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u AGREEMENT 62016940m1 UTILITY OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE [BETWEEN THE CTY OF NORTH MIAMI BEACH AND ‘OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL INC. (OMI, A CH2M HILL COMPANY) ‘THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the 1} day of October _ 2016, by and between the CTY OF NORTH MAMI BEACH, a poltical subasion ofthe State of Flanda, having an ‘address a 1701 NE 19th Avenue, North Miami Beach, Florda 33162, hereiafter refered to asthe “CITY”, and OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL ING (OM, A CH2M HILL COMPANY) having 's principal offes at 9189 South Jamaica treet Sulte 400 Englewood, C0 80332 hereinafter refered toae the “CONTRACTOR: RECITALS WHEREAS, the CITY has determined that ii i ts est intrest to make a cooperative urchase,utlzng RFP 137-017 eftective August 20, 2013 tiled OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE. ‘SERVICES FOR DISTRICT UTILITIES attached oreto as EXNDK "A" and made a binding prt heeo! by {his reference, hereinafter referedtoas "COOPERATIVE CONTRACT.” which was competitively sled ‘ang negotiate by Vilage Community Development Daves of North Sumter County Utty Dependent District ana WHEREAS, te CONTRACTOR has exited by ts response othe North Sumter County tty Dependent Distri’ssoictaton that ts capable of proving be required senices and ages to ride the same senices tothe Cl, as detineated inte Statoment of Work attached Neto EID Ferrans WHEREAS, the CITY desires o engage the CONTRACTOR for provision of work with respec to Lily eprations end maintenance serces, as speced hereln and in an amount not to exceed £820.000.00 rom o source(s) of supply at wil gv prompt and eicint service uly compan to ‘the terms and conditions of tis Agreement; and WHEREAS, the CITY hal be afforded al of he rights, privieges and indemnification atorded to North Sumter County Villy Dependent Oistret under the Agreement for Uulity Operations an Maintenance dated August 20, 2033, and suc rights, privlegs and Ingermniicatons shal accrue and apply with equal effect to the CATY under this Agleement including, without imitation, CCONTRACTOR's obligation to provide insurance and certain Indemnfiations te iy of North Mism ‘eae [NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mat herein, the paris de hereby agree a flows: ‘dtionalTems and Conditions SECTION. TERM. 1 Theterm ofthis agreements shal be for sik months from the date of execution. covenants tems, and provisions contained SecTION2 None, 2.4 Whenever any pat desires to gve note unto any oer party, it must be elven by writen novice, Sent by ceriied Unted States mall, with return recelot requested, or by nationaly ge ool recognized overnight delivery sence, addressed tothe party fr whom Ris intended and the remelning arty, atte places las pected, and the paces fr ging of rtice shal remain such ul they shall have Been changed by wren ntie in complance with the provisions of this section. Notice may ‘also be sent by electronic means (facsimile ema) provided such followed bya had copy o such ‘alice provided in tne manner set forth above. Notices deemed gven when recived. For the present, [CONTRACTOR and ne CIT designate the following as the respscive places fr ging such nate om: Procurement Management Dion ‘ty of North Miami Beach, 3 Roe 7011 NE 190) Avenve, Sute 315 North Miami Beach Florida 32262 Telephone No, (305) 948.2946 Facsimile Ne. (308) 957-3522 ‘ty Manager's oftco (ty of Nor Miami Beach 417011 NE 19tnAvenve, 4" Foer ‘North Miami Beach, Florida 22362 Telephone No. (305) 948-2900, Facsimile N. (308) 957-3602 Office ofthe cry Atenay (ty of Nore lami Beach 41TOLLNE 190 Avenue, 4” Fle North Miami Beseh, Florida 39252 Telephone No. (305) 948-2039 Facsimile No. (305) 787-6008 ‘CONTRACTOR: Operations Management Intemational, Inc. (Omi a 2M Hil Company) ‘tt: Juan F. Alto, PE. 9189 South Jamaica Street Sutte 400 Englewood, 080132 Telephone No, 305-647-9120 Fax: 305-443-8856 mali SECTIONS, MODIFICATION. 3A The covenants, terms, and provision af ths Ageement may be madtied only by way ‘of writen instrument, mutual accepted bythe parties herein writing. nthe event of a eon. between the covenants, terms, and/or provisions ofthis Agreement an any writen Amendments} hereto, the provisions of tre latest executed instrument shall abe precedence. ‘SECTION 4, FUND AVAILABILITY AND USE OF CONTRACTOR. panies ae 4 Services to be performed in accordance with this Agjeement are subject to and contingent upon the anual aproption of funds by the CIT. nits sole eration, the CTY reserves ‘the right 0 forego use of the CONTRACTOR for any peoject which may fal within the Ping Options ‘and Program Specie Terms and Condens sted herein. 4.2 _ Inthe eventthe CTY is required to reduce contract costs de to budgstary constants, ‘all semvees specified inthis document may be subject to a permanent of temporary reduction i ‘bucget. In such an event, the total cost forthe affected service tall be reduced as required, The [CONTRACTOR shal also be provided with a minimum 30-day notice prior to any such reduction ie budget SECTIONS, SOVEREIGN IMMUNTY, 5.4 _ Tho yi poles subdivision of the State of Ford, self-insured and subject tthe ‘provisions of Section 768,28, Flora Statutos, as maybe amended from time tote. Nothing inthis “Agreement shall be deemed or othorwise Interpreted ae walving the y's sovereign immunity rotections or as incrssing the limits of lab as set forth in Secon 768.28 loria Statutes. ‘Srotre Paee Folio Paws |NWTNESS WHEREDF, the paris hae set thelrhands and seals the dayandyear frst writen avove, my. ‘Ana Garcia, Chy Manager Gigratue} a Wr & Acvate; Pain) date a fof 2/te te: Vice 00510607 ch dH 20e ausauavanassantavinenemnnmnsaigas” Tale Lire ty Cook vae:_ Vz : os egal suiiony: renee a Statement of Work Provide Operations and Maintenance Assistance Related ‘to Utilities Department and Engineering Division ease 108: NMB Public Utities srersseoW: (Operations Management international, Inc. (OMI, a CH2M HILL company) wae ‘August 31,2016 In accordance with Agraement for titty Operations and Maintenance, Operations Management international, Inc, (a CH2M HILL Company)(Contractor) shall perform this Scope of Services by providing operations and ‘maintenance support assistance related to the Utitis Department and Engineering Ovsion, All ather terms of ‘Agreement for Uity Operations and Maintenance shall remain need. Project Description ‘The City feels that itsin the best interest of its citizens, customers, andthe general public to provide timely and reliable services to met the increasing service demand. Therefore, the Cty intends to retain the services ofa Contractor to provide operational and maintenance support to City staff to meet or exceed the service level for water services. The following describes the scope of work for providing these services. Scope of Services Task 1 - Operational and Maintenance Assistance Operation and maintenance ippr serves eae to wate and sewer prove nde ths sk ince + rove suporo the Cty in the preparation andor eview fe compliance reports. + rove compliance inspections as directed bythe iy + Provide technica staff, and management support to the Public tities Department inits operation ofthe treatment plant distribution and collection systems. Understanding Contractor will not be responsible forthe following items, beyond providing consultation, analysis, recommendations, and support: ‘+ Direct management of employees including the handling of personnel issues, staff assignments, grievances, ‘or imposing discplinary actions ‘Direct management or implementation of plant safety programs and/or drug or alcohol policy management. Project Assumptions / Terms and Conditions. ‘These assumptions/terms and conditions shall pertain to the scope se forth in this Work Order only and shall be In addition to the terms and conditions se forth in the Agreement, In the event ofa confict or ambiguity between the terms set forth below and the terms of the Agreemex, the terms below shall govern The supplemental terms below shall not modty the Agreement for av previous or additonal work performed under the Agreement, and its terms shall remain in ful force an effect 1 Each Contractor employee shall perform such services as an independent supplier and nota an employee or agent of City. The fact that Contractor supervisory employees may provide indirect upersion of the City’s employees shal not alter the ermployment relationship fr purposes uf workers ‘compensation and unemployment compensation. Under no circumstances are employees of Contractor tobe considered the City’s employees, loaned employees or borrowed servants and vice versa 2. Each City employee shal perform such series as an employee of the City and not as an employee or agent of Contractor. As such, City employees shall not be entitled to nar shal thy claim any benefits or Fights accorded to employees of Contractor. City shal be solely responsible forall Employer Obligations (as defined below) including, but not imted to, provision of employee benefits and complance with state and federal laws including the Fair Labor Standards kt for their employees. 2 City willbe solely responsible forall Employer Obligations with respect o City personnel and City employees. "Employer Obligations as usd inthis Agreement means ll obligations of any kind Imposed customarily or by law or agreement on persons ating in the capacity ofan employer in relation to persons acting inthe capacity of an employee, These include, without liitation: (a) responsibilty for hiring, assigning, compensating and terminating City personnel and City ‘employees; (b) withholding and paying taxes; (c]verifcation of employment eligilty, including ‘compliance with IRCA, FRA, OOT drug and alcohol regulations, and all DOD and DOC export licensing and control requirements; (4) providing workers’ compensation insurance and complying with all applicable workers compensation laws; (e) compliance with al federal, state and local laws {both common and statutory and regulations relating employment and the rights of Cty personnel nd City employees), including but not limited ta FICR and FUTA withholding: the Fair Labor Standards Ac; wage and hour laws, including overtime, and benefits requirements; workers’ ‘compensation; safety and health; payment of wages; anemployment compensation; COBRA: Immigration; compliance with laws relating to ernploynent, legal employment discrimination and retaliation; leaves; benefits; the Immigration Reform Act of 1986; and al record keeping requirements. 3. Contractor may terminate the services performed under this Work Order upon the occurrence of any of the following events: Gy not implementing suggested recommendations made by Contractor fr safety or compliance items. Gi’ failure to take remedial action requested by Contractor regarding conditions of employment pertaining to Contractor's employees. 4. City not implementing suggested Contractor recommendations for vulnerability situations, safety, or ‘compliance matters that Contractor reasonably determines may cause City and/or Contractor to Violate any applicable regulation laws, codes, or permits, Schedule ‘Work ill commence upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed (NTP) othe Contractor by the Cty through a period (of sc (6) months. NTP Is expected to occu by September 15,2036. Fee The fes forthe scope of work fr this Work Orders bazed on 3 lamp cum amcunt of $220,000. The Contractor ill invoice the Cty monthly based on percent complete, REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR DISTRICT UTILITIES: RFP #43P-017 Peg te vileses UTILITIES Issued By: Village Community Development Districts Purchasing Department Aileen Jones, Purchasing Supervisor 1894 Laurel Manor Drive The Villages, Florida 32162 Phone (352) 751-6700 * Fax (352) 751-6715 Date of Issue: Friday, December 24, 2012 Due Date / Time: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 3:00pm (O&M Services for Distrit Utes RFP #19P-017 CALENDAR OF EVENTS / REP TIMELINE Listed below are the important dates and times by which the actions noted must be completed. All dates are subject to change by the Purchasing Department. Ifthe Purchasing Department finds it necessary to change any of these dates or times prior to the proposal due date the change will be accomplished by addendum, ACTION COMPLETION DATE Issue RFP __December 21, 2012 __ Tuesday, January 8, 2013, Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Mandatory Site Visits ‘Thursday, January 10, 2013 _ ‘Thursday, January 17, Last Day for Questions. 2013 @ 4:00 pm Tuesday, February 12, Proposals Due 2013 @3:00 pm | Selection Committee Meeting Monday, February 25, Presentations and Interviews 2013 (at'day) March 14, 2013, (vccDD) District Board Approval of March 19, 2013, Negotiations (NSCUDD) Vilage Community Development Distriets: Page 20132 Purchasing Department ‘O&M Sorvces for District Utes REP #13P.017 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS PART. INTENT AND GENERAL INFORMATION. EVALUATION PROCESS. 2 PART 3... mint PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL. 43 PART 4, PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS. “4 ExHIBTs, es Vilage Community Development Districts Page of 32 Purchasing Department O&M Services for Distrlt Utlties RFP 813.017 PROPOSAL CHECKLIST ‘This standardized check thas boon provides to assist he Proposer wth the susion fei Propoal package ‘This check st canot be conetued ae serting a oxurodsubmal documenta forts project. Proposer remain ‘esponsibifereadng the entre Proposal documento sure that fey aren compliance, Propose maybe ‘nticered subject jection into sao pinion ofthe Dae, hari a aoraus omasion, cnaubored Strain of form. an unaaorzed aerate Proposal, Reomplte or unbalanced unl pie, o regulates of ry ‘The Distt may ter at an esponie, ny ora Poposats where Propoeas fas ackncwedge eco of ‘denda as prescrbe. Proposal Cover Sheet Proposal Form(s) Exceptions / Deviations Page Disclosure of Subcontractors, Subconsuttants and Suppers Proposer Cerfcation/ Addenda Acknowledgement Form (General Terms and Conditions rug Free Workplace Cerificate wo Copy of Requred/Applcabe Licenses oc Certfcations Qoo0cqo0o0000 Required Number of Copies (1 Orginal and §coples = 6 Total) Vilage Community Development Districts Page of St Purchasing Department ‘08M Services for District Utes: ‘RFP #13.017 PART 1 INTENT AND GENERAL INFORMATION REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ‘Sealed proposas wil be received bythe Vilage Community Development Districts located at 1804 Laure! Maner Drive, The Vitages, Floride 32162, unt 3:00pm, Tuesday, February 12, 2013 fr. RFP # 13P-017~ Operations and Maintenance Services for Disc Uli. Proposers shall ake careful notice ofthe allowing condions of his Request for Proposal ‘+ Submissions by FAX or other electronic media wll not be accepted under any cxcumstances. Late submissions wil not be accepted under any circumstances + Submitters may withdraw andlor replace proposals a any tie unt the deadine fr submission of proposals. + Allquestions received by 4:00pm, Thursday, January 17, 2013 wil be considered. Questons wi not be answered over the phone. Questions must ben wrting and faxed (352) 751.6715, attention: Allen Jones or sent via e-malto ainen enn liste MANDATORY SITE VISITS “Mandatory st visits wil be held on the following days: Tuesday, January 8, 2013, Wednesday, January 9, 20'3 and Thureday, January 10, 2013 (if needed), Al Contactors must meet atthe Purchasing [Deparment at 1894 Laurel Manor Orve, The Vilages, Florida 32162 on Tuesday, Janay 8 20"S at 8:00 am, at which time Contractors willbe provided a schedule forthe next tree days anda brit escrption ofthe vst. For assistance wih accomadations or dtections, Contractor sha contact ‘Allen Jones at 352-751-8700. FORMS & SPECIFICATIONS ‘Submits are required to Use the ofclal "PROPOSAL FORMS", and al attachments itemized herein are to be submited a a single document. Any variaton from the minimum specications must be Carly stalec on the PROPOSAL. FORMS and explained in detall on the EXCEPTION / DEVIATION FORM HOWTO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL. ‘One complete proposal form set (1 original pls 5 copies) wih al required documents as itemized and Included herein sto be submited ina soalad envelope, onthe outsde of which shall be prominently ‘marked withthe following wentiication: “RFP # 13P-017 - Operations and Maintenance Services ot District Utes" together wit the name and address ofthe submvter. The RFP should be neat, professional n appearance and bound appropitly forthe document’ thekness, The orginal document ‘shall have original signatures and clearly noted with ORIGINAL on the caver Al proposals shal be ‘malleg or hand delvered tothe Purchasing Supervisor atthe address given, by the date and tme set forth rein VENDOR RESPONSIBILITY ‘Sulomiters are fuly and completely responsible forthe labeling, identification and delivery of their proposals. The Purchasing Deparment wil not be sponsible for any mislabeled or mediected submisions, nor those handled by delivery persons, couriers, or the U.S, Postal Senes. ‘+ ‘Submissions shipped by express delivery. orn overnight or courier envelopes, boxes, or packages must be prominently marked on the ouside of such envelopes, boxes ar packages with the sealed proposal identiicaton. ‘Any envelopes, boxes, or packages which are net properly labeled, identified, and prominently ‘marked with te sealed proposal ldentifaton, may be inadvertently opened upon receipt thereby invalidating such proposals and excluded om the offcial proposal opening process, ‘vitage Community Development Districts Page 50132 Purchasing Department (O8N Services fr District Uilties REP #19P-017 Invtation by the Vilage Community Development Districts to vendors fs based en the recipient's Specific request and application to www demandstar com, wiv GStctgo. ar, eas the result of response by the public to te legal advertsements required by State and Distcaw.. Firms or Inaividvais sub ter responses on a voluntary basi, and therefore ae not ede 0 ‘A person or affiiate wo has been placed on the convicted vendor lst folowing a conviction for a public entty crime may not submit a proposal ona contacto provide any goods or services to 8 public entity, may not submit a proposal ona contract with pubic enty forthe constucton oF ‘repair of a publ buiding or public work, may not submit proposals on eases ofreal propery to ‘ube ently, may not be awarded or perform work s a contract, supplier, subsonrecor. of ‘consultant under a contract with any public en, and may not ransact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Secton 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO fora period af iry-sie (36) montis from the date of beng placed onthe convicted vendor lit Proposals that ae incomplete, unbalanced, conditional, obscure, or which conan alton not calle for, aferations, or iregulartes of any kind, or which do nat comply with these documents ‘may be rejected a he option of the Dstt, ‘Any vendor who submits a nproposal response shall submit the no-proposal response in an lenvelope marked on the ouside ofthe maing envelope, together with te requried proposal ‘dentition number. PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED ‘The flowing documents and forms in the following arrangement must accompany each proposal or alterate proposal submite: Proposal Cover Page. This is to be used as the rst page ofthe RFP. This form must be uly ‘completed and signed by an authorized ofcer ofthe vendor. Proposal Form Exceptions or Devatons to Specifications form. Disclosure of Subcontractors, Subconsutans and Suppliers Proposer Certitcaton/ Addenda Acknowledgement Form. ‘General Terms and Conitons statement mus be signed and retuned wit he oroposal om ‘A sworn, notarized Drug Free Work Pace Certeate must accompany each proposal or alternate proposal. we ‘Any and all applicable icenses or certifications must be included, This can alsolnclue any ‘addtional certifcatons or education ofthe organization or of staf who wall be partorming tne ‘tual work INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. ‘A Cottiicateof insurance willbe furnished by the frm upon Notce of Award. The cetifizste(s) shall be comrleted by the fs authorized agent and submitted tothe Districts Purchasing Department. The Successful company shall not commence any workin connection wth the Agreement unl has obtained St'otho folowing poe of ncuranao ond shell maintain avenineurancs 8 wil protest hier fom Claims which may arse cut of er result fom the vendor’ operations under the terms anc cancitons of the Vilage Community Development Districts Page 6 of 32 Purenasing Department (08M Services for DistrietUtities ‘REP # 19-017 RFP. The District shall be exempt from, and in no way Hable fr, any sums of money which may represent a deduce in any insurance policy. The payment of such deaucbble shal be the sole responsibilty of te Contactor andor subcontractor providing such insurance, General Liabltty. Contractor shal obtain, and maintain throughout the if ofthe Agreement. General Liabilty Insurance in an amount no less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and $600,000, general aggregate for Body Injury and Property Damage, insurance shal protect the Contractor, Subconsutants and subcontractors rom clas fr damage for personal ny. inching, Accidental death, a¢ wall a claims for propery damages which may area ftom operate under the Agreement. Dit) shal be named ae Additonal Insured Pollution Liability. Contractor shall obtain, and maintain throughout the life ofthe Agreement, Pelton Liab insurance in an amount ro less than $2,000 000 per occutrence and ‘2,000,000 general aggregate for Bacay Injury and Property Oamage, ‘Automobile Liability Insurance covering al automobiles and truck the Convactr may use in ‘connection with his REP. Tho limit of ably fortis coverege shall bea minimum combined ‘Single brat of $2,000,000 per occurence for bodily injury and property camage. This is toincude ‘owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles. Distncs) shal be named as Adalbonal Insured Excess Llabilty Insurance (Umbrella Policy). Contractor shall obtain, and maintain thoughout the fe ofthe Agreement Excess Liability Insurance in an amount no less than $10,000,000 per Waiver of Subrogation: By entering into any contract as a result ofthis RFP, Contractor agrees toa Waiver of Subrogation for each poly required above. General Aggregate Limit. The general aggregate limit shal apply per location ‘Workers’ Compensation Insurance, as required by the State of Ferda. Contractor and any subconsultants or subcontractors shall comply fully wit the Florida Worker's Compensation Law. Contractor must provide cerifeate of insurance showing Worke’'s Compensation coverage, Contiticato(s) shal be dated and show: ‘2 The name ofthe insured Contractor, the specie job by name andlor RFP number, the name ofthe insurer, the number ofthe poy, its efectve date and its rmination date ‘© Statement that the insurer wil mal notice to the Dist atleast tht (20) days pir to ‘any material enanges n provisions or cancelation of the policy. © Subrogation of Waiver clause ©The Vilage Community Development Disticts, North Sumter County Uslty Dependent District and any other governmental agencies using this agreement in cooperation wih ‘the Distt shal be a named aditonal insured on Public Labily Insurance and ‘Automobile Liabity Insurance. 1© The Contractor shall require ofeach its subconsutants andlor subcontractors to precure {and maintain during the ieof ts subcontract, insurance o the type specified above or inaure the activites of ts subconsultants andlor subcontractors In its policy as described above © Allinsurance policies shall be witten on companies authorized todo business inthe ‘State of Florida. Vilage Community Development Districts Page of 32 Purchasing Department (O8M Services for District Utlitios REP #19P-017 [EXAMINATION OF PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS: ‘+ Each vendor shall carefuly examine the Drawings andlor Specitcatons and other applicable documents, an inform himsethersef thoroughly regaring any and ail conditions and requiremenis that may in any manner afect cost progress or performance ofthe work to be Deformed under the Contact. ignorance onthe part ofthe Contractor wil no way relieve hirer ofthe obigatons and responstlties assumed under the Contact. ‘+ Should a vendor find discrepancies or ambigutles in, or omissions from the Drawings andlor Speciicatons,o should halshe be in doubt ast their meaning, helshe shall at once naty the Purchasing Department, in wit INTERPRETATIONS, CLARIFICATIONS AND ADDENDA ‘+ No oral interpretations wil be made to any vendor as othe meaning ofthe ProposaliContract Documents. Any inquiry or request fr nterpretaton received bythe Purchasing Supervsor before 4COpim. Thursday, January 17, 2073, willbe given consideration. All sch changes or ‘terpretaons willbe made in wring nthe form ofan addendum and. ssued, wil be {istouted a or after the Pre-Proposal Conference (¥ applicable) and uploaded io ‘wan demandstatcom and wowdsticiaavara. Each Proposer shal acknowledge receipt of Such addenda nthe space provided on the Proposal Form, ‘+n case any Proposer fis o acknowledge receipt of such addenda or addendum, hither :roposa wil nevertheless be construed as though i had been received and acknowledged and ‘he submission of hither Proposal wil constitute acknowledgment of he receipt of same. Al ‘addenda area part a the Proposal Dosumens and each Propose wil be bound by such ‘addenda, whether or not rece'ved by him/her. Its te responsibilty ofeach Proposer to verily ‘hat helshe has received al addenda Issued before Proposals are opened, ‘+ nthe case of unt price items, the quantiies of work tobe done and materials to be furnished _nder this ProposeliContract ar tobe considered as approximate only and are tobe used solely ‘or the comparison of Proposals received. The Distt and is Consultants do not expressly or by Implication represent thatthe actual quantites involved wil correspond exact therewith nor Shall the Proposer plead misunderstanding decepton because of such estate or quantities of ‘work performed or material unished In accordance wi the Specticatons andor Drawings and Uther proposal documents, and lis understood thatthe quantes may be increased or ‘imin’shed as provided herein without n any way invalidating any ofthe unt or lump sum prices proposal. (CHANGES / MODIFICATIONS ‘The Vilege Community Development Districts reserve the righ to order changes inthe scope of work and resulting contract The successful Proposer has the righ o request an equlable price adjustment in {868 where modifications tothe contact under the authoty of this clause result in increased costs to {he contactor” rice adjustments wil be based on a nogotiaton between the Contractor and the District tat considers the pring proposes by the Contactor in response to tis solistaton. Any contract resulting rom this solctaton may be modified upon writen and mutual consent of both partes. GOVERNING LAWS AND REGULATIONS ‘The Proposes required tobe fair with and shal be responsible for complying wit the Distt’ Purchasng Policies and Procedures, Disc resolutions, Distt ules, al federal, stale an focal awe, ‘idnances, rules and professional standards or regulations that in any manne affect tis soca, the selector process, protests, award of contract, contract management or any other actvty associated wih this solatation and the subsequent work required ofthe successtul Proposer. BLACK OUT PERIOD ‘The black out period betwoon the Selection Committee and Contractors is defined asthe interval of me between the tne the Request for Proposals are insued bythe District Purchasing Departent and the ‘ime the Board awards the contract. The black out period among the Selection Commitee member Ie Village Community Development Districts Page 8 of 32 Purchasing Department (08M Services for District Utes REP #19P.017 {defined as the interval of me between the time the Request fr Proposals are recelved by the Ditrit Purchasing Department andthe time the Bosra awards the contract During ths blackout period any attempt to influence the thinking of District sa ar ofc for or against a specie cause related oa ‘Solctaton for goods or services, in person by mal, by facsimile, by telephone, by eectonic ma or by ‘any other means of communication, may rest ncisqualiicaon oftheir award andlor contract Ths {oes not apply fo pre-solctation conferences, oral presentations before the selection comme contract ‘negotiations, or carnmunications wth staff not concerming this eoketation, CONTRACT NEGOTIATION ‘The Selection Committee shall rank all received proposals and provide the Purchasing Supervir with the rankings and a recommended primary ranked fm. The proposal signed by the success P ‘along with documentation included inthe proposal as requred by his slletaion and other additonal ‘ates submited by the Proposer and accepted by the Dstt shal be the basis fr negotiation of 2 Contract addressing the requirements ofthe soictation. The resung contract wil be approved ty the District Boar of Supercars. FISCAL YEAR FUNDING APPROPRIATION Unioss otherwise provided by law, a contact er supplies or services may be ented into for any period ‘of ime deomod tobe inthe best inoress ofthe Distt, provided the term ofthe contract and cowons ‘of renewal or extension, if any, ae included inthe soleation and funds are avaiable for he fiscal atthe me of the contract. Payment and performance obligations fr succeeding fiscal periods shall bo ‘subject to appropriation by the District of funds thereater. \when funds are not appropriates or otherwise made availabe to support continuation of perormance ina ‘subsequent scal period, the contract shall be cancelled and the contactor shal be ented to ‘reimbursement forthe reasonable value of any nonrecuring cost incured but not advertised te price ofthe supplied or services delivered under the contractor atherwise recoverable, ‘TAX EXENPT STATUS ‘The Vilage Community Development Discs ae special purpose governmental agences under Fords law and exempt fom Forida sles tax. The tax exempt number wil be provided upon request. Tis ‘exemption does not apply to goods and services purchased separataly by a Contractor in connection wih its contract obigations. The Contractor shall be responsible for paying any taxes, fee, or sila payments that are required to be paid in connection wih the contact work PAYMENTS: Payments shall be made pursuant o Section 218.70, Florida Statues, the Prompt Payment Act, and all District policies promulgated thereby. LICENSES / PERMITS ‘The Contactor shall be responsible to secure and maintain al Icenses and permits required in tre Contractor's name forthe performance ofthe Contactors sences. INDEMNIFICATION ‘The successful Proposer must fly indemnify the Dstrct(s). Such indemcaton willbe documented in the contrat documents PROTECTION OF RESIDENT WORKERS. ‘The Vilage Community Development Districts actively support te Immigration and Natonality Act of 1952 (INA) and the Immigration Reform and Contr! Act of 1986 (IRCA, which includes provisions, ‘aderessing employment eligi. employment verfeation, and nonciscimination and he State of loida Executive Order Number 11-118 stating Contractors shal ulize the US. Department of Homeland ‘Securiy's E-Verty system to very the employment elgibilty of al persons employed during the contract {em by the Contactor to perform employment cuties pursuant othe Contact. win Florida, andl! persons, including subcontractors, assigned bythe Contractor to perform work pursuant the Contract ‘withthe Distt. (nib Aw uscs aavlewerf) Addonal, the Contractor shall inci a provisin in all Village Community Development Districts Page 9 0f 22 Purchasing Department (08M Services for District Utilties REP #13P-017 ‘subcontracts that reques all subcontractors to tiize the US. Departmentof Homeland Securty’s E- ‘ety system to very employment eligi ofall persons employed cut the contact term By he Contactor to pertorm work or provide services pursuant fo this contract wi the Dstt [A Service contractors and for vendors who wish to contract withthe Distrito provide services must rst erty they have registered with, wil paricate in, and coninue to wlize nce registeree, the E-Verty ‘Program (ran successer program implemented bythe federal government of ts departments or ‘agetces) overly the work authorization status of al newly hired employeas employed bythe Contactors andlot vendors. Breach ofthis term or condlionss conedered a mater breach ofthe ‘agreement Partcipaton inthe E-Verty program wil only be required ofthe awarded contractor. To cety parteipation i the program, awarded contractor, and any subcontractors tothe contactor, willbe Feauire to sign an Everly ContractoriSubeontractor Aida (ese Part: xh for sample afidavs), For more information and to register vist ites /eveiteusis covlencall VILLAGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS. ‘The Vilage Center Community Development District (VCCDD), Sumter Landing Community Development Distict(SLCDD), North Sumter County Usity Dependent Dstt (NSCUDD), Brownwood Community Development Distt (BCDD) and Vilage Community Development Discs 1-10 (VCDD 1 through 40jare local unis of special pupose government and reserve the right fo reject any ander al proposals, reserve the ight to wawe any informalities or ireguaries inthe proposal er examination process, reserve the right 0 select iow proposal pe ite, and reserve the right to award proposals andor Contacts Inthe best intrest of the Distt, REFERENCE TERMS ‘Any headings in this document are for he purposes of reference only and shall not iit or otherwise fet the mearing tereot Any reference fo gonéer shal be consrved to ncluse al genders, tims, parterships and corporations. References in the singular shall be constived to ncluse the pra and Feferonces in the plural shal be construed to include the singular Any reference to the “Distt the “Vilage Communty Development Discs" shall be construed to reterto tre specie District or Districts for which the sokation was Issued and those Districts) shall be the legistve author fora matters ‘conceming this soictaton or the resuting contracts). RIGHT TO AUDIT RECORDS ‘The istiets shal be ented to aut the books and records ofthe Contactor or any sub-contractor othe ‘extort that such books and records relate to the performance ofthe Agreement or any sub-contract 0 the ‘Agreement. Such books and records shall be maintained by the Contract fora period of hee (9) years fromthe date of fral payment under the Agreement and by the sub-convaco ora period of tee (3), years fom the date of final payment under the sub-contract unless a shorter perad otherwise Suthorized in wrt. 'ADCITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS "No adaitional terms and conditions included with the proposal response shal be evaluated or considered ‘and any and all such adétonal terms and conditions shall have ne force and eect and are inapplicable, toths proposal I submitted ether purposefully through intent or design o-nscvertenty appearing seperately in ransmiting letters, specications, iterature, price Isis or warantes, ts understood and ‘greed the general and special conditions in tis soication are the only conditons appleable to ths [Proposal and the Proposer’ authorzed signature afiaed to the proposal ates to this PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Responses to this Request for Proposals, upon receipt by the District. become publ records subject to the frovisions of Chapter 119 FS, Flonda's Public Record Law. Iany proposer beleves that any parton fa ofthe response is vonfiential and proprietary, propose: shall Geely assert sul except rd tne Speci lgal authority of the asserted exemption. All materials that qual fr exemption from Chapter Village Community Development Districts Page 10 0f 32 Purchasing Department (08M Services for District Utitios REP #I9P-017 119 must be submited in a separate envelope, clearly identi as “TRADE SECRETS EXCEPTION, with the fms name and the proposal numer marked on te ouside. Such designation ofan em a8 8 trade secret may be challenged In court by any person. By the proposer's designation of material submited to the District as a "rade secret the proposer agroes fo hol harmless the Distr tr any ‘award toa paint for damages, costs or atlomay’s fees and for costs an attorneys fees Incurred by the District by reason of any legal acton challenging tne proposer’ "wade secre” cai. Vittage Community Development Districts: Page 11 of 32 Purchasing Department (08M Services for Distt Utes REP #19P O17 PART 2 EVALUATION PROCESS PROPOSAL EVALUATION ‘This Request or Proposals includes folowing all the procedures in his document and sending the sealed ‘proposal information tothe Purchasing Deparment by the due date and me. Proposals wil be valated on the fing crt Factor | Daseription Ponts 1. | Company information and Experience | 10 2. | Tectnical Approach 6 3. | Contractor Presentation and Interview | 20 4. | Price Proposal 8 Total 100 Once proposals are received, the Selection Commitee members wil independently review each submittal land score each proposal based onthe evaluation eiteria, The award wil be based on the proposal that, Is most sdvantageous to the Distt. “The District eserves the right © apply the evaluation criteria in any manner it dooms necessary and to ‘evaluate each frm separately or comparatively, using these criteria in any weight or importance as t sees {it Falure to submit the requested information or required documentation may result he lessaring of the proposal sore or the disqualification ofthe proposal response. Do not attempt to contact any Selection Commitee Member, Board member, staf member or any person ‘other than the Purchasing Department or questons relating to this projec. Anyone attempting to lbby District representatives wil be dsquated “The Selecton Committee will meet to hear presentations, interview Contractors and evaluate proposals ‘on Monday, February 25,2013 a he Vilage Community Development Disbcts Purchasing Deparment, ‘894 Laurel Manor Drive, The Vilages, FL 32162. Scheduled start me for each Contractor willbe selected a ransom and Contractors wil be noted ‘Based on te evaluation process by the Selection Commitee, Disc staff shall prepare an agenda tem to presentio the Boards whereby staff wil request authorization fo negotate withthe tp ranked Contactar. Upon approval a the Boards, the negetiaton team shall begin negotiations withthe top ‘ranked Contactor for operatons and maintenance services fr Distrit utes. In the event he ‘egotiaton team cannet negotiate a satsfactry contract wit the top ranked Contractor, negotiations shall begin with te second ranked Contractor. This process shall be repeated each te moving tothe ‘ext ranked Contractor. i negotiations are not successful the projects to be re-evaluated and considered for re-advertsing Vilage Community Development Districts. Page 120132 Purchasing Department (08M Serviees for District Utiities RFP #13°.017 PART3 PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL, ‘An original and fve (5) copies (fra total of 6), ofeach proposal shall 3 submited in a sealed envelope, prominentty marked onthe outside withthe words, "RFP # 13P-017 - Operations and Maintenance Sences or District Uses". Proposals submited in express overnight or courier envelopes, bones or packages must be prominenty marked on the outside wih the words "RFP # 19P-017 = Operations and Maintenance Servces for Distict Uti” and the contens sealed as require. Deadline for Submissions in response to this Request for Proposals Proposals must be received no later than 3:00pm, Tuesday, February 12, 2013. Proposals submites by FAX of aer tectonic media wil nt be accepted under any ercumstances. Lato proposals wil not be accepted, and willbe retumed, unopened, tothe propose, atthe proposer expanse. ‘Any person or affat who has been placed onthe convicted vendor following a conviction for ‘2 pubic ensty cre, may not submit 8 proposal on contract provide any goods or services fo ‘a publ entity, may not subst a proposal ona convact with apublc entity fot te constuction oF Fepair of any puble bulding or puble work, may not submit proposals on leases of real propery {wa public ently crime, may not be awarded or perform work as a contactor, supper, ‘subcontractor, orconsuflant under a contrac with any puble ently. and may nat transact business with any pubic entty in excess of tn thousand dole, ($10,000.00) for a period of thity-sc (28) months rom the date of being placed onthe convicted vendor st, pursuant 0 paragraph 2a of Secton 287 133, Fleciéa States, ‘The Vilage Comunity Development Dstcts reserve the right to reject any andor all proposals, reserve the righ to waive any informalies or iregulaies in be proposal o evaluation process, ‘and reserve te right to award contracts) othe best interest ofthe Ost. Vilage Community Develaomant Districts Page 1801 32 Purchasing Department O8M Services fr District Uiltioa RFP #1SP.017 PARTS PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS. PROPOSAL COVER PAGE ‘Name of Firm, Entity or Organization: Federal Employer identification Number (EIN): State of Florida License Number (If Applicable): Name of Contact Person: Title: E-Mail Address: Wailing Address: Street Address (if different): City, State, Zip: ‘Telephone: Fax: ‘Organizational Structure — Please Check One: Corporation (] Partnership (] Proprietorship [] Joint Venture [_] Other (-) if Corporation: Date of Incorporation: State of Incorporation: ‘States Registerod in as Foreign Corporation: Does your firm accept Visa® for payment? Yes[] No[] ‘Authorized Signature: Print Name: Signature: Tite: Phone: This document must be completed and returned with your Submittal. Vilage Community Development Districts Page 1601 32 Purchasing Department (O&M Services for District Ustites REP #19POIT WATER, WASTEWATER, AND PUBLIC SUPPLY IRRIGATION PRICE PROPOSAL YECDD Vilage Center Service Area, Water Treatment & Distrouton System Wastewater Colecton & Treatment System Subtotal 8 YCCOD Lite Sumter Service Area Wier Treatment & Distribution System ‘ Wastewater Collection & Treatment System 8 Subtotal ‘wscuoo Weter Treatment & Distbuton System Wastewater Collection & Treatment Systen: ‘Non-PotableIrigaton & Fire Protection System ‘Subtotal (RAND TOTAL: 8 Vilage Community Development Districts Page 160192 Purchasing Department (04M Services for District Utilities REP #19P-017 VCCDD AND SLCDD IRRIGATION & MISCELLANEOUS PRICE PROPOSAL, TOTAL ‘VCCDD - Village of Spanish Springs Town Square Fountains 3 Sparish Springs Creek Recirculation Pump Subtotal ‘YECDO — Recreation Amenity Division Gothiow Lake Pump Staton Paradise Pump Staton Hawkes Bay Pump Staton ‘BriwoodWalnut Grove Well & Pump Station (MC-8) 1 Diablo Purp Station ‘Amberwood/Oakbigh Pump Staton (MC-28) El Santiago Pump Station Lake 14-1 Pump Station Higgins Lake Pump Station Lake Mia Mar Pump Station Lake Cortez Pump Station Glenview Enty Pond Recirculation Pump Loke Laguna Pump Station Subtotal ‘LCD — Recreation Amenities Division {Lake Suter Flood Control Pump Station Belvedere Gat Course Inigaion Pump Staton ‘Tunnel 22 Lif Station ‘Tunnel 29 Lit Station Tunnel 30 Lit Station Tunnel 31 Lit Station Subtotal (GRAND TOTAL: Vilage Community Development Districts Page 16 of 22 Purchasing Department O&M Services for Distrlet Utities REP #130017 VILLAGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS IRRIGATION PRICE PROPOSAL ‘TOTAL VCDD No.4 Morse Bid, Pump Staion 8 ODO No.2 Camino Pump Staton 8 enn Wo.3 ‘Buena Vista Blvd. Pump Station (Suter) 8 ‘VeDD No.4 ‘Buena Vista Bud. Well & Pump Staton, MC-26 (Marion) Bolle Meade & CR 42 Puro Staton, MC-19 (Marion) ‘Subtotal ‘GRAND TOTAL: 8 Vilage Community Development Districts: Pago 17 of 32 Purchasing Department (8M Services for District Utes REP #I3P-017 PRICE PROPOSAL SUMMARY TOTAL, VCCDD - Vilage Center Service Area 8 VECOD - Lite Sumter Service Area 8 Nscupo 8 \VeCD0 - Vilage of Spanish Springs 8 \veoDD - Recreation Amenity Division 8 SSLCDD - Recreation Amenity Dison s \VeDO No.1 8 ODO No.2 8 \VoDD No. 3 s ODD No. 4 8 PROJECT GRAND TOTAL: NoTE(s): ‘+ When completing your proposal, do not attach any forms which may centain terms and conltions ‘hat conte wih those listed in the Diste's proposal documents, Incision of adctional terms ‘and conditions suchas those which may be on your company’s standard forms may rest in your proposal being decared non-responsive 1+ Alpi information fo be used in the RFP evaluation must be on this proposal form. ‘+ Distt reserves the right to aout any quantity upward or downward 3s may be waranted or necessary “Tho undersigned. as Proposer, herby declares that he/she has informed himeethersel flyin regard to allcondons tothe work be done, and that he/she has examined the RFP and Spectfeatons for he \workand comments hereto afached.The Proposer agrees, his proposal is accepted, to contract with the \tage Canter Community Development Disc, Sumter Landing Communly Development District, Vilage Cammunity Development Districts 1-4 and North Sumter County Unity Dependent Distr inthe formor an Agreement, fo fuish all necessary materials, equipment, machinery, feos, apparatus, means ‘oftransporation, labor and service necessary to complete the work covered by the REP and Contact ‘Documents for this Project The Proposer agrees lo acceptin fll compensation foreach em the pees ‘named nthe schedules incorporated heroin, ‘Proposer agrees to supply the products or services at the prices proposed abore in accordance withthe terms, conditions and specifications contained in this RFP.” —Ramoraed Agent Name, Tie (Pan) haloes Signature Data This document must be completed and returned with your Submittal Vilage Community Development Districts Page 18 of 32 Purchasing Departmen (08M Services for District Utlities RFP #19P-017 EXCEPTIONS OR DEVIATIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS Note: Proposer must sign the appropriate statement below as applicable. () Proposer understands and agrees to all terms, conditions, requirements and specications stated herein, Fie: Signature () Proposer tak axraptians to terms, conditions, requirements or specifications stated herein. (Proposer must itemize each exception below and return with the Proposal Form) Firm Signature: Proposer shoud note hat ny exceptions taken rom he sated tems andor but not necessary ‘lb cause for he subitialto be deemed non-response" riekang reecg ofthe wa tached are adsiona pages. This document must be completed and returned with your Submittal Vilage Community Development Districts Page 19 of 32 Purehaeing Department (08M Services for District Uiltios REP #190017 DISCLOSURE OF SUBCONTRACTORS, SUBCONSULTANTS AND SUPPLIERS. Name of Firm Submitting Proposal: Pintor Typ Name of Person Submitting Propos: Pintor Ty Please list all Subcontractors, Subconsultants or Suppliers to be used in connection with performance ofthis contract. ‘Attach additional sheets as necessary. ‘Name of Firm or Agency: ea ‘Address: “Telephone: Contect Name /Ti ‘Address: “Telephone: ‘Contect Name / Tile ‘Name of Firm or Agency: Name of Firm or Agency: Adress! “Telephone: Contact Name Tite Addeoss! “Telephone! Contact Name/Title Name of Firm or Agency: roe Ni ‘Address: Telephone! Contact Name / Tite Firm or Agency This document must be completed and returned with your Submittal Vitege Community Development Districts Page 20 of 2 Purchasing Department (O8M Services for Distt Utes REP #19P-017 PROPOSER'S CERTIFICATION Sibai Ta Vibge Comey Ceniopner Dats ‘Riper Seen [VILAGE COMMUNTY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS "eigen [REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP) CERTIFICATION Poe baret ore {ND ADOENOA ACKNOWREDMENT DUE DATE: February 12,203, ‘DUE TIME: 3:00pm RFP # 13P-017 TITLE: Operations and Maintenance Services for District Utities ‘VENDOR WANE PRONE ROBE: ‘sora mora er ea eee mes Se ageing eae eae ap temne ramemerceme ee ip cease cues arngaea Sena atc e Seoul Sales eee ees Ralendam® © Radendum® = “Radendum® = “Addendum ® = “Aadandam “ont na pops erase tbo pice undertarag,apeemer or comnecton wih any corpora, fm, seen ‘Shiga REP" be tre meter uss, equ or caves and serps anh Clu ad. ‘Sjooo te by of conony a ns REP aa soy at a auborand 9g ie epane ar ana era ample ‘chat maramant of REP, cng Dutt hited io cactenrequtenat ncaa sere wih oh opscy et ‘itage Caer Cormnty Dsvlpmert Bx Siw Landeg Commanty Devcpnent Deez Row sumer Cost Cay Depends Bic Srouranes Conant Osten Duet ot my vege Communty Ueiipment Das, panes ‘Ses at pons arate a eperaet coe. sk ab, wer ee ie asad rest iat cone acon hmay nwo Pereshar xnte uns at am tt ilo Ss Bs hn ing ‘repre conadine eras prchared agar oy be Ot At ta Our Serta, wck sag ha oe (Rad ancbncor weve aie ime be purcaang ae eer fai poyman tora ependon” aa ae Rae, Te PA Te Spa $$“ oa — This form must be completed and returned with your Submittal ‘Vilage Community Development Districts Page 21 of 32 Purchesing Department (08M Services for District Vitios REP #19P-017 ‘STATEMENT OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS i i il it th i He ae lf i 1 | { ! i ; Fr i wg i i lip We jt Faull fl | i til Hil Vilage Community Devlopment Districts: Page 22 of 32 Purchasing Department (08M Services for Distrit Utitios REP #19P-017 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATE | the undersigned, in accordance with Florida Statute 287.087, hereby cat that, Grater ype name ort ‘+ Pubishes a wien statement notiying thatthe unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substances prohibited Inthe workplace named above, and Spectying actons tat wil be taken against visttons of sich pronion. ‘Informs employees about the dangers of drug abuse i the workplace, the fms policy of maintaining a drug fee working environment. and avaiable drug counseling, renabtaton, and ‘employee assistarce programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for crag tse vidlations '+ Gives each employee engaged in providing commositie or contractual services that are under proposal or bia copy of he statement spectied above. '+ Notes the employees that asa contin of working on the commediis or contractual services that are under proposal or ti, the employee wil abide by the terms ofthe statement and wl ‘aty the empoyer of any conviction af, pease oF gully or nolo contendere to, any volaton of (Chapter 1883, or of any contlled substance law of the State of Frida © the United Stats, for 2 Viltion occuring in the workplace, no later than fie (5) days ater such conviction, and Fequies empoyees to sign copies of such writen (statement to acknowledge the receipt + Imposes a sanction on, ofrequves te satisfactory partrpation in, a drug abuse assistance or rehabitation program, i such is avaiable inthe ermployee's communty, By any employee who is S0 conveted, “+ Makes 2 good fat effort to continue to maintain a dug free work pace through the Implementation ofthe drug fee workplace program. ‘+ AS. person authorized to sign this statement, I erty that the above named business, fem or corporation comptes fully wih the requrements set forth herein’ Ramaraes SeraTe Signed State of: County of ‘Sworn to and subscribed before me his, ay of 2018 Personally known or Produced dentifeation (Speci Type of idantFeatony ‘Signature oN My Commission Expiros (seal) This document must be completed and returned with your Submittal Vilage Community Development Districts Page 23 of 2 Purchasing Department (08M Services for District Utves: ReP#NIP.O17 wo {Download this form at http:/www. Hpublirs- it) I Request for Taxpayer = taonttcaton Narbor ana Cartan | Soyeuse i ie 2 i 3 t i Fi ie q j i Tel owey cone aan eegereoenen |O ST iceman samedi ne SSS | {Thao Pen caret te irate vg tur a © SS Se aer en Ta an ore rerermest eases Seceucmce Vilage Community Development Districts Page 24 of 32 8M Services fr District Velties RRP #13P-01T NO-PROPOSAL RESPONSE Village Community Development Districts ‘Statoment of “No Proposal” you do not intend to submit propose for this projec, please complete and tum this form par to date ‘shown foc receipt of proposals 1. Vilage Communi Development Distt, 1804 Laurel Manor Drve, ‘The Vilages, FL 32162, An: Allen Jones, Purchasing Superior We, the undersigned, have decined to submit a proposal on your'RFP # 13P-017 - Operations end Maintenance Services for Distt Utlties"for the folowing reasons ‘Speciicatons ae oo “taht 8 geared toward one brand or manufacturer only (please expiain reason below) Insufclent ime to respone to Request for Proposal Wi donot offer tis products or equivalent Remove us tom your bidder’ at for this commodity or sere. (ur product schedule would not permit us to perform to specications UUnabie to meet speciicatons ‘Urabe to mest insurance requeemens Speciteatons unclear (please expan below). Competton ested by pre-approved District standards ‘Other (pease specity below) Remarks Company Name: Ares: ‘Signature and Tie: Tolophone Number Date. Vitage Community Development Distets Page 25 of 32 Purchasing Department 08M Services for District Utlities RFP #19P-017 PARTS ‘SCOPE OF SERVICES INTRODUCTION ‘SDD INFORMATION ‘The Vitage Community Development Districts (CDO's) within The Vilages are units of special purpose local government created under Chapter 190 ofthe Flora Statutes. North Sumter County Uthty Dependent Districts a specal Distt under Chapter 189. There are currently tuteen (13) CDD'sin The ‘ilages, which include: Vilage Center Community Development Distnet(VCCDD), Sumter Landing ‘Community Development District (SLCDD), North Sumter Gounty Ubity Dependent District (NSCUDD), Brownwood Communty Development Dstt (BCD), and Vilage Community Development Distt t= 10(VCOO 1 trough 10). CODs are widely used throughout the United Sates fo provide fr certain service delivery infastucure suchas water management and contol (drainage), fee contol, road and ‘ridge constuction and meintenance, park and recreational facie, water and sewer systems, sidewalks, mult-modal paths, steetights, and similar infrastructure that is requed to provide urban Services to areas that may not have access lo Such services though a general purpose government such ‘asa munespaity ‘A Community Development District isa unit of aca government with te special purpose of providing the services described above. Asa unt of local government, the Distt i subject & many of te same State Statutes that regulate cies ad countes, of particular interest are those statutes relates to ethics in {government forthe elected Board of Supervisors, Government in the Sunshine, comerstone of local {government in the State of Florida which requires tht decisions made by any governmental agency be fone ata public meeting; tne pubic recor law, which means the records othe District are open for Feview by any citizen, the auding requirements in which annual the accounting records ofthe istrict {re aude by an independent ceriied accountant andthe rooute of euch audt are provid to he Site Conor and Auditor General, compettive bidaing requirements for constucton and maintenance ‘contracts; and various ater statutory provisions that protect the interest of the pubic. “The Vitagos isthe largest sngl-ste residential eal estate development inthe United States spanning ‘over 26,000 acres in tree adjoning counties in Cental Forga (Lake, Marion and Sumter) ‘The Vlages ‘eamed the No.1 ranking as he fastest growing micropolian area in the Unted States according to a 2008 Census Bureau report wit a current population of approximately 85,000 residents ‘Vilage Community Development Districts: Page 26 of 32 Purchaeing Department (O&M Services for District Uities REP #13P.017 ‘OVERVIEW AND OBJECTNES: ‘Vilage Center Community Development District (VOCDD), North Sumter County Utity Dependent District (NSCUDD), Sumter Landing Community Development District (SLCDD), and Vilage Community Development District No.1, 23, and 4, hereafter refered to calesvely as Dstt. are issuing this Request or Proposal (RFP) to hose contractors pre-qualified thcugh the process associated with the Request for Qualifications for Operations and Maintenance Service fr District Ubiies, 130-001, saved by Vilage Communty Development Disticts. ‘This RFP, issuod in accordance withthe provision of he laws ofthe State of Florida, invites the pre-

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