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Instructor: Miss.



Phone: 123-456-7891

The Social Experience Oppression, Authority and Resistance

English Language Arts

Year 2017-2018

Unit Description:

This unit has been designed to work upon and improve your literacy skills in relation to English Language
Arts. In addition, this unit will allow you to develop a deeper understanding of social issues in society,
covering topics on privilege, racism and sexism.

Essential Concepts:

1. Students will create textual and visual works that display their knowledge and research regarding
course content.

2. Students will read/view high school-level texts.

3. Students will improve on technological literacies and communication.

4. Students will improve reading fluency and comprehension with repeated readings.


Final Performance Task 40%

Class Participation/Attendance 10%

Journals/Facebook Reflections 10%

Skit 20%

Visual Representation 20%

Class and Homework: Classwork will be completed every day. Ample class time will be provided during
the unit to ensure that you receive as little homework as possible. However, if classwork is not completed
during the allotted time, it will be assigned for homework. Late assignments will not be accepted 2 weeks
after the initial due date. Assignments and other coursework may be redone and regraded if you feel that
the mark is unsatisfactory.

Supplies: Notebook/binder, loose leaf, writing materials, day planner

Attendance and Behavior: It is my expectation that you will respect yourself, your teacher and your
classmate as we engage in the materials for this course. It is also my expectation that you attend the
classes, complete the coursework and participate in class discussions. Many of the materials that we
cover may contain sensitive topics. Discussions will be kept civil and respectful, regardless of conflicting
opinions. If you have any serious concerns regarding the topics being discussed, you may contact me
either by email or in person.

Communication: The best way to contact me is through email, although in person or by phone is

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