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Lesson plan



Year Level: ONE Time: 9.00 Date: 16.03.17 Students Prior Knowledge:

Learning Area: English, Science, Technologies

Strand & Content Description(s) from the Australian


Rotation One: Biological sciences: Living things grow, change

and have similar offspring to themselves (ACSSU030)

Rotation Two: Science Inquiry Skills (planning and conducting):

Participate in guided investigations to explore and answer
questions (ACSIS025)

Rotation Three: Recreate texts imaginatively using drawing,

writing, performance and digital forms of communication

General Capabilities ( areas that are covered in the lesson)

Personal and
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical
competence creative thinking behaviour understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities ( areas that may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Asia and Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

-Work collaboratively in a group
- Use ICT equipment and skills effectively


Rotation One:
- Order the lifecycle of a bean
- Understand how to plant a bean

Rotation Two:
- Identify what bean Jack used to plant the beanstalk.
-Determine and manipulate beans into a line in ascending height order
-Establish and organise beans into ascending width order
-Identify what bean Jack used to plant the beanstalk.

Rotation Three:
- Create an alternate ending to Jack and the beanstalk in partners
- Type/Record story ending into book creator
- Design/take picture as illustration linking to story

Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:

- Have Ipads charged and apps downloaded
- Jack and the Beanstalk book
- Purchase beans necessary for rotations one and two.
- Have microscopes
- Prepare lifecycle flashcards
- Plastic cup (rotation one)
- Prepare QR codes

Provision for students at risk:

Lesson Evaluation (competed after the lesson)

Assessment of objectives:

Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection:


(Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):
Motivation and Lesson Introduction:
9.00am Everyone sitting on mat
Introduce ourselves and overall statement about what we will be doing in the class
E.g. We have come in from Notre Dame University to do a lesson with your class. We Book
are very excited to be here and we heard you guys have been learning about Fairy- Ipads
tales! What have been your favourites?
Allow time for answers. Prompt where needed.
Today we are going to look at Jack and the Beanstalk and do some activities around
this book but first lets read it!
9.03am Read Jack and the Beanstalk
Once finished reading explain rotation activities one, two, and three.
Ask everyone to get into pairs quietly (of people they make choices with) and stay on
the mat with their pair (allow a minute to do so).
While getting into pairs, one teacher can hand out iPads in-between two.
Instruct students to open book creator to set up the book they will be using
throughout each rotation (other teachers helping were needed in setting up process).
9.15 am Once everyone is set-up split into groups and assign rotation activity one, two, or

Students move assigned rotation.

Lesson Development:

Rotation one:
Each 1. The group of children come sit on the mat
rotation 2. Teacher shows a bean that has germinated and asks them questions such as how Cup
allows did it get to this stage? What was the first stage of this bean? What can we do to help
for 10 a bean properly grow? What are the necessities (water, soil, sunlight)?
3. Once the teacher has introduced the subject he/she starts to explain the lifecycle of
minutes Flashcards
a bean by using flash cards with diagrams on them
4. Get all students to repeat after you have explained it Ipads
5. Once all students understand the lifecycle of a bean allow 3 minutes to let all
children in the group to use the microscopes to investigate the bean
6. Get all students to come back to the mat and show them the pictures taken of the
stages of a real life bean This is what you guys will be completing today, planting
your own bean
7. Students as a group plant their bean in a plastic cup hands on experience
8. Once they have completed this ask each pair to take a photo of the planted bean
and any other photos they want to take and insert them into their book creator along
side an image explain their favourite stage/ or part of the rotation and why
9. Get all students to wash their hands and sit quietly on the mat for the next rotation

Rotation Two:
Science Investigation -Find out what bean Jack used.
1. Lay 5 beans out with the name of the bean labelled underneath on a piece of card. Beans
The five beans include; baked, green, broad, kidney and butter.
2. Explain to students that they are going to have an investigation to find out what
bean Jack used to plant the beanstalk, in a step-by-step illumination process. Ipads
3. Step One: Tell students it was not the shortest bean. Assist students in laying out QR codes
the beans in height order, shortest to tallest. Identify the shortest bean and put it aside.
Step Two: Tell students it was not the widest bean. Lay the beans out in width order


and identify the widest bean and put it aside.

Step Three: Explain to the students that it was not the red bean.
Step Four: Plug in the microscope to an iPad and explore the appearance of the two
beans. Show a previously screen shotted picture of the bean Jack used. Ask students
to compare both beans to the picture and make a guess on which bean is the one
Jack used. To find out the correct answer students will need to scan a previously
made QR code with the iPad. The QR code will link them to a picture of the green
bean, which is the bean Jack used.
4. Each student takes a picture of the green bean and adds it their book creator.
5. Make sure once all students are ready to move on to next rotation.

Rotation Three:
1. Does anyone have a favourite part of Jack and the Beanstalk? wait for answers Book
(select a couple students behaving appropriately). Ipads
2. Discuss the elements used by the narrator to write a story and write it on whiteboard
e.g. the beginning, middle, end, plot line, characters, and setting.
3. Tell students that today we are going to be creating our own ending to Jack and the
Beanstalk. Explain that to do this we need it to make sense with the story, so it needs
to have at least one of the same characters and follow on from the book. Give
example already prepared.
4. Separate into partners (already assigned on the mats) and using book creator type
in (or record) the ending they have decided to create. *Help students who need
prompting by asking questions e.g. What do you think should happen to Jack, is there
something else you would have liked to happen? Was there a character that you
thought should have been in the end but wasnt?
5. Once the alternate ending has been creator, have students use the book creator to
create an illustration to pair with it.
6. Have students ready to move to next rotation.


Lesson Closure:
After all rotations have been completed and are packed up by last group using them
instruct students to come down to the mat.

Ask students in pair to find another group of pairs to share their book with.
Let students share book (each teacher monitor groups and engage in sharing).
10.00am Collect iPads


In partners, have a finished book (using book creator) showing the three
rotation activities.

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