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Principle 1: Enhancing Your Love Maps

Emotionally intelligent couples are intimately familiar with each others worlds
Love map = part of your brain where you store relevant information about your partners
Must really know your spouse
More detailed the love map is, the better prepared the couple is for marital problems
How do we get to know our spouse? By enhancing love map exercises

Exercises to enhance your love map

1. Appreciate your partner
a. Use statements to show your partner you appreciate them such as:
b. Thanks for doing the laundry
c. Thank you for listening to me about my day
d. Thank you for taking me out to dinner, it was delicious
e. I really enjoyed you being so affectionate lately
2. Remind each other of the history of your relationship reminiscing on the beginning of
the relationship is a very good way to enhance your love map
a. Ask each other to explain these types of questions:
b. How did the two of you meet? What were your first impressions of each other?
What made your partner stand out?
c. What do you remember most about beginning to date? What are some highlights?
d. How long did you know each other before you married? How did you know your
spouse was the one?
e. Share memories about the wedding and honeymoon.
f. In the past couple of years, what is your happiest memory of your marriage?
3. Cherish your partner and their qualities
a. Choose qualities to cherish your partner such as:
b. Appreciative, Ambitious, Brave, Calm, Capable, Caring, Compassionate,
Creative, Daring, Dedicated, Dependable, Disciplined, Easygoing, Energetic,
Fair, Fascinating, Friendly, Funny, Generous, Happy, Hardworking, Honest,
Idealistic, Interesting, Knowledgeable, Lighthearted, Loving, Loyal, Mature,
Motivated, Neat, Nurturing, Optimistic, Open-minded, Patient, Perceptive, Quick-
witted, Rational, Resilient, Self-confident, Sociable, Strong, Talented, Truthful,
Trustworthy, Understanding, Warm, Wise, and so on
c. Come up with about ten each and explain an example about how the partner has
shown these qualities

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