing.
In 2006 Rivera Navarra opened a club for the young teams in Tudela.

The company also organised guided visits but you have to call them in advance.
At 10/12/2013 was celebrated, in Tudela (Castel Ruiz), the first Christmas fair in
which Aspil took part.


-The main mass media that the company used is internet and the differents social
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aspilcontigo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Aspil-contigo/312079068980760?
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8m_GkBOJ2bKLVTQUG0wErw/feed
Instagram: http://instagram.com/aspilcontigo

In this web site (it is not the principal) the company provide information and
pictures related with the snacks and the football team that the company sponsor, it
is also have some stencils to download and paint them, you can see the pirates
who are the members of the young football team.
The objective of this campaign is provide the consumption of Aspil products
through a boy whose name is Iaki. He wants to be a football player but it is very
difficult to him but with effort and sacrifices he get be the ones of the goal scorer
of the team and he was admired by his teammates.
The benefits of this mass media is the long duration of advertisement, the interactivity,
the globalisation, the cost per impact and the all multimedia contents that you can
upload but also have disadvantages like limited socioeconomic scope and limited target

-The company also has advertisement on the radio and newspapers, this advertisement
appear above everything when the football team win a match or ascend to other division.
The advantages of theses media are geographic and demographic allocation, mass use,
flexibility and reduce cost, and the disadvantages are the short duration of the advert and
limited impact and socioeconomic scope, in the case of radio media another
disadvantages is the lack of visual support.


We conducted a brief survey to a small sample of potential consumers. This survey has to
primary objectives:
- 1. Firstly, we would like to assess the consumers degree of knowledge of the
products sell by Aspil. In order to have a more direct knowledge of this knowledge
we established a clear distinction between
- Spontaneous recall of the consumers: here we analyse if consumers can
remember any product of the company spontaneously, without saying any
name or brand.
- Suggested recall of the consumer: here we analyse if after showing some a
sample of products consumers can remember any of them.
- 2. Secondly we would like to identify which is the potential market segment (in
terms of age) to which consumers consider that Aspil products are targeted to. In
other words if consumers consider that eating sweets is something restricted to
children or if it is accepted by the whole population that Aspil products can be
consumed by consumers of different ages.
With both objectives we conducted a survey structured in two parts. In the first part we
asked several simple questions to assess if consumers eat sweets and the spontaneous
recall of the products of this brand. In the second part, we showed the Aspil's products
and we assess suggested recall. Here we also included some questions about customer
perceptions of eating sweets and some demographic variables.
The number of persons interview were 33 being 19 woman and 14 men. Their ages
ranged from 12 until 46 years.
The results obtained are presented in below:

Personal Survey about Aspil products

1. - Do you like sweets?

The great majority of the persons surveyed declared they like sweets.


2. - Do you use to eat sweets?

The great majority of responses were yes.

27 No

3. - How often do you eat sweets in a week?

Most part of the answers were once a week.

6 6

7 once
12 twice
More twice

4. - Do you think sweets are just for children?

Here we found positions very equilibrated. Half of the sample answer yes or mainly yes
and the other half no or mainly no.

10 Yes
7 Mainly yes

10 Mainly no

5. - Had you heard about a sweets brand called Aspil?

Apparently the degree of knowledge of the brand in spontaneous recall is relatively low.


27 No

6. - Can you name any product from this brand?

In general the spontaneous recall of the products was also very low, being the more
recognized products Aspitos, Jojitos and Mooskys.
- Aspitos 4 - Jojitos 3 - Mooskys 4
- Curritos 1 - Rulis 1 - Pollitos 2
- Shiki Shin 1 - Princess 1 - Puntazos 1

After showing the some products of Aspil to the person interviewed the survey continued
as follows.
7. - Which one of these products did you know before?
After presenting the products of the bran to the participants in the survey the number of
peopleidentifying familiar products increased significantly, being the most recognized
products Aspitos, Jojitos, Mooskys and Shiki Shin.
- Aspitos 14 - Jojitos 10 - Mooskys 11
- Curritos 9 - Rulis 9 - Pollitos 8
- Shiki Shin 12 - Princess 7 - Puntazos 4
- Chips 9 - Olive oil chips 8 - Cocktail 7

8. - Which one have you tested before?

The persons participating in the survey named in this case more frequently Aspitos,
Jojitos, Mooskys and Shiki Shin.
- Aspitos 9 - Jojitos 9 - Mooskys 7
- Curritos 6 - Rulis 6 - Pollitos 3
- Shiki Shin 8 - Princess 2 - Puntazos 2
- Chips 5 - Olive oil chips 6 - Cocktail 5

9. - Rate your agreement with the following statements in an scale between 1 and 7
where 1 minds completely disagree and 7 completely agree
It is not well seen or looked down that a 18 years boy/girl eats sweets in public 3.86
I use to avoid eating sweets in front of my friends or colleagues 4.02 (17)
I use to avoid eating sweets in front of persons of my age but the opposite sex 4.28

It is not well seen or looked down that a 18 years boy/girl eats crisps in public 1.52 (17)
I use to avoid eating crisps in front of my friends or colleagues 1.30 (17)
I use to avoid eating crisps in front of persons of my age but the opposite sex 1.43 (17)

Here we found that when we focus the attention on sweets, the average opinion is that it
is not well seen that people of 18 years old eats sweets in public. However, if we focus
our attention on crisps there is not at all any negative perception.

When we analyse the own behaviour or perception of the interviewed we can find that
the values obtained are even a little higher than in the previous case for sweets but the
opposite happens for crisps. And in both cases, people use to avoid slightly more to eat
sweets and crisps in front of persons of the opposite sex, being this value a bit higher for
boys in relation to girls.

10. - Age of the person being interviewed 22, 23

11. - Sex of the person being interviewed Men 14 Woman 19

Finally, as demographics of the people interviewed we can highlight that the average age
of the persons interviewed was 22, 23 years and they were 14 men and 19 women.

Focus Group

Having found that a significant part of the population interviewed though that sweets
consumption it is not well seen in people of 18 years old like us we considered that it will
be interesting to analyse more deeply this aspect. With this aim we selected a qualitative
technique as the focus group.

In particular, in this focus group we established three main objectives:

1. To assess how is perceived the consumption of sweets in different groups of ages:
12, 18, 30 and 40 years old.
2. To explore possible changes that Aspil should introduce in its products in order
that consumption of sweets will be more acceptable in other ranges of age different
from kids (e.g. 18/30 and 40 years old).
Whit this aim we conducted a focus group with 8 people (4 men and 4 woman) of
different ages ranged between 12 and 47.
Firstly, we included several questions similar to the survey as ice-breakers, having similar
answers than in the previous survey.
1. - Do you like sweets?
2. - Do you use to eat sweets?
3. - How often do you eat sweets in a week?
Later we asked directly for the perception of the potential problems associated to sweets
consumption by consumers of the following ages 12; 18; 30 and 40.
4. Do you think it is not well seen or looked down that a 12 years boy/girl eats
sweets in public?
What about one of 18/30/40?
What about other products like crisps?
For a person that is 12 years old everybody agreed that it is really normal to eat sweets
or crisps. For a person of 18 years, some of the people though that it does not transmit a
good image for them to eat sweets. However, it depends on what kind of sweets or other
Aspil products. If they consume Mooskys, then of course it does not give a good image,
but if they consume other products like crisps there isn't any problem. In fact, everybody
consumes crisps said Alejandro.
Some the participants changed their mind after what it was said by Ana. The members of
the focus group argued in a similar way about the people of 30 and 40.

5. Do you think that changing the format, the presentation or the package of some
sweets it could be reduced the negative image of eating sweets or chips in the
people of 18/30/40 years old?
Everybody agreed that changing the presentation or the package can have a significant
impact on image of the sweet and consequently can reduce the negative perception of
eating sweets for the collectives of more age (18/30 and 40).

6. How this format, presentation or package should be changed in order to achieve

this aim?
Should be changed the principal colour of the packaging? How? What type of colours
should be used for people of 18/30 and 40 years old?
Should be changed the brightness of the colours? How?
Should be changed the contrast of colours? How?

This question focused the most part of the debate and the ideas obtained were very
- The importance ofcolours: In relation to the colour, there was a partial
agreement that age of the potential consumer conditions the colour to be used in
the product. Cristina suggested that "colours such as yellow, red, pink are preferred
by kids (pink is mainly associated to girls)". However, older person prefer colours

such as blue, white, black or brown. Here we have to highlight that there were some
opinions against this argument.
- The importance of brightness: A higher degree of consensus was found in
relation to the influence of the colourbrightness. In fact, brightness was considered
more relevant that colour. In particular, it was suggested that bright colours were
more adequate for young people and consequently more discrete colours are more
adequate for people of 30 or 40 years old. "It will be possible to refocus the product
for collectives of 30 or 40's but they should develop a new package in black or with
darker colours said Maria.
- The importance of contrast: The contras between colours was found also an
important aspect. In particular, it was argued that combination of more contrasting
colours are more adequate for kids but young people and adults prefer lower
contrast degree in their products. However, in this case mature women still prefer
more contrasted combinations of colours than men of the same age.
- The importance of the designs: Finally the package design was also important
in other perspective. Dolls and cartoons were found to be adequate for kids of 12
but for young of 18 was considered more adequate other kind of designs. Finally, for
people of 30 and 40 it was considered more adequate to include more abstract
designs. "To offer this product to people of 30 or 40 it will be necessary to take out
the dolls that appear in this packaging" said Carlos.
Finally, we have to notice that findings obtained with a focus group cannot be generalized
to the whole population, but allow to obtain very interesting ideas that can be analysed
more in deep in future surveys.

Personal Opinion

This project has helped us to understand much better the points of marketing subject and
parts of the company that we have never studied before.
Now we also know that marketing is very important to the companies and realise all the
hard work that the company needs to have a good marketing department and how is
related with sales.
One of the main objectives of this company (Aspil) is looking for innovations, which is
very important nowadays to have a clear distinctiveness over the competence.
The company invested their time and a lot of money to improve their business and now,
above-mentioned, they are the second in the Spanish market in this industry.
As we have seen in SWOT analysis the companys weaknesses it has to improve CSR, and
they are doing it. They are now concerned about societys welfare and environment.
About the product, we realised that Aspil has much more product than we thought, also
we saw the importance of the packaging which helps other marketing areas of Aspil such
as new products lines, new product depth, length As a goal of Aspils philosophy they
try to offer high quality products.
The company, respecting the price, thinks about consumers by reducing the price. For
example, if you but three packets of the product each one will be cheaper than if you but
it separately. Another fact is that the price of their products are cheaper than the ones of
the competitors.
Referring to the place Aspil does not distribute their products only to one store, it
distribute to many of them like supermarkets, Frutos Secos El Rincon, Martin Martin The
company does not have one shop to sell only their products, they prefer to sell their
products to others stores and they will be in charge to sell them.
About promotions the company sells some products which have little presents inside, this
sometimes encourage children to consume. The most relevant part of promotions is the
sponsorship of the football team Ribera Navarra because is an easy way to promote the
brand around Spain, as this football team plays a national level. The problem of the
promotions is the advertising because this department is not very developed. In one hand
they have several social networks but they dont give much information. On the other
hand, they dont have ads in national TV, just in Tudelas TV.
Aspil is not the perfect company However, they do everything that they can to improve
and get better.
Conducting the survey and the focus group we have learn that both techniques are very
interesting methodologies in order to obtain information about important aspects of the
market and the consumers attended by companies.

The potential applications of both techniques are enormous. However, any of them has
some particularities. On one hand, focus groups allow obtaining very rich information
about some general aspects or problems being analysed. However, this information
cannot be generalized. On the other hand, survey allow to obtain very specific
information about more specific aspects being analysed and if samples are
representatives their findings can be generalized to the whole pupulation.


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o http://www.retailactual.com/empresas/aperitivos-y-extrusionados
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o http://www.radiotudela.com/Noticias/tabid/63/ID/3098/El-Comercio-de-Tudela-
o http://www.carritus.com/marca/34260-Aspil
o http://www.aspil.com/es/home.htm
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o http://www.aspil.com/en/aspil.htm
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o Santesmases, M. (2007). Marketing. Conceptos y Estrategias. Ediciones Pirmide.
Madrid, 5 edicin.
o Santesmases, M.; Merino, M.J.; Snchez, J. y Pintado, T. (2009). Fundamentos de
Marketing. Ediciones Pirmide, Madrid.

Annex I: Personal Survey about products of Aspil

1.- Do you like sweets? Yes __ No __

2.- Do you use to eat sweets? Yes __ No __

3.- How often do you eat sweets in a week? Never __ Once __

Twice __ More than twice __

4.- Do you think sweets are just for children? Yes __ Mainly yes__ Mainly no__ No

5.- Had you heard about a sweets brandcalled Aspil? Yes __ No __

6.- Can you name any product from this brand? __________________,
__________________, __________________, __________________,

Show some of the Aspil products to the person interviewed

7.- Which one of these products did you know before?_____________,
__________________, __________________, __________________,

8.- Which one have you tested before?____________,

____________,__________________, __________________, __________________,

9.- Rate your agreement with the following statements in an scale between 1 and
7 where 1 minds completely disagree and 7 completely agree
It is not well seen or looked down that a 18 years boy/girl eats sweets in public
I use to avoid eating sweets in front of my friends or colleagues ___
I use to avoid eating crisps in front of persons of my age but the opposite sex
It is not well seen or looked down that a 18 years boy/girl eats crisps in public
I use to avoid eating crisps in front of my friends or colleagues ___
I use to avoid eating crisps in front of persons of my age but the opposite sex ___

10.- Age of the person being interviewed __

11.- Sex of the person being interviewed __


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