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SAP Screen Personas; The new look for the new era

How can I work with these screens?!

There are so many fields I dont know which one I need to enter!

Hear this from your SAP users often?? I bet you do.

The traditional look and feel of the core SAP system is outdated. Todays users want information in the palm of their hand
within a few clicks. If you havent already installed Personas then its really time you did.

Consumer expectations of usability from personal applications use are transferred onto business applications, and
competition for SAP skilled personnel is intense. To maintain that competitive edge, you are going to have to provide
systems that let your staff work the way they want to.

SAP Screen Personas is a web based tool which allows personalisation of SAP GUI screens. Instead of spending days
designing and rewriting SAP logic to develop a screen to the users liking, Personas allow changes to be made quickly.

Personas is;
Role based provides users with only the functionality they need
Responsive supports all types of devices, screen sizes and versions
Simple unique personas to handle one defined user case in a maximum of 3 steps
Coherent provides one design for common activities
Quick enables deployment of new User Experience (UX) within one day

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