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Advances in Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Tourism

The role of forests in controlling land degradation through erosion in

Department of Ecology and Environment Protection, Faculty of Science
Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
5-7, Dr. Ion Ratiu Street, Sibiu, RO - 550012

Abstract: In the last decades, mankind has been faced with land degradation caused by improper exploitation in
the historical past. On a global scale, the forest area decreased to about 30% of the land area in the last two
centuries [1]. The reductions of forest areas occurred mainly in densely populated areas, for farmland and
settlements expansion, but also in less populated regions of the world. Overall, the forest area reduction from
anthropogenic causes recorded a rate of 9 million ha/year during the last decades [2] [3]. Such changes in forest
structure also occurred in Romania and have led to the accelaration of geomorphological and hydrological
processes and have increased the areas degraded by erosion. This paper presents the current situation of forests
in Romania, the regressive dynamic as an acceleration factor of the degradation processes in the last two
decades and rehabilitation measures of degraded lands through afforestation. Statistical data of the last two
decades provided by INSSE National Institute for Statistics were processed and interpreted in this paper [4].

Keywords:naturalness index, forest fund, deforestations, degraded lands, ecological rehabilitation, Romania.

1 Introduction statistic is an argument for the relatively large share

Forests play an important role in maintaining the of forests with a protective role in Europe. In 2010,
quality of landscapes, of plant and animal the soil protection forests occupied an area of 36.5
biodiversity, in preventing land degradation and in million ha (21.6%), being especially spread in
maintaing the quality of ecosystems. Given the vulnerable areas of Mediterranean and Northern
current climate variability [5] [6] and Europe [10]. Forests are involved in soil erosion
unprecedented human pressure on lands through reduction, as they constitute a buffer in reducing
intensive use and conversion [5] [7] [3], the forests the intensity of morphogenetic processes related to
have a very important environmental and anti- the pluvial denudation and gravitational processes
erosional role [8] [1]. (like landslides, collapse).
Worldwide, about 29% of land is degraded and In our country forests occur as forestry massifs,
its share in Romania was about 2.08% of the total mainly spread in the mountain regions, but also
land fund in 2010 [9], water erosion being scattered in the hilly regions, plateaus and plains
considered the most widespread and important (as riverside coppices and protective forest
phenomenon in land degradation. This curtains). Today, the forest fund has a share of
phenomenon affects about 6.3 million ha, or 43.2% about 28% of the total land fund and is expanding
of the total agricultural land in Romania [4]. under compact form in mountain and hilly regions
In the State of Environment Report for 2010, the and very fragmented and dispersed in the plains [9].
European Environment Agency shows that the At county level, the largest forest areas are found in
degraded areas are growing [1] [10]. In the years mountain counties like Suceava (453.7 thousand
between 1990 and 2000, at least 275 hectares of ha), Caras-Severin (411.4 thousand ha) and
land, the equivalent of 1000 km2 per year, were lost Hunedoara (365.6 thousand ha), and the smallest in
every day in the European Union. Between 2000 the southern part of the country, in the counties of
and 2006, losses have increased on average by 3% the Romanian Plain (Calarasi - 22.3 thousand ha,
and at regional level over 10% in areas with wet Ilfov - 25.2 thousand ha, Ialomita 26.2 thousand
climate or in the Mediterranean environment (14% ha, Braila - 28.4 thousand ha) and Dobrudja
in Ireland and Cyprus and 15% in Spain) [8]. This (Constanta - 38.2 thousand ha) (fig.1) [4].

ISBN: 978-1-61804-195-1 93
Advances in Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Tourism

Fig. 1 Distribution by counties of forest fund, naturalness index and forest area per capita

2 Naturalness index as landscape At county level, the forest area per capita has
large gaps between the minimum of 0.01 ha/capita
quality indicator in Ilfov county, including Bucharest, and the
Starting from the premise that forests are an
maximum of 1.28 ha/capita in Caras-Severin. For
indicator of landscape naturality, a protection and
18 counties this index has lower values than the
stability factor of land, the naturalness index was
minimum allowed by FAO, and they are extended
used to demonstrate that degradation through
in the hills, plateaus and plains areas, where the risk
erosion and changes in the original landscape are
of degradation through erosion is high due to
more pronounced where the forest areas are smaller
geological features, climatic conditions and
(In) [11]. The naturalness index represents the
inadequate agricultural use.
percentage ratio between the forest area (forest and
other forest vegetation) and the total area of the
land fund.
The naturalness index values between 4.38 3 Forest dynamics in Romania as a
(Calarasi) and 53.04 (Suceava) indicate a large potentiating factor of land
discrepancy between the counties located in the degradation
Romanian Plain and the counties with high Trees and litter have a particularly important role in
development in the Carpathian and Sub-Carpathian erosion mitigation or impact energy annihilation at
area, where the frequency of forests is very high ground level, by limiting splash erosion and runoff
(fig.1). This discrepancy can also be seen at county and by absorbing water. The intervention of forest
level in forested surface asignable to each in the hydric cicle regulation ( especially of liquid
inhabitant (fig.1). At country level, this was on and solid flow) [6] [12] is achieved through the
average 0.27 ha/capita in 1998, and 0.32 ha/capita ability of vegetation to intercept rainfall water, the
in 2010, very close to the minimum of 0.3 ha/capita increase of infiltration in the geological substrate
allowed by FAO [2] to maintain the landscape (favored by roots penetration), water absobtion
equilibrium. from the substrate, soil stabilization etc. [13].

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The influence on the flow is significant [6]; it Between 1990 and 2011, the forests were cut
depends on the absorption capacity of the litter (30 down on area of 71.1 thousand ha, which
- 40% of total interception, depending on litter determined an annual average of deforestation rate
thickness, amount of rainfall and slope), the of 3 230 ha/year. Compared to this value, between
interception in the foliage (varies by species and 2000 and 2011 over 4 000 ha/year were deforested
canopy development, representing about 19% for (4697 ha/2004, 5310 ha/2005, 5480 ha/2006, 4826
beech forests without leaves and 40% for leafy ha/2010, 4453 ha/2011) (table 1) [4].
beech forest), in the trunks and branches On the other hand, the decrease of forest areas
(depending on age and species, the bark being more was also recorded as a result of forest degradation
rough on oak, sessile oak, pine, acacia, sometimes due to natural phenomena, such as storms or
the interception in the bark reaches up to 15 to 20% breakage of trunks due to being loaded with snow
of the total) [14]. In this context, the regressive [17]. Subsequently, the forest areas have increased
dynamic of forest areas can attract geomorphologic through reforestations, so that in 2010 the area was
imbalances associated with the acceleration of the about 300 thousand ha larger than in 2000 and also
current runoff processes, soil imbalances through exceeded the surface of 1990 with about 72
loss of humus horizon, hydrological phenomena of thousand ha.
maximum flow (flash floods, flooding) and also the The table below (table 1) shows that cuts in the
degrading of ecological systems. last decades were made both for economic reasons,
In our country, the forest fund area has to increase the economic value of forest areas, and
undergone accentuated dynamics since historical for ecological reasons, to recover the forests
times, due to human pressure. Bacanaru, Velcea ecosystems degraded by natural causes. Trunks
(2005) showed that until the end of the 18th broken by snow and windfall (these phenomena are
century "the offensive against forests was limited to often associated) are the most important natural
deforestation for choosing sites for settlements and phenomena which degrade the Romanian forests,
places for plowing and sowing, hayfields and unlike in the countries of Southern Europe, where
pastures" (p. 232) [15]. the self-ignition phenomena predominates.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, the Researches conducted by Popa (2007) about the
anthropogenic pressure increased significantly as a risk of broken trunks reveal that the forests from
result of industrial and communication ways Suceava, Harghita and Covasna counties are the
development and of using wood as raw material, most vulnerable to this phenomena, a volume of
but especially as fuel. The toponyms that appear on 100 000 m3 of wood being quantified as minimum
the peaks and slopes of hills and plateaus, like losses for a single event. Catastrophic forest
Carpinis, Faget, Stejeris etc., reveal the existence of fallings occured in Romania in 1995 in Harghita
larger forest areas in the past. David (1939), quoted and Covasna counties, when 7 8 mil. m3 of
by Bacanaru, Velcea (2005), estimated that wooden material were degraded and in 2002 in the
inventorying and mapping of toponyms indicating Suceava county, when the losses were quantified at
the presence of forests would reconstitute the area 6 to 7 milion m3 [17].
occupied by forests in the last centuries at about 75 The most significant regressive dynamic of the
- 80% of Romania's surface [15]. forest areas was registered between 1990 and 2000
In the last two decades, forest areas have (fig.2). Their reduction can be mainly attributed to
undergone significant variations. Deforestations changes of ownership form on forests, to economic
were the main reason for forest areas reduction. In interests in rapid earnings, to the infringement of
2000, forests and areas occupied by forest current legislation or legislative gap in this domain.
vegetation totalized 6 457.3 thousand ha (27.08% In 1996, 511.1 thousand ha of forest (7.6% of total
of the country surface), with about 228 thousand forest surfaces) have entered into private property;
hectares less than in 1990 (when the forest fund this area has continued to increase (in 2000 it was
represented 28.04%). During this period, one of the about 611.6 thousand ha) until 2010, when it
main causes of the forest fund decline, about 3.4%, reached a value of 2610.9 thousand ha (i.e. 38.6%
was the intensive use of wood that occurred of the forest fund surface). Comparative analysis of
subsequently to the restitution of forest areas to forest dynamics and distribution of degraded land
their former owners (Land Fund Law 18/1991 as reveals an overlay of counties with regressive
amended) [16]. Total deforestations have generated dynamic of forest ranging from 10 to 20 thousand
imbalances in geomorphological and hydrological ha between 1990 and 2010, with the counties where
systems in rainy years (1996, 1998, 2005, 2007). degraded and unproductive areas in 2000 and 2010
exceeded 20 thousand ha.

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Advances in Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Tourism

Table 1 Area of forest fund on which cutting works were made (ha)
Types of cuts 1990 2000 2010 2011
Total of regeneration cuts, from which 72915 54543 99229 107690
Forest regenerations 66493 48966 71722 78536
succesive and progressive cuts 35482 40704 61129 69220
gardening cuts 28324 5688 5767 4863
clear cuts 2687 2574 4826 4453
Coppice regeneration 3109 4097 4568 4565
Substitution-recovery of weakley productive and degraded 3313 1480 1033 1088
Conservation cuts - - 21906 23501
Hygiene and cleaning operations 1502188 658122 695894 709156
Care cuts in the young forests 286902 226127 132303 158138
Accidental products cuts 512268 479893 471027 560341
Conversion cuts of wooded grassland - - 4644 7267
Source: INSSE online series

Fig.2 Situation of degraded land and evolution of forest fund by counties from 1990 to 2010.

This reduction of forest areas can be a major and the development and rapid evolution of linear
risk factor in the recrudescence and the acceleration erosion forms (rill, ravine and gully). Studies
of erosion processes and in increasing the degraded conducted by Zavoianu et al. (1999) indicate that in
areas in hilly and plateau regions, but also in the climatic conditions of Romania, a reduction of
mountain units, corresponding to the counties of: about 10% of forest areas determines an increase in
Alba, Sibiu, Bistrita Nasaud, Suceava, Vaslui, the thickness of water layer drained on the surface
Caras Severin, Valcea, Arges etc. The direct effect and the increase of the flow energy, as well as the
of deforestation lies in interception decrease, runoff increase of eroded material quantity. In the case of
increase, the initiation of surface erosion processes coniferous forests, a reduction of the surface by

ISBN: 978-1-61804-195-1 96
Advances in Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Tourism

10% results in an increase of 20-25 mm of the hydrological balance and in water drainage on
thickness of drained water layer. Deciduous forest slopes, implicitly in reducing the amount of solid
area reduction by the same percentage results in an material, i.e. the average rate of erosion.
increase of 17 to 19 mm of the thickness of drained This option, however, must be preceded by
water layer. The shrubs of junipers are able to identification operations of sediment sources and
retain an amount of about 6000 t/ha solid material geological features, soil type, and morphometric
in the subalpine level of the Carpathians, compared features of landforms. It is recommended to make
to 1000 to 1200 t/ha in the cleared areas [13]. an inventory of the areas affected by areolar
Degradation by surface erosion, especially erosion, linear erosion by runoff, gullying,
linear erosion, also occurs in forests, on the torrential erosion and to identify the forms of
operation roads. Researches show an increase in storage (eluvial, delluvial, colluvial, proluvial
erosion during the first years of forest exploitation, deposits) which can become, by reactivation,
and the operating mode used by pulling logs down sources of solid materials. First, operations to
mountainsides is relevant in the generation of remove moisture excessand to drain the surface are
channels, ravines and gullies. In the rainy periods needed, followed by afforestation with species that
of spring, summer or autumn, these towing can ensure the best protection. For the
channels become torrents of mud [9] [18]. improvement of eroded land through afforestation,
Likewise, the concentrated flow on forest roads the following species ensure good results: Scots
causes them strong erosion and degradation by pine plantations, black pine, acacia, oak, sessile
ravening. Studies conducted by Radoane (1985) in oak, alder, cherry, willow, poplar, ash [13] [14]
the Moldavian Subcarpathians show that the [17]; the results depend on the geological substrata
initiation and developement of ravines and gullies and soil type, the slopes exposure and declivity.
occur both downstream and upstream of the road Statistical data on the surface of woodlands in
belt, the ravines reaching widths of 3 to 16 m, Romania in the last 5 years shows the concern for
depths of 1 to 3 m and lengths of 18 to 66 m in a maintaining land quality, ecological balance and
single season. Turbidity measurements made by landscape quality. At national level, clearcutting
the author have demonstrated, through its values, was balanced by afforestations. Just between 2005
the erosive capacity of water flow on forest roads and2010 afforestations were performed on 72.9 ha,
on different rainfall events: on June 11, 1981 for a with an average of 12.2 thousand ha/year, but the
rainfall of 16 mm, with a maximum intensity of 3 available data does not certify that these works
mm/min, the liquid flow was about 1 l/s, and the were made on deforested or degraded areas.
turbidity of 87g/l, and the sudden melting of snow Moreover, a period oftime is required between
on April 15, 1981, led to a fluid flow of 3 l/s and a these operations, in order to perform cleaning
turbidity of 125 g/l [18]. works, in which case the quantities of rainfall can
cause imbalances and can install linear erosions on
gullies and ravines. The figure below shows that
4 Afforestation as an option in land afforestation efforts have however been made in
counties with hydric and wind erosion problems.
degradation management For Suceava and Harghita, counties affected in
Afforestation is a desirable and necessary measure
previous years by forest degradation through trunks
in territorial planning and land use management in
breakage, these actions serve to protect the land and
order to diminish and extinguish the erosion
the forest rehabilitation (fig. 3).
processes. Through absorption consumption and
evaporation the forest intervenes in the


1200 2010




























Fig.3 Afforestation works carried out in Romania in the period between 2005 and 2010 (Source data: INSSE)

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5 Conclusions Watershed in West Malaysia, in Advances in

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