Fluidized Bed Reactor

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Fluidized bed reactor fluidized bed reactor are chambers that allow the mixing of liquid or

gas substrates powdered catalysts such that the catalyst acts like a fluid, maximizing mixing and


They are used as a technical process which has the ability to promote high levels of
contact between gases and solids. In a fluidized bed a characteristic set of basic
properties can be utilized, indispensable to modern process and chemical engineering,
these properties include:
Extremely high surface area contact between fluid and solid per unit bed volume
High relative velocities between the fluid and the dispersed solid phase
High levels of intermixing of the particulate phase
Frequent particle-particle and particle-wall collisions

Fluidized beds are also used for efficient bulk drying of materials

Turbine is a rotary mechanical device that extracts energy from a fluid flow and converts it
into useful work, a turbine is a turbo machine with at least one moving part a rotor assembly,
which is a shaft or drum with blades attached. Moving fluid acts on the blades so that they
move and impart rotational energy to the rotor


Turbines convert the kinetic energy of a moving fluid or gas into rotational energy
that can be used to drive a dynamo and generate electricity

Condenser a condenser is a device or unit used to condensate a substance from its gaseous to
its liquid state, typical by cooling it. Condensers are typically heat exchangers which have
various designs and come in many sizes ranging from rather small to very large industrial- scale
units used in plant processes

Condensers are used to create a low back pressure at the turbine exhaust so as to obtain
the maximum possible energy conversion from high pressure and high temperature steam
and thus to increase the efficiency of the power plant.

They are used to condensates exhaust steam coming from the turbine and therefore
recover the high- quality feed water for the reuse in the cycle of operation.

Condensers are used in air conditioning, industrial chemical processes such as

distillation, steam power plants and other heat exchange systems. Use of cooling water or
surrounding air as the coolant is common in many condensers.

Pump- is a mechanical device using suction or pressure to raise or move liquids, compress
gasses or force air into inflatable objects such as tires.


Pumps are used throughout society for a variety of purpose. They are used to transport
fluids by the conversion of rotational kinetic energy to the hydrodynamic energy of the
fluid flow. Common uses include water, sewage, petroleum and petrochemical pumping.

Mixer is a unit operation that involves manipulation of a heterogonous physical system with
the intent to make it more homogeneous.

Blow down is the removal of water from boiler.


And its purpose is to control boiler water parameters within prescribed limits to minimize
scale, corrosion, carryover and other specific problems.
Blow down is also used to remove suspended solids present in the system; these solids
are caused by feed water contamination, by internal chemical treatment precipitates, or by
exceeding the solubility limits of other soluble salts.

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