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February 27th

Sociology: Culture 1 Lesson Plan

EQ: What is the meaning of the term culture and how do material culture and
nonmaterial culture differ?


Domain 2: Social Structure: Culture, Institutions, and Society

Domain 3: Social Relationships: Self, Groups, and Socialization

Students should be able to:
1. Understand and explain the differences between material and nonmaterial culture.
2. Understand and briefly explain the five components of culture (technology, symbols,
language, values, and norms)
3. Explain the two types of norms and what sets them apart and when each one applies.

1. Pass out vocabulary worksheet for lessons 1 and 2. Students will fill it out as
we move through the lecture portion of the class.
2. Section 1 Assessment from textbook
3. In groups of two, students will research a given culture and determine the
norms (folkways, mores, laws), values, language, symbols, and technology
out of a predetermined list of countries/cultures from the past and present.
After this, students will write a few paragraphs detailing what it is that they
discovered about these cultures and then share some of the most important
details with the rest of the class.
4. Video component from
February 27th

Cultures Past and Present

Directions: You and your partner will research a culture, either from the past or
present listed below. You will tell me, and the class, about their norms (folkways,
and mores), values, language, symbols, and technology and briefly be able to
describe each and have at least one example for each group.

Cultures: Roman, Greek (past or present), American, British, Irish, Spanish,

Cherokee, Apache, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Mexican, Viking, Brazilian, Ethiopian,
Kenyan, South African
February 27th

Culture Vocabulary
1. Culture
2. Material culture
3. Nonmaterial culture
4. Society
5. Technology
6. Symbols
7. Language
8. Values
9. Norms
12.Cultural universals
13.Cultural variations
17.Cultural relativism
18.Cultural diffusion
19.Cultural lag
20.Cultural leveling
February 27th

Lesson 1 Assessment

1. What is the difference between material and nonmaterial culture?

2. Is technology part of material culture or nonmaterial culture or both? Explain.

3. Use the Yanomamo and San cultures to explain how different value systems
produce different cultures.

4. Give and defend your opinion about the way the norm against taking life is
applied to soldiers.

5. In your own words, explain how folkways and mores are different.

6. Give two examples of how each of the components of culture is important to

your life.

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