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3. Controls [0300]

The controls for this game primarily use the Touch Screen and the microphone
(Mic). You can also control some functions with the buttons.

+ Control Pad:
[Left]: Display the Menu Screen
[Right]: Display the Collection Screen
[Down]: Display the Map Screen

A Button: Display the Collection Screen

B Button: Display the Map Screen

Y Button: Display the Menu Screen

L/R Buttons: Hold an Item

Start: Pause
Skip (during cinematic)

Touch Screen: All Controls

Walk/Run/Jump/Roll: Link will move in the direction you touch. Touch and
hold the stylus on the Touch Screen close to him to walk, or farther away
to run. Run over small gaps in the ground to make Link automatically
jump. While running, try repeatedly drawing small circles on the edge of
the screen to roll in that direction. If you roll too many times in a
row, Link will get dizzy. Be careful!

Talk/Check: Talk to people or read signs by tapping them. You can also
tap anything that looks suspicious.

Pick Up/Throw: Tap rocks, pots, and barrels to pick them up. Then
simply tap the place on the ground you want them to land to throw them.
They will break when they hit the ground. You might just find something
nice inside.

Swinging Your Sword: During your travels you will find a sword. Of
course, you can attack enemies by swinging your sword, but you can also
cut grass, break pots, and flip switches as well.

Targeted Attack: Tap on an enemy to immediately swing your sword in

the direction of that enemy and attack.

Slash Attack: Quickly slide the stylus in the direction that you
want to swing your sword to attack in that direction. Slide your
stylus perpendicular to the direction that Link is facing to swing
your sword. Slide your stylus in the direction that Link is facing
to stab in that direction.

Spin Attack: Slide your stylus in a circle around Link to make him
swing his sword around him and perform a Spin Attack. Be careful:
Link will get dizzy if he performs this attack too many times in a
Grab -> Push/Pull: Tap blocks and levers to grab them and then tap the
arrows to move them in that direction. Tap and hold the arrow to continue
moving. Some blocks and levers can't be moved.

4. Story [0400]

White birds soar freely in the skies above the vast blue ocean. A pirate ship
sails along, cutting through the waves. On deck is a crew of pirates and
their leader, Tetra, a brave and brash girl. Traveling with them is Link, the
boy in green. Tetra and Link bet for the first time not long before our story

Link discovered that Tetra was princess of Hyrule, an ancient kingdom

destroyed long ago. After Tetra was taken away by an evil king, Link set out
on a perilous journey to find her. He slew many monsters and found powerful
weapons. Link became a true hero and rescued the princess from the evil king.

Afterward, the pair set out to explore together. This time, they happen upon
seas protected by a great spirit, the Ocean King. In these seas, the locals
whisper rumors of a mysterious Ghost Ship. Suddenly a thick fog surrounds
Tetra's vessel and the pirates spot a creepy, rickety old ship. Brave Tetra
leaps on board to investigate, but the Ghost Ship begins to sail away. Link
makes a valiant attempt to follow Tetra onto the Ghost Ship, but he loses his
grip and plunges into the ocean. He awakens later on an unfamiliar island
with a curious fairy fluttering overhead. And that is where Link's new
adventure begins...

5. Walkthrough [0500]

1. The Adventure Begins!...........................................[0501]

2. A Boy and his Sword.............................................[0502]
3. Into the Temple.................................................[0503]
4. Anchors Aweigh!.................................................[0504]
5. Fortunes and Fires..............................................[0505]
6. The Temple of Fire, Or... Some Like It Hot!.....................[0506]
7. BOSS: Blaaz, Master of Fire.....................................[0507]
8. Temple of the Ocean King, Take Two..............................[0508]
9. Bombs Away!.....................................................[0509]
10. Into the Mist..................................................[0510]
11. The Windy City.................................................[0511]
12. The Temple of Wind, Or... Yo, Ho, Blow the Man Down!...........[0512]
13. BOSS: Cyclok, Stirrer of Winds.................................[0513]
14. Temple of the Ocean King III, Revenge of the Phantoms..........[0514]
15. Salvaged Goods.................................................[0515]
16. The Temple of Courage, Or... And A Bottle of Rum...............[0516]
17. BOSS: Crayk, Bane of Courage...................................[0517]
18. The Ghost Ship, Or... Dead Men Tell No Tales...................[0518]
19. BOSS: Diabolical Cubus Sisters.................................[0519]
20. Zauz the Blacksmith............................................[0520]
21. Golden Frogs and Cyclones......................................[0521]
22. Temple of the Ocean King 4: Now with 50% Less Sodium!..........[0522]
23. Goron Initiation...............................................[0523]
24. Goron Temple, Or... Death Mountain Revisited...................[0524]
25. BOSS: Dongorongo, Armored Lizard...............................[0525]
26. Temple of the Ocean King Part V: Does This Place Ever End?!?...[0526]
27. Poser Penguins.................................................[0527]
28. The Temple of Ice, Or... Shiver Me Timbers!....................[0528]
29. BOSS: Gleeok, Two-Headed Dragon................................[0529]
30. Buried Treasure................................................[0530]
31. Waking the Dead................................................[0531]
32. The Lost Civilization..........................................[0532]
33. Mutoh's Temple, Or... The Pyramid Scheme.......................[0533]
34. BOSS: Eox, Ancient Stone Soldier...............................[0534]
35. Forging the Sword..............................................[0535]
36. Temple of the Ocean King 6: The Final Descent..................[0536]
37. BOSS: Bellum, Evil Phantom.....................................[0537]
38. BOSS: Bellum, Possessed Ghost Ship.............................[0538]
39. BOSS: Bellum, Linebeck Possessed Phantom.......................[0539]

The Adventure Begins!


The Beginning

The game begins (as many Zelda games do) with a story, this one presenting the
heroic tale of Link's adventure from Wind Waker, told as slideshow of paper
cutouts, presented by none other than our Pi-Rat friend Niko, whom some of you
may remember from Wind Waker as the scrawny runt that could only refer to you
as his "swabbie." After his long-winded tale is complete, you finally wake up
from utter boredom, only to get scolded by that Femme Fatale of pirate
captains, Tetra, who apparently does not appreciate her ancestry, and thus
cannot stand being called Zelda. As the ship sails on, you eventually become
surrounded by a dense fog, and Niko spies a rather spooky-looking ship in the
distance. Of course the thick-headed Tetra jumps on board and disappears into
the fog, after which you hear a horrible scream coming from this ship.
Thinking quickly (or perhaps just not thinking), you jump from the pirate ship
and grab hold of the handrail of the supposed Ghost Ship, only to lose your
grip and fall into the ocean.

Mercay Island

You awake some time later washed up on the shore of a strange island, with a
mysterious fairy circling around your head. After you realize that said fairy
is not just a hallucination, you remember and explain to the fairy that Tetra
was taken away by the Ghost Ship. The fairy then decides that you should talk
to "Grandpa" to learn more about the ship, and directs you towards a house
further up the beach. Walk up the beach and into the house, and talk to the
old man at the far end of the room. After introducting himself as Oshus and
counseling you against searching for the Ghost Ship, he finally gives in and
instructs you to seek out Linebeck at the port to the east. You can either
mark where he points to on your map by pressing the Map button and drawing
whatever symbol you feel like, or you can just remember that the thing that
looks like a ship is where you're supposed to go. After you're done talking
to Oshus, head back outside.

As you head to the east toward town and the port, a huge earthquake suddenly
shakes the island, thus crumbling the bridge that leads to town, along with
the quickest route there. There's nothing more you can do about it, so head
back towards the west end of the island and take the path that leads north.
After you enter, you will come upon several red Chu-Chus, and Ciela will force
you to go back. Now, head back to Oshus's house and talk to him. After a
quick scolding of Ciela for trying the path to the north, he will tell you to
simply wait for the bridge to be built. Head back outside, and go to the cave
just to the east of Oshus's house. Head to the far end, and you will find a
large stone slab and a wooden sign. Ciela will tell you that you can open the
slab by writing the number of palm trees on it, but to save you the trouble of
going back and counting them, it's 7. Write the number on the sign and the
slab will open, revealing a chest containing Oshus's sword. There is also a
book on a table to the right explaining the basics of using the sword; read it
if you so desire. Or don't. After you're finished here, head back outside.

A Boy and his Sword


Outside the cave is the crotchety old man to scold you yet again. After a bit
of fast talking from Ciela, Oshus decides to let you keep the sword that you
stole from him, but tells you to come to his house for a lesson in swordplay
before you go. He escorts you back to his place to teach you whether you like
it or not - if you try to leave he'll slam his scary red stick on the ground,
and even though you do have a sword and a clear upper hand, you have no choice
but to stay. Talk to him to begin your instruction in the way of the sword,
and after you're done head back outside.

Now that you have a sword in hand, you're ready to brave the horrible Path
that goes North. Head through the entrance and defeat the 3 Chu-Chus that
await, perhaps picking up a few rupees while you're at it. After you defeat
them, continue north and east past the springy rock with the eye, and do a
roll attack at the large tree to knock out a Red Rupee (20 Rupees). Head
south, taking out a couple more Chu-Chus on your way, and slice your way
through the trees and into the cave.

Once inside the cave, head along the path until you come to three rocks
blocking your way. Pick them up and throw them to clear a path. Head past
the locked door and 4 more Chu-Chus will appear. Kill them, and grab the
chest at the far end, which contains a key. Head back to the locked door and
open it, coming to a large room in which 5 more Chu-Chus will appear. Slay
them all, and head to the left side of the room. Tap the block to move it,
and enter a smaller chamber with 2 Keese and a sign that reads, "When pulling
the levers: First: 2nd from the left." Head back to the right, past another
block and into another small chamber, this one containing 4 Keese, a chest,
and another sign. Kill the Keese, open the chest to get a Red Rupee, and read
the sign, which says, "When pulling the levers: Second: 1st on the left.
Last: 2nd from the right." Now head back outside and pull the levers in the
big room in the order indicated on the signs (if you pull them in any other
order, several snakes will drop from the ceiling): 2nd from the left, then the
far left, then the far right, then the 2nd from the right. Afterward, a key
will drop down, allowing you to open the locked door and continue up the

After making your way up the stairs, you will come to the second floor of the
cave. Head down the path, past another locked door, killing several rats
along the way. At the end there is one rat carrying a key that runs back and
forth between two rat holes. If you try to attack it, it will run back into
the nearest hole, making it impossible to kill. Instead, head to the left and
push the block in front of the nearest hole. Now head back to the right,
letting the rat run out of the hole, past where you are, and towards the
blocked hole, which of course it cannot enter, and as it turns around to come
back, ambush it and take the key it holds. Now that you have the key, go
through the locked door and make your way past several Keese until you reach
the exit.

Once outside (finally), head to the port, where you will find not Linebeck,
but another man, who tells you that Linebeck has been missing for several
days, and advises you to talk to the owner of the Milk Bar to find out where
he may be. Now, head to the Milk Bar on the western edge of town (it's the
largest building in town), and talk to the bartender, who tells you that
Linebeck was last seen heading toward the Temple of the Ocean King on the
north side of the island. After warning you to steer clear of the temple no
matter what, he then graciously points out exactly where the entrance is on
your map. Hard to miss, but mark it if you want. Head back outside and take
the path that leads north out of town. Head up the stairs and to the
northwest, taking out all the enemies you encounter. Take the next set of
stairs you reach, and head around and to the west. Finally, head through the
path and up another set of stairs to at last reach the Temple of the Ocean

Into the temple


Temple of the Ocean King

Walk inside, and you will find a few creepy skeletons who can talk to you for
whatever reason. For the most part they will give you advice on how to get
through the temple alive (i.e. they will tell you the mistakes they made that
turned them into skeletons). Head through the door at the far end of the
room. As you enter, an unseen voice calls out to you. After a moment, Ciela
identifies the voice as Linebeck, who appears to be trapped behind a wall of
spikes, flailing madly. He orders you to help him escape, then explains that
the temple will indeed suck out your soul. The only way to prevent this from
happening is to stay on the purple spaces, and run in between them as fast as
possible. Head to the left and directly north past Linebeck to the farthest
safe zone you can reach, where there is a locked door and a switch. Hit the
switch, releasing Linebeck, who will immediately run to safety. Coward.
There's nothing left for you to do here for now, so head back toward the
entrance, where Linebeck is waiting.

Once you reach Linebeck, he will make a quick comment about your bravery (not
to mention bragging about his own), after which you explain to Linebeck that
you are trying to find the Ghost Ship. Thinking that you're after the
treasure that he so desperately desires, Linebeck begins to throttle you, only
to be told off by Ciela, who tells Linebeck that you are trying to save Tetra.
Knowing now that he can use you to face the terrors of the ghost ship while
keeping the treasure for himself, he agrees to help you search for it. He
gives you a key that he found, and tells you to look for a clue to the ghost
ship somewhere in the temple.

Head back to where the locked door was, and head to the northwest corner of
the room. Hit the switch, which will stop the nearby spikes from raising and
lowering, and head down past the large stone slab in the middle and up through
another set of spikes which you are forced to go through, as the other
direction leads to a collapsing floor. Run through the spikes at the right
time as to not get hit, and hit the switch in the far northeast corner. Be
advised: after you hit the first switch you will have only a limited time
to hit the second before the first will shut off, and you will have to start
over again; however, it does not matter which order you hit the switches in.
After you have hit both, the slab in the middle will drop, revealing a chest
containing a sea chart that shows the southwest corner of the map. After you
have the chart, head back to the entrance, where Linebeck has mysteriously
disappeared. Now head back outside.

Anchor aweigts

Mercay Island

Once outside again, you will find Linebeck waiting for you just outside the
temple. He will yell at you about being slow, no matter how quickly you
obtained the chart, and tell you that he was going to look after his ship,
rather than admit running away out of fear. After you show him the chart you
found inside the temple, he will snatch it and run away back to his ship to
search for the treasure himself. Head back into town to the port where
Linebeck's ship is docked, where you will find not only Linebeck, but the old
and perhaps senile Oshus, doing what he does best, dishing out scoldings,
though this time they're directed toward Linebeck. He will take back the map,
and tell you that despite Linebeck's claim that this is a very unextraorinary
chart, there is a flaky area on the chart, and that you should surely be able
to solve the puzzle. Rub your stylus on the island in the southwest corner
of the map to reveal a strange symbol, which Oshus says indicates the Isle
of Ember, where a fortune-teller named Astrid is said to reside. Naturally,
this is your next destination. Before you head off, however, you should
consider stopping by the town shop and picking up a shield for 80 Rupees - it
will come in handy later on. After you're finished on Mercay, talk to
Linebeck to ship out.

The Great Sea

Now that we have a means of traversing the vast ocean, it's time to set sail
for Ember Isle. Touch the feather pen on the ship icon and drag it to the
southwest island to chart a course there. There are also many other points
of interest upon the sea: apart from the islands, there will usually be a
Beedle's Ship Shop (indicated by Beedle's head), a Traveler's Ship (indicated
by, what else, a ship), along with many other things you will encounter as
your adventure progresses; however, not much of it is of any concern at the
moment. For now, just head to the Isle of Ember.

Fortunes and Fires


Isle of Ember

You arrive on the Isle of Ember, which is actually an active volcano. Your
first task is to find the fortune-teller, Astrid. Linebeck, of course, will
stay behind to "guard the ship" while you do all the hard work. But enough
about him. Head to the northernmost house on the island, walk inside and
downstairs, where you will encounter several octoroks. Defeat them, and walk
near the stone slab in the corner of the room, where you will hear a voice
coming from the other side. Yell into the mic to "call out" to the voice, who
will identify itself as Astrid. She then tells you her tragic tale of...
locking herself inside the room... and of course needs your help to escape.
The only way to open the door is a secret kept by Astrid's assistant, Kayo.
Head back outside, and into the house to the southeast, Kayo's house. There
is a book lying on the table that turns out to be Kayo's journal, along with
a torch... fire safety obviously isn't an issue on this island. After reading
Kayo's journal, head back outside and across the bridge to the east. Go all
the way to the eastern end of the isle, where you will find a skeleton... the
corpse of dear Kayo. Talk to his ghost (ummm...), who will tell you that the
secret to opening the door that Astrid is behind is to find the three torches
on the island and mark them on the picture beside the door. The first torch
is beside Kayo's corpse, the second is all the way around to the north side
of the island, and the third we already saw is in Kayo's house. After you
have the locations of all three, head back to Astrid's house and mark them on
the portrait to free her.

As thanks for freeing her, Astrid will tell your fortune for you. In order
to save Tetra, you must go to the Temple of Fire on the summit of the island
to find what you need to open the path that lies ahead of you. She will then
release the seal on the door to the summit, which is where you should head
next. Go back outside and head east again until you reach the door to the
summit. Go through, where there will be a Gold Chu-Chu waiting. To defeat
it, stand back and wait for it to lose its electrical charge, then attack.
Afterward, head west. Defeat the Tektites along the path, until you come to
a staircase. As you head further up the mountain, there will be falling
rocks, which you should avoid. They can be easily detected by shadows on the
ground. Keep going up and around the mountain until you come to a door marked
by two candles. If you keep going west, you will come across a chest which
contains a Red Rupee. Grab that, then head back to the door. Extinguish the
flames by blowing into the microphone, which will open the door. Now you can
enter the temple.

/\ /\
/__\ The Temple of Fire, Or... [0506] /__\
/\ /\ Some Like It Hot! /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Temple of Fire

The first real dungeon of Phantom Hourglass is the Temple of Fire. Head
north, making sure to avoid the fire on the ground, until you come to a large
room with a spinning arm of fire. Wait for the fire to pass, then quickly run
to the right. Defeat the Red Chu-Chu, and jump across the platforms. You
will see a sign on the wall that will indicate which path to take in a room
up ahead. You may want to mark this path on your map. Continue downward,
killing the Chu-Chu on your way, until you come to a room where four Keese
will appear, and the door will close behind you. Defeat all of the Keese to
open the door and reveal a chest containing a small key. Head back the way
you came until you come to a locked door, then go through.
The next room is a huge pitfall area. There is only one safe path, the one
that was written on the sign just outside. If you stray from the path, the
floor will open up under you, dropping you into the pit of lava below. Here
is the safe route through:

X X _ _C_ _ _ _ _ _ | Key: X = Drop
XX | || B = Block
<- B B | X X B B X X | | C = Chest
| X X | B B _ _ _ _| |
|XX | BB | |
|| _ _ _| X X | X X|
| XX | X X|
------- | ----

Follow the path through, grabbing the chest containing the Red Rupee along the
way. Once you reach the end, stand in the middle of the 4 switches and do a
spin attack, which will open a stone slab in the big room with the spinning
fire arm. Head back there, through the door, and up the stairs to the next

Once you reach the second floor, head right (the only way you can go at the
moment). Defeat the Red Chu-Chu, then the Gold Chu-Chu, making sure not to
attack it while it is electrified, unless of course you enjoy that sort of
thing. Go around and hit the switch, which will raise all of the blue blocks
in the dungeon and lower all of the red ones. Continue back around and
through where there were once raised red blocks, killing the Red and Gold
Chu-Chus along the way, until you come to a big room which will close when you
enter. Several green slimes will appear, and you must defeat them all to open
the door and reveal a large chest, which contains your first item: The
Boomerang. To equip it, tap the Items icon, then tap the Boomerang icon. To
use the Boomerang, first have the Boomerang equipped, and then tap the icon in
the upper right corner of the screen or press L or R, then draw a line in the
path you would like your Boomerang to take. It will continue to travel along
the line you draw until it either reaches the end or hits a wall. You can
only draw the line a certain length, and only a certain distance away from

Now that you have your first item, head to the right side of the room, and use
the Boomerang to hit the switch on the platform above the lava pit, which will
clear the fire on the left side of the room. With that done, head left and up
until you come to a room with two rather unfriendly torches that will shoot
balls of fire at you when you enter the room. Avoid the fire as best as you
can, and use the boomerang to hit the two torches on the far left side of the
room. This will extinguish the torch that corresponds to the switch you've
hit, as well as clear the fire blocking your path after you've hit both.
With this done, take the newly cleared path and go down the stairs.

Downstairs, you will first be greeted by a gold Chu-Chu. Kill it. There is a
springy rock in the corner of the room - these will either give you a hint
about how to continue forward, or tell you how many treasure chests are left
on the current floor, as well as offer to show you their location(s)... for a
nominal fee of 20 Rupees. Since you're using this guide, however, neither one
should be necessary... that or I'm not doing my job right. ^_^ Anyway, stand
to the right of the lowered red blocks and use the Boomerang to hit the switch
around the corner, which will raise the red blocks and lower the blue ones in
the south side of the room. Go through and down the stairs, defeating the
Gold Chu-Chu, then once you reach a ledge to the left, use the Boomerang to hit
the switch around the curve, which will clear the fire leading back to the
first big room. Instead of going back through, head south into another room
that will close behind you, where two Red Bubbles appear. You must first use
the Boomerang to clear the fire around their skulls, then use the sword to
finish them off. You can't actually target them with your Boomerang, so I
would suggest watching their movements and draw a line that intersects with
the path they follow in order to defeat them. Once they're taken care of,
head up the stairs.

On the next floor are two small spinning arms of fire, and two Fire Keese.
You can't hit the Fire Keese with your sword, lest you catch fire yourself, so
use your boomerang to kill them. Go to the south end of the room and pull the
lever, then head back up and jump across the gap onto a small platform with
a spinning fire arm. This one covers the entire platform, so you'll have
to follow its path around to reach the other side. Jump across again, and kill
a third Fire Keese to reveal a chest with a Red Rupee. Grab the chest, then
head south again and pull the lever at the end, which will open the stone door
near the stairs. Go back to the door, stand just outside and use the
Boomerang to defeat the rat carrying a key. Grab the key, then jump back
across the platforms again and go to the right this time. Use the
Boomerang to hit the switch, lowering the red blocks, then use it again to
daze the Octorok and go in for the kill. Stand between the red and blue blocks
and use the Boomerang once more to hit the switch again, thus lowering the blue
blocks to allow you through. Finally, use the key on the locked door and go
up the stairs.

Now you come to the 3rd floor of the dungeon. There are a few green slimes
bouncing around, just waiting for you to slice them to bits. There are also
two candles in the north part of the room... blow 'em out and head through
the fire and across the bridge. You must now hit all four switches with your
Boomerang in a specific order:

3 2
1 4

Hit the switches, then use the Boomerang to grab the key that drops down. Now
go back down and to the left, and through the locked door. You'll pass a giant
keyhole blocking a set of stairs... wonder what that could be... Keep going
left and you'll come to a room with a malicious torch, two Fire Keese, and
two Gold Chu-Chus. Defeat them all, with the exception of the homicidal fire,
and the door to the north will open. Go through, and defeat the two Red
Bubbles to clear the fires. Head through the north one, and step on the switch
to light the westernmost torch, then use the Boomerang to carry the fire from
that torch to the other two unlit torches, clearing a fire near the middle of
the 3rd floor. Head back down towards where the fire has been cleared until
you come to a hole in the floor. Use your boomerang to hit the switch in the
next room to solidify the floor again. Proceed through the spinning fiery
wheel of death all the way north until you reach a large chest, containing the
Boss Key. Unlike most Zelda games, where you can simply store the boss key
in your Pocket of Infinite Depth along with your Boomerang, Bow, Bombs (that's
safe I'm sure), giant hammers bigger than you are, etc., this game requires you
to actually carry the key around on your head. Why? Who knows. Anyway, with
key in hand head back to the giant lock, making sure to take extra care when
passing through the fire wheel, and just throw it in the keyhole. Go up the
stairs into another room with two torches (the safe kind) and two stone slabs.
The one on the left, when read, will open up an inter-dimensional portal to
the dungeon's entrance, while the one on the right will inform you that the
temple protects the Spirit of Power. Break the jars if you are in need of
hearts, then head up the stairs to the first Boss.

/\ /\
/__\ BOSS: Blaaz, Master of Fire [0507] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

The first Boss of Phantom Hourglass is Blaaz, the Master of Fire. When you
first step in, Blaaz will transform from a single monster into three smaller
versions of himself. In his smaller form, he has one basic attack: he shoots
balls of fire at you, much like the evil torches from earlier. Each time one
of them hits you, you will lose half a heart. Also, each Blaaz Jr. is covered
in fire, so touching them will also cost you half a heart. To defeat them,
you must use your Boomerang to gather them all together into one large Blaaz,
and it must be in a specific order. If you look on the top screen, you will
see the demons floating around as they are on the bottom screen, but they will
each have a different number of horns, either 1, 2, or 3. You must round them
up with your Boomerang in that order, otherwise they just separate again.

Once you gather them all up in the correct order, Blaaz will return to his
original form. In this form, he has two attacks: first,when you approach him,
he will knock you away, which doesn't hurt you, but it does prevent you from
attacking him. Second, he will drop large boulders from the ceiling, which
will do half a heart of damage when they hit you. You can avoid these by
simply watching for the shadows. To defeat him, use your Boomerang to stun
him, then start hacking and slashing away. Once you get a few hits in, he will
regain consciousness, and then split back into his miniature selves. Repeat
this process until finally Blaaz goes down.

After you defeat Blaaz, a strange symbol will appear on the ground, and Leaf,
the Spirit of Power, will emerge and join your merry band of fairies. A blue
portal leading to the entrance will then appear, along with a chest containing
a Heart Container. Grab the Heart Container, then head through the portal
and back out of the temple.

Isle of Ember

As you exit, you notice that the volcano on the island has finally stopped
erupting. Head back to Astrid's house (you can jump down the cliffs instead
of walking all the way around), where the fortune-teller is waiting. She
congratulates you on your accomplishment, and informs you that you will need
three spirits: Power, Wisdom, and Courage, in order to find the Ghost Ship.
However, she does not know where the other two spirits are (some fortune-
teller), but can only tell you to head back to the Temple of the Ocean King.
Finally, she gives you a Power Gem and explains that somewhere you can raise
a spirit's power for 10 gems. For now, it's time to head back to Mercay and
back to the Temple of the Ocean King. Talk to Linebeck to ship out.

/\ /\
/__\ Temple of the Ocean King, Take Two [0508] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Mercay Island

Chart a course back to Mercay Island. Once there, head north again to the
Temple of the Ocean King.

Temple of the Ocean King

Once back inside the dreaded temple, Linebeck will show his ugly face to
remind you that the temple sucks the life out of people. Then, of all people,
Oshus shows up at the door with some exciting news: there is a way to get
through the temple without losing your soul! Now, go up onto the altar where
Oshus instructs, and you will receive the mythical Phantom Hourglass! The
Phantom Hourglass allows you to traverse the treacherous temple without risk
of death... but there's a catch: it only works for a limited amount of time;
after the sand drains, you will no longer be safe from the temple's life-
sucking evil. You must return to the outside in order to reset the timer
on the Hourglass.

Now that you have the Phantom Hourglass in hand, head down into the temple
once more. For this leg, you will have only ten minutes to reach the bottom.
However, sand will not drain while you are in a safe zone, so you will not
be at risk while in a safe zone. Proceed to the first door, which will be
opened by the Spirit of Power, and head down the stairs. When you reach the
bottom, two Phantoms will appear at the corners of the room. Phantoms are not
like normal enemies, however - they cannot be defeated with your sword, and
they will take out Link in one hit, draining 30 seconds from the Phantom
Hourglass. The only way to avoid them is to stay out of their line of sight.
If they see you, they will chase you. Run into a safe zone and you will become
invisible to them, thereby protecting yourself.

Now then, you start out on this level in the very center of the room. Head
right until you reach a safe zone, then head up. You will see a locked door
and a switch - hit the switch of course. Then, making sure not to be seen by
the patrolling phantom, head all the way south, then left until you reach the
next safe zone. Then, use your Boomerang to carry the fire from the lit torch
to the unlit one, which will remove the fire in the southwest corner. You will
have only a limited time after hitting the switch before the first torch goes
out, so be quick. After you do this, head west to the safe zone, and watch for
the other phantom that patrols up and down the hall. Once it gets to about
halfway heading north, make a dash for the safe zone to the north. Wait there
for it to patrol by again, and then run north and east to step on a switch,
opening a stone slab that guards a key. When you have a chance, run and grab
the key and wait for the Phantom to turn around. Now head back to the locked
door, avoiding the Phantoms along the way. Head through and down the stairs.

When you first come to the next floor down, there will be a Phantom a bit to
the left that doesn't patrol, but rather stands in one place and changes its
view every few seconds. It will still chase you if it sees you though. First,
head south, avoiding the Phantom's gaze, and you will see a switch a bit to
the left. Hit it, and the Phantom will hear and come running. When it does,
go back north past where the Phantom was standing and hit a second switch,
which will drop a key from the ceiling. Next, go back around to the first
switch and hit it again, thus drawing the Phantom away from its post. Quickly
run and pull the lever that it was guarding to clear the flames blocking the
path. With this done, head through and all the way west, until you reach a
red jar. Break it, and step in the created Safe Zone and use the Boomerang to
hit a switch on the other side of the flames to drop them. Head south to the
next Safe Zone, then wait for the Phantom to patrol north, then head to where
the blue blocks are. Wait there for the Phantom to pass by again, then run
out and north, step on the switch to lower the spikes, then use the Boomerang
to grab the key and retreat to the Safe Zone. Once the Phantom has passed
again, head back to where the blue blocks are, hit the switch to lower the red
blocks and head through the locked door.

Finally you reach the third and last floor of the dungeon... this time around
anyway. However, this one will be more complicated than either of the previous
floors: in order to proceed, you must find three Force Gems and place them on
the pedastals in the large Safe Zone near the northeast corner of the room.
First, head right, then up, then left, breaking the gold jar along the way,
which contains an additional 30 seconds for your Phantom Hourglass. Nifty, eh?
Keep going left until you reach a safe zone with a chest, which contains the
first Force Gem. Like the Boss Key, you must carry this on your head, which
will slow you down considerably. Infinite Pocket of Mysteries fails us yet
again. Take the force gem south and east, beware of the Phantoms, especially
now that you are slower, then north again into the safe zone, and drop the
Force Gem onto one of the pedastals (doesn't matter which). After you've done
that, it's time to retrieve another Force Gem. This time, once the Phantom
carrying the key has passed the safe zone in the southeast corner, run
to the corner, making sure not to get skewered by the menacing spikes along the
way. There you will find a second Force Gem. Take it back to the pedastals.
Last but not least, the third Force Gem is behind a locked door... and the key
to that locked door is being hauled around by one of those horrible Phantoms.
Our only choice: pry it from his cold dead body. Go all the way to the
southwest corner of the room and pull the lever there. This will release the
flames guarding the stairs to a higher platform. Go there when you have a
clear shot. There will be two switches on top, which each open up two holes in
the floor. You must step on the switch at the exact time when the Phantom
crosses the hole to plunge him to his death, relieving him of his precious key.
Grab the key, then head to the locked door near the southeast corner and grab
the last Force Gem. Take it back to the pedastal, which will then open the
stone slab that leads to the end of the dungeon.

The next room is sort of a safety room - there is no life-draining fog, so feel
free to take as much time as you need. Head up and left, you can grab the 30
seconds from the gold jar if you wish, though it doesn't do much good now.
Head up again into a safe zone (why this is here? I don't know.) and grab the
chest containing the Northwestern Sea Chart. Afterward, a blue portal will
open up, which will take you back to the entrance.

/\ /\
/__\ Bombs Away! [0509] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Mercay Island

After you return to the outside world, head back to the ship, where Linebeck is
eagerly awaiting your return. He takes the chart, and points out that it is
completely dirty, and orders you to clean it right away. Just blow into the
mic to clean off the dust, revealing another strange marking. That will be
your next destination. It's time to set sail!

The Great Sea

Now that you have the Northwestern Sea Chart, chart a course for the
Northwestern sea. As you approach, however, you will be carried away by a
huge twister, thus preventing you from reaching the Northwest from that
direction. Instead, chart a course west, through a narrow opening in the
rocks. But your path will yet again be blocked, this time by a large and
unexpected wall of rocks. The only way to clear a path is to blast it away
with a cannon. Head to the island in the middle of the sea, Cannon Island.
Alternatively, you can skip all of the above and head straight for Cannon
Island and grab the cannon right away.

Cannon Island

When you first dock at Cannon Island, the flying Postman will be waiting to
greet you. He asks you not to pelt him with rocks or anything, then flies off.
Now, proceed east into Eddo's Garage, where Eddo's apprentice awaits to tell
you that the cannon is not yet complete. He then says that you should take the
unnecessarily long path to the back door, which just happens to be unlocked,
and bug Eddo yourself. So what choice do we have really? Head back outside
where the apprentice is waiting to unlock the door to the Bomb Garden.

Head through the door to the garden, kill the Red Chu-Chus that appear, and
then head past the beehives to the east to reach a chest with a treasure map
inside. Continue back west, and south again until you reach a cave. Step
inside, defeat the two rats there, then grab one of the bomb flowers to
destroy the rocks blocking your path. Next, grab another bomb flower and
very quickly run to the far right to destroy a rock wall that blocks a chest
containing a Power Gem. Then, go back and grab another bomb flower to destroy
the rock in the way of the block. Push the block forward, then go north to
another block. Pull this rock all the way back and out, then go north and pull
a third block once to the right and once up. Then you can get through. Kill
two more rats, then go back and grab the bomb flower to blast away the rock
in your way. Head through and up the stairs.

Outside, there will be several bomb flowers and rats. Kill the rats, but avoid
hitting the bomb flowers, as they will explode. Once the rats are taken care
of, grab a bomb flower and destroy the rocks in the way. Go south and west,
and grab the chest with a Red Rupee in it. Go back east, and use another
bomb flower to destroy more rocks. Next, jump down the cliff and destroy all
of the Red Chu-Chus. Go back around and up the stairs, grab the
northeasternmost bomb flower, and quickly jump down and run to the west and
throw the bomb flower toward the three rocks blocking your path. Repeat this
until you have cleared a path forward. Then go back down and around, through
the broken rocks, and into Eddo's Garage.
Eddo himself is waiting there for you. Talk to him and demand a cannon from
him, which he will gladly hand over... for the OUTRAGEOUS price of..........
50 Rupees! So... hopefully you should have that much. If not... then, you're
screwed. Game over. Epic fail. If not, just head back outside and cut some
grass until you can scrounge up enough for this expensive piece of equipment.
Once you have the Cannon, head back outside where the Postman will come to
greet you with a letter from the Postmaster. After he reads the letter, he
will ask you to sign. Scribble whatever you want, then head back to the ship
and set sail once more.

/\ /\
/__\ Into the Mist [0510] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

The Great Sea

Now that you have the Cannon, set a course for the Northwestern Sea via the
western portion of the Southwestern Sea. From this point on, there will be
enemies on the Great Sea, so be ready to blast them. There will also be Sea
Traps, which are basically giant gates to block your path. Tap the jump button
at the bottom of the screen at the right time to clear them, or you can just
blast each end. Either way, don't run into it. Once you reach the giant rocks
blocking your path, be sure to clear them, otherwise you'll be in for one heck
of a bumpy ride. After you've passed them, Linebeck will spot the Ghost Ship
up ahead. You've no choice but to chase after it. Once you reach the
Northwestern Sea, continue to follow the Ghost Ship north. You will eventually
come to a point where the fog becomes too dense, and you magically teleport
back to where you started. Your only option is to head to a nearby island to
see if maybe someone knows how to get through the fog. Head back to the
Southwestern Sea and go to Molida Island, the only island you haven't yet

Molida Island

Your first stop on Molida Island is at the mailbox, where your friendly winged
Postman has a letter from Astrid to deliver to you. After you've listened to
her friendly advice, head to the house at the eastern edge of the island.
Inside, there is a man who rambles on about going your own way through the fog,
then yells at you and tells you to never speak of it again. Just as you try
to leave, he will yell for you to come back. Talk to him again and he will
reveal that his father, Romanos, was able to get through the fog using a
specific route. He then tells you to go to the cave behind the house to look
for a clue to the route his father knew of. After you're done speaking with
him, head outside and into the cave.

Inside the cave, head left, killing the Chu-Chus. Go up the stairs and jump
across the platforms, being careful to not let the Keese knock you into the
water. Once you reach the end, head toward the large bridge, where you will
be confronted by a large Lizard. To defeat it, use the Boomerang to strike
it from behind to stun it, then slash away at its back a few times with your
sword to finish it off. If you try to attack it head on while it is stunned,
it will recover and come back at you. Afterward, proceed across the bridge
and through the doorway. Keep going through the passage, killing the Octoroks
along the way until you reach the exit.

Once outside, take out a few Keese before using a bomb flower to blow up a
crack in the wall. Inside is a chest containing the Shovel. Use the Shovel
to uncover a big green Rupee inside the cave at the spot with the suspicious-
looking dirt, just to the right of the table. Next, check out the Journal on
the table (lot of these lying around, aren't there?), which will explain that
Romanos's super-secret hideaway is hidden beneath where the four stone tablets
intersect. Head back outside to find the tablets.

Once outside again, use another bomb flower to blast away the rocks that lead
back toward the entrance. Then, go up the stairs to the north, leading back to
the upper world. Just outside is Stone Tablet No. 3, which you should mark on
your map. Head west and you will find a chest containing a Helmaroc Plume
(for those of you who don't know, Helmaroc King was Ganondorf's giant pet bird
from Wind Waker). Head back west and south, and you will come upon Stone
Tablet No. 4. Mark it. Next, jump down and head west again. Right in front
of the second house from the left is Stone Tablet No. 2, and to the west of the
farthest house on the left is Stone Tablet No. 1. Mark them both, then draw
two lines connecting the tablets, so that it forms a large cross. Go to the
center of the cross, just in front of a palm tree, and use the Shovel to
uncover a hole in the ground. Nothing left to do but dive right in.

In this room there is a chest that contains a Treasure Map, another journal,
and finally a map of the Northwestern Sea on the wall which shows a path that
will lead you through the fog. You should definitely mark this on your Sea
Chart. Once you're done, head left, make the Chu-Chu sorry it was ever, err,
born... maybe congealed is the right word... then head to a large door with a
sun shape on it. You'll need this later, so you might want to mark it
somewhere. Head right, through two more Gold Chu-Chus, then down and back out
of the cave. Now that you have the path, you're ready to brave the fog once

The Great Sea

Once back out to sea, chart a course for the Northwestern Sea. Once there,
chart your course for the Isle of Gust (where the strange symbol is), making
sure to take the course that will get you through the fog. Keep going until
you reach the Isle of Gust.

/\ /\
/__\ The Windy City [0511] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Isle of Gust

As you may have already guessed, the Isle of Gust is... well... gusty.
Frequent strong winds make it difficult to maneuver at times, though it can
also be helpful as well. After you dock, make your way north and up the
stairs. Defeat the Miniblins, and the last one will yield a Red Rupee. Go
down the stairs to the east, kill the Chu-Chus, and up another flight of
stairs. When the wind is not blowing, jump across the gaps until you reach
a large plateau full of Miniblins. Kill them all, and again the final kill
will earn you another Red Rupee. Keep heading east across the water, making
all of the Chu-Chus pay for being different than you, and once you reach the
far east, head down to another group of Miniblins. Defeat them all for yet
another Red Rupee. Grab a bomb plant to destroy the wall to the north, then
head through the opening.

Inside you will find a chest containing a Courage Gem (like the Power Gem,
except green and courageousy) and another journal. Might as well read this one
too, since you've already pried into so many other people's lives. Also on
the wall is another map of the Northwestern Sea, with an arrow pointing toward
the island in the northeast, and two X marks, which indicate uncharted islands.
You should mark the X's; the arrow isn't as important. After you're done in
here, head back out.

Go back east in the direction you came, back up the stairs onto the mesa.
Stand at the edge, just south of the stairs, and wait for the wind to blow,
then leap across the gap. With the wind at your back, you will be able to make
it across. Do the same for the next jump, then kill all the Miniblins for
another Red Rupee. There are also 3 holes in the ground indicated by slightly
misshapen dirt where you can dig for another Red Rupee each. Once you have
all of them, head inside the cave - taking the stairs will lead you back to the
beginning with no shortcut back.

Inside the cave, jump into the pit with about 15 or so Miniblins. I believe
there are three specific ones that drop Red Rupees - the first, third, and last
ones I killed gave me a Red Rupee. After you've killed all of them, a chest
will appear. Grab it, along with the chest that was already there for a
treasure map and a Wisdom Gem (wisdomy) respectively, then head outside.

Outside, kill more Chu-Chus, then use the rising gusts of wind to carry you up
to the top of the plateau. Use the wind to jump to the left, then kill the
Miniblins that await. Go down three flights of stairs, then head north. The
entrance to the Temple of Wind awaits, but it is blocked by fierce gusts of
wind, so you cannot enter yet. There is a map there with an X... mark it, then
head back down. Go south until you get to a rising wind, take it up and head
north. Go around and kill the Chu-Chus, then south again. Jump down and kill
more Miniblins, then use the Shovel to uncover a rising wind that will lead you
to a chest with a Power Gem. After grabbing that, head to the north, then use
the Shovel again for another wind to lead you up again. Go north, and instead
of using the wind that is already there (unless you feel like slaughtering
another Chu-Chu), uncover the gust to the left to lead you upward. Head up and
then down, until you come upon another gust. This time, you should use the
Shovel to cover it up, then take the path that it was blocking. Continue up,
and then dig up another weird earth patch near the stairs for a Big Green
Rupee. Next, head up the closest wind gust to where the X from the previous
map is, and check out another map, this one with three X's that show the
locations of three windmills. Mark them, then head down.

Your next step is to get to each of the three windmills marked on the map.
Jump back down the cliff, then bury the gusts until you can get through to the
rocks. Clear them, then head east into the sands. The next part is a little
tricky - you have to walk very slowly through the sand so that you don't
disturb the monsters that dwell beneath it, who will come and swallow you up.
If you are detected by one, make a mad dash for the nearest high ground for
safety. If one of them swallows you, rub your stylus very quickly to free
yourself. You can also defeat them by throwing bombs into the sand for them
to swallow. Head all the way to the southeasternmost windmill, then blow into
the mic to activate it. Next, head west, killing the monsters you can,
avoiding those you can't, until you get to the two western windmills. Activate
them, and two doors will open, leading you to the entrance of the temple, which
is now cleared of the horrible wind gusts. At last, head inside the temple.

/\ /\
/__\ The Temple of Wind, Or... [0512] /__\
/\ /\ Yo, Ho, Blow the Man Down! /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Temple of Wind

Welcome to Phantom Hourglass's second dungeon: the Temple of Wind. It's...

windy. Yeah. From the entrance, head north, run across the floors after the
winds stop. For the second gusts, run after the middle wind blows by itself.
Grab the bomb flower and throw it right between the other bomb flowers, thus
igniting them simultaneously, creating a chain reaction which will then power
both of the switches, creating a bridge for you to cross. Head north, make
short work of the Chu-Chus, then push the block in front of the first gust of
wind. Hit the switch to disable the second, then continue up the stairs.
Head across the bridge to the south, then down the stairs for some more Chu-
Chu killing fun. Go through the south door, kill the lone Keese, then hit the
switch to open the door back to the first room. Go up the stairs and across
the platforms, killing two more Keese and avoiding the gusts of wind that will
surely gust you to your doom. Down the stairs and into the next room, where
four snakes will appear. Yawn. Kill them, then head into the next room. Grab
all the Rupees, then push the block to gain entrance to the next room. More
snakes... kill. To the north is a gust of wind leading to the Boss Room, you
can't get there yet. Instead, go west, then grab the head emitting the huge
gust of wind, which shall henceforth be referred to as an Airhead, and move it
to either of the weird shapes on the ground to the left. Use the wind to jump
across the gap, then hit the switch and go down the stairs.

On the next floor, you will encounter three Red Chu-Chus, this time with rocks
on their heads. How this doesn't squash them into nothingness is beyond me,
but go near them to make them appear, then use the bomb flowers to blow the
rocks off of their heads, and then finish them off with your sword. Head right
and up the stairs for three more Chu-Chus (the non-rocky kind), then head down
another flight of stairs into a large room. There are a total of 6 Miniblins
in this room, killing all of them will earn you another Red Rupee. After that,
step on the switch in the middle to open a stone door. Proceed up the stairs
revealed by the door, then down the ones to the right. Head all the way to
the right for a chest containing a Helmaroc Plume. Go back left and up the
stairs, then use the wind gusts to carry you up to a chest containing a Courage
Gem. Now jump back down, and run back around to the stairs again. This time,
push the block up two spaces and then right two spaces, then use the wind to
carry you up onto the block. Jump down to the right, then proceed all the way
down the stairs.

Once you reach the next floor, use the bomb flowers to blow a hole in the crack
in the wall. Next you will come to more sand like you encountered outside...
yeah, the kind with the evil Link-eating monsters swarming down below.
However, this time it is a bit simpler in that you now have a rock path to walk
on where the monsters cannot reach you. Head to the middle of the room,
staying as much on the rocks as possible. There is a map on the wall with four
X's... mark all of them, then go to each spot and dig there. Also, if you head
all the way west, just north of the southwesternmost X, there will be a chest
containing a Power Gem. Once you've dug all four spots, two doors will open.
Proceed through whichever one is closer.

For the door to the southwest, go up the stairs and take out a Red Chu-Chu.
Then head right and up the stairs, and pull the Airhead onto the symbol to
activate the windmill, then head back to the previous floor. For the door to
the north, use the bomb flower to clear the blocks to the stairs, then go up.
Head across the bridge, then pull the other Airhead onto the symbol on the
floor to activate the second windmill. Once both windmills are activated, a
key will fall down. Jump and grab it, then head to the stairs to the
southeast. Go up, then use the wind to raise yourself onto the block, and jump
down to the right once more, then proceed down the stairs. Finally, go all the
way to the northeast corner, through the locked door to the large chest
containing the Bombs.

Once you have the bombs, go all the way to the northwestern corner and blow a
hole in the wall. Enter the hole, then throw a bomb onto the rising gust of
wind to blow up the rock. Ride the wind up, then go up the stairs. Next,
throw a bomb onto the wind to blow up the chain of bomb flowers to activate the
switch, then quickly run through the door before it closes again. Next, use a
bomb to defeat the rock-headed Chu-Chus, then place a bomb on the checkered
square next to the wall to blast it open. Go through, take out some normal
Chu-Chus, then through another door and up the stairs.

Back on the first floor, defeat the rocky Chu-Chus, then set a bomb next to the
north wall at the spot where there is a checkered square on the other side. Go
through, then up the stairs and around, and place a bomb on each of the squares
near the bomb plants to set the switches off, thereby opening the door that
leads to a large chest containing the Boss Key. Take the key, jump down to the
left, and set the key down near you. Then use a bomb on the rising gusts of
wind to destroy the rocks, then grab the key again and go up. Throw the key
into the keyhole and proceed into the next room. Go all the way to the end, up
the volcanoes of wind, read the sign to open the return portal, break some jars
for bombs and hearts, and finally proceed into the next room to face the boss.

/\ /\
/__\ BOSS: Cyclok, Stirrer of Winds [0513] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

This boss is a giant Octorok that can summon cyclones. He has two attacks:
first, he will throw miniature tornadoes at you, which will take out half a
heart when hit. Second, he will come down and charge at you, taking out half
a heart if you are hit. To defeat him, either take out a bomb of your own, or
grab a bomb flower from the sides and throw it into the cyclone on the ground
when Cyclok comes near it. Using your own bombs is probably a bit easier,
given that they don't actually light until you throw them, whereas bomb flowers
ignite the moment you pick them up, giving you less time to run and aim. Once
you hit Cyclok with a bomb, he will fall down, momentarily dazed. This is when
you should start slashing away with all your fury. After a moment he will
awaken and fly up again. Just rinse and repeat until he goes down.

After the big Octo is defeated, he will explode into a million grains of sand,
thus giving you two more minutes for your Phantom Hourglass. Also, Neri, the
Spirit of Wisdom, will emerge and join you in your quest. Finally, a blue
portal and a chest with a Heart Container will appear. Grab the Heart
Container, and then step through the portal to return to the entrance.

Isle of Gust

As you exit the Temple of Wind, head south. Defeat a couple of Chu-Chus, then
head up the stairs to the right. Jump down the cliff to the south, defeat the
Miniblins if you so desire, then head up the stairs to the west and back down
the cliff. Go all the way west, past more Miniblins, until you reach your
ship. Talk to Linebeck to head out.

/\ /\
/__\ Temple of the Ocean King III, [0514] /__\
/\ /\ Revenge of the Phantoms /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

The Great Sea

Chart a course for the Southwestern Sea - you can go directly there this time.
Once you reach the Southwest, chart a course for Mercay Island.

Mercay Island

After landing at Mercay, head up north yet again to the Temple of the Ocean
King. This time, you can use your bombs to blast away the rocks blocking a
staircase to the west to open up a shortcut. Also, there is a cracked wall
on the way to the temple that you can blow apart. Enter the cave and defeat
the rats at the entrance. Jump across the platforms, defeating one last rat
near the end, to get to a chest with a Power Gem inside. Afterward, head back
out to the entrance and to the temple.

Temple of the Ocean King

Once back inside the temple, the first three floors will be basically the same,
with a few minor exceptions. When you get to B1, head up to the switch you
went to the first time, but instead of hitting it, bomb the rocks to the left
for a shortcut to the key. Grab it and run to the door, saving you a lot of

For the second floor of the temple, you will still need to hit the two switches
to drop the key down, but instead of pulling the lever behind the Phantom, you
can bomb the wall directly south of the entrance for another shortcut. Grab
the key, then proceed the same way as the first time, through the blue and red
blocks. Head for the locked door, but this time stop at the safe zone for a
bit, and head just west of there and bomb the wall, revealing a 30 second bonus
to your Hourglass. Then you may proceed downstairs.

The third floor follows an almost identical procedure as the previous run.
First, grab the Force Shard in the northwest corner and take it to the
pedastal. Once that's taken care of, head east and bomb the rocks for an
additional 30 seconds. Then, head just south and use the Boomerang to hit the
switch, stopping the nearby spikes. Then, head to the southeast corner, grab
the second Force Shard and return to the pedastal. Now, instead of going to
hit the switch to lower the fires, you can use the shovel to reveal a rising
wind that will carry you to the top platform so that you can get the key.
Kill the Phantom, grab the key, and head to the locked door. Grab the last
Force Shard and return it to its pedastal, then proceed through to the next
room. Run to the far left side of the room, grab the 30 seconds, then head
back to the Door of Wisdom and proceed through and down the stairs.

At last we come to a new floor in this dungeon of treachery. This one holds
both new and old traps: the classic Phantoms make a return, along with the new
Phantom Eye, which will not harm you, but will call a Phantom to chase you if
it spots you. Unlike Phantoms, however, these can be defeated - just make sure
you kill it before it sees you. Start off by heading east and south, just past
the safe zone. Use your Boomerang to hit the switch past the gust of wind to
the south, along with the Phantom Eye in the corner. The switch will disable
the gust and daze the Phantom Eye, allowing you to go past and kill it. Next,
use the Boomerang to grab 30 seconds from the gold jar in the southeast corner.
Afterward, head west then north, always avoiding the Phantoms if they are
nearby. Go until you reach just north of the center of the room, just around
the corner of the second Phantom Eye. When it gets close enough, use your
Boomerang to daze it, then take it out. Finally, when the third Phantom Eye is
out of sight range, run for the safe zone in the middle west, then wait there
to take out the final Eye, revealing a chest on the opposite end of the room.
Run to the chest and grab the Power Gem contained within. After you have done
this, go to the southwest corner of the room. Just to the east, there will be
a mound of dirt that you can dig up to reveal a rising gust of wind. Take the
wind up and hit the switch at the top. Now, stand near the northwest corner of
the platform and use your boomerang to grab 30 seconds from a jar to the north.
Lastly, head northeast of the switch a ways and bomb the cracked wall to get
to another switch, which will lower the spikes guarding the key. Grab the key,
then head to the locked door in the southern middle of the room, and at last
proceed downstairs.

This next floor is a tad different than the others - you will first notice that
there are neither Phantoms nor Phantom Eyes patroling around the corridors.
First, make your way as far west as you can go, and use the Boomerang to hit a
switch on the other side of the gap, beyond the spikes. This will lower the
spikes on the east side of the room. Head there and grab the 30 seconds, then
proceed back west and north into a room with four Gold Chu-Chus. Defeat them,
and two doors will open up, and spikes will drop down to reveal 15 seconds of
additional time. Grab the time, then head east into the next room, which
contains 4 Miniblins. Kill them, and two more doors will open along with more
spikes to reveal another 15 seconds. Grab the time and head north. Use the
Boomerang to hit the switch to the right, which will reveal a chest and stop
the wind to the left. Grab the chest, which contains a Red Potion, which when
used will restore six hearts. Head west and down to the next floor.

The next floor is back to the original setup of Phantoms and Eyes. From the
entrance, use the Boomerang to daze the eye to the east, then take it out.
From there, head to the southwest corner and hit the switch to drop the spikes
near the closest safe zone. Head there and read the tablet, which indicates
that it is the fourth tablet governing the crest. Head to the two safe zones
north of there to find two more tablets with similar messages, the middle
simply telling that there are four tablets altogether, and the north indicating
that it is the second tablet. Next, proceed north and west, and head to the
middle left safe zone. Defeat the Phantom Eye, which should be the last,
thereby revealing a 30 second bonus to the west. Next, head to the southern
safe zone, and bomb the rocks guarding it. The tablet here indicates that it
is the third governing the crest. Last, head back north again to the northwest
corner, then dig up the dirt mound to reveal a rising wind. Throw a bomb into
the wind at the right time (this one does not always blow) to destroy the rocks
above, then ride up and hit the switch. Go to the north safe zone to find the
tablet that begins and ends the sacred crest. Finally, head to the center of
the room, stepping on a switch to stop the gust of wind, to a large red door.
You must now draw the sacred crest as indicated by the tablets:

__ __
| F |______| 2 |
|_L_| |_ _|
\ /
__ \ / __
| X | \/ | |
|_ _| /\ |_ _|
/ \
__/ \__
| 3 |______| 4 |
|_ _| |_ _|

After drawing this shape (the shape of an hourglass if you haven't already
guessed that) the door will open, leading to a large room with a sun crest.
Tap on the sun to reveal an upside-down Southwestern Sea Chart, then take out
the Southwestern Sea Chart and close the DS. You heard me, close it. This is
supposed to simulate "pressing" the chart up against the map to transfer the
strange symbol there. Actually a pretty novel idea in my opinion. After
you've got the new version of your chart, a blue portal will appear to lead you
back to the entrance once again.

/\ /\
/__\ Salvaged Goods [0515] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Mercay Island

Once outside, head back to the Ship to find Linebeck, making a quick stop at
the mailbox first. The winged postman brings you tidings from Eddo, who
reveals that he has at last perfected his latest achievement, the Salvage Arm.
Afterward, go to the ship. You can talk to the man at the harbor (not
Linebeck) who will ask you if you have a salvage arm yet, and offer you a
treasure map for 50 Rupees. Buy it, there's probably something good down
there. With that taken care of, talk to Linebeck to ship out.

The Great Sea

First, chart a course for Cannon Island. You're going to need that salvage

Cannon Island

After you dock, head straight for Eddo's Garage. You can take the main
entrance this time, no curvy paths to the backdoor anymore. Talk to Eddo, who
will offer to sell you the Salave Arm for a price based on how loud you yell
into the Mic. The lowest I've been able to get it is 200 Rupees, but after
buying the Salvage Arm, if you talk to Eddo's assistant, he will tell you that
you could have just snapped your fingers instead of yelling; however, I went
back and tried this method, but got no response. Maybe my DS is just broken...
After you have the Salvage Arm, head back to the seas.

The Great Sea

Now that you have the Salvage Arm, head to where the strange symbol on your map
is and use the Salvage Arm to pull the treasure lying at the bottom of the sea.
To use the Salvage Arm, slide the lever at the bottom of the screen left and
right, and move the switch down or up to move faster or slower respectively
(this reverses on the way up). Make sure not to hit anything or you will
damage the arm, and it doesn't repair itself like the ship does. Once you have
the Sun Key from the ocean floor, sail back to Molida Island.

As you approach Molida Island, however, a giant monster will rise up out of the
sea! You've no choice but to blast it back to the depths from whence it came.
Start by drawing a course around the monster, then blasting the cannon at the
weak spot on its head. It will then withdraw its weak spot and shoot blobs of
green goop at you. If these get too close, you can blast them with the cannon
to deflect them. Keep shooting at the weak spot, and it will eventually sink
back into the ocean, leaving you free to land at Molida.

/\ /\
/__\ The Temple of Courage, Or... [0516] /__\
/\ /\ And A Bottle of Rum /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Molida Island

Back on Molida Island, head for the Wayfarer's Super-Secret hideout (the one in
front of the tree). Go past the Gold Chu-Chu and through the Sun Door and up
the stairs at the end. Once outside, use the shovel just to the right of the
stairs to uncover a secret hole. Inside the hole is a chest containing a
Wisdom Gem. Once you have it, head down the cliff to the right and back up the
stairs again. Outside again, make your way down the stairs and through the
Miniblins until you reach another set of stairs. Go up and west, then use the
Boomerang on a nearby head statue, activating the beam of light. Head east
again and across the bridge. Go past the temple entrance, which is blocked
for now, and go all the way around until you come to another head statue. Hit
this one with your sword, then grab it and swing it around until this beam of
light intersects with the temple door. Head south and west, and you will come
to two Lizard men. Dispatch both of them and a third head statue will appear.
Activate it, then swing it around so that it intersects with the temple door
again, opening it. Now head back to the temple entrance.

Temple of Courage

At long last we reach the Temple of Courage. Once inside, proceed straight
north, past the two rolling spike logs, then east past a third. Now go south,
and you will come to another trap: a spinning disc that will move only when you
walk in front of it. Step briefly in its path, then immediately out of the way
when it moves. Then, move through the small passage where it once stood, but
be quick, because it will not be gone for long. Once through, proceed around
and step on the switch, opening the door back to the first room, before heading
up the stairs and across the bridge to a small key. Now go back down the
bridge, and you can either proceed back through the entrance through the
rolling logs, or back the way you came through the spinning disk to get to the
locked door. Once there, proceed through and around to a room with two worms.
To defeat them, hit the red spot at the back of their tails, making sure to
avoid the rest of them. Once they have been defeated, proceed through the door
and down the stairs.

On the next level, you will notice a large moving block to the left of the
stairs. Step on it, and ride it across to the other side, where you will find
an armored bug. Your best bet with these is to strike them with your sword
until they fall off of the edge. Once that is done, step onto the next moving
block, and then onto yet another block halfway across the gap. You must then
use your Boomerang to hit the switch to the north before proceeding up the

Once upstairs, you will encounter several green slimes, and a moving chain of
electric balls. You cannot defeat these, so just avoid them and kill the
slimes. Make your way north past the lowered red blocks, and you will come to
a room with two stone slabs with two very important pieces of information:
monsters with big ears are vulnerable to loud sounds, and the most important,
Up, Down, Right, then Left. This information applies to the entire temple, not
just to the switches ahead. Now then, grab a bomb and blow a hole in the wall
between the two stone tablets. You will come to a room with two chests, one
containing a Ship Part, and the other containing a Power Gem. Last but not
least, there is a map on the wall with an arrow through several circles. This
is a map of the basement below, with a path that shows you how to navigate the
invisible floor between the stone pillars. Mark it, then head back to where
a couple of stone blocks are waiting. Blow them up, then defeat the Green
Chu-Chu by first stunning it with your Boomerang then attacking. If you try
to attack it head on, it will shrink into the ground, making it impossible to
hit. Now proceed south past more Green Chu-Chus, then step on the switch to
the east before heading up the nearby platform, where you will find a Monster
with Large Ears. Of course such large ears would make it sensitive to loud
sounds, so just yell into the mic, then slash at it once to defeat it. Grab
the key it drops, then go back to the locked door and head upstairs.

On the second floor, you will come to a large maze of blocks with several
levers to pull. You must pull them in a specific order as indicated on the
stone slab earlier: Up, Down, Right, then Left. First head south and around to
the north lever, making sure to avoid the moving electric balls and the laser-
eye pillars, neither of which you can defeat. Once you've pulled the north
lever, head west and straight south and east again to find the south lever.
After that, head all the way east then straight north to find the east lever,
and then directly across the room is the west lever. Here's the easiest route
through the maze:
|+---------------+1 B |====| |
|| +-------------+ B |====| | Key: B = Block
|| | @ B B B B B B B | | @ = Laser Eye
|| | B +-----+ B +-------+ | 1 = First Lever
|| | B | | B | B B B B B | 2 = Second Lever
|| +---+B | B | B | | 3 = Third Lever
|+-----+---+ B | B | | 4 = Fourth Lever
|BB | B | C | B BB| C = Chest
|4B | B +-----+ B B 3 |
|| B | B B B|-||
|| B | B B B B B B B B| ||
|| B +-----+===+---------+ B| ||
|| B | B+---------+-----+ ||
|| B B B @ | B | ||
||_ _ _ _ _ _| B B B B B / @ ||
| B 2 ======---------+|
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|

Once you've pulled all four levers in the correct order, a chest containing the
square crystal will appear at the spot indicated. Crystals are just like Big
Keys and Force Shards: your Pocket into the Next Dimension won't hold them, so
you'll have to carry it on your head. Once you have the crystal, proceed back
down the stairs.

Back on the first floor again, carry the square crystal to the nearest platform
to the south, and place it upon the square pedastal, opening the nearby stone
slab. Head through the door and down the stairs.

In the basement, you will now have to navigate the invisible floor between the
stone pillars via the path you drew on your map earlier. There will also be
several armored bugs along the path, so you'll have to either knock them off
or avoid them altogether. If you fall off the path anywhere, even right at the
end, you'll be sent all the way back to the start, so don't fall. While going
across the longest part of the path, when you reach the section just south of
the stairs you came in on, there is a secret invisible path that leads directly
south to a chest containing a Big Green Rupee. Here is a map of the entire
| O O O O| |O O O O|
| +---+ | | |
| O | O | O O| |O O O O|
| <--+ | | |------+ |
| O O | O O|_ _ _ _ _|O O | O O|
| +---+ | |
| O O O | O O O O O | O O|
| +-------+-----------+ |
| O O O O O | O O O O O|
| | |
| | |
| | |
| _|_ |
| |C| |
| |_ _| |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|

Once you reach the end, you'll find a chest containing your next item: the Bow
and Arrow. Now that you have the bow, use it to shoot the eye on the wall to
the north, which will extend a bridge leading you to another platform with a
large worm on it. Defeat the worm, then hit the blue arrow thing with your
sword until it faces east, then shoot an arrow into it, which will carry the
arrow all the way to hit a switch in the middle of the room. Now you may
proceed upstairs.

Upstairs, you will find two more large worms. Take them out, the head east
past a Green Chu-Chu. You can now either kill it as mentioned earlier, using
the Boomerang, or you can just shoot an arrow into it to get rid of it. Once
you reach the end of the hall, use the bow to shoot another eye to the east,
opening a nearby door. Go through the door and back up to where you placed
the square crystal earlier (you can check your map for this). Grab the crystal
again, then head back through the door, all the way back to the entrance.
There will be a platform there with another square pedastal. Place the crystal
in this pedastal to open another door, and proceed through.

Back on the second floor, you will come to a large platform with several
Octoroks, many of which are on a nearby ledge. Use your sword to take out the
ones you can reach, then use the bow to defeat the rest. Once all of them are
dead, a bridge will extend, taking you across a large gap to the north. Go
across the bridge, then step on the moving block to the south. Go all the way
to the southwest platform, then defeat the Keese there before stepping on
another moving block to the right. Use your bow to hit an eye on the north
wall, then step onto the far right moving block in the center, making sure to
kill the Keese while you're at it (Boomerang works best here). After they've
been taken care of, use the bow once more to hit another eye on the north wall,
revealing a chest in the center. Grab the chest, which contains a Power Gem,
then head all the way east using the moving blocks. Now you will come to a
long corridor with several spinning discs. These follow a set route and won't
chase you, but they still hurt, so avoid them. Once you're past these, you
will come to a room with a Laser Eye. Avoid the eye, then jump across the
closest gap to come to another corridor. Bomb the rock in the way, then
quickly step back to avoid being hit by the spinning disc. Go back into the
Laser Eye room, then across the other gap and push the block to the south,
making sure the spinning disc stays to the right of the block. Now head back
over the first gap and push the block all the way right until you can get
through the next passage. Now head north, grab the chest containing a pearl
necklace, then head right and down the stairs.

Now we come to the first floor yet again. Head past the electric balls and
jump the gap. Step on the switch, opening another door to the first part.
This time, go through the door and to the left, and head past the rolling logs
again. Once you get between the second and third, wait for the third to pass
then throw a bomb at the wall to the north, then quickly use your bow to shoot
it before the log returns to push it out of the way. Once you've blown the
wall up, go through and grab the chest with the Helmaroc Plume before going
back down to the earlier door and down the stairs.

In the basement, hop on the floating block to the southeast platform. Go on

the next floating block and use your boomerang on the way across to light the
five unlit torches, lowering the spikes at the end. Once on the large
platform, knock the armored bugs off, then use your Boomerang to turn the blue
arrow shooter to face west. Shoot an arrow into it, which will lower the
nearby red blocks. Now turn it to face north, then shoot another arrow into
it, hitting an eye on the wall to reveal a chest nearby containing a Courage
Gem. Grab the chest, then head past the blocks and up the stairs.

Here you will find another creature with large ears. Yell into the mic to
weaken it, then kill it and take the key it holds. Proceed through the locked
door and up the stairs.

Now that we've come to the second floor, you will encounter an interesting
puzzle: there is a moving block to the left, but to move it you must draw a
path on your map indicating where you would like it to take you. Draw a line
that heads first to the north pillar, then the south, then the east, then the
west. Remember Up, Down, Right, Left? Well you gotta shoot the eyes in that
order, then a chest will appear back near the entrance containing the Boss Key.
Once you have the key, draw a path leading to the southwest corner of the room,
then throw the key in and proceed up the stairs. Read the tablet to open a
blue portal, grab some hearts and arrows if you need them, then up the final
stairs to the Boss.

/\ /\
/__\ BOSS: Crayk, Bane of Courage [0517] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

This boss is quite a bit different from any you've encountered so far. He
basically looks like a giant crab, except he turns invisible when you walk into
the room. He'll charge at you and start to squeeze you if he grabs you, so rub
the stylus quickly to escape. You'll suffer at least half a heart of damage
depending on how long he holds you. There will also be three or so smaller
crabs walking around the room; you can defeat them for hearts/arrows, and they
will respawn soon afterward. They also do half a heart of damage if they hit

To defeat this boss, check the top screen of your DS. This will show Crayk's
view from a first-person perspective. He wanders aimlessly around the room
until he spots you, then he charges. Watch for this, then shoot an arrow at
his face when he gets close to you. He will then turn visible and flip over;
you must then hit the blue spheres around his shell. You can use either the
sword or the bow, but he still hurts if he hits you while bouncing around.
Once all of the spheres are gone, his shell will crumble, leaving his body
vulnerable for attack. Hit him once in the face with your sword, causing him
to cover his face with his claws and remain stationary for a moment, then
circle around and strike his tail. Do this a few more times and Crayk will go
down for good.

After you've defeated Crayk, he will explode into a million grains of sand,
giving you another two minutes for your Phantom Hourglass. Then, a strange
white fairy that looks just like Ciela will emerge and join you. A blue portal
will then appear along with another Heart Container. Grab the Heart Container
and head through the portal to the entrance.

/\ /\
/__\ The Ghost Ship, Or... [0518] /__\
/\ /\ Dead Men Tell No Tales /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Molida Island

Once back outside, head back through the caves and to your ship, stopping first
at the mailbox for a Special Dee-livery from Romanos, whose house you passed
on your way here. >.> He will explain a "new calling" of his, and will have
enclosed a Ship Part. If you want, you can now go to Romanos's house at the
east end of the island to play a Shooting Gallery game with your bow and arrow.
This is, however, the most evil and horrible game ever devised... EVER. If you
want to know more, check out the Mini-game section. To continue your
adventure, head to the ship, where Linebeck is waiting, along with Mister Happy
himself, Oshus, who will explain that the Spirit you obtained in the Temple of
Courage is in fact Ciela's other half, and then fuses Ciela and the Spirit of
Courage together. It is now time for you to find the Ghost Ship and rescue
Tetra. Hop on board your ship and set sail.

The Great Sea

Chart a course due north for the Northwestern Sea. As you set sail, a she-
pirate named Jolene will spot you and begin shooting torpedoes at you! You can
try to outrun her, but the engine in your ship will soon die, and she will
come aboard. Down below deck, you must then face Jolene in a Pirate Duel. To
defeat her, avoid her attacks by running around in circles. Wait for her to
charge, then jump in and attack. After a few hits, you will enter a Chance,
where your swords clash together. Rub the stylus back and forth quickly to
defeat her. She won't die, but will instead drop her sword and run away back
to her ship. Find Linebeck inside a crate, who will reward you with a Blue
Rupee for saving him (cheapskate).

With Jolene out of the way, you are now free to continue north toward the
Ghost Ship. Once you reach the Northwestern Sea, however, the ship will
suddenly jolt, and the engine will go ker-put. Below deck, Linebeck instructs
you to keep going after the Ghost Ship while he repairs the engine. Back on
deck, you must steer the ship in the direction the spirits point. They act as
a sort of radar, reacting when you're pointed in the direction of the Ghost
Ship. Continue north for the most part until you reach the Ghost Ship, then
you will head inside.

Ghost Ship

Once on board the Ghost Ship, head through the door to the left, taking you
down a level. Head down first, kill the rats, and then jump across the gap
for a chest with a Helmaroc Plume. Go back up and left into a room with three
ghosts. They will disappear when you get close, so stand back and do a
targeted attack to kill them. Afterward, head to where the Girl in Red is
waiting. She will explain about her and her sisters being trapped on the Ghost
Ship, and ask you to rescue each of them. Of course as the hero you are
obliged to assist a damsel in distress, even if this one does have a very
untrustworthy clown face... After you talk to her, head north through the door
and kill the Skulltullas that drop down from the ceiling. Use your Boomerang
to hit the switch behind the barrels, which will lower the spikes. Keep going
through the room with the blue fire arm, killing the ghost, and then out over
the spikes. Head to the switch to the north and hit it, which will stop the
spikes from raising and lowering. Keep heading around the walkway, past more
Skulltullas, until you come to a blue flame. Here you will have to jump across
the gap and then proceed south. Go all the way down and around to the right,
killing the rats and Skulltullas, head up through the spikes and hit the
switch. Grab the chest containing the triangle crystal and carry it back to
the pedastal near the blue flames to lower them. Afterward, head back to the
girl in blue and talk to her.

Your next task is to escort this girl back to her sister, through all of the
traps you encountered along the way. If you run to far away, or get near a
Skulltulla (which will undoubtedly have reappeared by now), she will cower in
fear. Talk to her to get her moving again. Head back across the walkway,
back through the room with the spinning blue fire, and return the girl to her
younger sister. Now head all the way back to the east, and go down the stairs.

Downstairs, you will encounter a room much like the Temple of the Ocean King.
There will be safe zones and Reaplings, similar to the Phantoms of the temple,
except here you will not have your soul drained while not in a safe zone.
Proceed right, and through the spikes to a safe zone. When the Reapling is
gone, go left and up through more spikes and proceed all the way west to where
the girl in orange is waiting. You must now escort her once again to where her
other two sisters are. Hit the switch in the safe zone and go back out. As
you do, the girl will inform you of a treasure just across the hall, and that
you should definitely pick the left chest. Don't listen to her though, she
is an evil little girl who is trying to cause you harm... only take the right
chest, containing a yellow potion. The one on the left has a 10 Rupoor, which
will drain 10 of your Rupees and cause another Reapling to appear. Not fun.
After you've gotten the potion, continue back towards the stairs. Be extra
careful here - if the girl comes close to a spider, she will shriek, alarming
nearby Reaplings. Go all the way back east and up the stairs again.

Once the girl is safely upstairs with you, draw her close to the spider to
scare her, then run back downstairs. Run to the center, and grab the chest
containing the round crystal, then take it back upstairs. Drop it onto the
pedastal to lower the blue flames, then talk to the girl again. Escort her
all the way back to where her sisters are, then go back downstairs again.

Go all the way to the southwest corner of the room and down the stairs. Go all
the way east, past the Skulltulla and the ghost, to a room with five
Skulltullas. Defeat them all to drop the flames to the north. Head through,
but don't go to the safe zone to the east. There is a switch there that will
lower a group of spikes that leads to a dropping floor, and will summon a
Reapling when hit, so whatever you do, don't hit it. Instead, head a bit
further north and then west, where you will find a stone slab giving you the
order in which you must pull the levers near the entrance: 2 4 5 1 3. However,
this doesn't mean pull the 2nd lever, then the 4th, etc. Instead, pull them
as if there were a lever above each of the numbers, and the number below
indicated which order to pull them in, as such:

| | | | |
| | | | |
~^~ ~^~ ~^~ ~^~ ~^~
2 4 5 1 3
So first you would pull the lever second from the right, then the far left,
then the second from the left, then the far right, and then the middle. After
you've pulled all of them, head to where the spikes have been lowered. Break
the barrels to find a switch, then step on it to drop the flames to the west.
Go all the way around and stop at the smaller safe zone for a chest with a Big
Red Rupee (200 Rupees), then head to the far northwest corner. Pick up the
shaking barrel, where the girl in green is hiding. As you proceed out, she
will give you a hint: don't shoot the Reaplings in the back with arrows. Now,
if she's anything like the last girl you rescued, she doesn't know what the
heck she's talking about... so if you do happen to, you know, accidentally
shoot one of them, it will just be stunned for a few seconds instead of getting
pissed at you, allowing you to run by safely. With that in mind, head back to
the entrance and back up the stairs.

Head back to the stairs to the next floor, making sure to avoid the Reaplings.
Proceed back up and take the girl back to her sisters to the west. Once there,
instead of thanking you for returning them all safely, the sisters will circle
around to and begin to attack! They will take you up to the top level of the
ship, and begin a game of "dead man's volley," which you must win in order
to save Tetra.

/\ /\
/__\ BOSS: Diabolical Cubus Sisters [0519] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

So, after rescuing the sisters from the Reaplings, the ungrateful wenches turn
into evil ghosts and attack. This boss (or bosses if you prefer) starts off
with the Red Sister throwing a large ball of light at you, while the rest
shoot lasers from their mouths. If either the ball or the lasers hit you, you
will lose half a heart. Also, if the ball bounces off the wall, it will split
into three smaller balls and go off in different directions. To defeat the
Sisters, use your sword to repel the ball of light when thrown at you. It will
rebound and smack the Red Sister in the face. The Sisters will then reform and
begin the attack again. Hit the Red Sister twice to defeat her. Next the
Green Sister begins to throw balls at you. This time, when you hit them back
the Sister will serve it toward one of her other Sisters, who will then return
it to you. You must then hit it again to volley it back until it hits someone.
This process repeats, with the Sisters volleying it among themselves more and
more until each of them is defeated. Occasionally one of them will throw a
different-looking ball of light at you, one that looks like four smaller balls
bunched up together. This one cannot be returned, and if you try to hit it
you will lose half a heart. There will always be only one Sister serving while
the rest shoot lasers at you, until finally only the Green Sister remains.
This Sister will shoot not one, but three balls of light at you, one of which
is solid while the other two are of the second type that you cannot hit. You
must hit the solid ball while avoiding the other two to defeat the final Cubus
Sister, and win the match.

After you have won, the Green Sister will descend and congratulate you for
winning. She then lets out a shriek, before dropping the Ghost Key and flying
off. Grab the Key, and a Heart Container chest will appear, along with a blue
portal. Grab the Heart Container, then step into the portal to return to where
the sisters once stood.
Now that you have the Ghost Key, head downstairs to the northeast corner, where
there is a large door with a strange keyhole. Head through the door and up the
stairs to find Tetra... turned to stone! Linebeck finally shows his ugly face,
only to ask about the treasure of the Ghost Ship, and then out of nowhere, Old
Man Oshus makes a dramatic entrance. Where does this guy keep coming from,
anyway? Whatever sort of teleporting device he keeps in his back pocket, Oshus
reveals that he is in fact the Ocean King, manifested in human form after
losing his powers. He then explains that your only hope of restoring Tetra to
her human form is to defeat Bellum, the evil that lurks at the very bottom of
the Temple of the Ocean King. To defeat him, however, you must first seek out
the blacksmith Zauz, who knows how to slay Bellum.

/\ /\
/__\ Zauz the Blacksmith [0520] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

The Great Sea

Back on your own ship again, chart a course due east. There is an uncharted
island to the north of the Isle of Gust. As you get near it, Ciela will notice
it and mark it on your Sea Chart. Set a new course for the island's port.

Zauz's Island

After you dock at Zauz's Island, first stop by the wiggling mailbox for a
letter from Jolene. This letter, however, was not intended for you - it was
meant for Jolene's sister, Joanne. The postman, who obviously doesn't know
how to do his job, instructs you to take it to Joanne yourself. For now, just
head to the house at the north of the island. Inside, Zauz will tell you that
he needs three Pure Metals in order to forge the Phantom Sword, the only blade
that can defeat Bellum. In order to find these Pure Metals, you will first
need additional sea charts, which can be found at the Temple of the Ocean King.
To find them, you will need the symbol posted on Zauz's wall: the symbol of the
Triforce. Mark it down, or just remember it, then head back to the ship and
head out.

/\ /\
/__\ Golden Frogs and Cyclones [0521] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

The Great Sea

Before heading back to the Temple of the Ocean King, chart a course to the
southeast, toward the X marked on your chart from earlier. There you will find
another uncharted island, this one actually called "Uncharted Island." Once
you have the island marked, set a course for the harbor.
Uncharted Island

As you dock at the Uncharted Island, you will notice that there is no map of
the island on your top screen. Head due east, defeating any monsters you may
encounter. When you come to a springy rock, hit it, and it will tell you about
a Golden Chief on the island that can harness the power of cyclones. To find
him, you must hit four other springy rocks on the island in a specific order
according to a riddle it gives you: "It steers with rudder, then makes a spray!
And third, it paddles, then sees a way!" Now, head east and north, and you
will come to a springy rock on a part of the island shaped like a Rudder. This
is the first one you must hit. Next, go back down and all the way west to the
northwest corner of the island, where you'll come to yet another springy rock,
this one on a narrow part of the island shaped like a splash of water. Hit the
rock, then go back down again until you come to a raised plateau near the first
rock in the shape of a paddle. The third rock you must hit is here. After
that, go north and west just a bit for a fourth and final rock near a small
pool of water. Hit this rock and a bridge will extend, leading to a small
cave. Inside the cave is Cyclos from Wind Waker, now sporting a shiny new coat
of gold paint, who will reward your riddle-solving (or in this case guide-
reading) abilities with the Cyclone Slate, which will allow you to travel by
cyclone simply by drawing symbols on it. These symbols can be found by
hitting the golden frogs you may have seen around the sea with a cannon, who
will reward you for blasting them (...) by giving you one of the symbols.
Draw the symbol on your slate to return to that spot. Head back out of the
cave and back to your ship, and chart a course back to Mercay Island.

/\ /\
/__\ Temple of the Ocean King 4: [0522] /__\
/\ /\ Now With 50% Less Sodium! /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Mercay Island

After landing at back at Mercay, stop by the mailbox for a letter from Linebeck
himself. He'll tell you how grateful he is for putting up with his crap all
the time, then give you a Ship Part as a peace offering, in the hopes that you
won't slice him to bits once you don't need his ship anymore. With that taken
care of, head north toward the temple. On your way, stop back by the hole you
blew in the wall earlier. Proceed across the platforms, then use your bow to
shoot the eye on the north wall, extending a bridge to the other side. Defeat
the Lizard man there, then head outside again. Go up the stairs to the right,
then shoot the eye on the left wall to reveal a stone head. Activate the beam
of light on its forhead, then turn it so that it faces northwest, but not
toward the temple entrance. Then, follow the beam of light to where it touches
a wall, then bomb a hole in it. Go all the way down the stairs, across the
bridge, and up more stairs to reach the outside. Once there, follow the stairs
up to find a strange man with a guitar. Talk to him, and you will unlock Tag
Mode (see WiFi Modes for more information). After that, head back down and
step on the switch to extend a bridge to the main part of the island. Head
across the bridge, and proceed into the temple.
Temple of the Ocean King

We come now to the Temple of the Ocean King yet again. Get used to it, this
won't be the last time you're here. Proceed to the first basement, where you
will discover that the blue Phantoms from earlier have been replaced with new
red Phantoms, also known as Swift Phantoms. They're faster than the old
Phantoms, so you'll have to be cautious of that. However, now that you have
the Bow and Arrow, you can shoot them in the back to momentarily stun them,
much like the Reaplings of the Ghost Ship. Head right and up to bomb the rocks
just as you did in the previous run. Step on the switch, grab the key, then
proceed through the locked door to the next floor.

Hit the switches to drop the key as before, stunning the phantom may be easier.
Bomb the wall again and head through. If the Swift Phantom hasn't already
grabbed the key, hit the switch and grab it yourself. If it has, wait in the
safe zone for it to pass by, then stun it with your bow and grab the key. Head
through the blocks to the locked door, bomb the wall to the west for the extra
30 seconds, then go downstairs.

On the next floor, go first to the northwest corner for the first Force Shard
and carry it back to the pedastal. Bomb the rocks to the east for 30 seconds,
then use the Boomerang to hit the switch to the south. Jump down and head to
the raised platform, using the shovel again to uncover the rising wind. After
dropping the Red Phantom for the key (you could also stun it if you like),
shoot the eye on the north wall to reveal a chest near the pedastals. You will
have only a limited time to reach it before it disappears again, so be quick.
Inside you will find a Power Gem. After you have it, go to the southeast
corner and grab the second Force Shard and return it to its pedastal. Last,
get the third Force Shard from behind the locked door, return it to the
pedastal, and proceed through the door. Grab the extra time in the left side
of the room, then proceed downstairs once more.

This floor is basically the same as before, only with Swift Phantoms. Head
downward again, hit the switch and take out the Phantom Eye. Grab the 30
seconds in the corner with the Boomerang, then head up and around to the north.
Take out the Phantom Eye around the corner, and the one to the south. Dig up
the rising wind to hit the switch, then use the Boomerang to get the 30 seconds
to the north. Now, bomb the wall to the north again, then hit the switch and
grab the key. Go out the locked door and down the stairs.

This floor is the same as before, but with different enemies in the rooms.
Switch to the left, grab the 30 seconds in the room to the right. Go up to
the enemy room, this time with four Red Bubbles. Defeat them and grab the 15
seconds behind the spikes. The next enemy room will have three large worms.
Kill them, then grab the 15 seconds and go up. Hit the switch to the right,
grab the chest for a Big Green Rupee, then go down the stairs to the next

Now we come to the room with the Crested Door from before. Instead of going
all the way around to the stone slabs, just run south (avoiding the Phantoms
and Eyes of course) and step on the switch to get to the door. You must then
draw the Triforce symbol on the door in one line - here's how:

1. / 2. / 3. / 4. /
/ / / /
/ / / /
/ / / /______
/ / /\ /\
/ / / \ / \
/ / / \ / \
/ /______ /______\ /______\

5. / 6. / 7. /\
/ / / \
/ / / \
/______ /______ /______\
/\ / /\ / /\ /\
/ \ / / \ / / \ / \
/ \ / / \ / / \ / \
/______\/ /______\/______ /______\/______\

After drawing the symbol, the door will open, but will lead to a different room
this time. You can talk to the skeleton there, and he will open a golden
portal that will take you back to the entrance, and save your spot in the
temple with the time you've used thus far. You can then use the portal at the
entrance to return here without having to go all the way back through the last
6 floors. Go through to save your current time, then head back and downstairs
to the next level.

Now we've come to the first "new" section of the temple. This one is a bit
different though - instead of solving the puzzles on one floor and moving on
to the next, you will have to move between all three floors in order to solve
the puzzles. Start off by stepping onto the moving blocks and proceed to the
safe zone, making sure to watch out for the arrows being shot out of the wall.
Once you are at the safe zone, use the Boomerang to grab 30 seconds from a jar
to the right, then move on to the left. The floor here is made of some sort of
magic water, and it will emit a ringing noise if you walk on it too quickly, so
you'll have to move slow in order to avoid attracting the Phantoms nearby. Go
all the way south past the Swift Phantom and head down the stairs.

On the next floor, wait for the phantom to head up and around until it begins
to cross over seemingly thin air to the other side. You can then follow the
Phantom across the invisible floor, then proceed up the stairs to the south.
When you come out, there will be a stationary Phantom to the right. Wait for
it to look right, then quickly stun it with your bow. Hit the switch to its
right, then run up to the moving block behind where the fire was before the
fire returns. Ride the blocks north, avoiding the arrows, then head left to
grab the chest with the round crystal. This will cause the fires in the middle
east to go out, clearing a path. For now, drop the crystal in the safe zone,
then tap a nearby pole to climb up on it. Use your Boomerang to hit the switch
to the southeast, revealing a chest. Quickly run to the chest, as it will
disappear in a few seconds, to retrieve a Power Gem. Now go back and get the
round crystal and carry it all the way to the stairs and down to the level

Once back on the lower level, carry the crystal north and across the invisible
bridge. Wait for the Phantoms to pass, then take the crystal to the safe zone
close to the center of the room and place it on the pedastal, lowering the
nearby spikes. Go through the spikes, then walk up the stairs and along the
wall to the south, then use the Boomerang to grab 30 additional seconds from a
jar to the southeast. Afterward, jump off of the wall and head down the
stairs to pick up the triangle crystal from the chest. Carry it back upstairs,
across the invisible bridge, all the way to the northeast corner of the room.
Drop the crystal there for now, then bomb the rock near the ledge to the west.
Go back and get the crystal, and place it on the pedastal, lowering the nearby
spikes. Head through and activate the switch, which will open the door leading
to the next set of stairs.

Downstairs, there will be a Swift Phantom carrying another crystal, along with
four ghosts that begin in the far corners of the room. When you are near the
ghosts with your back turned, they will move toward you, but when you are
facing them, they will stop. They're invisible on the bottom screen, so you'll
have to rely on your map to see where they are. If they attack you, you will
lose time off of your hourglass, but if you can defeat them they will give you
an additional 30 seconds each. Head out of the safe zone, then attract the
ghost to you. Step back in the safe zone, then use the Boomerang to kill it
and grab the extra time. Now head to the southeast corner and use the same
method to defeat the ghost there. With two of the four ghosts gone, head west
to a ledge with a blue arrow shooter. There is an eye on the wall that will
close when you face north, and then open again when you face to the south. Use
your Boomerang to point the arrow shooter to the north, then stand just to the
northeast of the arrow shooter so that you'll be facing south and shoot an
arrow into it to hit the eye, lowering the spikes west of there. Now head
north and bomb the rocks guarding another safe zone. Break the jars inside,
then go to the safe zone to the southwest, behind where the spikes were.
Inside you will find a switch that will open up a hole in the floor that you
can use to defeat the Swift Phantom carrying the crystal. After you have
gotten rid of the Phantom, a chest will appear in the southwest corner. Run
and grab that chest, which contains a Ship Part, then lure the other two ghosts
to a safe zone and use your Boomerang to kill them. After you have defeated
all four, a chest will appear near the center of the room with a Wisdom Gem.
Grab the chest, then take the square crystal to the pedastal in the northwest
corner of the room. Proceed through where the fires were and back up the

In order to reach the next section of the temple, you must gather all three
crystals into the lowest level. First, run and grab the round crystal from the
nearby pedastal. This will raise the spikes, meaning you will have to take it
all the way around to the other side to get it downstairs. Head down and
across the invisible bridge and north to the stairs. Take the crystal down and
place it at the pedastals in the north section of the room. Now go back up and
grab the triangle crystal just west of the stairs, and bring it back down to
the pedastals. Finally, grab the square crystal from the pedastal on the same
floor and place all three on their respective spots, thus opening the door.
Go through and grab the Southeastern Sea Chart from the chest. You'll need
another item to proceed further in the temple, so for now step into the portal
to return to the entrance. Return to your ship and set sail.

/\ /\
/__\ Goron Initiation [0523] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

The Great Sea

Chart a course for the southeastern sea. Once there, head straight for the
nearest island to the southeast, Goron Island. When you approach the island,
however, you will suddenly stop and get carried away by a giant cyclone.
When you land, your engine will be soaked, and you will be unable to move.
Just then, a giant flying whale will appear out of nowhere. You'll have to
defeat it before you can get to the island.

There are six eye things on its body, three on each side. Blast them with
your cannon, making sure to watch out for the golden spheres and flying
creatures that come at you as well. After a few hits each, the whale will fall
into the ocean, allowing you to head for Goron Island.

Goron Island

Ah, good old Goron Island... the rocky terrain, the familiar Goron theme
music... brings back memories dunnit? Anyhow, start heading up the mountain,
toward the west. Make sure you talk to every Goron on the way there, even the
ones inside the caves - you'll need this later. Go all the way east, talking
to the young Goron outside and the one in the cave. Turn north, talking to
another Goron, then head east to another cave and speak to a fourth Goron.
Back outside, and continue to the east, talking to the Goron outside and the
young Goron in the nearby cave. Go back out and head further east, past the
sign and up the stairs to the north. Inside the cave is another young Goron,
and then to the west is another young Goron who will ask you to defeat the
strange creatures on the nearby cliff. Use the shovel to unearth a rising gust
of wind, then use your bow to defeat the three Gold Chu-Chus and earn a
treasure map as thanks. Proceed back down and to the east, to where the young
Goron is waiting across the water. Yell into the mic, and the Goron will step
on the switch, extending the bridge to let you across. Head over and talk to
the Goron, then go further east and talk to yet another Goron, who will point
out the location of the Elder's house. Go a bit further east into another cave
and speak to the Goron within, then back outside and west and up the stairs.
Go all the way east until you reach a Goron blocking your path. Speak with
him, and Ciela will inform you that you have spoken with every Goron on the
island, even though you haven't been to the Elder's house yet... Head there,
then dig just outside in the uneven dirt for a Red Rupee, and then head inside.

Here you meet Biggoron (Big-Goron... clever isn't it?), the elder of Goron
Island. After realizing that you have spoken to every member of the tribe,
with the exception of his son standing right beside him (boy, nobody seems to
know how to count), he will offer you a game to test your true Goron knowledge,
for a fee of 20 Rupees per attempt. There are six questions in all, and for
every answer you get right, you will get a prize. However, if you answer a
question wrong, you will lose everything you have earned so far. You also get
a "Gorohint" to eliminate one of the wrong answers, which you can only use
once. The questions, along with their respective answers, are as follows:

The first three questions will be in random order:

Q: How many homes are there on this island?

A: 6

Q: The Goron at this spot! *points to a spot north of your ship* What is he
staring at?
A: Ship

Q: How many Gorons live on this island?

A: 14
The fourth question will be one of the following three questions at random:

Q: Easy one, Stranger, what question number is this?

A: 4

Q: What color were the odd creatures on the cliff?

A: Yellow (they're gold, whatever)

Q: How many Goron children live on this island?

A: 6

The fifth question will be one of the following three questions at random:

Q: How many Gorons are outside right now?

A: 7

Q: How many Rupees have you won so far? Easy!

A: 46

Q: How many Gorons are in their homes right now?

A: 7

And the last question will be one of the following three questions at random:

Q: *points to a home in the northwest* How many rocks are there in this home?
A: 3

Q: *points to a spot northeast of the shop* What is on this spot?

A: Chest

Q: Of those Gorons outside, how many are adults?

A: 4

For the first question you get right, you will earn a Green Rupee; for the
second, a Blue Rupee, the third and fourth, a Red Rupee, the fifth, a Big Green
Rupee, and for the last question you will earn a Wisdom Gem, for a total of 146
Rupees and one Wisdom Gem. After you finish the initiation exam, Biggoron will
then demand for you to pay your Membership Fees... which comes to a total of
146 Rupees. Funny how that works. After you've payed your dues, Biggoron will
tell you that the Pure Metal can be found in the temple on the island, and
instructs his son, Gongoron, to lead you to the temple. Talk to the boy, then
follow him outside.

Not wanting to accept you as a true member of the Gorons, Gongoron will run off
and leave you behind. Head to the west (the opposite direction of the temple)
and across the bridge. Continue westward, and you will spot Gongoron on top of
a large rock. He jumps down and runs back east, though if he had just stayed
put you wouldn't have been able to reach him anyway. Head back east, back
across the bridge, and up the stairs towards the temple. Gongoron will run
past the guard blocking the path, allowing you to continue through as well.
Head north and around, and you will come to a dead end where Gongoron has
apparently disappeared. Use the bomb flower to blow a hole in each of the
cracks on the wall, then head through the one on the left. Go around and to
the south and you will encounter a Blue Chu-Chu, which are a lot like Gold Chu-
Chus, except they don't lose their electrical charge unless stunned. Use your
Boomerang to stun it, then slice away. Keep going west, past a rock-headed
Chu-Chu until you reach a switch. Step on it to lower the spikes to the west,
then head back to the beginning of the maze.
This time, proceed to the right, destroying two more cracks along the way.
Use the bomb flower to the north to take out the rock-headed Chu-Chu, then
again to blast apart another hole in the wall. You'll then come to another
rocky Chu-Chu, this one you'll probably need to use your own bombs to defeat.
Head through and around, and defeat the Blue Chu-Chu along the way. Go all the
way to the end for a chest with a Big Green Rupee. Head back to the east until
you reach the spot where the path forks a little to the north. Place a bomb
along the wall directly in front of the circle on the other side to blow a hole
in it. Head through and west, then on the other side go south, back east
through to where the spikes were to grab a chest with a Power Gem. Afterward,
go back west and down the cliff, where you'll find a Like-Like. These nasty
buggers will swallow you whole and suck you to death. Rub the stylus back and
forth to escape - if you don't, the Like-Like will suck your shield away,
leaving you defenseless. If this happens, defeat it quickly to get your shield
back. Once you've defeated the Like-Like, the spikes to the left will drop.
Go through, then step on the nearby switch to extend the bridge back to the
main part of the island before heading into the temple.

/\ /\
/__\ Goron Temple, Or... [1524] /__\
/\ /\ Death Mountain Revisited /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Goron Temple

When you first enter the Goron Temple, you'll notice that Gongoron has
disappeared once again. From the entrance, head to the right, defeating the
Blue Chu-Chu and avoiding the Laser Eye. Head around past another Blue Chu-Chu
and another Laser Eye, and then pull the statue onto the switch, lowering the
spikes. Go through and take out another Blue Chu-Chu, then head left and up.
You'll come to another statue, this one slightly more dangerous than the one
before. It will jump at you with spikes on its sides - to defeat it, grab the
bomb flower and throw it at the statue, which will disable it but not destroy
it. You are now free to move it around, so push it up onto the switch to the
north, opening a gate back to the east. Head there, then go up the stairs and
use your own bombs to defeat the statue that awaits. Pull it onto the switch,
then dig up the rising gust of wind and head up. Go across the bridge and jump
down the cliff, and defeat the two statues at the bottom, causing a door to the
south to open. Go through the door, then head right as far as you can and use
the bow to hit an eye along the wall to the right, revealing a chest that
contains a Red Rupee. Grab it, then hit the switch to lower the spikes and
proceed to the left, past a Blue Chu-Chu, and bomb the crack in the wall.
Go inside the cave, grab the bombs, and you'll notice another light coming from
the right side of the cave. Go back out, and bomb the wall two spaces over to
reveal another entrance. Go inside, then head up and around and take the
stairs down to the next floor.

Here you'll find a room with two Red Bubbles and two Laser Eyes. Stand by the
door and wait for the Red Bubbles to come near you, then defeat them. Head
south through the lowered spikes, then around the quicksand and up and right.
There you will find Gongoron on the other side of a pit of quicksand, who will
apologize for earlier and ask you to help him escape. After you reluctantly
agree to assist him, a monster will appear behind you. To defeat it, shoot an
arrow into its eye to stun it, then slash away with your sword. Simple enough.
After you slay the monster, head back towards Gongoron, who will now allow you
to control him. When you move around as Gongoron, you will roll up into a
ball, allowing you to break jars and rocks when you run into them. Head to the
room to the south, and defeat all of the rocky Chu-Chus there to lower the
spikes near Link. Switch back to Link and run through the spikes. Defeat the
Like-Likes to lower the spikes near Gongoron, then step on the nearby switch
and take control of him. Now, guide Gongoron over the large gap and step on
the switch. Once both switches are pressed, a chest to the north will appear
containing your next item: Bombchus. To use them, take one out and draw a line
in the direction you want it to travel. It will continue along that line until
it runs into something. After getting the Bombchus, the spikes near Gongoron
will lower. Take control of Gongoron once more and defeat all of the large
snakes in the room to the south, which will open a door near Link. Run through
the door and defeat all the large snakes in this room to reveal a chest with a
Goron Amber inside. After you grab the chest, a row of spikes in the quicksand
to the left will lower. Now, use a Bombchu to travel along the quicksand and
hit a switch in the corner to lower another set of spikes nearby. Once you've
done that, Gongoron will disappear again, this time into a hole in the wall
(Gone-Goron... I get it... heh heh). Finally, make your way to the left and
up the stairs.

On the next floor, first defeat the Blue Chu-Chu, then use a Bombchu to hit a
switch in the pit of quicksand, creating a bridge back to the first room. Go
back downstairs, then down again to the bottom. Defeat the Like-Like, then
move the rock to uncover a hole in the wall. Now, instead of sending a Bombchu
right away, head north past two rock-headed Chu-Chus to reach a switch. Now,
send a Bombchu back through the quicksand to the switch at the end. As it's
going, tap the Bombchu icon to return to normal view, then hit the switch
beside you right as the Bombchu hits the switch in the quicksand. This will
lower the spikes to the left. Proceed through and down the stairs.

Here you will find a room full of Miniblins. Kill them for a Red Rupee. Head
north, past the jars, two of which will float up and attack you, so beware.
Kill more Miniblins for another Red Rupee, and then a chest will appear near
where the jars were. Grab the chest for a third Red Rupee, then head up and
left to a switch. Here, make sure the switch is set to blue, then send a
Bombchu through the hole in the wall to the switch at the end of the quicksand.
As it moves, return to normal view and hit the switch after the Bombchu passes
the red blocks in order to lower the blue ones. After the switch has been hit,
the spikes at the end will lower. Go through and defeat each of the four
statues and move them onto the four switches to lower another set of spikes.
Head through and around, past more evil jars, and go up the stairs.

Head left from the stairs and step on a switch to extend a bridge back to the
start, then head right and into a room with two Eye-Monsters. Defeat them to
lower the spikes on the other side of the room. Go through and up, passing by
the switch for now to clear the Blue Chu-Chus and green slimes until you reach
the spikes. Now head back to the switch and place a bomb near it, then quickly
run back to the spikes. Head through to the edge of the quicksand, and defeat
as many of the large snakes as you can with your sword, then use your bow or
Bombchus to defeat the rest, revealing a chest containing a Goron Amber. Then
use Bombchus to hit each of the switches in the corners across the quicksand,
revealing a large chest back the way you came. Head back, using a Bombchu to
hit the switch across the quicksand, lowering the spikes. Grab the Boss Key
from inside the chest, then head back around and downstairs. Once there, take
the Boss Key to the large keyhole and toss it in. Go all the way around and
down the stairs, breaking the jars for hearts and Bombchus is you need them.
Read the stone tablet to reveal the blue portal, then head through the door to
the Boss.

/\ /\
/__\ BOSS: Dongorongo, Armored Lizard [0525] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

This boss is basically a giant Dodongo seen from several past Zelda games. As
you begin the boss encounter, Gongoron will appear from the wall offering his
assistance. The boss will attack Gongoron by shooting fire out of his mouth.
If you are hit by it, you will lose half a heart. Also, there will be large
snakes attacking Link while you are in control of Gongoron, so you'll have to
switch back and forth to protect both of you. Start out by tapping Dongorongo
in the face to smash into him, then roll around and start smashing his side,
throwing him off balance. Once he's on the ground, switch back to Link and
guide a Bombchu into Dongorongo's mouth. After three of these tasty exploding
treats, Dongorongo will decide he's had a bit too much and pass out from the
ensuing heartburn.

Once Dongorongo is down, the door at the end will open, and Gongoron will head
inside to grab the Pure Metal. Head across the bridge to the other side to
join him... but then, Dongorongo isn't dead yet! He gets up, revealing a
large blue sphere on his back. He will then begin to inhale deeply and breathe
out a huge flame at you. Run around him in a wide circle to avoid it. When
he inhales, either grab a bomb flower from the wall or just use a bomb and
throw it into his mouth. He will explode and fall over on his side, allowing
you to reach the blue sphere on his back. Slash away at it a few times, then
repeat the process until at last he goes down for good. Dongorongo will
explode into a million grains of sand, adding two minutes to your Phantom
Hourglass. Afterward, a chest with a Heart Container will appear, and the
door at the end of the room will open once more. Grab the Heart Container,
then head through the door to Gongoron and retrieve the Pure Metal, Crimsonine.
Once you have the Crimsonine, a blue portal will appear. Step through the
portal to return to the entrance.

Goron Island

Once outside again, head down the bridge to the left. Go all the way back east
to the Elder's house and talk to him. He will then return your initiation fees
as a farewell gift, along with a little bonus for a total of 200 Rupees. Go
back to your ship, chart a course for Mercay Island, then head back to the
Temple of the Ocean King once more.

/\ /\
/__\ Temple of the Ocean King Part V: [0526] /__\
/\ /\ Does This Place Ever End?!? /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Temple of the Ocean King
Here we are, yet again at the Temple of the Ocean King. This time, however,
you can proceed straight through the gold portal to return to the sixth floor,
saving you a bit of hassle. Head down the stairs, then ride the moving blocks
to the safe zone. Use the Boomerang to grab the 30 seconds from the jar to the
right, then head left and down, past the Phantom, and down the stairs.

On the next floor, head right and across the invisible bridge, then go up the
next set of stairs. Back on the floor above, daze the Phantom to the right,
then hit the switch and run onto the moving block. Ride it across, then head
left and grab the round crystal from the chest and take it back to the stairs.
Once downstairs again, instead of taking the crystal straight to the pedastal,
head north with it to the safe zone in the northeast corner. Drop it there,
then go back around and use a Bombchu on the hole in the wall to activate the
switch behind the spikes. Afterward, grab the round crystal again, then head
through the door and down the stairs.

Now on the ninth floor again, drop the crystal at the entrance, then take out
the ghosts in the east corners of the room. Once they've been dealt with, go
west of the southeast corner and use your Boomerang to turn the blue arrow
shooter facing north, then shoot an arrow into it to lower the spikes in front
of one of the safe zones. Run to the safe zone where the spikes were, then
step on the switch at the right time to drop the Phantom into the depths.
Next, take out the final two ghosts and grab the chest in the northwest corner
for a ship part. Once the room is completely clear, take the square crystal
into the northwest corner and place it on its pedastal. Run through where the
flames were, then grab the triangle crystal from the chest. Now, take all
three crystals to the large safe zone to the north, and place them on the
pedastals in this order: square, circle, triangle. This will open the door
and create a small earthquake in the next room, which is created by the room
dropping down to a new section of the temple. Grab the 30 seconds from a jar
nearby, then head back through the door.

Outside, you'll come to a section of the temple you have not seen before. Here
you will find several Phantom Eyes, along with two Gold Phantoms, which at
first appear to move at the same speed as Blue Phantoms, but have the ability
to teleport around the temple if you are spotted, thus giving them a clear
advantage. Go to the right and send a Bombchu through the hole in the wall
just east of the door to hit a switch to the south, lowering the spikes to the
west. Go back to the left and up the stairs in the corner to the safe zone.
Wait for the Gold Phantom carrying the key to appear in the left hallway, then
push the boulder south, crushing the Phantom. Now, if you head back out the
door and in again, you will cause the boulder in the corner to reappear. If
you use it to destroy the other Gold Phantom patroling the hallway to the east
(wait for it to enter the north hallway), you will cause a chest to appear once
both Phantoms are destroyed. After you've gotten rid of both Phantoms and
grabbed the key the west one was carrying, go to the west and south, sending
another Bombchu through the hole in the wall near the southwest corner to hit
another switch to the north, lowering a wall of spikes inside. Go back around
and to the south, run through the raising and lowering spikes, then hit the
switch to disable them. Go a little south, then use the Boomerang to grab the
15 seconds from a jar in the corner. Use a bomb to destroy the wall where
there is a small discoloration to the right of the safe zone. Go through, and
take out the Phantom Eye waiting there. Go through where the spikes were
lowered earlier and take out the second Phantom Eye patroling the hallway to
the left. Now go all the way around and step on a switch, lowering the nearby
spikes. Go through and kill the last Phantom Eye to reveal a chest up along
the wall. You can't get to the chest yet, however, so you'll have to come back
after you have another item. For now, grab the chest that was revealed after
killing both Gold Phantoms containing a Big Green Rupee, then go down and to
the right for another 30 seconds. Finally, go back and around to the locked
door, and head through and down the stairs.

Here we have a large room with two patroling Gold Phantoms and four Phantom
Eyes. First, wait for the Phantom Eye to the southwest to come around in range
of your Boomerang, then take it out once the Phantoms are clear. Run to the
safe zone by the stairs to the right, then use your Boomerang to stun the Eye
to the northwest and then kill it. After that, return to the left and take out
the remaining two Phantom Eyes. Once all of them have been defeated, a chest
will appear in the northeast corner of the room. Pull the lever in the
northwest corner, grab the 15 seconds from the nearby jar, then sneak back past
the Phantoms to the northeast corner. Once there, pull the lever to the left
and grab another 15 second jar to the left. Now, head to the north middle of
the room and use the Shovel to uncover a rising gust of wind. Ride the wind
up, then head across each of the bridges and step on the switches in the
corners. After both switches are pressed, go to the very southwest corner to
the safe zone. Use the Shovel on the dirt just right of the safe zone to
unearth another rising wind. Now, ride up and across the bridge to the right.
Step on the switch and jump down, then place a bomb near the switch in the
southeast corner. Quickly run back to the gust of wind, then ride up and run
across the bridge before it disappears. Once all four switches are pressed, a
door to the north will drop, revealing another set of stairs. Jump down, then
head to the door and down the stairs.

Now we reach the 12th and final level of the temple... for this run. First,
pull the switch just left of the door to lower the spikes to the south. Grab
the 30 second jar, then run to the corner of the room and use your Boomerang to
stun the approaching Phantom Eye and take it out. Once it is defeated, run
north as far as you can and grab the chest containing a Force Shard. Once you
have it, a stationary Phantom will appear to the south. Stun it, then carry
the Force Shard to the large safe zone in the north section of the room. If
you are spotted by any of the Phantoms, a pillar of fire will appear in front
of the safe zone, blocking your passage, so be careful. Once you reach the
north safe zone, you have a couple of options: you can either place the Force
Shard on the pedastal right away, causing a ghost to appear in the room, which
will create more danger but will grant you an additional 30 seconds should you
defeat it; or, you can just leave the Force Shard on the ground and wait until
you have all three to place them all at once. Either way, go back to the south
and use an arrow to stun the Gold Phantom carrying the Force Shard in the large
section of the room. Grab the shard and take it back to the north safe zone.
Now, head southwest from the safe zone, making sure not to be seen by the Gold
Phantom, and stun and kill the Phantom Eye patroling the southwest corridor.
After it is defeated, run to the north and grab the third Force Shard from the
chest. Once you've opened the chest, a Swift Phantom will appear and patrol
around the room. Wait for it to head up and then left, then run due southeast
to the safe zone in the middle of the hall. From there, head back south and
into the large room, move past the Gold Phantom, and carry the Force Shard all
the way to the north safe zone. Once you have all three, place them in their
pedastals and proceed through the door and down the stairs. Here you will come
to a room that has no enemies, but will still drain your life, so if you're
low on time be careful. Run down the stairs to the center of the room and grab
the chest containing the Northeastern Sea Chart, then head back up and through
the blue portal to return to the entrance.

/\ /\
/__\ Poser Penguins [0527] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

The Great Sea

After exiting the Temple of the Ocean King and heading back to your ship, chart
a course for the Southeastern Sea. Once there, head for the island in the
northeast corner. Since you can't actually dock there, you'll have to chart a
course for anywhere near there. Once you arrive, Linebeck will have one of his
"brilliant ideas" to blast apart the ice surrounding the island. Not bad, for
a brainless twit, that is. Draw a line around the island, then start hammering
away at it with your Cannon, making sure to take care of the various enemies
that spring from the sea to hinder your progress as well. Each chunk of ice
will take a couple of hits before it goes down, so you might not get them all
in one go. Once they've all dropped into the ocean, you can head to land.

Isle of Frost

Now that you've cleared the ice around the island, you'll come to a town
inhabited by... clown penguins with antlers and fur coats? Eh, whatever. Head
north up the nearest flight of stairs, all the way northeast and up another
flight of stairs to reach the island chief's house. If you dig in front of the
sign there, you'll uncover a Big Green Rupee. Head inside to find the island
chief, who not only is a penguin with antlers and a fur coat, but also has a
large white beard growing out of his nose. Yeah. Talk to him and he will
explain his dilemma about one of the Mean Polar Bears from the tribe to the
west (a.k.a. the Yook) coming and impersonating one of the Anouki (a.k.a. the
Reindeer-Penguins). The island chief of course wants you to do his job for him
and find the fake Anouki and boot him off of the island. The only clue this
bearded bird-thing has to offer is that the Yook always lie. Great lead right
there, almost as good as having a giant sign over his head that says "I'm The
Yook!" We'll catch him in no time. (Sarcasm) Head back outside and to the
north, where you'll find six houses in neat little rows, where the Yook is said
to be hiding.

Inside each of the houses is another penguin, each of which will tell you who
they believe tells the truth and who is likely to be lying. After you talk to
each of them, you can accuse any one of them of being the Yook. If you accuse
the wrong one, most of the Anouki on the island will henceforth refer to you
as "Wrong Boy," and you'll have to talk to the Anouki Chief again to get back
your reputation. Now, there actually is a logical method of sniffing out the
perpetrator, so if you'd like to go and try it yourself, be my guest. I'm just
going to tell you, however, that Anoo in the top row middle house is the Yook.
Once you accuse him, he'll fess up, then blow you out of the house with a giant
burst of bad breath. Once you've caught the real criminal, head back to the
Island Chief's house, who will then open the path into Yook territory for you
to get revenge on the one that blew you away and find the Azurine in the
nearby Temple of Ice. Go to the east and talk to the Anouki in front of the
cave to head through. Head inside and down the path to the right, then out the
other side into the Field of Ice. In order to enter the temple, you must
defeat all six Yook in the field first. Two are in front of the entrance, and
four more are roaming around outside. To defeat them, wait until they inhale
and then toss a bomb into their mouths for a bad case of indigestion. This
will stun them, then you can finish them off with your sword. Once all six are
defeated, head through the gate where another Yook, probably the one that you
caught earlier, will appear. This one is a bit more aggressive, and will
charge at you with its club. When it finally inhales, toss in a bomb then
slice it to bits, and head inside the temple at last.

/\ /\
/__\ The Temple of Ice, Or... [0528] /__\
/\ /\ Shiver Me Timbers! /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

From the entrance to the temple, head north. Hit the switch to the left, then
go through the red blocks and use your Boomerang to hit it again, lowering the
blue blocks. Go up and around, take out the Blue Chu-Chu, then head across the
bridge, avoiding the spinning discs on the way. Once you reach the other side,
step on the switch to lower the stone slab into the first room. Go and place a
bomb next to the switch, then quickly run back through the blue blocks onto the
bridge. Go back across the bridge and through the red blocks up the stairs.

In the next room, go all the way to the end and up another set of stairs. Once
you reach the third floor, head across the slippery floor all the way south,
then jump up on the pole and use your Boomerang to hit a switch to the north.
Jump back down and go north again, then west up the stairs and across the
bridge. Once you reach the other side, defeat the spider monsters there by
waiting until they face the other direction, then attack the blue section on
their backs. Go north and east to grab a chest with a Big Green Rupee, then
due south as far as you can. Jump across the gap to find a stone tablet with
directions for what order to pull the switches. Now go back across the gap,
and proceed all the way to the southwest corner of the room for another tablet.
Afterward, proceed around all the way to the northwest corner for a third and
final tablet. With all of the directions, go back to near the first bridge and
pull the nearby levers in this order:

| | | |
_|_ _|_ _|_ _|_
1 4 3 2

This will open a stone slab to the south. Proceed there and up both flights of
stairs. Defeat the spider monster on the icy floor on the top, then head
across the bridge to the north. Use your Boomerang to defeat the Ice Keese and
the Blue Bubble, making sure not to touch them or they will freeze you. Head
past the locked door and across the bridge, defeating another Ice Keese and
Blue Bubble. Now go all the way down the bridge to the south and defeat one
final Ice Keese. Once it is defeated, throw a bomb toward the switch to the
left to lower the blue blocks. Now jump down and proceed left through the
closest blue blocks for a chest containing a Wisdom Gem, and then go all the
way around back to the stairs, then head up and to the west this time, through
the lowered blue blocks. Stand on the blue tile on the other side of the
bridge and use your Boomerang to hit the switches in this order:

2 1

3 4

This will drop a key onto a nearby platform. Use your Boomerang to grab it,
then head back across the bridges, through the locked door and down the stairs.

Down on the second floor, step through the door and two Yook will appear. Use
either your own bombs or a bomb flower in the southwest corner to defeat both
of them, and a chest will appear in the center of the room containing your next
item: the Grappling Hook. You can use this handy item to latch onto things
and pull yourself toward them. Use it to latch onto the pole in the northwest
corner of the room and cross the gap, then head down the stairs.

Back on the first floor, use your Grappling Hook to latch onto the faces of the
spider monsters to remove their protective armor, making them vulnerable to
attacks from all directions. Defeat all three of them plus the green slime,
then use the Grappling Hook to latch onto the middle of the three tongues in
the north part of the room, melting the nearby ice. Go through and use your
Grappling Hook to get across to the other side of the gap. Defeat the spider
monster, then step on the switch to lower the door back to the first room.
Go through, then use your Grappling Hook on both of the tongues to the north
to melt the ice in front of the stairs. Now go back through the door and head
down the stairs.

Once you reach the next floor, step through the blue blocks and bomb the crack
in the wall. Step on a switch to reveal a chest just across the gap to the
east. Go back out, and use your Grappling Hook to latch onto the chest,
pulling you across. Open the chest for a Big Red Rupee, then step on the
switch to extend a bridge back to the door. Go to the right, down and up the
stairs, and place a bomb on the blue square next to the wall. Head through,
then use your Grappling Hook on the switch to the right AND the switch across
the gap to create a tightrope for you to walk across. Jump on the pole and
head across the rope to the other side. Defeat all of the spider monsters,
then use your Grappling Hook to pull a lever just east of the poles, revealing
a chest nearby. Now go north, and stand as far south of the tongue as possible
and use your Grappling Hook to pull it, lowering the ice back to the south.
You now have until the tongue gets back into its mouth to run back and through
to the chest before the ice will magically reappear, so be quick about it.
Once you have the small key from inside the chest, head to the right and push
the block all the way north and step on the switch to the right to extend a
bridge back across. Now go north to the locked door and head through to grab
a chest with a Wisdom Gem inside. Step back out onto the other side of the
blue blocks and use your Boomerang to hit the switch in the corner. Now go all
the way back south, create another tightrope and walk across to the other side.
Now stand on the left pole and use your Boomerang to take out the two Ice Keese
to the north. Jump down, and create another tightrope on the far left of the
platform. Walk to the middle of the rope, then use your Boomerang to hit all
four switches around you to the north, melting the ice in front of you. Now
use your bow to hit the eye on the wall, melting the ice near the start of the
room. Stand on the left pole and use your Boomerang to kill two more Ice
KeeseJump off the pole, then place a bomb on the blue square next to the
wall. Go back and across the bridge, then stand as far south of the tongue
behind the destroyed wall as possible and use your Grappling Hook on it.
Quickly run back across the bridge and through the destroyed wall. Use your
grappling hook on a pole near the red blocks, then on the pole to the north,
then the east, across the icy platform, and to the east again. Finally, run
through the door and around and down the stairs.

Start out on the next floor by going left. Defeat the spider monster, then use
your Grappling Hook on a torch across the large gap. Once across, head right
and through the door to defeat another crazy Yook. Once it is defeated, use
your Grappling Hook to create a tightrope between the two poles to the north.
Run across, making sure not to get hit by the spinning disc in the middle.
Stand on the north pole and use your Boomerang to defeat the two Ice Keese
north of you. Jump down and create another tightrope between the pole you were
on and the pole to the north, then run across and across the bridge to a large
platform. Create another tightrope between the two poles to the left, then
stand to the left of the rope and use it to sling yourself across the gap to
the other side. Once there, defeat the Blue Bubble and head up the stairs to
the south. Spin attack the four switches, revealing a chest near the entrance
and lowering the door to the right of the stairs. Now, bomb the wall just
south of you to head through, grabbing a Red Rupee on the way. Grapple the
torch on the other side of the large gap, then head around to the open door.

Through the door, defeat the spider monsters and go to where there are two
torches side-by-side. Create a tightrope between them, then stand to the north
and sling yourself up onto the next platform, making sure not to fall off the
edge of the slippery surface. Grapple onto the torch to the west, then hit the
eye on the north wall with your bow before jumping off the edge to the left.
Proceed through the door, then jump across the gap onto the long narrow
walkway. The eyes on the wall will close when you face them, so stand all the
way north, then use your Grappling Hook to create a tightrope between the two
poles. Shoot an arrow at the rope at the right angles to take out both of the
eyes, then jump back across the gap and grab a small key from the chest. Head
back around and through the door, then step on a switch to the right, extending
a bridge. Go across the bridge and all the way south and to the right, then
go through the locked door. Head into the room on the right to face yet
another pesky Yook. Defeat the Yook along with the two Ice Keese in the corner
to reveal a chest in the center of the room, and open a door just outside the
locked door. Grab the chest for a Big Red Rupee, then go back out and to the
right. Use your Grappling Hook to grab the rock off of the Chu-Chu's head,
then finish it off with your sword and head through the door.

When you enter, you will notice a pole south of the large gap. Grapple onto it
and defeat the Blue Bubble on the other side. First jump onto the pole, then
grapple onto the pole on top of the ledge. Jump again onto that pole and
grapple the top pole, then step on the switch, melting the ice nearby. Run
through and onto a rather narrow and slippery bridge. Carefully make your way
across, then defeat the spider monster at the end and step on the switch,
melting the ice in front of the chest at the entrance. Head back onto the
bridge, then grapple onto one of the torches to the north. Head back and grab
the Boss Key from the chest, then go back up the stairs. Take the boss key to
the large keyhole and throw it in. Go through, read the stone tablet to open
the blue portal back to the temple's entrance, grab some hearts from the jars
if you need them, then head up the stairs to face the boss.

/\ /\
/__\ BOSS: Gleeok, Two-Headed Dragon [0529] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

When you enter the room, Gleeok's two heads will rise up out of the water.
They will then begin launching spheres at you, fire from the head on the left
and ice from the one on the right. If either of them hits you, you will lose
a full heart. The ice will also freeze you, making it slightly more dangerous.
To defeat it, use your Grappling Hook to create a diagonal tightrope to
redirect Gleeok's attacks at its other head - fire will harm the Ice head and
vice-versa. After you've created the rope, the head that shot the last attack
at you will come forward and bite the rope apart, maybe throwing in another
swipe or two at you for good measure. If it hits you, you'll lose a heart.
Once you've landed three hits on Gleeok, it will dive underneath the water and
send a large tidal wave at you, complete with harmful chunks of ice as well.
If you are hit by the tidal wave, you'll lose a heart, as well as another heart
for each of the ice chunks that hits you as well. Your best bet is to jump
onto one of the poles before the wave hits to avoid it, then jump off and dodge
the miniature icebergs flying at you. After the water recedes, Gleeok will pop
back out of the water and start shooting at you again. Keep redirecting its
attacks until you've hit each of the heads three times, destroying their
protective masks. Gleeok will then descend into the water for another tidal
wave attack.

After Gleeok returns to the surface, it will go into Phase Two. It begins by
coming forward and lunging at you with its head, then one of the two heads will
open its mouth and prepare to unleash a huge attack. This is when you must
strike. Use your Grappling Hook to latch onto the end of its tongue and to the
nearest pole. This will slam its head onto the platform, dazing it
momentarily. Run in and slash away at it with your sword. After hitting the
heads a couple of times, Gleeok will dive down again for another tidal wave.
Avoid it as usual, and continue this process until at last both heads are

After you've defeated Gleeok, he will explode into a million grains of sand,
adding another two minutes to your Phantom Hourglass. A large chest containing
a Heart Container and a bridge to the other side will appear. Grab the Heart
Container, then head across the bridge and through the door. Grab the Pure
Metal, Azurine, from the top of the stairs, then head through the blue portal
back to the temple's entrance.

/\ /\
/__\ Buried Treasure [0530] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Isle of Frost

Back outside, you'll be greeted by the real Aroo, who tells you all about how
the evil Yook captured him, and thanks you for helping him escape. Not like
you had a choice in the matter. Anyway, jump up onto the pole beside Aroo and
grapple onto the cliff to the left. Jump onto that pole and onto the next
cliff, then finally grapple your way to the top. Go all the way south, then in
the next area, grapple across the gap to the right, then head further south,
passing by the first chest on the cliff below for now. Go all the way until
you reach a pole, then jump on it and grapple onto the chest to the northeast
for a Big Green Rupee. Go back onto the pole, then grapple onto another pole
to the left and continue west and down the other side of the platform. Now,
when you reach the third pole, use your Grappling Hook to latch onto either of
the two chests to the north. Inside each of them is a Red Rupee. Once you
have both, grapple back onto the pole to the south. Climb on it, then grapple
all the way right back to the first chest that we skipped, then jump down and
grab the Power Gem inside. Now, jump down the cliff and proceed back to the
cave past the Yooks, who have for whatever reason decided to turn friendly. If
you talk to the one nearest the cave entrance, he will tell you about Harrow
Island, an island west of here. You may want to remember that. Head back
through the cave and return to the main part of the island.

Before heading back to your ship, there are a few things you may want to grab
before you leave. First, head back to Anouki Estates, where you sniffed out
the imposterous Yook earlier. Head to the northeast island and draw a line
from there back to the village chief's house. You'll need this in a minute.
Afterward, grapple across to the island in the south and dig in the exact
center for a Big Gold Rupee, which is worth a whopping 300 Rupees. Grapple
back across and head to the southwest corner. Dig in the middle for a Treasure
Map. If you grapple across to the island to the north, you will find a springy
rock that will tell you to dig in front of the Old Wayfarer's House on Bannan
Island, an island in the Northwestern Sea. Head back to the Anouki Estates
and dig in front of the signs on the southeast and northeast houses for two
Big Green Rupees. Finally, dig in front of the sign across the bridge and to
the right, which just happens to be at the exact center of that line you drew
earlier, for a Big Red Rupee, bringing your total rupees earned here to at
least 600. (There are other green and blue rupees hidden underneath the soil,
but I'm not going to tell you to dig in every spot.)

Head back south again and go all the way around to the west side of the island.
Head up a set of stairs onto a small platform, then use your Grappling Hook to
latch onto the chest to the north for a Wisdom Gem. Afterward, go back south
and east to the mailbox for a letter from Gongoron containing a Courage Gem.
Finally, head back to your ship and set sail.

/\ /\
/__\ Waking the Dead [0531] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

The Great Sea

Now that you have two of the three Pure Metals, it's time to find the last and
forge the Phantom Sword. Chart a course for the Northeastern Sea. Once there,
you'll notice that the large island in the west is blocked by a huge whirlwind,
so you're not likely to be able to get through. Instead, make for the other
island in the northeast corner, the Isle of the Dead. Sounds safe enough.

Isle of the Dead

The Isle of the Dead. Perfect travel destination if you ask me. Sandy
beaches, warm ocean, undead skeleton monters... I'll definitely be spending
my vacations here. Head east and into the cave, where you'll find a book on
the table telling that the island is actually the image of someone with a
crown. Looks more like a dead skull to me. At the very end, the book mentions
a treasure that is supposed to be hidden in this room. To find it, head left
and bomb the wall to the north. Inside you'll find an interesting maze with
walls made of Rupoors. For each little one you touch you'll lose 10 Rupees,
and for each big one you'll lose 50. There are also three Keese in the room,
the only real safe way to defeat them is with your Bow - if you try to use your
sword you could end up accidentally touching one of the Rupoors, and if you
use your Boomerang you'll just scoop up all the Rupoors along the way, though
it is kinda fun watching Link hold up 30 or so Rupoors in a row... not really.
Anyway, defeat the Keese and proceed around the Rupoors to the north end of the
room. Here you'll find 120 Rupees to replace the ones you've lost, and four
chests along the wall. The contents of the chest are as follows, from left to
right: a Ship Part, a Treasure Map, a Courage Gem, and another Ship Part.
After you have all of them, head back down and up the stairs to the right,
which will lead you back to the entrance. Go out, and then out the cave to the

Once outside, head west and defeat the Blue Rupee Like-Like, same as a normal
Like-Like, but it will consume a Blue Rupee for every time it squeezes you.
It also doesn't have an appetite for shields, so at least that is safe. Once
it is dead, continue north, killing the Red Rupee Like-Like, and then head
east. Kill the Stalfos that appear by first knocking off their heads with
your Boomerang, then finishing off the bouncing skulls with your sword.
Occasionally, their bodies will continue walking even after the head is
defeated... just slash away to finish them off. Proceed all the way right and
up into the large pyramid.

Here you will find the tomb of Brant, fouth knight of the Cobble Kingdom. Head
inside and defeat the two Keese there. You cannot proceed onward yet, because
you do not have the secret of the Phantom Corridor. To find it, check the
tablet on the right: "The sacred tree grows from the king's chin. West 13 and
north 7. The path to the graveyard where the six sages dwell, hidden
underground." Head back outside and proceed all the way to the southeast
corner of the island where you'll find... you guessed it, a tree. From here,
head exactly 13 squares west and 7 squares north, and dig in that exact spot
to find a hole in the ground. Jump in.

Once inside, bomb the north wall, then head inside and grab all of the rupees
and the chest in the far and for a Power Gem. Check the stone tablet, then
head back outside and to the west. Here, you'll have to navigate your way
through the hallway while giant boulders roll toward you. Easier said than
done. Defeat the two Keese at the beginning, then make your way north. Turn
right and head all the way around, past more boulders and Keese until you reach
a flight of stairs. Go up and outside, then stand to the left and fire an
arrow east at the switch on the pillar, opening a door to the northwest. Go
there, then head into the graveyard and read the southwesternmost grave, which
tells you to go north through the first room. Head to the next grave to the
north, telling you to go east. Go east to the third, east to the fourth,
north to the fifth, and then north again to the sixth. The path of the graves
is the one you must take through the Phantom Corridor. Now that you have the
secret, head back to Brant's Tomb.

Inside, proceed north and you will come upon the corpse of the late McNey.
Talk to him if you wish, then head east twice, then north twice to find the
resting place of Brant himself. Talk to him, and he will open the door behind
him. Head up the stairs and back outside. Grab the chest containing the
Regal Necklace, which will allow you to get through the cyclone in front of the
Isle of Ruins. Once you have it, jump down the cliff to the left and return
to your ship.

The Great Sea

Back out on the ocean blue, chart a course for the Isle of Ruins, the large
island north of the large whirlwind. Once you reach the cyclone, it will
apparently sense the Regal Necklace and disappear completely, allowing you to
head to land.

/\ /\
/__\ The Lost Civilization [0532] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Isle of Ruins

At last you come to the Isle of Ruins, most likely the strangest-shaped island
you've come across yet... perhaps the strangest in the entire Great Sea.
Topography aside, you must set out to find the third Pure Metal said to be
somewhere on the island. Go north and into the cave, then up and around to a
room with a large lizard. Defeat it, then head across the bridge and to the
left. Go up a small flight of stairs, then head south and out of the cave.

Once outside again, head south and across the bridge to the left. Jump left
across the gap, then head north until you come to a Red Rupee Like-Like. Kill
it, then proceed up and to the left. Jump across another gap and grab the Red
Rupee to the north. Now go south as far as possible, past a Blue Rupee Like-
Like, and jump to the left once you've reached the end. Go south again and
then left, defeat another Red Rupee Like-Like and jump across the gap to the
west. Go north as far as possible, passing another Red Rupee Like-Like, then
jump to the right. Grab the Red Rupee and head north across the bridge. On
the other side, head north up the stairs and then jump down to the right.
Defeat the Stalfos that appear from behind the trees, then head to the right
and up another set of stairs. Continue left and you'll come to a long set of
corridors with more giant boulders. Proceed through them, avoiding them as
much as you can, until you come to more stairs. Go up both flights, then run
around and to the west, back down more stairs, and all the way around into the
large pyramid.

Inside, you'll find a large key hole in the center for which you do not yet
have the matching key. Go all the way to the north and speak with Bremeur, the
third knight of the Cobble Kingdom. He will explain about the terrible monster
in King Mutoh's temple that guards the Pure Metal you seek. In order to gain
access to that temple, you'll have to resurrect the sealed land. Your first
stop in this quest is the temple of Doylan to the east. Bremeur will offer to
open a new path for you to reach this temple. Now head back outside, where a
bridge will extend to the east. Go back up the stairs and around, then go
across the bridge. Go down each flight of stairs, taking out the Miniblins,
then proceed east. Go across another bridge, then jump off of the platform and
proceed further east. Jump across the gap and run across the long bridge,
avoiding the bone boomerangs from the nearby Stalfos. Go all the way right,
then head into the pyramid.

Here you'll come to the temple of Dolyan, the second knight of the Cobble
Kingdom. Go up and you'll come to another long hallway with more giant rocks
of death. Run up and around them again, until you reach another long corridor,
this one filled with arrows shooting from the wall. Head all the way down,
using your shield (assuming you have one) to block the arrows, then continue to
the right. Before you come to the stairs, there will be a hole in the floor
that will drop when you step on it. Creep along the far left wall to safety,
then head up the stairs. Head across the bridge and defeat the two stalfos
there before heading up the stairs to the upper portion of the temple. Once on
the second floor, head up and talk to Doylan's ghost, who will give you the
King's Key as a reward for clearing the traps in the temple. Thankfully, this
particular key will fit into the infinite space in your pocket, so you won't
have to carry it around on your head.

Now that you have the key, head back outside and proceed all the way east
across the bridges. Head north at the stairs and across the bridge, past more
Stalfos. Defeat the Miniblins at the end, then head further east, past more
Miniblins, then up the stairs and jump down the cliff to the left. Head up the
stairs to the north, then all the way back around to Bremeur's Temple. Inside,
head to the large keyhole in the center and use the King's Key to lower the
water outside, revealing more of the island. You must now seek out Max, the
first knight of the Cobble Kingdom, in another temple to the east. Now head
back outside, then jump down to the right. Go north and around, defeating two
Stalfos to the east, then head down into yet another path with boulders. Go
west, dodging the gigantic rocks along your way. Once you pass into another
portion of the island, head to the southeast to find a chest containing a Big
Green Rupee. Now head back west and south until you reach an area with
stationary boulders. Go around and a bit north and push the boulder there to
the right, clearing a path through. Go up the stairs and around, then push the
boulder to the left, destroying the one blocking the path ahead. With that out
of the way, head west, getting rid of the small rock in the way, and head south
again. Here, defeat the two Stalfos that appear, then go up the stairs and
push the boulder one space up then all the way to the right, destroying a
boulder on the other side of the bridge. Head across and up for a chest
containing a Wisdom Gem, then head back down to the first boulder. Push it one
space to the right and down, destroying another boulder to the south. Go
through where the boulder once was, then across the bridge and up the nearest
stairs to the left and step on the switch, creating a bridge to the other side.
Now go back up and around the north side of the pyramid, then back to the
south, defeating the Stalfos before at last heading into the temple.

Inside this great pyramid, you will find the ghost of Max, the first knight of
the Cobble Kingdom. Talk to him, and he will present you with a trial - you
must draw the secret crest on the door to the king's temple in order to gain
entrance. To find the crest, you must solve the riddle on the tablet in the
corridor. Max will then open the door to the corridor, allowing you inside.
Go back outside the temple and to the east, then head through the newly opened
door. Go all the way to the next door to find a stone tablet to the right,
which contains the riddle to finding the sacred crest. Since you have your
handy guide in front of you, there's no need in going back to solve the riddle,
but you can if you so desire. Tap the door and draw a single line in this
exact shape:

| 4 |
|/ \|
5 3

Start at 1, then go to 2, 3, 4, 5, and finally back to 1. This will open the

door, allowing you to continue onward. Head along the path, defeating the two
Stalfos, then head through the door and to the north. Go across the bridge,
and two large lizards will jump out of the water. Defeat each of them, then
the door to the temple will open. Head north and up the stairs and into the

/\ /\
/__\ Mutoh's Temple, Or... [0533] /__\
/\ /\ The Pyramid Scheme /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Mutoh's Temple

At last we reach Mutoh's Temple, resting place of the last Pure Metal. Start
out by heading north, through the jars, and up the path to the right. Bomb the
wall at the dead end, then head through and up just a bit, very slowly, until
the floor drops out in front of you. (It will drop before you actually reach
it, so no worries there.) Once that's taken care of, go to the right and
through the door and back around to the entrance, making sure to watch out for
another dropping floor right before the entrance. Once there, hit the switch
on the right, then quickly run back through the north path to where the first
dropping floor was, then run across the bridge. If you're having trouble
making it there in time, you can set a bomb beside the switch in order to delay
activating it, buying you a few more seconds. Once across the bridge, go to
the right and up, until you come to a room with two Stalfos. Defeat them both,
and a bridge will extend north. Go across the bridge and step on the switch to
light the torch, then go back down. Step on the switch next to the large stone
door, then proceed through and back to the entrance.

This time, take the path north to the left. Kill the Keese flying around the
moving blocks, then head back once they're defeated. Now, normally it's
impossible hit the switch with your sword and reach the bridge in time - you'll
have to place a bomb beside it in order to get there in time. However, there
is a glitch you can do to not have to use a bomb, but it's a bit tricky: you
remember how after you walked across the first bridge, it stayed extended so
that you could make it back? Well, all you have to do is stand on any spot on
the bridge at any time, even while it's retracting. You can just barely make
it to the bridge before it retracts completely and step on the very edge
(you'll probably end up falling into the pit), and the next time you hit the
switch with your sword, the bridge won't have a timer on it, so you can take as
long as you like to reach it. Personally, I would just suggest bombing the
switch, but you can try the glitch if you feel like it. Once across the
bridge, head north into a room with two Stalfos. After you defeat them,
another bridge will extend to the north. Run across and step on the switch to
light the other torch and lower the spikes in front of the door. Now proceed

Once downstairs, head to the right and defeat the sword Stalfos, then down past
another sword Stalfos. Keep going south, across the spiked log bridge (don't
worry, it won't hurt you), then continue left and up the stairs. Here you'll
come to the middle of the first floor, which has a rusty switch, and a bunch of
walking shells (Koopas from Mario Bros., anyone?). There's no way to defeat
these yet, so you'll just have to avoid them and continue further up the
stairs. Once you reach the second floor, go around and through the door. Kill
the Green Rupee Like-Like, then head all the way left, past another Green Rupee
Like-Like, to grab a chest with a Ruto Crown. Now go back to the right, to the
start of this mini-maze, then go down and around, killing another Green Rupee
Like-Like to the right, then head up the stairs and jump down to the left and
continue up to the next floor.

Here you'll come to a room with two Stalfos and a Green Rupee Like-Like in the
corner. Defeat all three enemies to reveal a chest containing your next item:
The Hammer. This is a lot like the Skull Hammer and the Megaton Hammer many of
you may remember from WW/OoT, but it's a lot faster, and therefore a lot more
fun. You can easily use it very rapidly to smash enemies anywhere around the
room (actually Ciela is the one doing the smashing... she's tougher than she
looks). Once you have the hammer, go back out and down the stairs.

You remember all of those rusty switches that we saw earlier? Well guess what
you'll be using to make them work... that's right, The Hammer. Smash away at
the first one you encounter, then head through the door. Here you'll find an
interesting device... stand on the feet and swing your hammer at the button on
the end to launch yourself up onto the next cliff. Do this two more times
until you come to a platform with three of those Shells from earlier. Use the
hammer to smash them, flipping them onto their vulnerable backs, then either
slice or smash them to defeat them (I prefer smashing myself). After you've
taken care of all three, jump down the ledge to the right, then head back down
the stairs.

Back downstairs again, use the hammer to take out the shells that you couldn't
defeat earlier. Hit the rusty switch, then go through the door and down the
stairs. Now, go all the way to the left and up a small flight of stairs, then
push the boulder there all the way to the right to destroy another boulder
blocking your path. Go down the stairs and across the two log bridges, and
you'll come to a room with two sword Stalfos. Defeat them both, then head
through the north door and down the stairs.

Once you reach the next floor, go to the left and smash the two rusty switches
to get the spiked log rolling. Follow it to the left, then go down the first
place you can. Step on the moving block, then ride it across, hitting all of
the rusty switches to the sides along the way. You can also one-shot the
Stalfos there by hammering away at them, removing their threat to your
progress. Once all the switches are pressed, including the one at the very
end, a spiked log will begin rolling, allowing you to continue through. First
go down and to the left for a chest with a Courage Gem, then back up and up the
stairs for another chest, this one containing a small key. Finally, go up the
stairs to your right.

Back upstairs, step on the switch to lower the stone door and proceed through.
Go north and back across the first log bridge, then head through the locked
door. Here you will find a strange pyramid-shaped device, which when hit will
lower or raise the water in the room. Hit it, then go back out and jump down
onto the dry floor. Head left, killing the sword Stalfos, and you'll come to a
puzzle with X's and O's. To solve it, you must use your hammer to flip all of
the blue X's on the floor into red X's. When your hammer strikes the ground,
it will flip the square it hit, along with all adjacent squares, including the
ones diagonal to it, unless you happen to be standing on one of these squares.
You can hit the square in the exact center to flip all of the squares at once,
solving the puzzle. Head through the open door to the south, then up the
stairs and catapult yourself onto the ledge above. Now use your bow to shoot
the pyramid switch to the southeast, raising the water again. Run across the
bridge, then head to the right and stand on the middle square of the puzzle and
smash your hammer on the exact center to switch all of the squares to O's. Now
go right and across the bridge, then head to the left and use your bow to hit
the pyramid switch to the west, lowering the water once more. Jump down the
cliff and proceed downstairs.
Here you'll come to another X's and O's puzzle, this one starting out with an
alternating pattern. Again, you'll need to switch each of the squares to O's
in order to continue. Here is the simplest solution to the puzzle that I
could find (6 steps):

| | | | | | |
|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_1_|_2_|
| |X|O|X|X| |
|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_3_|
| |O|X|O|X| |
|_4_|_ _|_ _|_S_|_ _|_ _|
| |X|O|X|O| |
|_ _|_5_|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ _|
| | | | | | |
|_ _|_ _|_6_|_ _|_ _|_ _|

The letters on the top of the squares indicate which letter the puzzle started
at (the outside are blank squares outside the puzzle), and the numbers at the
bottom are the order in which to hit them. The S is where I stood to do this,
but it doesn't matter as long as you don't stand on any of the squares that
need to be flipped. Once you've completed the puzzle, head across the bridge
and up the stairs. Once there, head to the right, and you'll see another
puzzle on a ledge, with a sign in front of it. This puzzle can't be hit, it's
merely the solution to another puzzle ahead. Once you have the solution,
catapult yourself up two ledges, then stand on the grey square and use your
Boomerang to turn the blue arrow shooter to the east to face due south. Now
shoot an arrow into it, raising the water on the floor. Go across the bridge
to find the X's and O's puzzle that you saw the solution to earlier:
______ ______
|O|X|O| |X|O|O|
|_ _|_ _|_ _| |_ _|_ _|_ _|
|O|X|X| |O|O|X|
|_ _|_ _|_ _| |_ _|_ _|_ _|
|X|O|O| |X|O|X|
|_ _|_ _|_ _| |_ _|_ _|_ _|

The puzzle on the left shows how the actual puzzle starts, and the puzzle on
the right shows the solution. The easiest way to solve the puzzle is to first
hit the center square, flipping all of the squares in the puzzle. Then, stand
on the center square and hit the bottom left square and the square to the right
of the top right puzzle square. Here's the solution:

| | |# #| | |
|_ _|_ _|_#_|_ _|_ _|
| |O|X|O| |
|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_3_|
| |O|X|X| |
|_ _|_ _|_1_|_ _|_ _|
| |X|O|O| |
|_ _|_2_|_ _|_ _|_ _|
| | | | | |
|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ _|_ _|

Again, the letters indicate how the puzzle starts, and the numbers are the
order to hit. The #'s indicate a stone tablet positioned where you cannot hit
with your hammer. MAKE SURE you're standing on the center square when you hit
the 2nd square or the center square will be flipped as well, messing up the
solution. Once you've solved the puzzle, a door will open to the west. Shoot
an arrow into the arrow shooter to lower the water, then jump down and launch
yourself onto the first platform and go up the stairs. Jump off the small
ledge, then head left and defeat the sword Stalfos. Grab the chest in the
corner for a Big Green Rupee, then head back up and push the boulder all the
way left onto the feet of the hammer launcher. Go up the stairs and push the
boulder to the right, destroying the one in your way. Continue through, grab
the chest down the stairs for a small key, then head back up and launch
yourself onto the next ledge. Go all the way to the right and jump down, then
go up the stairs and around through the locked door. Continue down the stairs
and to the left, then launch the boulder up to the next ledge. Throw yourself
up as well, then launch the boulder again before going up the stairs. Catapult
the boulder again, then up another stairs for a final launch. Once the boulder
is all the way at the top, fling yourself up and push the boulder to the left,
destroying another boulder in the way. Go through and up, grabbing the Boss
Key from the chest. Once you have the key, head back down the stairs and jump
off the ledge to the south. Go around and to the left, then head down the
stairs. Here, you can either set the Boss Key down at the entrance and step on
the moving block to clear the Stalfos first and come back to the key later, or
you can just carry it with you to the other side. Once you and the key are
safely back on land, toss the Boss Key into the large keyhole, then continue in
and launch yourself all the way to the top, then go down the stairs. Jump off
the ledge and go north, read the stone tablet to open the blue portal back to
the entrance, break the jars for hearts if you need them, then head north to
face the boss.

/\ /\
/__\ BOSS: Eox, Ancient Stone Soldier [0534] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

This boss is perhaps my favorite in the entire game. He starts out as a pile
of rubble that rises from the ground and starts attacking you. He has two main
attacks: first, he will shoot arrows out from his neck that will do half a
heart of damage if it hits you. Just run around in a wide circle around him to
avoid this attack. His second, stonger is attack is slamming his fist at you,
doing an entire heart's worth of damage if it connects. He will usually do
this right after you've hit him, so just run to avoid. To defeat him, you must
first launch yourself upward and use the Hammer to hit the large buttons on the
different sections of his body. After about four hits, the corresponding body
part will crumble. To easily reach the parts on his back, you can wait for him
to face you and then run through his legs, confusing him for a bit while you
swing away. Once all of his strong outer shell is destroyed, four red buttons
will appear on his front. You must launch yourself up and hit all four
buttons at once, causing him to crumble to the ground, leaving only his head

This guy does not admit defeat so easily, however - even though his entire body
is crumbled to nothingness, he will continue to bounce around on his head,
pelting you with arrows. Just launch yourself upward onto the top of his head
and start swinging away at the large crystal there. When he starts to shake,
quickly jump off or you will be slung violently off of his head. Repeat this
process and Eox will finally go down for good.
After you've defeated Eox, he will explode into a million grains of sand,
giving you another two minutes for your Phantom Hourglass. A chest with a
Heart Container will appear, and the stairs leading down will open. Grab the
Heart Container, then head down the stairs. On the bottom, go all the way
around and up to talk to King Mutoh himself, who will thank you for destroying
the monster and give you the last Pure Metal, the Aquanine, as a token of
thanks. Grab the Aqauanine, then step into the blue portal to return to the

/\ /\
/__\ Forging the Sword [0535] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

Back outside, instead of heading down the stairs, step onto the ledge just to
the left and jump diagonally to reach the side of the temple. Head around, and
grab a Big Red Rupee from the chest nearby. Keep going around and you'll reach
a small platform. Jump on it and then jump across to the right and go south
for another chest containing a Courage Gem. Head back up and around the
temple, then go south and into a room with a bunch of rupees. Grab them, then
head up the stairs and continue west across the bridge as far as you can. Jump
down and go south, avoiding the rolling boulder, and continue on until you come
to another section of the island. Defeat the Stalfos, then head up the stairs
and push the boulder once to the right and then down, destroying another large
boulder in the way. Go across the bridge and then down and up the stairs,
go across the bridge and continue left until you're just above a cave entrance,
then jump down and return to your ship.

The Great Sea

Now that you have all three Pure Metals, it's time to take them back to Zauz
to have the Phantom Sword forged. Chart a course for the Southeastern Sea,
then to the Southwestern Sea, then the Northwestern Sea, and finally to Zauz's

Zauz's Island

When you first reach Zauz's Island, stop by the postbox for a letter from Aroo,
the penguin-monster you rescued earlier. He'll give you a Wisdom Gem as thanks
for rescuing his identity. After that, head up the stairs and use the
Grappling Hook to reach a chest to the right for another Wisdom Gem. Once you
have it, jump back down and look for four stone squares (not tablets) on the
ground around the island, two in the east and two in the west. Mark each of
them on your map, then draw a line through the two east stones and the two west
stones, then extend each of them to the south and dig where they intersect for
a treasure map. After you have both the gem and the map, head into Zauz's
house. Talk to him and hand over the Pure Metals and he will offer to forge
the sword for you, but it will take him some time. For now, go back out and
back to the postbox for a letter from Jolene, who challenges you to one final
epic duel between pirates. You've nothing better to do while you wait, so head
out to sea to find her.
The Great Sea

Back out at sea, you should see Jolene's ship somewhere on your map. Begin
sailing in her general direction until you meet her at last, then allow her
to board. Down below deck, defeat her the same way you always do, except this
time when you knock away her sword once, she'll run and grab it again. Strike
her once more, and she will lose her sword again and finally admit defeat.
She'll have one last word for you and Linebeck (in the box as usual) before
storming off of the ship again. Talk to Linebeck, who will finally reveal a
small portion of his history with Jolene. Afterward, head back above deck and
set sail for Zauz's Island again.

Zauz's Island

Back on Zauz's Island, walk into his hut and talk to him just as he's finishing
the last touches on the blade. Perfect timing. Take the blade, which doesn't
yet have a hilt, so you'll have to find one somewhere. Zauz will instruct you
to take the sword to the Ocean King (Oshus), who will then add the Sand of
Hours, giving the sword the ability to control time. Head back to your ship
and set sail for the Southwestern Sea, then back to Mercay Island.

Mercay Island

Once you reach Mercay, head for Oshus's house. Talk to the old man, and he
will combine the blade forged from the three Pure Metals with the Phantom
Hourglass to create the ultimate weapon: The Phantom Sword! Now that you have
the sacred blade, the time has come to descend to the ultimate depths of the
Temple of the Ocean King and slay Bellum, returning the land to peace, and
above all, restoring Tetra to normal. Head back to the temple once more to

/\ /\
/__\ Temple of the Ocean King 6: [0536] /__\
/\ /\ The Final Descent /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

This time around, the Temple of the Ocean King will be a lot easier: not only
do you have more sand (and thus more time), but you also have the Phantom
Sword, which gives you the power to defeat Phantoms. To do so, you have to
strike them in the back, so your best option is to lure them near a safe zone,
then wait for them to turn around and attack. One slice from the Phantom Sword
will bring them down. They will still one-shot you if you get hit, so beware.
For each floor that you clear all of the Phantoms and Phantom Eyes (if there
are any), you will be rewarded with various Ship Parts, Treasures, etc. For
this portion of the guide, I will only be listing from the 6th floor down,
through the gold portal. If you would like a complete detailed walkthrough of
the entire temple (with the Phantom Sword), see the Temple of the Ocean King
Walkthrough section below. With that said, step into the gold portal to begin.

Head down the stairs to reach the 7th floor, then step onto the moving platform
and head north to the safe zone. Use your Boomerang to grab the 30 seconds
from the jar to the right, then continue left onto the ringing floor. Go south
and defeat the Swift Phantom patroling there, then head downstairs. Once
there, immediately strike the Swift Phantom at the entrance to defeat it. Now
go north, defeating the Blue Phantom and grab the 30 seconds from the jar in
the northwest corner. Go back south and across the invisible bridge to the
other side, then head north and defeat another Swift Phantom, causing a chest
to appear nearby. Grab the chest for a Ship Part, then send a Bombchu through
the hole in the wall to the left, opening the door to the north. Now go back
to the stairs to the south and head down.

Back on the floor above, first head to the right and defeat the stationary
Phantom. Then, go back to the safe zone and wait for the Swift Phantom to
patrol around to the south, then quickly run and strike when it turns around,
causing a chest to appear in the northwest corner once you've defeated all
three Phantoms. Go back down the stairs and across the invisible bridge, then
back up the stairs to the south. Grab the chest in the corner for another Ship
Part, then head right. Cross onto the safe zone, then grapple onto the chest
and grab the round crystal inside. Carry the crystal across to the other side,
then take it all the way back to the southeast stairs and go down. Once you
reach the next floor, carry the crystal all the way to the north door, and
proceed down again. Drop the crystal at the entrance, then defeat the two Poes
in the northeast and southeast corners. Defeat the Swift Phantom carrying the
square crystal, then head around and take out the remaining two ghosts. Grab
the chest in the corner for a Ship Part. Carry the square crystal to the
pedastal in the northwest corner, dropping the flames, then head up the stairs.
Walk onto the ledge and Boomerang the 30 seconds from the jar to the south,
then jump back down and head downstairs again. Grab the triangle crystal from
the chest, then carry all three crystals and place them on their pedastals in
this order: square, circle, then triangle. Now head through the door, grab the
30 seconds from the jar in the corner, then head back out onto the 10th floor.

From the entrance, head right first, using your Grappling Hook to climb up onto
the nearby ledge. Wait for the Phantom patroling the right hallway to pass
north of the spikes, then crush him with the boulder. Go back to the left and
send a Bombchu through the hole in the wall to hit the switch. Now go all the
way to the left onto the next platform and roll the boulder to crush the
Phantom holding the key. Once both Phantoms are defeated, a chest will appear
on one of the safe zones inside. Run down and grab the key, then continue
south and use your Hammer to smash the rusty switch in the corner, revealing a
large chest on one of the other safe zones. Head to the right and grapple
across the large pit into the safe zone. Bomb the wall to the right, then head
through and defeat the first Phantom Eye. Continue around and defeat the
second Phantom Eye, then grab the small chest in the safe zone for a Big Green
Rupee. Afterward, head south again and hit the switch to lower a set of
spikes, then head down and right for a 30 second time jar. Go back up again
and through the spikes, grabbing the Treasure Map from the chest. Defeat the
last Phantom Eye to reveal the large chest that you could not reach earlier.
Go back around and through the spikes, then continue down through the bombed
wall and climb up onto the pole in the safe zone. Grapple onto the chest, then
grab the Big Green Rupee inside. Now jump down to the right, then head through
the locked door and down the stairs.

Once you reach the next floor, start out by heading left to defeat the Gold
Phantom there. Grab the 30 seconds from the jar to the left, then head back
to the entrance. Defeat the Phantom Eye near there, then head east to defeat
another Phantom Eye. Now, take out the second Gold Phantom however you choose,
revealing a chest in the southwest corner of the room. Head there and grab the
chest for a Big Red Rupee, then go back up and defeat the last two Phantom
Eyes, revealing a large chest in the northeast corner. Grab the chest for a
Dark Pearl Loop, then proceed to the easternmost stairs and down.

On the floor below, start out by launching yourself up out of the small room
via the hammer device. Take out the Gold Phantom patroling the large room
nearby, then take the Force Gem to the safe zone to the north. Now go back
to the right and defeat the Phantom Eye patorling the nearby corridor. Once
it's defeated, launch yourself back up into the safe area to the north. Hit
the switch, then quickly launch yourself over the wall and run around to grab
the Treasure Chart inside the chest. Run to the north and grab the Force Gem
inside the small chest, then defeat the Swift Phantom that appears nearby. Go
down and to the left and you can use your Hammer to create a shortcut back to
the north safe zone. Once the Force Gem is at the safe zone, run around to the
west and grab the third Force Gem from the chest. Defeat the stationary
Phantom that appears, revealing a chest in the center of the large room. Now
take the Force Gem to the north safe zone, grab the chest for a Big Gold Rupee,
then place all three Force Gems on their pedastals to open the door. Go
through and down the stairs.

Once downstairs, three Phantoms will appear in the middle of the room. Start
out by running to the left for a 30 second jar if you need time, then run to
the right and pick up (not destroy) the red jar there. Carry it down the
stairs, then break it to create a safe zone. Now, lure the three Phantoms to
you, then strike them when they turn around. After you defeat all three, stay
in your safe zone, because three Swift Phantoms will then appear. Use this
same method to defeat all of them, and three Gold Phantoms will appear. Once
you've defeated all of the Phantoms, a large door will open, leading you into
yet another section of the temple. Enter, and you'll come to a safe room with
a long bridge leading you across the water. Head across the bridge and an
earthquake will shake the room, dropping the bridge into the water. A blue
portal will appear to the left taking you back to the entrance of the temple,
should you decide to wimp out now. If you're ready to continue, proceed up the
long flight of stairs ahead to face your final opponent: Bellum.

/\ /\
/__\ BOSS: Bellum, Evil Phantom [0537] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

At long last you face Bellum, the ultimate Boss of Phantom Hourglass. When you
enter the room, Bellum will drop into the purple water below him, and only his
large mouth will be seen, covered in purple slime. He will attack you by
shooting purple balls of goo that will cause a quarter heart of damage if they
hit you, and create small eyeball monsters if they hit the ground. They do
half a heart of damage to you, but you can defeat them with your sword. Start
off by using your Grappling hook to remove the slime from his body, then use it
again to pull him toward you and start slashing away with your sword. He will
eventually move to a different edge of the pool - just use your Grappling Hook
again to pull him back to you. After a few slices, Bellum will sink back into
the pool and then leap up out of the water and attack itself to the next level.
Run around and up the stairs to the section he is attached to.

Here, Bellum will attack you by using his large tentacles to swipe at you. If
you are hit by one of them, you will lose half a heart. He also continues to
shoot the purple eye monsters to attack you, so watch out for those as well.
From here, you must shoot an arrow into each of the eyes on his tentacles,
aiming for the one across from where you stand. Once you've hit all five eyes,
Bellum will drop down into the water below. Repeat the process using your
Grappling Hook as before, only this time Bellum will shoot three balls of
purple goo at you at once, as well as have more slime covering his body. Once
you've hacked at him some more, he will jump up onto the second floor again.
Follow him up, and repeat the Bow method, watching out for when his eyes open
and close this time. After you've hit three of the eyes, Bellum will jump up
and slap at you with all five of his tentacles. Just run to avoid this. Hit
the other two eyes and Bellum will jump up to the third floor. Run after him
and defeat him as before, but watch out for when Bellum shoots three balls of
goo at once, sending three eyeball monsters to surround you. You can take them
all out at once with a Spin Attack when they land. After you've shot two and
then four of the eyes, Bellum will slap you with all five tentacles again, then
once you've hit the fifth eye, he will jump up and spit out a strange ball of
light. It will then fuse with Ciela, restoring her true power. She will now
be able to create Phantom Spheres which you can use to stop time.

Run all the way back down to the bottom to find Bellum flying around in
circles. Ciela will create a Phantom Sphere, which you can pick up and use to
stop time. To do so, once you have the Sphere tap the hourglass icon and draw
a figure eight on the screen. This will turn all of the environment, including
Bellum himself gray, allowing you to move around and slash away at Bellum.
Once you've used the Phantom Sphere, you'll have to wait for Ciela to create a
new one, so just dodge Bellum's attacks until it's ready. Grab it and repeat
the process above until Bellum goes down, dropping into the water. The ceiling
will then collapse, and a large pillar will fall down onto Link, but just
before you are crushed to death, a mysterious blue sphere will appear around
you, carrying you back to Linebeck's ship. There, you will fine Linebeck and
Oshus, whose power was restored just enough to teleport you to the ship. Tetra
will then begin to glow, and return to normal at last. She will thank you,
Ciela and even Linebeck for returning her to her human form again... but just
as you are about to grab Tetra's hand, Bellum suddenly reappears and grabs
Tetra and pulls her out of the ship! Up above deck, you'll see Bellum, with
Tetra in arms, fuse with the Ghost Ship! You've no choice but to chase him
down... it's time for a naval battle!

/\ /\
/__\ BOSS: Bellum, Possessed Ghost Ship [0538] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

This Bellum is, in my opinion, perhaps the most difficult form to defeat,
depending on how many hearts your ship has (see the Ship Part section to learn
how to get more). You'll start out with the Ghost Ship sprouting purple eyes
all around it. Linebeck will control the ship while you man the cannon. The
eyes will attack you with more purple balls of slime, so you'll have to blast
them away when they come near you. Some of them will give you hearts for your
ship, though, so focus on them when your health is low. Occasionally, the ship
will fire a torpedo-like weapon at you, so jump when it gets close to avoid it.
Focus your fire on the eyes of the ship, watching out for the attacks in the
process. When you hit one of the eyes, it will disappear for a bit, preventing
you from hitting the same one over and over. Keep blasting away until all of
them are defeated, and the ship will stop, allowing you to board. Linebeck
will then ask if you would like to save before heading on - if you do you will
return to this portion of the battle after defeating Bellum and restarting; if
not, you will return to your last save after beating the game. Make your
choice and head on board.

Once on the ship, you'll find Tetra, who will immediately be picked up by
Bellum. He'll carry him into the sky, and then a large part of the ship will
crash onto your ship, crushing it along with Oshus. Poor old geezer, he had it
coming to him. Bellum will then grab you and relieve you of your Phantom
Sword, leaving you defenseless. When all hope is lost, and it seems you'll be
squeezed to death, suddenly Linebeck makes his stand and stabs Bellum with the
Phantom Sword! Didn't see that one coming... Afterward, Bellum will drop you
and Tetra and then focus his attention on Linebeck. He'll wrap his entire body
around him, fusing himself with Linebeck, creating a massive Super Phantom
form of himself. Time to get to work on him.

/\ /\
/__\ BOSS: Bellum, Linebeck Possessed Phantom [0539] /__\
/\ /\ /\ /\
/__\/__\ /__\/__\

This is the third and final form of Bellum, in which he takes the shape of a
giant Phantom while possessing Linebeck. Linebeck, however, isn't evil, so you
have to focus your attacks on the eye on his back, the only truly evil part of
him. Ciela will again create Phantom Spheres, allowing you to freeze time and
run around to strike Bellum's eye. The first time you do this, however, his
eye will be closed, protecting him completely. Ciela will then put the view of
his back on the top screen, allowing you to see when his eye is open or closed.
Bellum will then grab Ciela, trapping her along with her power, making her
unable to create Phantom Spheres. Your only choice is to release Bellum's hold
on her to free her powers.

Start out by attacking Bellum head-on with your sword. After a few swings, you
and Bellum will enter a chance, just as you did with Jolene. Rub your stylus
quickly across the screen to push Bellum back, then attack once more with your
sword. This will release Ciela from Bellum's hold just enough to create a
Phantom Sphere. Grab it, then draw a figure eight on the screen while Bellum's
eye is open, then run around and start slicing. You can also carry more than
one Phantom Sphere, so if you keep attacking Bellum head-on you can get more
Phantom Spheres and use them all at once. Further into the battle, Bellum will
begin to sidestep after you attack him the first time. Jump to the side to
avoid his attack, then quickly jump back in and attack. About halfway through
the battle, Bellum will also come at you with a large spinning whirlwind
attack. When he uses this attack, quickly spin attack just before Bellum hits
you to enter a chance, then defeat as normal. Keep repeating this process and
Bellum will release his hold on Linebeck, then fly up and explode into a
million grains of sand and get absorbed into your Phantom Sword.
Congratulations, you have now successfully completed The Legend of Zelda:
Phantom Hourglass. I'll let you enjoy the ending on your own. :)

6. Items [0600]
Item: Oshus's Sword

Description: The sword you receive just after waking up on Mercay Island at the
start of the game. Slide the stylus on the screen or tap an enemy to wield it.

Location: Oshus's Storehouse

Item: Wooden Shield

Description: Use this shield to defend against light attacks. Just stand to

Locaton: Various Shops

Item: Boomerang

Description: Draw a path on your screen for the Boomerang to follow. Useful
for hitting switches and killing/stunning certain enemies.

Location: Temple of Fire

Item: Bombs

Description: Pull out a bomb to carry it unlit around, then touch the screen
near you to set it down, or far away to throw it. Useful for destroying walls.
Your standard Bomb Bag holds 10 Bombs.

Location: Temple of Wind

Item: Shovel

Description: One of the non-combat items. Use your Shovel to dig around in
suspicious-looking dirt and other areas to uncover treasure or secret caves.

Location: Molida Island

Item: Bow

Description: Pull out the bow and touch the screen to look around, then release
to shoot. Useful for hitting switches and damaging certain enemies. Your
standard Quiver holds 20 Arrows.

Location: Temple of Courage

Item: Bombchu

Description: Draw a path on your screen for the Bombchu to follow. Useful for
hitting switches inside holes in the wall.
Location: Goron Temple

Item: Grappling Hook

Description: Use the Grappling Hook to latch on to certain poles and chests.
Connect two poles to form a tightrope that you can use to walk across or sling
yourself onto distant ledges. You can also use it to pull jars and other light
items towards you.

Location: Temple of Ice

Item: Hammer

Description: Swing the Hammer to hit rusty switches and damage nearby enemies.
Can be used at range.

Location: Mutoh's Temple

Item: Phantom Sword

Description: The legendary blade forged from the three Pure Metals and the Sand of Hours. It is the only weapon that can
slay Bellum.

Location: Zauz's Island and Mercay Island after obtaining all three Pure Metals

Potions [0602]

This will list all of the potions you can find in the game in order from
weakest to strongest. You can only carry two potions at once.

Red Potion

Description: Use this potion to immediately restore six hearts.

Location: Temple of the Ocean King, Various Shops

Blue Potion

Description: Use this potion to immediately restore eight hearts.

Location: Various Shops

Gold Potion
Description: Use this potion to immediately restore all of your hearts.

Location: Temple of the Ocean King, Various Shops

Collection Items [0603]

This will list all of the collectible items you can obtain that cannot be used
or equipped.

Item: Sun Key

Description: Use this key to gain entrance into the Temple of Courage on Molida

Location: Ocean Floor

Item: Ghost Key

Description: Use this key to gain entrance to the room where Tetra is being
held on the Ghost Ship.

Location: Ghost Ship (after defeating the Diabolical Cubus Sisters)

Item: King's Key

Description: Use this key to resurrect the ancient Cobble Kingdom, allowing
passage into Mutoh's Temple.

Location: Dolyan's Temple, Isle of Ruins

Item: Regal Neckalce

Description: Use this necklace to safely proceed past the whirlwind guarding
the Isle of Ruins.

Location: Isle of the Dead

Treasures [0604]

This will list all of the Treasures you will find from the story, various
islands, shops, etc., along with a description.

Item: Pink Coral
Description: Coral, polished to a shine. It's an object to be admired!

Location: Everywhere

Item: Pearl Neckalce

Description: Pure white pearls, strung together into a stunning necklace.

Location: Everywhere

Item: Dark Pearl Necklace

Description: Rare dark pearls, strung into a jaw-dropping necklace.

Location: Everywhere

Item: Zora Scale

Description: It's said that a Zora dropped this rare and sparkling scale!

Location: Everywhere

Item: Goron Amber

Description: This tasty Goron treat is valuable because it contains a bug!

Location: Everywhere

Item: Ruto Crown

Description: Some say this regal crown was worn by a princess of Zora.

Location: Everywhere

Item: Helmaroc Plume

Description: This flamboyant feather was dropped by a Helmaroc Bird.

Location: Everywhere

Item: Regal Ring

Description: A princely ring handed down among royal generations.

Location: Everywhere

7. Heart Containers [0700]

Unlike most other Zelda games, which have the standard Heart Containers earned mostly from bosses along with Pieces of
Heart, which combine four or five pieces to form a new Heart Container, Phantom Hourglass only uses the standard Heart
Containers. There are 13 Heart Containers in all, plus the three you begin with to equal 16 Hearts total.

Heart Container #1: Defeat Blaaz, Boss of the Temple of Fire.

Heart Container #2: Defeat Cyclok, Boss of the Temple of Wind.

Heart Container #3: Defeat Crayk, Boss of the Temple of Courage.

Heart Container #4: Defeat Diabolical Cubus Siters, Boss of the Ghost Ship.

Heart Container #5: Defeat Dongorongo, Boss of the Goron Temple.

Heart Container #6: Defeat Gleeok, Boss of the Ice Temple.

Heart Container #7: Defeat Eox, Boss of Mutoh's Temple.

Heart Container #8: Earn at least 2000 points at the Shooting Gallery on
Molida Island.

Heart Container #9: Buy from the Masked Beedle's Ship Shop for 1500 Rupees

Heart Container #10: Complete the Expert Level of Maze Island

Heart Container #11: Fish for and catch a Loovar, Rusty Swordfish, and
Neptoona for the Old Wayfarer at Banaan Island.

Heart Container #12: Hit the man in the Traveler's Ship in the Northwestern
sea with your sword 100 times.

Heart Container #13: After you have the Bombchus, go to any of the shops on
islands (Mercay Island, Goron Island, etc.) and buy the
Big Bombchu Bag for 1000 Rupees. Go back out and in
and they will have another Heart Container for sale for
2000 Rupees. Note: you must first purchase the Power
Gem and the Quiver upgrade before you can purchase the Big
Bombchu Bag.

8. Spirit Gems [0800]

Ah, Spirit Gems. Perhaps THE ultimate sidequest of Phantom Hourglass, much
like the Gold Skulltulas of OoT or the Nintendo Gallery of WW... but on a
slightly smaller scale. There are 60 Spirit Gems in all, 20 of each type,
Power, Wisdom, and Courage (the three forces of the Triforce, for those of you not in the know). Collecting all of them can
be a pain (trust me, I would know), but for this you will actually be rewarded - you can turn in the Spirit Gems on Spirit
Island, an uncharted island in the Southwestern Sea between three small rocks south of Molida Island. For turning in 10
spirit gems, you will power up the respective spirit, giving you new abilities as well. The same will happen when you turn in all
20, only more powerful. However, you can only have one special upgraded spirit equipped at a time. Check each section to
see the individual spirit's effects.
Power Gems [0801]

Here I will list the locations of each of the 20 Power Gems. For turning in 10 Power Gems on Spirit Island, the Spirit of
Power will grow in strength. Also, your sword will have a fire aura around it, giving it a cool glow and doubling your strength.
For turning in 20 Power Gems, the Spirit of Power will reach its full potential, and your sword will become completely aflame,
tripling your strength. (Still need confirmation of the exact values here.)

Power Gem #1: Isle of Ember - Talk to Astrid after completing the Temple of
Fire for a Power Gem

Power Gem #2: Cannon Island - Inside the cave, behind a rock wall

Power Gem #3: Isle of Gust - On a platform near the northwest corner, dig up
a jetstream to reach the platform

Power Gem #4: Temple of Wind B2 - On the floor with the sand worms, all the way
on the west side of the room

Power Gem #5: Mercay Island - Talk to Oshus after completing the Temple of Wind

Power Gem #6: Mercay Island - Inside the cave near the Temple of the Ocean King
(Need Bombs)

Power Gem #7: Temple of the Ocean King B4 - Defeat all of the Phantom Eyes

Power Gem #8: Temple of Courage 1F - Behind a rock wall between two stone

Power Gem #9: Temple of Courage 2F - In the large room with moving blocks,
shoot the eyes on the north wall to reveal a chest

Power Gem #10: Temple of the Ocean King B3 - Shoot the eye from on top of the
platform with the switches and run to the chest (Need Bow)

Power Gem #11: Temple of the Ocean King B5 - Stand on the pole near the
northeast corner and hit the switch with your Boomerang, then
turn to the chest

Power Gem #12: Goron Island - In the north maze after you've completed the
Goron Initiation

Power Gem #13: Isle of Frost - On a ledge outside the Temple of Frost (Need
Grappling Hook)

Power Gem #14: Spirit Island - Grapple onto a pole to the east and go around
to a chest with a Power Gem (Need Grappling Hook)

Power Gem #15: Bannan Island - Grapple onto the chest to the south (Need
Grappling Hook)

Power Gem #16: Molida Island - Inside the cave, run across the ledges and
grapple onto a chest from the last ledge (Need Grappling Hook)

Power Gem #17: Isle of the Dead - Inside the hole 13 west and 7 north of the
sacred tree
Power Gem #18: Isle of Ruins - After resurrecting the Cobble Kingdom, in the
northeast corner of the southwest maze

Power Gem #19: You'll get a Power Gem in the mail from Mutoh after defeating
Mutoh's Temple

Power Gem #20: Buy a Power Gem from any island shop for 500 Rupees

Wisdom Gems [0802]

Here I will list the locations of each of the 20 Wisdom Gems. For turning in
10 Wisdom Gems on Spirit Island, the Spirit of Wisdom will grow in strength.
Also, your shield power will increase, allowing you to stun some enemies by
hitting them with your shield. You will also take half the damage you would
normally take. For turning in 20 Wisdom Gems, the Spirit of Wisdom will reach
its full potential, and the previous effect will become stronger, though I'm
not sure at the moment by just how much.

Wisdom Gem #1: Isle of Gust - Inside the cave with several Miniblins leading to
the Temple of Wind

Wisdom Gem #2: Molida Island - Inside a secret cave after you've gone through
the Sun Door, dig to the left of the stairs outside

Wisdom Gem #3: Temple of the Ocean King B9 - Defeat all of the ghosts to reveal
a chest containing a Wisdom Gem

Wisdom Gem #4: Goron Island - Complete the Goron Initiation

Wisdom Gem #5: Temple of Ice 3F - All the way in the left side of the room,
behind the blue blocks

Wisdom Gem #6: Temple of Ice B1 - Behind a locked door in the northeast corner
of the room

Wisdom Gem #7: Isle of Frost - On the main part of the island, head up a flight
of stairs on the western side of the village and grapple onto
the chest to the north (Need Grappling Hook)

Wisdom Gem #8: Isle of Ruins - Near the center of the island, just north of
Max's Temple, roll a boulder to destroy another boulder, then
go across the bridge and to the north for a chest

Wisdom Gem #9: Receive a Wisdom Gem in the mail from Aroo after defeating the
Temple of Ice

Wisdom Gem #10: Zauz's Island - Grapple onto a chest up the stairs leading to
Zauz's Hut

Wisdom Gem #11: Receive a Wisdom Gem in the mail from Salvatore after beating
the Cannon Game on Bannan Island

Wisdom Gem #12: Temple of Courage B1 - On the northeast platform, turn the
arrow shooter north and fire an arrow to hit an eye on the wall
to reveal a chest
Wisdom Gem #13: Maze Island - Complete Maze Island on Beginner

Wisdom Gem #14: Maze Island - Bomb the wall near the east side of the island

Wisdom Gem #15: Temple of the Ocean King B2 - Send a Bombchu through the hole
in the northwest corner to hit a switch

Wisdom Gem #16: Bannan Island - Deliver Jolene's letter to Joanne

Wisdom Gem #17: Isle of Ember - Talk to Astrid after rescuing the Spirit of

Wisdom Gem #18: Mercay Island - Inside a chest just to the east of the man with
the guitar

Wisdom Gem #19: Isle of Ruins - Inside the cave to the southeast of the
northwest temple

Wisdom Gem #20: Purchase a Courage Gem from Beedle for 500 Rupees

Courage Gems [0803]

Here I will list the locations of each of the 20 Courage Gems. For turning in 10 Courage Gems on Spirit Island, the Spirit of
Courage will grow in strength. You will also be able to shoot bolts of light out of your sword just by swinging it, though this
doesn't work for targeted attacks. For turning in 20 Courage Gems, the Spirit of Courage will reach its full potential, and
the previous effect will become stronger, though I'm not sure at the moment by just how much.

Courage Gem #1: Isle of Gust - Behind a bombable wall near the start of the

Courage Gem #2: Receive a Courage Gem in the mail from Gongoron after defeating
the Goron Temple

Courage Gem #3: Isle of the Dead - Inside the first cave, near the end, there
is a secret bombable wall near the end full of Rupoors with a
Courage Gem inside a chest at the end

Courage Gem #4: Mutoh's Temple B2 - In the far southwest corner, after riding
the moving blocks across the large pit

Courage Gem #5: Isle of Ruins - After leaving Mutoh's Temple, jump onto the
ledge to the northwest and continue around the temple to the
east to find a chest

Courage Gem #6: Bannan Island - Behind the Cannon Game stand, grapple onto the
chest to the north (Need Grappling Hook)

Courage Gem #7: Purchase a Courage Gem from the Masked Beedle Shop Ship for 500

Courage Gem #8: Spirit Island - Inside the chest just east of the dock

Courage Gem #9: Molida Island - Just west of the Temple of Courage, create a
tightrope to the northwest island (Need Grappling Hook)
Courage Gem #10: Goron Island - Go around to the young goron who asked you to
defeat the monsters on the cliff and grapple onto the rock to
the southwest (Need Grappling Hook)

Courage Gem #11: Dee Ess Island - Defeat the two eye monsters on the top screen

Courage Gem #12: Temple of Wind B1 - Near the southeast corner, ride the wind
gusts to reach a nearby chest

Courage Gem #13: Temple of Courage 3F - Bomb the wall north of the stairs

Courage Gem #14: Uncharted Island - Inside the cave, grapple onto the chest in
the southeast corner of the room (Need Grappling Hook)

Courage Gem #15: Temple of the Ocean King B1 - Create a tightrope to the left
of the entrance, then walk across and shoot the eye

Courage Gem #16: Mercay Island - Inside the cave leading to the man with the
guitar, go halfway across the bridge and shoot the switch to
the south, revealing a chest

Courage Gem #17: Temple of the Ocean King B8 - Place the Triangle Crystal on
the pedastal, then walk across the invisible floor to the
northwest to reach the chest

Courage Gem #18: You get a Courage Gem from Linebeck's Ship after being boarded
by pirates

Courage Gem #19: Dee Ess Island - Dig in the southwest corner of the bottom

Courage Gem #20: Isle of Ember - Grapple onto the chest on the small island to
the north

Parts [0902]

~ Prows ~

Passable Prow - An average prow that came equipped on the S.S. Linebeck.

Bell Prow - This bell doesn't chime, but it gives the prow a nice look.

Drill Prow - Broken, and nobody in the world has the parts to fix it.

Mermaid Prow - The design was based on eyewitness accounts!

Log Prow - Made with waterproof lumber, so it's surprisingly valuable.

Demon Prow - A prow adorned with a scowling demon. Very... intense.

Tropical Prow - A prow made with swaying palm trees in mind. No coconuts.

Tourist Prow - A prow made for those looking for the romance of the sea!

Golden Prow - An extravagant piece of ship art made from a golden pot.

~ Anchors ~

Normal Anchor - The S.S. Linebeck came equipped with this average anchor.

Bell Anchor - A modern, bell-shaped anchor. Ironically, it doesn't ring.

Iron Anchor - An iron-spiked anchor that can secure a ship in any storm.

Ancient Anchor - An anchor shaped from the mold of an ancient statue.

Swim Ring - It is what it is... No one knows if it works as an anchor.

Sickle Anchor - An anchor made in the image of an evil sickle. Scary!

Shell Anchor - An anchor made from a shell. Girls go wild for it!

Weighty Anchor - A three-pronged anchor. No frills, but it gets the job done!

Gem Anchor - An anchor patterned after a gem. A sure hit with celebrities!

~ Hulls ~

Standard Hull - The original hull of the S.S. Linebeck. Nothing special.

Bright Hull - A midified hull from a standard ship with a fancy yellow spot.

Iron Hull - Looks strong and heavy. Too bad it's neither.

Stone Hull - A hull that looks like an ancient stronghold. The deck is so

Vintage Hull - A worn, rugged hull with a manly, burly style of its own.

Demon Ship - A scary ship said to ferry the foulest of evils.

Tropical Ship - A themed ship with the appeal of a private tropical oasis.

Dignified Ship - A hull with a very serious red and black paint scheme.

Golden Hull - A hull that delivers an experience in pure extravagance.

~ Cannons ~
Eddo's Cannon - A cannon bought from Eddo for the high price of 50 Rupees.

Artistic Cannon - A cannon with truly avant-garde design. Catches the eye!

Strong Cannon - It looks menacing and efficient. It's actually rather typical.

Ancient Cannon - A cannon surrounded with the glory of an ancient age.

Meager Cannon - Looks like it would shatter after a single fire, but it's

Fear Cannon - Some suspect it can fire cannonballs of pure malice.

Seapony Cannon - A cannon shaped like a seapony. This pony packs punch!

Red Cannon - Looks complex, but it's easy to use. The professional standard.

Golden Cannon - The perfectly designed cannon. Truly the gold standard!

~ Handrails ~

Simple Handrail - The handrail that came stock on Linebeck's ship.

Arch Handrail - It draws attention for its playful and ornate design.

Chain Handrail - A handrail forged with hefty chains so it won't break easily.

Pillar Handrail - Made from pillars of exotic ruins. It was recently


Worn Handrail - In dire need of repair, but its design adds a lot of flavor!

Spike Handrail - Made from monstrous horns. Actually not a handrail at all.

Wood Handrail - A very basic handrail. Sometimes the basics are best!

Utility Handrail - A handrail that works even in violently churning seas.

Golden Handrail - Note the elegant curve and design. A true masterpiece!

~ Bridges ~

Steady Bridge - The original bridge of Linebeck's ship. It's a common style.

Restful Cabin - Soothing design offers an escape from the stresses of battle.

Conning Tower - A bridge designed for those with battle on their minds.

Peaceful Bridge - With its templelike serenity, it offors peace and comfort.

Barrel Shack - A modest design for the environmentally conscious!

Demon Prison - A prison designed to cage the foulest villains!

Shell Apartment - Top creature comforts combined with the smell of ocean air.

Practical Bridge - Created for those who live their years on the high seas.

Golden Bridge - A golden interior fit for royalty. The bed is oh-so fluffy

~ Chimneys ~

Normal Chimney - The normal chimney that came with Linebeck's ship.

Elegant Chimney - A simple shape, but something about it is so enticing.

Parasol Chimney - A chimney made of iron. Caution: gets very hot when used!

Stone Chimney - A chimney once used by a bread baker. Smells fresh baked!

Strange Chimney - Looks a little like garbage, but that's its main appeal!

Demon Chimney - A chimney built for bubbling pots of white-hot magma.

Horn Chimney - An artistic chimney filled with rustic charm.

Tall Chimney - Towering over the horizon, all chimneys aspire to its glory.

Golden Chimney - A simple chimney, but its surfaces gleam mysteriously.

~ Wheels ~

Normal Wheel - The paddle that came stock on Linebeck's ship. It... works!

Paddling Wheel - A wheel with bent paddles. It steams your ship along!

Battle Wheel - A wheel rumored to have been made from a battleship screw.

Rock Wheel - A wheel some say was made from a giant's dinner plate.

Simple Wheel - The number of paddles was cut to four to simplify it.

Insect Wheel - A wheel made from the hollow shell of a red insect. Ewww!

Shell Wheel - Created from the shell of a huge snail. A mysterious design.

Red Wheel - A wheel with nothing special. That's what draws many to it.

Golden Wheel - An intricately carved wheel made by a brilliant artisan.

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