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Article Title Authors claim Your favorite Examples Importance to What you

information your issue think

about college

Success Rates Gender inequalities The numerical The data in the This article I think that
Data May Mask exist in areas such values and column to the shows that the main
Gender Bias as scholarships and data for men left is the best many areas of reason that
fellowships due to and women example given education are this issue of
the lower rate of applicants. in the article. dominated by gender
women applicants certain inequality
compared to men. 350 men This data genders, occurs is that
Greater women applied. showed the including some
applicants rates 116 women difference scholarships scholarships
were achieved by applied. between and are more
encouraging a more genders in fellowships. gender
open environment. 35 men were regards to the oriented than
selected. number of others
10 women applicants and because of the
were selected. those awarded. major or field
that they are
in. I think that
it's not a bad
thing if
women are as
interested in
certain areas
as men, and
vice versa, but
opportunity to
should be
equal for

Beneath the Gender Article Showed that This article I think that
numbers: A gaps/inequities included a data stereotypes and brings to light gender
review of exist between men table that insults made the persisting inequity is a
gender and women in highlighted people feel disparity prevalent
disparities in STEM fields, and it different insecure. Sited between men problem
undergraduate may be due to scenarios that gender and women today. I kind
education sociocultural would produce socialization in the STEM of agree with
across science, aspects such as psychological and (science, the sources of
technology, stereotyping and and observed stereotyping technology, gender bias in
engineering, gender factors/results engineering, STEM the
and math socialization. Also and math) author used,
disciplines something must be fields in both but I also
done about it academia and think that
in the these sources
workforce can be
overcome. I
believe that
even though it
may be more
people can

Has the Since the beginning I found it 121 men and The nursing I think that
Traditional of nurses, females interesting that women were students in there will
Social have dominated the many patients asked to college can always be a
Perception on career. There is still would rather complete a still see the bias in the
Nurses a large have a female survey about difference nursing
Changed differentiation of nurse, but the their preference with the career.
female nurses to nursing of male or amount of Females
male nurses, but it students really female nurses. males and dominate this
is changing slightly. didnt have a These people females that career but I do
Patients and preference. included enter the not think that
nursing students Im assuming patients, non- career, but it it is
can call still see this its because patients and continues to intentional. It
differentiation theyre around nursing be female is just how it
because of the them for a long students. It predominant. has always
feminine and time and showed that Bias is not been. Nurses
masculine qualities realize that patients and forced. More are usually
of the females and they are as non-patients females join female and
males with good as the usually the nursing doctors and
caregiving. females. preferred career than other higher
females and males. ranked
nursing students medical
really didnt professionals
have a are usually
preference male.

Backlash The few males that I found it Studies show This article Though I
Against Male enter the field of interesting that that while in a shows the concede with
Elementary education are put at men are hiring process, gender bias in Moss-Racusin
Educators a disadvantage assumed to be applicants with the education and Johnson
when going through gay if they the name major in that male
the hiring process want to teach Jennifer are colleges. It is elementary
elementary hired many not a forced teachers are
schools. This more times than bias, so the seen
contributes to an applicant article also differently
what makes named John, proves that than those
them less even if they some gender who are
likely to be have the same bias is self- female, I still
hired. resume. made. insist that
because most
teachers are
female, being
a male will
help them
stick out in
the hiring
giving them
somewhat of
an advantage.

Responding to There have been I liked how it Examples the Shows that I havent had
Gendered many included author included this gender any firsthand
Dynamics: advancements anecdotes and were women bias exists experience,
Experiences of towards gender real stories that being left out of within the because I
Women equality in the the women networking staffing of a dont work in
Working over workplace (Title shared of some opportunities university; a professional
25 Years at One IX, EEA), but of their with the guys, not just setting like a
University modern and uncomfortable women being among the college. Even
benevolent sexism experiences; expected to do students. though I dont
still exist in the shows relational Shows how work in a
personal setting firsthand what activities like ingrained this professional
this bias can parties, men bias is in the setting, I
look like making institution. agree with the
unwelcome article. Ive
advancements heard many
on the women stories about
to show how women
dominance, and arent as
many other respected in
firsthand the workplace
examples to setting. The
show women study makes a
feeling good point by
uncertain and showing that
uncomfortable although there
have been
there still is
that sexism
present in the

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