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Sebastian Castellanos - Giovanni Aguirre

Julian Hoffman - Luis Rios
Chief Swanson - Daniel Larios
Julie Kidman - Luz Gonzalez

Location- Brooklyn Harlem, alley, detective offices

Enter sebastian and Hoffman
Cop: Welcome detectives
Hoffman: thank you now where is the suspect so I can speak with her, while I do that
my partner Sebastian will go have a look at the crime scene.
Leave sebastian
Cop: yes detective shes right this way.
Hoffman: hello, Mrs Kidman I am Detective Hoffman from BCPD I wanted to ask you
some questions if you are ready.
Julie Kidman: Yes Mr Hoffman Im ready
Hoffman: Now can you please tell who this man is
Julie Kidman: I dont know who this man is
Hoffman: Did you see him with any other suspects ?
Julie: Yes I saw four other men with him.
Hoffman: Now what did you see the dead suspect doing with these four men?
Julie: I saw him arguing with these four men, I heard them talking about where's the
money that he owes them. After that he told him he will pay them back later but they
said no and they shoot him and left on a car.
Hoffman: Did you get a description of the car?
Julie: Yes I saw a black muscle car it looked like a black dodge but I didnt get too see
the license plate.
Hoffman: alright thank you that is all the information I will need have a nice safe night
Julie: ok too you too Mr Hoffman.

Sebastian's scene
Sebastian: Alright gentlemen give three minutes to investigate the crime scene.
Hoffman: did you find anything Sebastian?
Sebastian: Ive found some identification, from his wallet his name is Jonathan Crane,
then I found a pistol, some drugs , his phone with a message of meeting here,and that
is all I found.
Hoffman: alright bag up the evidence and let's go talk to chief too see what he thinks
about all of this.

Chief's office scene

Enter sebastian and Hoffman
Chief: Alright so what did you two boys find at the crime scene.
Sebastian: So I was able to find little bit of evidence on the dead victim, I found his
identification on his wallet, a gun, his phone with a message at meeting at the crime
scene ,and then I found a small bag of cocaine.
Chief: Ok thank you detective, now Hoffman did you get any important leads from the
Hoffman: The witness told me that he owed these four men money and that they shot
him and then they left in a black dodge.
Chief: ok write up your reports for now and figure things out quickly because the black
car that you mention is starting to be on the news and scaring half of Brooklyns
Sebastian and Hoffman: yes sir.
Leave sebastian and Hoffman

Report scene
Julie hello detective Castellanos I have something important too tell you.
Sebastian: yes what is it?
Julie: I remember seeing your partner Mr. Hoffman killing the dead suspect from earlier
Sebastian: Are you sure?
Julie: Yes he was wearing the same outfit the same day of the crime scene.
Sebastian: Ok let's meet up at the crime scene too investigate.
Julie: Ok see you there.

Last scene
Enter sebastian and julie
Julie and sebastian meet up at the first crime scene too go track down Hoffman. They
see him dealing with other strangers until Sebastian tells them to freeze with their hands
up until the other two men leave running away. Sebastian tells Hoffman too stay back
and drop his weapons but he refused and he threatened Julie and sebastian that he will
kill them both. But Hoffman and sebastian both shoot each other until Hoffman is the
one who got shot and dies sebastian calls chief too tell him about Hoffman and he
hangs up him and Julie decided to go home.

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