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The most frequent way the New Testament describes the

nature of our faith is not faith in (i.e., giving intellectual

assent to), but rather faith into (meaning, entrusting
ourselves entirely to). That is why the phrasing of the
questions preceding each of the three articles of the
Apostles Creed in the Entrance of this service is do you
entrust your life to rather than do you believe
in. #SaPanginoonAngLinggo #PrayTogether #TogetherUM
Cworks#UMCwelcomesOthers #ChristianWitness #InTheBi
ble #Earl1901

E. C. Doculinks
March 27 at 9:40pm
This Sunday's focus is on the last baptismal question, the
call to profess, with the church, the faith of the whole
church into our Triune God. The idea of faith into
comes from the New Testament and the Apostles and
Nicene Creeds themselves. This is the fifth Sunday in Lent
(purple), April 02, 2017, Year

The most frequent way the New Testament describes the

nature of our faith is not faith in (i.e., giving intellectual
assent to), but rather faith into (meaning, entrusting
ourselves entirely to). That is why the phrasing of the
questions preceding each of the three articles of the
Apostles Creed in the Entrance of this service is do you
entrust your life to rather than do you believe in.

[]- Ezekiel 37:1-14. I will put my spirit within you, and you
shall live, and I will place you on your own soil; then you
shall know that I, the LORD, have spoken and will act,"
says the LORD. (37:14)
[]- Psalm 130 (UMH 848). Out of the depths I cry to you, O
LORD. Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to
the voice of my supplications! (130:1-2)
[]- Romans 8:6-11. To set the mind on the flesh is death,
but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. (8:6)
[]- John 11:1-45. The faith we confess, and the faith that
transforms us, is more than intellectual assent to a
theological construct. It is to stake our lives on the Triune
God, and so join Marthas confession, Yes, Lord, I believe
that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into
this world. (11:27)

Holy Week begins next week, and with it new patterns of

both worship and congregational life. Specifically, we will
be providing resources for home or small-group use for
the weekdays of Holy Week, in addition to full services for
the Three Days (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy
Saturday, and Easter Vigil) and Easter Sunday morning.

You gather in worship on Sunday to hear and respond to

the final baptismal question and continue with at least
two additional opportunities for follow up on that
baptismal calling (one on one and in formation group
gatherings) throughout the week. You may also have a
final Sunday morning or midweek Courageous
Conversation event today or this week that models and
helps advance work on what it means to be in union with
the church which Christ opens to people of all ages,
nations, and races. Find more worship and study
resources on the link to Discipleship
Ministries. #SaPanginoonAngLinggo #PrayTogether#Toget
herUMCworks #UMCwelcomesOthers #ChristianWitness#I
nTheBible #Earl1901

Fifth Sunday in Lent | Believe! Planning Notes -
As we have done throughout this series, this service provides four opportunities to encounter


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