Coursera Financial Aid

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I hail from a middle-class family in India.

Both my parents had faced a lot of struggles during their

childhood and finished their education. Because of this, I know the value of education right from a very
young age. My parents did everything to instill the virtue of hard work and dedication when I was a kid.
College education is pretty expensive. Given the current financial situation, am grateful that we are able
to pay for my college education. I do not want to burden my parents anymore. I want to specialize in my
area of interest and want to pursue my dreams ardently. Currently, I have a grade point of 8.89 out of 10.
Im in need of financial aid to achieve my goal and make my dreams come true. I would be greatly
thankful to Coursera for considering my case and I will continue to apply the same diligence to this
course as I have at this point.

Right from my childhood, I was fascinated with machines, right from a small toy to an aircraft. During my
schooling, I had special interest in physics. In my high school I realized that engineering is my path and I
chose mechanical engineering. In college I was introduced to courses like Engineering graphics,
Engineering mechanics, Mechanics of solids, Fluid mechanics and machinery, Manufacturing processes,
Kinematics of bodies, Material science and metallurgy etc.., I was very much drawn to the mechanics
courses like kinematics and mechanics of solids. The developing field of Robotics is quite exciting and
vast. As I have adequate programming skill set and fervor to work in the field of mechanics and design,
Robotics is the apt choice. A certified course in robotics by one of the most prestigious institutes in the
world is my long term goal and dream. Coursera, with its vast course offerings, is one of the reputed
companies that offer quality courses by top institutes. This course will add value to my 4-year
engineering education. Moreover, the certificate adds great value to my resume and I am quite sure that
it will take my curriculum-vitae to a whole new level.

My parents are fully funding my college expenses which are quite expensive for us. As a responsible
daughter, I do not want to over burden my parents by taking a loan to pay for my courses. Parents can
help only to certain extent and I know the value of money and the hurdles and difficulties one has to
face in earning them. I would be much grateful if the committee empathize my situation.

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