Culture 2 Lesson Plan

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March 1st

Sociology: Culture 2 Lesson Plan

EQ: Is ethnocentrism the same as patriotism? Why or why not?


Domain 2: Social Structure: Culture, Institutions, and Society

Domain 3: Social Relationships: Self, Groups, and Socialization

Students should be able to:
1. Understand and explain cultural universals and what areas of life tend to fall under this
2. Understand and briefly explain cultural variations (subculture and counterculture).
3. Explain cultural diffusion and the associated components of cultural lag and cultural leveling.

1. Continue working on the vocabulary worksheet for lessons 1 and 2. Students
will fill it out as we move through the lecture portion of the class.
2. EQ on ethnocentrism and if its the same as patriotism or not.
3. Section 2 Assessment from the textbook.
4. Watch film on the different types of diffusion after going through the lecture
(from and then let them back into groups of 3 to 4 to come up
with as many examples as they can think of for each with a minimum of three
for each.
5. Write a multi-paragraph answer on cultural leveling, whether its good or bad,
why, and give a few examples of leveling throughout the world. (#8 from the
section assessment)
March 1st

Lesson 2 Assessment
1. What is a subculture?

2. What perspective says, that culture reflects and enforces societys central

3. How are globalization and cultural leveling related?

4. How are a subculture and a counterculture similar? How are they different?

5. Why do you think ethnocentrism tends to encourage discrimination?

6. Explain why you think cultural lag exists-why does material culture change
more readily than nonmaterial culture?

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