A 4 Lessonplan

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NAME: Anthony Mulkey

Lesson Title: Renewable Vs Nonrenewable Resources

Grade Level: 6th

Subject: Science

Description of Learning Goals, Standards, Objectives

CC/GPSs: S6E6. Students will describe various sources of energy and
with their uses and conservation.

1. Explain the role of the sun as the major source of energy

and its relationship to wind and water energy.

2. Identify renewable and nonrenewable resources.

National Technology 1. Creative Communicator

6c: Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively
by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as
visualizations, models or simulations.

Long-Term Learning
Goal or Outcome: At this end of this unit of curriculum I would like my students to be able
to identify renewable Vs nonrenewable resources and use this
knowledge in everyday life. I would also like them to know the role of
the sun and its importance in our everyday lives.

ABCD Objectives or With your learners characteristics in mind, take the standards written
Outcomes: above and rewrite them using the Audience Behavior Condition Degree
method. Note: You will need to break down the GPSs into several

1. Given pictures of nonrenewable and renewable resources, the

student will be able to accurately differentiate which pictures are
nonrenewable sources and which pictures are renewable
resources with 100% accuracy.
2. Given bubbl.us software, the student will create a concept map
differentiating nonrenewable and renewable resources
Description of Assessment
Assessment Plan: Assessment Statements/ Test Questions
1. What is the role of the sun and how is it related to wind
and water?
2. Fossil fuels and nuclear fuels are what types of
resources? Are these resources able to be

Rubric for concept map: each area graded on a scale of 1-5(1 being
the lowest 5 being the highest)
Area A: Includes all important concepts
Area B: Visually appealing
Area C: Accuracy of information

Description of Activities with Technology and Materials

Activity Design:

I will get the students attention by putting up a

Class starter and lesson connection: power point slide with pictures of renewable and
nonrenewable resources and asking the class to
identify which are which. Any student who
attempts to answer will receive a skittle.

In order to build on previous knowledge, I will ask

the students to give me one interesting thing that
they learned from the previous lesson or ask if
anyone has any questions on our previous
Teacher and student activities: lesson.

After we have discussed previous knowledge, I

will begin my lecture on renewable and
nonrenewable resources. It will consist of a
series of interactive PowerPoint slides with fun
facts, mini quizzes, and videos.

I will facilitate the lesson and provide brief direct

instruction to give background knowledge of the
topic. My lecture will be accompanied by
PowerPoint slides that are colorful and engaging.
Technology Connection: I will then introduce concept maps and give
students and introduction of the bubbl.us
software that they will use to construct their
concept maps.

Students will work independently when creating

their concept maps. If student have questions
they can ask fellow students for help if they wish
but there should not be active conversation as
the activity is being completed.

Children with exceptionalities will benefit from the

direct instruction and scaffolding of my lesson.

The technology I will be using includes

PowerPoint, school computers, and bubbl.us
Materials and Resources: software.

I will also provide a handout with basic

information and facts on renewable and
nonrenewable resources. In addition, I will
provide a handout that lists instructions on how to
use bubbl.us.
Reflection on Lesson Design
Future Actions :
I used the links on D2L related to concept maps
to better my knowledge on what concept maps
are and how they are used in the classroom. I
also used previous links on ABCD objectives to
refresh myself on how to correctly write the

After considering this lesson plan, I will take into

consideration the amount of time it takes to
construct a lesson plan. I learned that you should
take breaks as you construct a lesson plan to
keep the mind fresh and creative.

If I had more time and resources, I would have

researched more into different apps you can use
for concept mapping and figure out which one is
easiest and most effective.

My technology artifact shows several design

principles. It shows the law of similarity and the
law of continuity.

My technology artifact requires student use of

higher order thinking skills because it requires
students to apply knowledge and then construct
something from that knowledge.

The technology in my lesson aligns with what I

am trying to teach because the technological
artifact requires the students to create an
concept map on renewable and nonrenewable
resources by using an online app.

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