Culturall Responsive Revision

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Colton Hope, ECUR 325.

3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

Lesson Plan Title: Introduction (Lesson 1 Foundations of Chemistry Unit)

Date: 03/27/17

Subject: Physical Science 20 Grade: 11

Topic: Introduction to the physical and chemical sciences, specifically to the

topic of chemical reactivity, as well as peer-peer/peer-educator introduction.

Essential Question: How can chemistry make up everything, even when we cant see it?


Bill Nye Chemical Reactions video

Reflective-journal notebooks

Stage 1- Desired Results you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?
This lesson serves as an introduction of student to; their instructor, their peers, and the first
academic topic in the Foundations of Chemistry unit, in Physical Science 20. As such,
students will need to understand the necessitation for; the creation of an
inclusive/multicultural classroom environment that values cultural Ways of Knowing
(identifying the curricular need for incorporation of FNMI content), and appropriate oral and
other communicative behavior between themselves; their classmates, and instructor.
Students will come to know; the names of their peers and teacher, interesting facts, and
topics of common interest amongst their peer groups, how the classes first topic of chemical
reactions links to the overall physical science curricula, and how to construct an insightful,
self-reflective journal/log of their classroom interactions and learning experiences. Students
will need to be able to; open-up to communication with their classmates, even those that
they show outward cultural differences (as well as possible inward biases) toward, can
attentively use mechanisms for short-term memory/recall, and compose critical writing
about their first day of the course.

Broad Areas of Learning:

Lifelong Learners: students are engaged as lifelong reflective learners and inquirers during
this lesson through the initial production and detailing of their own scientific journals. The
self-reflective processes of journaling, will have students not only, detailing their
comprehension and understanding from a course that is notedly challenging from an
academic perspective. But also, breaking down the cognitive processes related to their own;
learning, studying, and organizational strategies, as well as the personal biases that co-
construct their natural view of the world, and subsequent topical representation of science.
Being asked to reflect not on just how they see the world, but how World Views change and
differ through the multicultural nations of their own societies, students must confront their
own misconceptions of cultural equality. In addition to their process of self-reflection,
students will also begin to consider the larger complex chemical world, the reactions that
compose it, and the mechanisms by which moving forward in life they can begin to identify,
and analyze characteristics of these reactions.
Sense of Self, Community, and Place: connecting students with the multicultural World
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

Views, and differing perspectives in the classroom, helps to establish a one of many
mindset, rather than the oppositional the one and only mentality. Students need to
understand that in their classroom community, theirs is not the only voice that counts, so to
do all the other voices of the other students, instructors, and guests. These various
groupings of societal populations, are ever present outside of students classroom
environments, and to begin to acknowledge; their existence, traditions, and relative
contributions to the field of science is the goal here.

Engaged Citizens: for students, beginning to learn and differentiate between the various
types of chemical reactions that they will encounter, each producing a variant degree of
environmental impact. Is the first step in becoming a culturally responsive learner. In
physical science students will be exposed to proper chemical safety, and handling, but
before they are, they need to be aware of the similarities and differences in chemical
reactivity that they will encounter, which is what this lesson focuses on. Activating, or
becoming an ally for minoritized/oppressed cultural demographics is cumulative to the
teaching of this lesson too, as students will likely have failed to realize how surrounded by
diversity they truly are, even in their own classrooms.

Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Developing Thinking: the audio-visual introduction to chemical reactivity engages
students cognition in several different ways. It activates students prior knowledge of atomic
construction (i.e. detailing the parts of an atom). Moving forward, it draws on information
students will learn in their present physical sciences classroom environment having to do
with the various properties of chemical reactivity (i.e. chemical reactions are all around us).
Finally, it imposes on students the need for a deepened understanding of chemical
reactivity, and industrialized processing, to fulfill our global requirement of environmentally
efficient scientific practice.
Developing Identity and Interdependence: during the grouped activity, students are
asked to distribute one interesting piece of information about themselves or their cultural
heritage. This production of self-identification will force students to analyze who they are,
and where they come from. It also creates an interdependence amongst students in trusting
that they will not be socially isolated or ridiculed for sharing, as well as the necessitation for
all students to remember, and by extension think on their aired differences.
Developing Literacies: literacies developed during the completion of this lesson include;
written, oral/communicative, creative, and cognitive (memory/recall). Written literacy, is
constructed alongside creative literacy in the development of students first self-reflective
journal entry regarding what they have experienced during their first class together. Oral
and/or communicative literacy is exhibited through students spoken connective
communication through the sharing circle grouped exercise. Finally, cognitive literacy, is
engaged through students need to recall the specific details of their classmates shared
information, and translate visual representations from the motivational video to real world
Developing Social Responsibility: the development of students sense of social
responsibility during the completion of this lesson again relates to their practice for
establishing an inclusive classroom environment. Working with student from; different
cultural backgrounds, different religious belief systems, and in todays modern schools, likely
students of non-normative sexual orientations or genders. The students of this physical
science class, are asked to put aside those differences, and accompanying personal biases,
momentarily for the development of a mutualistic relationship. Advocating for all students to
be equally; heard, recognized, and safe, in the sharing of their names and personal details
will fall to the instructor. I am to ensure that all students treat one another equitably during
this exercise and that no discriminatory or belittling action is integrated into its completion.

PS20FC1 Predict products of the five basic types of chemical reactions and evaluate the
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

impact of these reactions on society and the environment. [DM, SI]

a. Observe and analyze synthesis, decomposition, combustion, single
replacement and doublereplacement (including acid base neutralization) reactions. (S, K)
k. Describe how the outcomes of various chemical reactions may benefit or
harm living organisms and affect the environment. (K, STSE)

PGP Goals:

1.1 the ability to maintain respectful, mutually supportive and equitable professional relationships with learners,
colleagues, families and communities

1.3 a commitment to social justice and the capacity to nurture an inclusive and equitable environment for the
empowerment of all learners

1.4 a commitment to service and the capacity to be a reflective, lifelong learner and inquirer

2.4 ability to use technologies readily, strategically and appropriately

4.2 the ability to incorporate First Nations, Mtis, and Inuit knowledge, content and perspective into all teaching

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help
determine next steps.

There are two separate modes of formative (FOR learning) assessment present within this
lesson; the first being students prompted recall of the information provided by their peers in
the sharing circle activity, and the second being the allowance for students period of self-
reflection in developing their (weekly) scientific journals. The latter of the two assessments is
also functional as a summative (OF learning) assessment, during its later evaluation of
students course completion. As for the formative nature of each assessment piece; for
creation, a naturally inclusive classroom environment, and inviting for multicultural affect,
the sharing circle activity and subsequent recall are designated to introduce students to one
another in a culturally responsive, and mutually respectful way. The scientific journals are
constructed formatively alongside this lesson in that, during/before the period of learning
students are to contemplate where we are headed based upon the introduction to the unit,
and the relevance of the introductory lesson to the development of their learning. The
journaling itself as an ongoing process during the students learning cycle creation, can also
be constructed as self-reflective (As learning) assessment. The four topical constructions for
each of the students journal entries, are created via their reflections on the following

What topics of chemical/physical science has this weeks lesson introduced?

What is the cultural relevance of this weeks lesson topics to you, FNMI people, and
your classmates?
Where is the material that we covered in this weeks lesson, leading us in our learning
about chemical/physical science?
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

How did our activities during this weeks lessons make you feel? Provide examples.

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate what
they have learned.

The summative (OF learning) assessment conducive to the completion of this lesson, is
students finalized submission for evaluation of their scientific journals. The summative
component of the scientific journaling is the educators determination of students
development of cognitive competencies, and how their learning cycles have evolved
throughout their completion of the course. Detailing a midterm submission date for students
scientific journals is advisory for both; the breakdown of their evaluation into manageable
sections, as well as the capacity to provide responsive feedback to students related to their
writing, and focal answering of the key questions for response writing.

Stage 3- Learning Plan

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students) (~15-20 min)

This lesson could be construed as a series of motivational/anticipatory sets, the first

producing students engagement within the singular lesson, and the latter producing
engagement with the introduction to the Foundations of Chemistry unit.

The focal anticipatory set for this lesson, is students participation in the sharing circle (FNMI
cultural basis) activity. During this interaction, students are initially grouped into fours, and
asked to come together in circles to share the following;

Students name.

One thing that the student likes/enjoys.

One culturally relevant fact about themselves.

Following the introduction by the first student in each group, the second student must recall
the shared information before sharing their own personal details. This systemic progression
of recall and contribution will continue until the first student who shared is made to recall the
information from the entire group. The instructor(s) should also integrate themselves into
one of the groups as a means for initializing the relationship building between themselves
and their students. Modelling the appropriate completion of this sharing and recognition
pattern, as an instructor, with an initial group of students can aid in the creation of student
understanding of the activity. Groupings of four should be combined, and then recombined,
until the entire class comes together as a singular sharing circle, building upon the recall and
sharing mechanisms until each student/instructor has been introduced. Concluding the
motivational set, an instructor lead discussion of the relevance of the circle (the medicine
wheel and FNMI), and naturalized inclusivity of everyone in the class.

Main Procedures/Strategies:
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

- Instructor will distribute the scientific journaling notebooks to students, and introduce
the students to the first principle means of assessment/evaluation for their semester
in Physical Science 20. The instructor must provide students with; the four focus
questions detailed in the above formative assessment section, required length of
each journal entry (minimum 2 paragraphs), entry scheduling/frequency
requirements (once weekly), and submission requirements, specifying dates for both
the midterm, and final submission. (~10-15 min)

- Students will be given a period of time to both; view the motivational/anticipatory set
video for introduction to the Foundations of Chemistry unit Bill Nye Chemical
Reactions, as well as process ongoing self-reflective writing during the video in their
journals. (~20-25 min)


- Adapting for physical limitations/mobility issues within the confines of this lesson can
be accomplished by the arrangement of the classroom environment for benefaction
of these students. This implies that; desks can be moved out of the way, the
classroom location can be changed to simultaneously accommodate for physical
mobility in a larger group (i.e. use of a gymnasium), and/or location can be moved
external to the common general education facilities where supports can be provided
to exceptional student (i.e. resource room).

- Adapting for both EAL, and specific visual exceptionalities can be accomplished;
separately, or simultaneously, through modification of the audio-visual resource. By
incorporating subtitle, or close-captioning overlap to the video; EAL students who
have written comprehension of English but difficulty with auditory cues are adapted
for, alternatively subtitles in their native language can also be utilized to naturalize
communication, and closed captioning provide descriptive connotation to students
that have disabilities associated to their sight.

- Adaptations for cognition/learning exceptionalities include the limitation of students

necessitation to produce active recall of the information shared throughout their
circles. Allowing for any students that are participating in the general education
classroom setting that suffer from learning disabilities, to share their own personal
details so as to continue to elicit a sense of inclusion for these students is still crucial.
Less critical, is the need for these students to remember every shared detail specific
to their peers. Partnering these students with the instructor as a way to continue
building those relationships, and maintaining a modified standard for recall/cognition
can be utilized as an adaptation.

Closing of lesson: (~5-10 min)

In closing this lesson, a creative, instructor lead discussion as an entire class is to be struck,
detailing some of the upcoming curricular-relevant topics that students will encounter in
Physical Science 20 including; IUPAC naming convention, stoichiometric calculation,
concentration and dilution experimentation, and chemical reactivity. This discussion is
elicited to assist students with the progression of their first journal entry, providing them
with specific examples of where they are headed during the initial introduction to their new
courses materials.
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Culturally Responsive Unit Plan, Mar 27th, 2017

Personal Reflection:

Reflection detailing the specific for the instruction of this lesson is N/A at this time, as the
lesson has not yet been instructed with a group of physical science students. Culturally
responsive, course specific (ECUR 325.3), reflection is provided for this assignment
submission alongside the Culturally Responsive Unit Plan submission.

*Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

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