Army Quiz

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Cole Lovick

1. List the missing steps of the Troop Leading Procedures (TLPs):

a. Receive the Mission

b. Issue a Warning order

c. Make a Tentative Plan

d. Initiate Troop Movement

e. conduct reconnaissance

f. Complete the Plan Issue

g. issue the operations order

h. supervise and refine

2. TLPs are applied at the Battalion level and below. False

3. All steps of the TLP process must be done in order. True

4. List the missing steps for the acronym METT-TC.

Mission, Enemy, Terrain and weather, Troops Available, Time Available,Civilian

5. What do we apply the acronym OAKOC to assess and analyze?

The effects of terrain and weather are analyzed by apply observations and fields for fire,
avenues of approach, keys and decisive terrain, obstacles, cover and concealment
6. ASCOPE is used to analyze what planning consideration?
Civilian considerations are analyzed by area, structures, capabilities, organizations,
people, and events
7. What rule is applied for time management during mission preparation?
One-Third, Two- Thirds Rule

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