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Colton Hope, ECUR 325.

3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

Justification and Reflection (4)

To produce this assignment, I was tasked with the responsive cultural revision

of my previously submitted unit plan; Foundations of Chemistry, based on the

Physical Science 20 curricula, as well as the creation of a second supplemental,

culturally responsive, lesson plan specific to the unit. My revisions of the initial unit

plan submission, centered around the provision of the; culturally responsive check

list, and culturally responsive teaching strategies handouts, given to us in lecture. I

have created input for culturally responsive revision in every section of my unit

plan; adjusting my BALs and CCCs for the inclusivity of place-based/community

learning, altering my outcomes of assessment and relevant sub-categories

(questions, skills, knowledges, etc.) to reflect students multicultural/multiliterate

representations of comprehension, and appropriating my now strategically

organized lesson outlines, to include culturally responsive methods of pedagogical

adaptation such as; modelling, student-centered learning, collaborative teaching,

scaffolding, and the production of responsive feedback. Providing for these

culturally responsive adaptations, has subsequently changed the ways in which I

view my units readiness, for production during internship.

Outcome 1; I plan lessons and assessment based on provincial curriculum

(previously 4, currently 5). Being able to formatively assess student, using culturally

responsive, and well detailed FOR learning practices, has made me more confident

in my appropriation of the UBD unit planning. I know where I want my students to

wind up, and plan assessments, which dictate the terms of my lessons accordingly.

Incorporating culturally relevant instructional models will also allow me to create a

deeper connection between the course work, and my diverse student populous.

Outcome 2; I make student learning goals for each lesson/task (previously 4,

currently 5). My goal is for the creation of an inclusive classroom environment, is

Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

more clearly stated and identified within the construction of this culturally

responsive unit plan. By finding modes of multicultural adaptation, and instructional

creation to bring into the classroom, I feel that I have produced a more readily

accessible effectiveness of this goal. Outcome 3; I know which instructional

strategies to pick a given times (previously 4, currently 5). With the submission of

the initial unit plan template, I did not realize how much I was missing in-terms of

responsive instructional strategy integration. Previously, my instructional strategies

had only dedicatedly focused on the achievement of detailed; outcomes, and

indicators. In stablishing the need, and fulfillment of culturally responsive pedagogy,

I also relate my instruction to the students I am teaching. Outcome 4; my lessons

are ready to be used (previously N/A, currently 4). The lesson created for this

culturally responsive submission, is readily executed, and does not require the

preparation of additional formative/summative assessment materials. I would limit

the allowance for the instruction of this lesson by a substitute, as it is students

initial introduction to both; the class materials, and their instructor for the year.

Outcome 5; I create formative assessments (previously 3/4, currently 4/5).

Utilization of the means of formative assessment for this lesson, provides only that

students bring with them, or be provided with; writing utensils, and some forum of

writing medium. The formative assessment also allows for adaptability while

progressing with a lesson topic, through the evaluation of students critical writing,

as an instructor I can gauge their understanding and react accordingly. Outcome 6; I

create summative assessment (previously 4, currently 4/5). The production of the

scientific journals as a summative (evaluative) assessment can be easily understood

by the students when writing them, being oriented to the four key questions

detailed in the lesson plan. I could do with some input from students on the creation
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

of key constructs like these questions, and resultant criteria for evaluation upon

completion. Outcome 7; I set and use goals for enhancing my professional

development (previously 3, currently 5). Through the progression of this unit

planning completion, I have accumulated; instructor feedback from my coordinator,

completed extensive self-reflection and revision, and worked with my peers to detail

the nature of culturally responsive planning. Judging by all the meaningful red ink

on this most recent unit revision, I would state that I have progressed to the point of

internship capable. Outcome 11; I can demonstrate a culturally responsive

instructional stance (previously N/A, currently 5). Though this is my first effort at

culturally responsive revision, I feel that in-part thanks to my recent schooling in the

field of anti-oppressive education, I have been able to identify my own cultural

biases in planning. The identification of these biases accompanied by the

incorporation of culturally responsive instructional strategies, and resourcing of

cultural knowledge (i.e. bringing in an elder). Will undoubtedly allow me to create a

self-reflective and responsive learning environment, where the students are not the

only ones learning. Outcome 12; I can use all four types of questions (previously

N/A, currently 4). I have worked to incorporate all four types of questioning into my

culturally responsive unit plan revision, and subsequent lesson plan. The phrasing of

my questions is conducive to student friendly language, eliminating much of the

unnecessary academic affluence. Finally, I have utilized one (of many) essential

questions integral to the creation of my unit plan within the confines of the created

lesson, working to achieve at an elevated taxonomic level of student thought

production related to chemical science. Outcome 14; I understand how to plan for

differentiation and adaptation (previously 4, currently 5). My adaptive planning for

meeting the differentiated needs of my students, has continued to grow, and now
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

accounts for the cultural compositions of diverse students. Culturally diverse

exceptional learners, are more likely to achieve a heightened level of success

working within this unit now that it is tailored to their; needs, interests, and

traditional systems of learning/understanding. Outcome 15; I create engaging

learning activities and tasks (previously 4, currently 4/5). Through the processes of

revision, I have approximated the production of an inclusive, culturally responsive,

classroom environment where all students feel welcome, and safe. Students are

now prompted to be central in their own learning, incorporating mechanisms for

self-reflection, and growth into the development of their learning cycles. Some

components of the unit, only as needed, are oriented for; direct, teacher-centered,

instruction that details heavier academic constructs. Outcome 16; my planned

activities would improve the discipline specific literacy skills of my students

(previously 4, currently 5). Self-reflection is the most integral part of the planned

lesson for the culturally responsive revision of the unit plan, which also produces

self-reflection as one of the key summative assessments throughout physical

science. Literacy development through students self-reflection, is accelerated by

their orientation to the key questions, which should produce connections for

students between the; course materials, and their interactions within. Outcome 17; I

can create a unit that would achieve the outcomes and the indicators (previously 4,

currently 4/5). Here I have progressed in my capacity for student engagement with

the content associated to the unit, through the development for inclusion of

culturally responsive instruction. Making students feel culturally connected to the

content, will elicit more of a connection to materials (science) that they may

otherwise feel dissociated from. Adaptation, and differentiation for my modes of

assessment have begun to form through the production of additional lesson plans
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

from the unit. Outcome 18; the final task in my unit elicits evidence of application in

a new situation (previously 4/5, currently 5). By adapting my final assessment

during the culturally responsive unit revision, to reflect the relevance, and impact of

chemical sciences on students local environment via their written summation of

environmental impact. I have successfully connected students course-work to their

own examples of real-world application. Outcome 19; I can create a unit that would

assess the outcomes and indicators (previously 4, currently 5). Not only, have I

expanded on my; pre, formative, and summative assessment creation with the

culturally responsive revision of my unit plan. But I have also infused that sense of

cultural appreciation, and cognitive development toward the adversities of minority

acculturation, into my assessment materials (i.e. the poster creation). Outcome 20;

improvements in my unit plan show my increased understanding (previously N/A,

currently 5). I have spent an extensive amount of time, culturally revising all

subsequent sections of my initial unit plan submission. I believe all the amendments

that have been made, are conducive to accelerated student achievement, and

differentiate toward the inclusivity of a multicultural, and diverse student populous.

As to my professional growth and development for the completion of this

assignment; my goal was to complete a detailed revision of my Foundations of

Chemistry unit plan, focusing on the incorporation of cultural contents, specifically

FNM cultural relevance. I believe that through my; adoption of culturally responsive

instructional strategies, development of adaptation and differentiation strategies

centered on EAL student groups, and inclusivity of communal/place-based

pedagogy, that I have achieved this goal. Moving forward, we have been asked to

construct an additional revision of this now culturally responsive unit plan, that

integrates mechanisms of educational technology designed to assist students with

the achievement of their outcomes. My goal is to; research accessible means of

Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

assistive educational technology, find ways to incorporate these technologies into

my beginning, middle, end framework established for the lesson planning template,

and accurately reflect on the ways that such technologies are beneficial to student

learning, rather than harmful as they are often misconceived.

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